Pioneer Knight

Chapter 1011:

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but. Although seeing this was not the emperor himself, Su Huxin did not dare to take it lightly. Seeing that the man's face was full of joy, he walked towards himself, but his eyes looked towards himself from time to time.

At this moment, Su Hu saw that this person came in, and an idea came to him.

"This little brother!"

Su Hu's words are very irritating.

The man seemed to have never been so politely called by others in this imperial city, and he was stunned for a moment.

"Adults have anything to ask the little ones!"

When a man sees Su Hu wearing his clothes, he must be a noble person, and if he can get in and out of the imperial city, those who are out of guards will be all powerful and powerful people.

Seeing the tone of the man, Su Hu smiled bitterly.

"Brother, do you know where the emperor is now!"

Su Hu asked

Seeing that Su Hu was actually asking about the emperor, the man was immediately vigilant.

"Isn't the adult declared by the emperor!"

The imperial city is a royal land, generally the early 100 officials can enter, and those who are declared by the emperor can enter. It is absolutely impossible for other idle people to enter the imperial city, but the person in front is actually coming in, but Judging from among his words, it was not the emperor's declaration.

"Younger brother misunderstood what I meant. I was indeed declared by the emperor, but I stared here for a long while, but I didn't wait until the emperor's summoning. I don't know what the emperor meant by this!"

"In this way, the emperor is busy with national affairs every day. It should be dealing with state affairs at this moment. The adults can only wait again. Once the emperor is busy, he will summon the adults!" The man heard Su Hu said. Just explain.

"It turns out like this!" Su Hu listened to this and couldn't help but settle her heart, but then looked at the man again at this moment, even if she was suspicious again.

"Younger brother is to serve the emperor!"

For this man to be so aware of the emperor's actions, it is not an estrangement to say that the relationship between this man and the emperor.

The man was stunned and hesitated for a moment before he smiled.

"Adult guessed that I was serving the emperor. Before the early dynasty, I still served the emperor's dressing. At this moment, the early dynasty should have just passed, and the emperor should immediately summon your lord!"

The man said he wanted to get away, but at this moment the man's performance was not as relaxed as before.

but? Su Hu is now concerned about what the emperor summoned, but he noticed the man's move, but listening to the man began to say that he was leaving at the moment, but he just ignored it a few times.

The man left for more than half an hour, but the order summoned by the emperor was still not passed to Su Hu's ears. At this moment, Su Hu felt uneasy again. From the near city to the present, it was almost a day to pass. What kind of medicine is sold in the emperor gourd, Su Hu really can't understand the whole story.

"Jizhouhou, let you wait a long time!"

Just when Su Nu was more worried and worried, he heard a sound. Wasn't that the guard who had left for nearly a day?

Su Hu heard this sound and could not help but exhale. Fortunately, Su Huxiu was not bad, but he was so tired in the past day, but he didn't feel tired about his body, but his body was not working, but his mind was tortured. Choking.

"The emperor summoned me!"

Su Hu was the first to ask.


The bodyguard smiled slightly when he saw Su Hu's expression, and then he sorted out his expression a little bit and said.

"Then you can lead the way!"

Now Su Hu is very anxious, and wants to eagerly understand what this emperor thinks.

"That Jizhou Hou has an invitation here!"

The guard was leading the way immediately.

The size of the imperial city is really beyond the imagination of Su Hu. This is the first time since the hereditary knighthood entered the imperial city. Naturally, the face of the emperor has never been seen. Following this guard is wandering around the imperial city. After half an hour, I finally saw the bodyguard stopped again.

"The emperor is in the Yushu Study Room. The emperor told him that Jizhou Hou does not have to listen to the announcement, just go in!"

The guard said at this moment, pointing to a big house in front.

Su Huji looked at it, but he nodded, but his heart was inexplicably nervous. This was the first time for Su Hu to have such nervousness. Perhaps, the title of the imperial monarch is to let all People are involuntarily panic and nervous.

"Jizhou Hou comes in!"

Just when Su Hu was close to the gate of Yushufang, he heard a majestic voice coming from there, but when the voice came out, Su Hu was frowning, but he didn’t dare to see the voice inside. With the slightest hesitation, the door was pushed open and stepped inside, but the heart had a higher level of judgment on the emperor's cultivation behavior.

"Jizhou Hou Suhu see the emperor, long live the emperor, long live!"

