Pioneer Knight

Chapter 104: 105. Snake

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The black snake took the mud stove as the center and swam around it, as if no abnormalities were found.

Finally unable to resist the temptation, the black snake slowly swam towards the mud stove, the jaw shortened and widened, and slowly swallowed the whole fish from the beginning.

Seeing that the time had come, Hughes drew the fire from his arms and threw it suddenly at the location of the mud stove. The tinder struck an arc in the air and fell near the mud stove.

With a "huh" sound, a ring of fire rushed out of the earth, just like a concentric circle, just surrounding the black snake.

It turned out that Hughes once again brought the dense black "water" from the black lake to the ground, and now the black "water" burned as soon as it hit the fire.

When the black snake saw the fire around, the snakefish swallowed into the belly of the snake spit out suddenly. The black snake wanted to escape from this circle of fire, but the red flame kept beating, and it destroyed the courage in his heart again and again. The black snake wants to run away with snow escape, but under the tail is a hard rock.

Mysterious snake encircled his body, and the snake letter swallowed frantically, at any time to choose someone to eat.

Hughes looked at the black snake entrenched in the ring of fire, and took off his clothes in a polite way to cover the snake.

Mysterious snake is afraid of heat, facing the raging flames around it, it has long been scared not to move, although Hughes’s movements are not very fast in his eyes, but its stiff nerves have no time to escape. reaction.

Hughes looked at the twisted serpentine under his clothes and was excited again for his success.

"Ao..." A Mao Mao suddenly emerged from the hillside. The round fire made Mao Jie hesitate a little, otherwise Hughes was immersed in his excitement, and his observations around him were minimized. Mao Mao then Suddenly attacked, Hughes must be beaten with a blow.

The hairy body is tall, the skin is thick and thick, and the power is endless. It is definitely a kind of difficult warcraft. Hughes is not always able to hold it, not to mention the fact that there is still a black snake.

Mao Jie was also attracted by the smell of fish.

Hughes was startled by the roar, and in order to keep the hard-won results, he immediately reached into his clothes and ran when he wanted to grab the black snake.

Suddenly felt a pain in his hand, it turned out that the black snake took the opportunity to bite Hughes' arm. Hughes endured the pain, and his hands and bowls reversed according to his feeling, grabbing the seven-inch position of the black snake, and immediately controlled the black snake's resistance.

The black snake cannot bear his own destiny to be controlled by a human, it opens his mouth and screams frantically.

At this time, Mao Xie just wanted to be close to Huss. Huss caught the snake's head and flicked at Mao Xie. Xuan Snake's crazy hissing sound just rushed towards Mao Xie. Facing a damage in the snow, Xuan Snake was still in Warcraft Someone with a certain status was frightened by the horrifying hissing sound of the black snake, and he stepped back reflexively a few steps.

The moment passed, and Hughes' body instinctively seized the opportunity and turned and ran away.

Huss poured a plate of cold water, grasped the snake's head with one hand, and firmly stepped on the snake's tail with one foot. The snow-knife came out of the sheath. When Huss planned to split the snake's head with a knife, he stopped suddenly.

Mysterious Snake didn't struggle for her weeping destiny, and her already venomous eyes stared at Hughes coldly, and there was a sense of misfortune in her eyes.

It's just that the black snake is about to be killed, how could it still show that taste.

Hughes understood the meaning of the other party, which was a relief of revenge. It's just how it revenge, it will soon become a ghost under the sword.

Without any hesitation, Hughes cut off the snake's head with a knife, and then dripped the blood of the black snake into the water, gently stirring it, and fully mixed the blood and water. Hughes extended his right hand into the blood and soaked it, so that the poison in the blood could be treated without harming the human body.

Hughes constantly rubbed the fat man's right hand with blood, so that the fat man's right hand was rubbed white. Hughes pulled out the snow-knife and carefully cut the two arrow wounds on the right hand of the fat man. Suddenly, the red blood flowed out of the wound with tiny black **** of granular particles.

On the one hand, let the fat man drink the warmth of Warcraft, while on the other hand, he continuously cuts the wound, making the blood flow out constantly. After flowing more than a liter of blood, the fine particles have been significantly reduced. Considering that more than 30% of blood loss will cause life damage to the human body, Hughes re-wraps the wound.

