Pioneer Knight

Chapter 109:

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"Listen to the explanation that the evening maiko Anna is going to perform at Guangxing Garden." Another said.

"Which Anna?" The fat man was a little unbelieving, his voice rising unconsciously.

"Who else dares to call Anna in this world?" said another humane.

"Oh my god, it's really Anna!" the fat man jumped up excitedly.

Hughes sat on the chair and wiped the snow-knife with the cloth over and over again, and Rob Zhong suddenly rushed into the house, "Brother, good luck, Anna has a performance tonight, but it is a golden opportunity. "

Hughes said without saying a word: "It's boring."

"Hey, brother, don't you, that's a big beauty. If you don't see it, you will regret it for a lifetime, no, ten lifetimes!" Luo Fatzi vowed authentically.

"Have there been any major events recently?" Hughes asked without answering, apparently not wanting to spend any more time talking about Anna's performance.

"I'm serious, I have spent a lot of effort to get two seats. If we were not to pass, I won't give you a seat." Luo Fatzi continued with perseverance. Said, "Other people can't compete for a seat if they break their heads!"

"Which position is still rare?" Curiosity finally got aroused, Hughes asked.

"It's very rare, but it's hard to find." Luo Fatzi said seriously.

"Then how did you get it, is it because of your handsome face?" Hughes joked.

Luo Fatzi blinked his small eyes and said, "Me? You also know that it is very dangerous to do our business, there is no special identity, and when you get out of the mix, you must be stared to death by Lingdong Army."

"Oh... then what else do you have." Hughes asked.

"How about the identity of the owner of this Italian jewellery store, are you surprised?" Rob Zhong was a bit complacent.

"Poor jewellery shop, once again ruined." Hughes sighed looking at the elegant layout around him.

"Hey, don't be crow's mouth, this shop, but we spent a lot of money to get it started." Luo fat man could not help shouting.

"Then you should talk about the latest major events." Looking at the fat man's somewhat funny expression, Hughes smiled slightly.

"The only major event recently is that for half a month, a woman is dug into the heart every day. If the Lingdong Army tried to suppress this news, I guess the town and the city would be in chaos." Luo Fatzi frowned. Obviously, he was also overwhelmed by this problem. "And the identity of the young girl is bigger than the other. I don't think it will take a few days. This town and the city will be frying sooner or later."

"Then you are not happy to die, so there is such a big trouble for the Lingdong Army for no reason." Hughes said.

"Don't think of our blood mountain group as bad, how can the blood mountain group be made up of a group of people with lofty ideals, how can we impose our will on the suffering of the people?" Luo Fatzi said righteously Suddenly, I thought that the style of the Blood Mountain Regiment would be a bit exaggerated. I shook my hand and said: "Forget it, don't talk about these annoying things. Let me tell you, our lovely Miss Anna will be performing tomorrow night." Fatty Luo said, his eyes glowing with thieves and thieves, scaring Hughes to goose goose bumps.

Guangxing Park is located in the center of Dongxiao Lake on the outskirts of the city. Standing on the attic can view the whole lake and mountains. The most wonderful thing is that when the snow is flying and the snow is covering the world, drink a small wine upstairs in Guangxing, have fun with poems and enjoy the snow.

Guangxing Park has always been controlled by the dignitaries, and has always been a symbol of the dignitaries' status. Today, Guangxing Park will usher in another climax, and Anna, one of the three must perform here.

There are three must-haves on the mainland, Carol, famous for singing, a throat like a warbler, the ethereal sound is like a sound of nature; Jenny, famous for the piano art, is super inspiring with superb skills; there is also dancing Anna, who knows her skills, can dance and dance.

When the sun swept the light to the bottom of the mountain, the darkness covered the earth again.

Rows of colored lights hung high, and colorful strips filled the entire loft, and the noise was as high as the lake.

Hughes was dragged by Luo Fatian long ago to Guangxing Building. Luo Fatzi was quite famous here, and someone came over from time to time. Among the greetings and condolences, time skipped unconsciously.

"Oh my God, isn't this Su Jisu fat man, we haven't seen each other for a long time, where have we been rich recently." Barlow led a tall, thin man dressed in iron cloth and walked warmly.

