Pioneer Knight

Chapter 1015:

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The two looked at each other for a while, but at this moment Ji heard it with a smile.

"Zizhu girl, do you want to lose now?"

Ji Fa naturally mad at this bamboo.

But seeing Zi Zhu's complexion turned red, he glared again suddenly, but there was no word, just the ruddy face of the pretty face, Zi Zhu now can't wait to dig a hole and drill in, thinking of taking that sentence by himself. "Master three strokes", my heart is even more ashamed, but now it is very obvious, he is not the opponent's opponent.


Zizhu couldn't find a reason and had to hum in response.

"Oh, it seems that Ms. Zizhu doesn't plan to take that thing to heart, but that's okay, hey! My Jifa has always been generous and generous, and has never been overwhelmed by little girls, especially women like Ms. Bamboo Then, today, Ji Ji was lucky to win, so don't go over it. As for the agreement with the girl before the match, then please ask the girl to forget it! I didn't mind, don't say me Ji It’s nothing, isn’t it? Doesn’t it disappear in front of me again? It’s nothing, haha!”

At this time, Ji Fa's remarks were really irritating. He finally said that he didn't care, it didn't matter, but it was possible to mention the disappearance.

"Huh, stinky boy, what are you proud of?"

At present, Zizhu is out of anger, but there is no way to do it. Now that things have developed to the present, everything is asking for trouble.

"Hey! The girl Zhuzi was so proud of me, oh my fellow fellow folks, today I Jifa was lucky enough to win the one-and-a-half trick of the girl-zizhu. The dream I defeated was crushed mercilessly, and here I Jifa first apologized to the girl, so I hope you will testify to me, haha!"

Ji Fa was more and more annoying, not laughing, but his eyebrows were squeezing at the bamboo, obviously inflating the bamboo deliberately.

Seeing Jifa's abhorrent face, Zizhu bit her small mouth tightly, her beautiful eyes staring coldly, but her little feet slammed on the ground.

"Humph, this is endless!"

When Zizhu finished speaking, it was the breeze of the skirt, the sleeves and the breeze, and then he went away from Doutai. When Naoxu saw the situation, he stared at Ji Fa coldly and followed Zizhu.

"Ah! Girl Zizhu, please don't go first! I haven't apologized to you yet? Why did you leave? Girl Zizhu, you walk slowly! Good walk! Come often!"

Ji Fa saw that Zizhu was so angry that he had a sense of accomplishment in his heart. Although he only knew each other for a few hours, he knew this woman's temperament, and now he pretended to be pretending.

Su Daji had seen the situation of the two on stage, and she could not help but smiled slightly, and her heart was also interesting and tight. From the look of the two, it seemed that they were two happy friends, the woman was beautiful, the man was handsome and extraordinary, when It must be accompanied by Lang Cai's female appearance, but seeing the woman hurriedly left, Su Daji was also boring to know that there was nothing to see, and at this moment Xiaorou said from around him.

"Xiaorou, let's go somewhere else!"

When Xiaorou heard it, she was naturally at ease. Xiaorou was extremely disliked in this situation of competing bystanders. Seeing Su Daji said this, Xiaorou quickly nodded.

"Okay, miss!"

At this time, seeing the end of the contest, the people dispersed, but they also found Su Daji such a beautiful woman to be present, but they didn't know it, but they were just astonished by Su Daji's appearance, each with their own fantasy.

"Brother, let's go! Find a hotel to settle down and talk!"

Ji Fa seemed to have some unsatisfactory intentions. He strode down Bidoutai and said to Ji Kao.

However, at this moment, I saw Ji Kao looking anxious, looking around, what seemed to be looking for?

"Brother, what are you looking for? How did I repair that little girl, hum, dare to scatter on my hair, I thought I was a good woman, I didn't expect it! It's a pity!"

Ji Fa sighed while talking, but thinking about Zi Zhu's last swollen pig liver color was just funny.

At this moment, Ji Kao was as if he had lost his soul, ignoring what Ji made, and his eyes were still watching everywhere.

"Brother, what the **** are you looking for!"

Ji Fa saw that Ji Kao was still like this at this time, he could not help but asked Ji Kao.

"Looking for someone? You go to an inn first, and I will come to you when I go!"