The fat man lay white on the ground and gasped, but the excitement in his eyes could not be concealed. Although his medical skills are not very clever, but to reach his level of condensation, he still can understand the general condition of the body. The fat man obviously felt that although his body was weak, he was very relaxed, an unburdened ease, and a relaxed recovery. The body felt relaxed, and my heart was more relaxed, so the fat man fell asleep again.

After struggling to do everything, Hughes tidied his body timidly and fell to the corner. The fat man's expected recovery made him feel a trace of helping happiness and a little satisfaction of his own value.

Suddenly there was a cold cold wave rushing through the blood. Suddenly, bursts of cold moved around in his body frantically, and the cold revealed in his bones made Hughes tremble.

Hughes immediately understood that this was the poison of the black snake. It's just that although the poison is severe, it should not be as serious as it is now.

Hughes thought about his physical condition and immediately figured out the reason.

Although the black snake bit Huss, Huss responded quickly, but he didn't hurt him much. It was just that Hughes didn't do any response at the time, such as bleeding, such as sucking the blood from the wound. The situation at that time was destined that Hughes could not do these key measures.

Another main reason is that Hughes's desperate running makes the poison flow quickly in the blood, which makes the bing poison develop and grow continuously in his body.

The combination of these two conditions makes the otherwise insignificant poison a deadly poison.

No wonder the black snake looked at Hughes as if he were Hughes. Xuan Snake must have understood the truth, so he is pleased because he knows that Hughes will die thousands of times more painful than it!

Hughes constantly clenched his fists, constantly motivating himself while his teeth were trembling.

"I want to take revenge, never fall down, I must take revenge, I must kill Batan, and I must not fall down, no matter how hard it is, I must go over and never give up!"





The green muscles are exposed and twisted like snakes. In the suffering, Hughes constantly uses hatred to fight pain, hatred to hone his will, and hatred to overcome all difficulties!

But the chills made the heart seem frozen.

The blood shivered in his trembling body, and Hughes really seemed to give his heart a light knife.

Sometimes I think about why I want to be so persistent. As long as I want to open up, everything will be a lot easier.

Thinking of being hunted and killed like a prey, thinking of escaping like a bereavement dog, who cares, how bitter my heart is; who cares, where I will go tomorrow.

If you can let go of everything, will this road be less rough and less bumpy.

No, you must not fall. You must live. You must live wonderfully. You must live better than others.

Even if pain and sorrow are the whole of life, there is no way back! ! !

The dazzling starry sky flickered, the cold wind never stopped, and the tall figure could not help shaking, but the heart in the body that was about to be frozen was jumping more and more firm!

Shenfeng Eighty-nine stood on the steep mountain peak, the wind continued, pulling and pulling his clothes and pulling his long hair. With Sima Nan's final instructions, Shenfeng No. 89 came to this heavy mountain.

Leaning over to look at the snow-white world, there is no glory in the cold eyes, and the seven emotions and six desires that are common in humans seem to be insulated from him. The figures in the painting have been deeply imprinted in his mind. As long as he touches the figures in the painting, he will recognize the other party 100%.

After searching this land, and confirming that there are no humans in this activity, Shenfeng No. 89 ran to the distance again for the next search. In the face of the master’s order, they will execute it without stopping, no matter how difficult or dangerous, there will only be two results for each command: either success or death.

After Luo Zhongzhong opened his eyes again, the first thought was to find Hughes, who slept deeply last night, and did not thank each other well.

Robber looked around and found Hughes again in the dark corner of the mountain. There was a wry smile on the chubby round face. Why did this young man always hide in the shadows?

Hughes huddled tightly, like a child who was afraid of the cold, trembling helplessly in the cold wind.

Suddenly, the fat man felt something was wrong. Although it was said that it was cold and freezing, it did make people feel cold. However, judging from the situation a few days ago, Hughes did not show any signs of cold, and by virtue of him and Hughes In the past few days of contact, he would not think that Hughes would be afraid of this cold, and even he believed Hughes would never show a sign of weakness.

The fat man touched Xiusi lightly, and the surprise on his face was more obvious. Hughes's body was cold and extremely abnormal.

Is it accidentally caught wind chill?

Hughes felt that someone was touching himself, and the first reaction was to reach out to the snow knife.

"It's me." Rob Zhong said quickly.