"Ba monkey at Guohe Hotel, why are you here to join in the excitement." Batan said patting Barlow's body with affection. Barlow is a famous businessman in Dunhe City. He is short and thin. Other people like to call him a monkey, but he is very taboo about the name of this image.

"Who doesn't want to watch the performance of Miss Anna, I will rush back even if there is a big event." Barlow smiled, but the smile was a bit forced. Because Barlow hates others calling him a monkey, if Luo Zhong is not equally identified in Dunhe and Cheng, Barlow would probably put on his face.

"Yeah, yeah, I was going to take a trip to Lingdong. As soon as I heard that Miss Anna was performing in Guangxing Garden, I hurried back." Luo Zhongzhong said as a confidant.

"Who is this person by your side? Why don't you introduce it." Barlow asked the sly man who looked at the tall man.

"My bodyguard is called Aden. Aden has seen boss Ba soon." Luo Zhongzhong introduced.

"It looks very strong, but I don't know how to do it." Balo glanced at Hughes and said lightly. Because Barlow's height is always a regret in his heart, he always has a contempt for those who are tall. Even if I can't compare them in terms of height, I must despise them at least psychologically. This is what Barlow often hangs in the corner of his mouth.

"Oh, naturally, it's no match for the king of the silver gun." Luo Zhongzhong was greeted with a smile, and Wang was the bodyguard beside Barlow.

"Humph." Wang hurried hummingly. He also knew some of his master's temperament, so he planned to cater to Ba Huo's taste and beat Hughes hard. "I don't think it's useful."

Luo Zhongzhong smiled faintly. For the masters who have the level of condensed gas, they can see through the hardened martial arts like Xiusi at a glance, and Wang Xi obviously has the strength of primary condensed gas.

"It's not that I underestimated him. I thought that at that time, I was alone and picked the eight robber dens all night. I didn't look at him like a small character like him." Five hurried bragging.

Rob Zhong's face was slightly stiff, but he was not easy to attack, just politely said: "There must be more time to consult."

Luo Zhongzhong meant that he had the opportunity to consult Wang Hei himself, but when he heard it, the other party was the big boss, and he certainly wouldn’t move the sword, so the inevitable bodyguard next to him must be consulted.

"It's easy to say, I will definitely give him some pointers when I have time." Wang hurriedly patted Hughes on the shoulder. "I will give you a few tricks at that time, which is enough for you to enjoy for a lifetime."

Hughes smiled coldly at Wang Hao's complacent performance. When the time comes, you have to give good guidance, but you don’t know who is pointing!

With a salute blasting into the sky, a group of figures belatedly came under the eyes of everyone's expectation.

Anna wore a plain light yellow dress without any rouge, her fresh and tender cheeks were picturesque, and her long, waterfall-like hair fell smoothly to her waist, dark and bright.

Anna looked softly at the people around her and gently nodded her head, saying hello to everyone.

Without any words, Anna began to dance slowly, and the musicians around her played slowly. In the ocean of music, dances like feihong floated along with the waves, and the round and plump ru waves and delicate slender jade legs appeared and disappeared while swinging. The soft figure does all kinds of graceful gestures. What's more amazing is her hair. The soft long hair seems to have a strong sense of strength and muscles, which is dazzling. The dance moved faster and faster, and her hair danced as if she had spirituality in her swing.

Pairs of eyes glared so much that they would miss a wonderful performance in the blink of an eye, and everyone was completely indulged in visual enjoyment, including laymen like Hughes.

Hughes suddenly felt a pain in his right hand, and focused his attention on the right hand in confusion, even hot!

For the right hand that was reborn due to the power of fate, Hughes had a bold heart in his heart, but he didn't feel any special feeling before, and he let it go. Suddenly this sudden change occurred, Hughes couldn't help worrying for a while, the most feared thing was that this arm would be scrapped.

The right hand is getting hotter and hotter, and Hughes is really worried that this hand will go away in this way. The worry in his heart is getting stronger and stronger. This time he has no mood to appreciate the dance, and the whole person is restless.

"Hello, brother, are you in a hurry?" Luo Fatty sitting next to him noticed Susie's uneasiness and asked suddenly. However, he also said something casually, and after watching it, he focused his attention on the dance.

The right hand is getting hotter and hotter, and there is a feeling of flying away, and there is a bloodthirsty impulse in my heart, which is getting stronger and stronger.