Ji Kao said impatiently.

"Find someone, brother, don't tell me you have friends in Chaoge! Why have I never heard of it!"

Ji Fa said suspiciously.

"You go to the inn right now. I have no time to explain this matter to you at this time. Let me talk about it later!"

Ji Kao was very anxious, but he quickly said a few words and left.

Ji Fa was confused by such a move by Ji Kao. I don't know why, but it was broken in his mouth, but he didn't care anymore.


"I'm mad, I'm mad, mad boy, it's so powerful, the first challenge of my zizhu this song is that Wang would lose to such a boy, it's really mad at me~~"

At this moment, the autonomy of leaving angrily was that the slim fingers clenched into fists, the stinky kid on the left of the small mouth and the dead kid on the right scolded.

Naling Xu followed behind him, listening to Zizhu's words, but covering his mouth and chuckling. In Lingxu's heart, no one had ever been able to make Zizhu angry like this.

"Dead girl, you dare to laugh at me!"

At this moment, Zizhu saw Lingxu actually laughing. He couldn't help but squinting with his hands on his hips.

"No, princess, we should meet the imperial city now, otherwise the emperor finds it unbelievable!"

Lingxu forcibly suppressed the smile at this moment.

Zizhu's heart was full of Jifa's abominable face, but it was not like how the crisis was going. He turned around and cursed again.

"Don't go back, don't go back, I'm going to play more today, where does Brother Wang dare not treat me, hum, I want to find out what exactly this kid is coming from, actually dare to be like her princess!"

Zizhu is not a fuel-efficient lamp. It is hate-speaking at the moment. At this moment, my heart has begun to produce the outrageous and creepy ideas for the treatment of Jifa.

"Ah, princess, the emperor will not blame you, it is different to see Lingxu. Lingxu is just your personal maidservant next to the princess, and the emperor will not lighten Lingxu!"

Lingxu said worriedly at this moment.

"Oh, that's all right. Brother Wang has me there? You know that Brother Wang hurts me the most, rest assured! With me in, Brother Wang doesn't dare to treat you!"

Listening to Ling Xu's words, Zizhu quickly met with a smiling face, talking with psychedelic drugs.

Zizhu naturally didn't want to let Jifa go, but Jifa never thought of seeing Zizhu again.

The Chaoge is still peaceful, which is a thousand times better than that of the Eastern Xia Empire.

It is said that the emperor Jie had never been to the palace since his sister had entered the palace. This has already been passed from the imperial city. Nowadays, everyone in Dengdi is aware of this matter. This made the original dissatisfaction with the emperor's heart even worse.

Everyone's heart was cursing this emperor, and cursing the early fall of the Eastern Xia Empire, in order to usher in a new holy prince Mingjun to end this nightmare.

However, the performance of the Emperor Jie was a gender for the Eastern Xia National Games and the Dongxia people, but for the court officials who had long lost their heart of loyalty and loyalty to the country, this moment is really the beginning of a good day. Facing the Emperor Jie every day is a fear, just in case.

At the moment, within the palace of the East Xia Dynasty, in the palace, the girl's face is dark, and she is as charming as ever, but when you see the corner of your eyes, there is a tear in her eyes.

Looking at the emperor Jie who made herself sick in bed, Meixi could not help but take advantage of this period to understand the sashimi, but Meixi knew that she could not, because she was always looking for opportunities, looking for A suitable opportunity to find an opportunity that can put Zhao Liang to death.

Meixi never forgets that if Zhao Liang found himself after Xiusi’s death, this would make him meet the Empress Shi, and then be accepted by the emperor as a concubine, everything is that Caused by Zhao Liang.

At this moment, Emperor Xixi, who had been snoring constantly on the bed, flipped her body, but nothing more, but there was no movement, and then there was no continuous snoring.

Meixi frowned and looked at the emperor Jian, seeing the latter continued to sleep, but Meixi quietly took out two things from the clothing.

But when she saw that the two things were above her face, there was a little smile on her face, but immediately afterwards, her smile was drowned by the nameless tears in her eyes.

"Sue, sorry, sorry, I can't die now, sorry!"

It turned out that the two things in Meixi's hands were the two colored clay figurines that Xiusi had bought for her. At this time, Meixi's eyes contained water, but the tenderness remained undiminished.