Hughes opened his eyes slowly, just as the fat face of the fat man shuddered and revealed a look of love, and his fat hands raised slightly and swayed as if to say hello. But... but there was something wrong with that look, and it even showed a pitiful taste. Pity? That is not emotion between men and women! Upon contact with this look, Hughes jumped a layer of goose bumps.

"Don't touch me! You stay away from me." Hughes shouted politely.

"Brother, are you okay." The fat man took a step back and asked at the same time.

"What do you want to do!" The blue muscles in the forehead of Hughes couldn't help but the thought of the opponent touching his body and then the other's eyes.

"I... I didn't want to do anything." Luo Fatzi was a little puzzled.

Hughes stared at the fat man, but hesitated.

The fat man saw that Hughes didn't speak, and continued: "I really thank you very much this time. Without your help, my old life must have been put aside. I am so grateful, I can't repay you, I... "

"If you dare to say that you want to agree with your body, I will kill you immediately!" Why the fat man's eyes have been hovering in his head, Hughes shook his head in distress, he even doubted whether the fat man's sexual orientation is normal.

Fat man: "..."

When the sun walked out of the towering and steep mountain sometime, it radiated light and heat lazily.

"Brother, are you okay." The fat man asked with concern. Hughes's physical condition and strange words made the fat man worried.

"It's okay," Hughes answered simply.

"But I think your body is very cold." The fat man said, trying to touch Hughes again, but was immediately avoided by the latter.

Hughes looked at the back of his hand that had been bitten by the black snake, and the bing poison that had been tossing for one night had now calmed down, and he did not know when it would break out next time. Thinking of the pain and torture of last night, Hughes frowned.

Luo Zhongzhong looked in the eyes of Hughes, and saw two sharp teeth marks clearly embedded in the back of Hughes's hand. I was shocked in my heart, "This is... the tooth mark of the black snake? Are you poisoned by the bing poison of the black snake?"

"Small things, no one can die." Hughes replied indifferently.

Fatty Luo grabbed Seuss's hand and closed his eyes. He felt instinctively trying to avoid it, but the fat man's hand was very powerful. Seuss earned a few times without breaking free, and then saw the fat man's serious face The patient's diagnosis, this is to endure the urge to shrink his hands.

This diagnosis was surprised and sighed in the Rob Center. Surprised that Hughes was raised from nine-star training to one-star quenched body overnight. Lamented that Hughes’ body was very bad. I did not expect that bing poison Has spread to all parts of the body.

Hughes, with his stubborn bullpower, even abruptly raised his energy in the crisis and torture. This is a strange occasion for others, but who will know that the painful torture last night asked Hughes at any time. Life! Who would know how much the hardship and hardships of such improvement have to bear?

In the eyes of Luo Fatzi, Hughes must be a lucky man. He was so lucky that he turned the crisis into an opportunity. But for this lucky, how many people in the world would be willing, or have the courage and courage to accept it?

Luo Zhongzhong had no confidence in whether Hughes could catch the black snake. Although yesterday’s result was surprising and surprising, there was a big question in the heart of the fat man. How did Hughes grasp the black snake? of? Now that the fat man saw the scar on Hughes' hand, he wondered how hard Hughes must have been, and after many and many difficulties, he grasped the black snake.

At the thought of this, the fat man couldn't bear it anymore.

"Brother, I'm really sorry to be your brother. You can rest assured that no matter how many difficulties, I will definitely cure you." Luo Zhongzhong said, his eyes firm enough to go for Hughes.

Alas, it's just that Hughes' goose bumps jumped one more layer? !

Sima Nan's absence said farewell to Batan's heart. Batan sat on his big desk, a bit distressed.

"Go find Ba Le." Ba Tan said to the door. A figure immediately ran out of the courtyard, and the speed was fast.

After a while, Bale hurried in and hurried in, and asked, "Brother, why is there trouble?"

Batan didn't speak, but his low brows told others that he was troubled.

"Do you want to find Zhou Xing." Ba Le asked quietly.

Zhou Xing is the first think tank of the Lingdong Army, and half of the decisions of the Lingdong Army have been implemented by his clapboard.

Batan leaned his back on the back of the chair as much as possible, and said as much as possible in a comfortable posture: "You don't need to find him, it's just a trivial matter. You help me find someone."

"Oh, who is it." Ba Le concentrated inquisitively, he wouldn't really believe that it was just a trivial matter, and if it was trivial, Batan would not find him.

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