The lovely young lady pours tea one by one for the guests. While pouring at the table of Hughes, she strangely glanced at Hughes a few times, not knowing that everyone else was intoxicated, but why was this teenager so restless What.

Just as the maid turned and left, her right hand suddenly stretched out uncontrollably, and Hughes grabbed the maid's buttocks! ! !

"Ah!" A panic and short scream interrupted Anna's dance.

Seeing what Hughes did, Luo Fat had a mad urge.

"Oh my god, little brother, impulsive!" Rob Zong couldn't think of Hughes, who was in the old solid wood, doing such a nasty thing. This... this is so nasty! ! !

Luo Fatzi suddenly thought of something and jumped back fiercely. God, he was sitting at a table with Hughes. No wonder others looked so strange at first glance.

"Shameless thief!" Wang next to the table hurriedly angrily scolded.

"Stop it!" Wang screamed angrily. A short silver gun was already held in his hand. Seeing that Hughes was murdering in public, the silver gun in his hand was like a poisonous snake, pointing to Hughes' eyes. Attacking the place where he will save, forces Hughes to return to defend himself.

Originally, Fat Fat could definitely block Hughes' sword. Someone knew that he was violently jumping back at this time. When he discovered Hughes' movement and wanted to catch the opponent's sword, he was too long to catch.

Knife up and down!

Someone could not bear to close their eyes.

A truncated piece of wood rolled to the ground.

"Huh..." There are more people who are surprised. Eight out of ten of the buildings make surprise sounds. Their neat and loud exclamation sounds are well-trained and funny!

The silver gun was three centimeters away from Hughes' eyes and was anxiously fixed by Wang. He glanced at the broken tree on the ground, and then Hughes again. He didn't know what to do.

"Move the flowers and trees!" The knowledgeable people recognized the martial arts skills just made by the maidservant. Generally, those demons and demon with advanced cultivation ability know how to use this trick.

The people on the third floor turned to look at Anna, apparently full of curiosity about the dancer who was one of the three best. A maid turned out to be a demon and a demon with profound cultivation skills, which made others envious and surprised.

"She's not my maid! My Xiaochun maid will never martial arts." Anna exclaimed, "Someone posing as my maid!"

The reputation of the three must be famous in the world. Many powerful monarchs, lords, and gatekeepers want to include them in private rooms, so there are also times when someone will force the three to die, but this time it is also a big man. A private act?

Wang Hao withdrew the silver gun in embarrassment under the eyes of everyone, and walked back to his position with interest and sat down.

The discerning man began to turn his attention to Hughes again. That maid’s cover-up was clever and effective, not only deceived most people, but also deceived Anna, but why was it so unknown to the eyes The young men see through it, and see the movement of Hughes, neatly, in one go, without any hesitation. Obviously, I have long thought about the identity of the maidservant.

"Thanks for the life-saving grace of Shaoxia, I don't know how to see through the conspiracy of the'Maidservant'?" Anna spoke for the first time, her voice clear and sweet.

"I don't know," Hughes answered honestly.

Maybe this is a public venue, so it is not convenient to talk, Anna thought and said: "So, can you please come to me to give a narration."

This is how many people dream of happiness. When Anna's words came out, she suddenly exclaimed. Envy, jealousy, doubt, disgust, remorse, and other complicated eyes suddenly overwhelmed Hughes.

"Not... empty!" In a simple word, Hughes felt that it was hard to speak with pressure. With so many pairs of eyes, Hughes felt the pressure for the first time.

Luo Fatzi had just been surrounded by sudden happiness, thinking that he could accompany Huss, the lucky star, to see Anna's boudoir, and now he was once again dropped from the high clouds to the ground by Huss's phrase "not free". Fat people have an urge to kill!

Don't argue with anger, do not argue! Why is he so upset? !

"Oh, forget it." Anna whispered softly.

A sentence "forget" completely broke the fat man's heart,

The fat man felt that the experience at this moment was more and more ups and downs than most of his life. First, he was shocked by Hughes’s grief, and then he was shocked by the majesty’s changes, and then he was invited by Anna’s invitation. A big jump, and finally a big jump at Hughes's answer, and now a big and big heart was completely broken by Anna's sentence! ! !

Fatty Luo touched his thick chest, and was really worried that his careful liver would not be stimulated and he went on strike.

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