Su Hu entered the Yu Study but didn't have time to see the emperor and bowed down.

At this moment, a young man was sitting in front of a large square table in the main hall of the Imperial Study Room. At this moment, Su Hu bowed and shouted, but the man's face was still the same, there was no change, and this man was the emperor of the Southern Shang Empire. Xin, but seeing Zixin has a handsome face, under his thick eyebrows, his eyes are shining, and at this moment his eyes are an unobstructed view of the wind of the emperor, but it is a bit strange under close inspection. Was it the young man who talked to Su Hu before?

"Get up!"

Zi Xin said at this moment Shen Sheng.

"Emperor Xie!"

Upon hearing this, Su Hu shouted again, and he got up from the ground.

"Jizhouhou, do you know why I called you into Chaoge!"

Zi Xin saw Su Hu stood up at the moment, but said straight away.

Su Hu raised his eyes at this time, and immediately opened his mouth wide, but he hadn't been able to close it for a long time.

"The emperor's atonement, Su Hu didn't know the emperor's style, and the emperor sent his sin!"

Seeing the wicked look at this moment, Su Hu immediately knelt down again.

Seeing the appearance of Su Hu, Zi Xin sneered, but said.

"Jizhou Hou is so guilty, you and I don't know each other, but I appeared in a deliberate disguise. You can't recognize me as being reasonable, but today I am not talking to you about this matter, now Get up!"

Zi Xin still said in a deep voice at this moment that the tone at this time was no longer that of the young man.

"Emperor Xie!"

Su Huxin shuddered at the moment, he really didn't understand, for what purpose this kind of behavior before Xin was tempted, but he didn't say anything to tempt himself.

"Jizhouhou, now you can answer my question!"

Seeing Su Hu's expression, Zi Xin said again.

"Ah!" Su Huben was thinking about it. At this moment, he heard Zi Xin again, and he was slightly amazed, but then he realized that something was wrong and quickly said, "Please ask the emperor to atone for his sins. Su Hu doesn't know!"

Now in such a situation, Su Hu knows that if he realizes that his purpose before proclaiming this sub-Sin is only to be detrimental to himself, then otherwise it means that he is in the DPRK, although the strength is not good. Deep-rooted officials, but how much still has the power of eyeliners, is this not more disgusting for Zixin.

"I don't know, hum, I don't know, Su Hu, you are still pretending to be unconscious!"

When Zi Xin listened to Su Hu's words, his face immediately changed greatly. After struggling to send the chopping board, he got up and suddenly set off a strong wind to hit Su Nu.

"The emperor knows clearly that Su Hu really does not know what kind of thing this emperor called me to raise the next clan of the Su family to come to Chaoge!"

Su Hu is now acting in one mind, and he will not admit to be killed.

Zi Xin saw that Su Hu still refused to admit it, but he was silent. A pair of scary eyes were staring at Su Hu's body.

After a long time, there was silence between the two, and the atmosphere suddenly stiffened.

"Okay, I want to believe you don't know, then I will tell you now!"

Zi Xin returned to work again, and said coldly.

"Also ask the emperor to express!"

Su Hu once again bowed his head and said.

"I heard that your Su family is very rich now! The soldiers are strong, the forces are huge and different!"

At this moment, Zi Xin entered the whole, Shen Sheng asked.

"Emperor, when my ancestors of the Su family followed the emperor Cheng Tang to fight for the world, but they were deeply favored by the emperor and became the marquis of Jizhou. Fuyin and my generations of the Su family have survived for hundreds of years. With Emperor Eunze, the land of Jizhou is governed and prosperous. All this is to bear the emperor's grace, not the power of Su's. Although I have soldiers and horses, those are the Jizhou protective army owned by this imperial decree, It was a little help that I used to control the land of Jizhou. However, after this writing, the Southern Shang Dynasty was in peace and prosperity. Those Jizhou troops had long been alienated from the sword and could not mention the sword. Although the horses were fat, they were Without the slightest combat capability, it is far less than the war horse soldiers of the regular army of the empire!"

When Su Hu heard it, she said what she had prepared for her journey, and she burst into tears.

But Xinzi's face was still in the second middle school.

"Su Hu, at this moment you are still quibbling, you look at these, it's all about the ups and downs of Chaozhou and Jizhou Hou, it's not that there is no cause for trouble, is it that the ministers of the North and Central China coveted you Jizhou Hou's interest is not achieved!"