More than two months, Hughes has been dead for more than two months.

Huangpu Agarwood has long been in a state of distraction.

The soul seems to have left with Hughes' death in the contest of that day.

However, like the two of Emperor Ling Ziyue, she couldn’t die, she couldn’t die so easily, she was also waiting for an opportunity to be able to revenge Hughes like Ziyue, but this period It will be a long time, so Huangpu Agarwood must bear, must wait.

Ziyue's appearance is thin, but Ouyang's poems are not like that. The pain in Ouyang's poems is no less than that of Ziyue and Huangpu Agarwood, even more than their pains. .

On the one hand, it’s his own family, on the one hand, it’s the only thing I admit that I don’t know when I started to like Hughes. Maybe it’s the moment when Hughes broke his golden armor, and maybe it was Hugh’s death The moment of using his own power to suppress his own Dantian self-explosive trend, but that is no longer important, the important thing is that I really like Hughes now, however, all this is too late, Hughes has been forever Disappeared in this world, but she couldn't die. She still had her own family. Ouyang Shishi knew that she couldn't be so selfish, let alone live up to Hughes' own life to save her life.

Ouyang Shishi knows she is guilty. If there is a Shura purgatory in this world, then she will definitely go to that place to wash away her sins, and all the world will disappear in the abyss of sin.

After the incident, the three major families did not act rashly, maybe they were waiting for a more favorable opportunity, but maybe it was because of the appearance of the angel of the **** and the angel of the devil. This is for the three major families. But a potential threat. Although the Demon Messenger was repeatedly explained, the strength of the God’s Messenger is simply not enough to shove the three families. For this, it is not very clear as a person in the three families, but the calm at this moment is calm. It may prove that the coming of a more violent storm might also come.

The situation in Dongling has not changed significantly at the moment, but the actions of the three major families were definitely not meaningless. The word Budo has been passed down secretly, not among the so-called big families, but the entire Tangling, of course, these seem to be just a dark surge at the moment.

Within Xuanyin Valley Realm.

Hughes followed the simple method of cultivation of Yin and Yang, but experienced a flow rate that was five times that of the external time. It gradually recovered the Yin and Yang Zhenyuan, even with the two qi of cultivation. Start to recover.

In terms of time in the Xuanyin Valley Realm, this recovery should be two months ago. If it has been defined as the time in the Xuanyin Valley Realm as a year, these kinds of cultivation qi have gradually recovered, and At that time, Tian Xiu, who taught himself two kinds of martial arts practice, was already a bold attempt.

The practice of Qin Lingju is nothing more than using its own martial arts to set some prohibitions, so as to be able to summon spiritual spirit beasts from that spirit world. Compared with Qin Lingju, this Mo Biaoju practice is difficult. less.

Mo Biao Jue, what Tian Xie said at the beginning is that the human body is born with a potential heaven and earth aura, and this is most obvious in the seven souls of the three souls and seven souls of the human body, but the cultivation of Mo Biao Jue is It also depends on Hughes’ understanding of the Seven Souls, so that he can practice, but for such a long period of time in Xuanyin Valley Realm, Hughes has not made much progress on the understanding of the Seven Souls,,, One of the things I was most proud of was the ability to gradually separate Jiang Qipo in a short period of time, but I didn't feel the power in it. Therefore, to date, Hughes is still at a confused stage in the cultivation of Mo Poju.

"Look now whether it will succeed!"

Hughes whispered to himself after the moment.

The wanton spirit around him is still the same. This is not affected by Hughes in the slightest. Instead, it enhances the power of Hughes's soul, and is also an unprecedented advancement in the cultivation of the art of mind control.

Tianshen never really appeared in this period of time. It seems that, according to Tianshen's statement on that day, it will definitely appear after he has practiced martial arts.

Hughes smiled bitterly, and Xiuwei gradually recovered, which is definitely good news for her. Now Hughes also doesn't want to take care of other things, that is, how he entered this Xuanyin Valley Realm does not want to think about it.

"The spirit of the empty world, all methods are the same, the order of the imperial spirit, the prohibition of the true element, the vein of heaven and earth, the source of the body, the source of enlightenment, the beginning of controlling the spirit!"

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