Zi Xin has been the monarch of the Southern businessmen for so many years, naturally, he would not have settled down with these few words of Su Hu, when the stack of the table on the case was about to be beaten, said.

Su Hu's complexion changed at the first sight.

"Emperor, why did those ministers impeach me? Su Hu is not clear, but Su Hu absolutely does not secretly keep weapons and equipment. This emperor can clearly see that the head of my Su Hu is here. If there is an interesting hypothesis, the emperor can always Take me Su Su's head!"

Su Hu shouted loudly at this moment.

"Take your head, hum, I'm afraid you will take my head by then!"

Zi Xin still said so coldly.

"Emperor, if you still trust Su Hu’s words, you can charge me the title of Su Hu at this moment, and you can also charge the Jizhou feudal land. I don’t have any complaints about Su Hu, but I still ask the emperor to give me justice. It is worthy of the Southern Shang Empire, and it is worthy of my ancestral training of the Su family loyalty to the empire from generation to generation!"

Su Hu knew at the moment, if he didn't say that, Zi Xin would not refuse to give up, but after going through a circle, Su Hu also knew that the reason why Zi Xin was not reluctant to do so was definitely waiting for his own words.

"It's light to say that you Su is the hand-written oracle of the emperor Cheng Tang who owns the era. How can my descendant monarch dare to move your Su family!"

At this moment, Zi Xin said with a deep voice, it can be seen that the purpose of Zi Xin is not just to wait for Su Hu's words.


Su Hu heard it, but at this time it was more than enough. This became the emperor of Tang Emperor, but it was the life-saving symbol of his Su clan. Once he was confiscated by Zi Xin, he really recognized the emperor's slaughter in the future.

"Why not?"

When Zi Xin hesitated when he saw Su Hu, he asked aloud.

"Emperor, if Su Hu handed over the oracle that the Emperor Tang gave me to the emperor of the Su clan, he would be able to save the emperor's suspicion, then Su Hu will certainly not turn it over!"

Su Huxin wanted to understand that if he didn't let Zi Xin get what he wanted today, he would definitely not be able to get out of this imperial city. At this time, Su Hu could have such a plan for this kind of Xin at this age and he was terrified.

Zi Xin saw Su Hu's expression and words, but his heart smiled. For people like Su Hu, he naturally had to take this approach. Although the ministers handed over such one after another every day, which did not contain impeachment impeachment Jizhou Hou, but in spite of this, Zi Xin did not have a bit of suspicion in his heart, and he was calling for the Su family After entering Chaoge, the Suhu came from the clan, and Zi Xin's heart was already clear. This Su clan is not what the ministers imagined. If the Su clan relies on the rich land of Jizhou In this regard, recruiting horses and thinking of treason, then Su Hu decided not to just move the Su clan to the place of Chaoge. This shows that even if Su Hu has an independent heart, he has no courage, but Over the years, Zi Xin has been king, so naturally he still thinks of a comprehensive strategy for thinking about his heart. This is the position of the marquis who was sealed in the founding emperor's time. Moreover, the emperor Chengtang also gave the Su family a hand-written oracle to be able to last forever. The prosperity of the descendants of Bao Su's can not be said to be a threat to the present Zixin. This ancestor emperor's oracle, born as a royal descendant, should naturally inherit the intention of the ancestor emperor. In the name of anti-ancestors, then for all possible future, Zi Xin summoned Su Hu alone into the imperial city this time, the purpose of which was for the emperor's oracles of the Su family, once the emperor's oracles were The royal family withdrew, then the Su family will be missing this amulet in the future. Once the Su family has any movements, it can be suppressed and strangled to kill the Su family without hindrance. However, the Su family does not have the heart of the movement. It is also a good thing for royalty.

"Since you have such a heart, then today I accepted what you meant today, and I ordered you the Su family to hand over the ancestor emperor's hand to the royal family within half a month. If not, you would rule your Su family to rebel. Sin, cut down your Su family clan!"

At this moment, Zi Xin saw that the goal had been achieved, and Shen Sheng said.

At this juncture, Zi Xin didn't hide his mind anymore. Moreover, Su Hu was not a fool. It was obviously a clear purpose for him to ask himself. Zi Xin knew that even more concealment would have no effect at all. Is even more unpopular.

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