Pioneer Knight

Chapter 115:

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The river in front was churning, the mist was filled, and the iron hoof was shaking in the back, and the dust was flying.

"Brother, let's go and meet under that tree again," Rob said, pointing at a towering tree on the other side of the Pearl River.

Hughes glanced at the big tree, and suddenly jumped into the river below. The sound of "wow" splashed the sky.

The moaning sound intermittently came from the wounded, Andrea walked in the messy and **** room.

From the knife wounds and sword marks on these people, as well as the remaining vitality of the body, Andre knew that the two escaped people were the targets he wanted to capture.

I didn't expect them to really hide in this yard!

What is even more surprising is that the intersection of secret roads is actually in the clutter room, the clutter room that was denied by him by himself!

Are you too confident and too arbitrary?

The intermittent moans around are really harsh, they are like ubiquitous ghosts, continually telling the disaster consequences of their own wrong decisions. However, these are not the root causes of their own upsets. Why would the other party happen to make such a mistake?

Is it because of a coincidence, or a deliberate trick by the other party?

It must be a coincidence, but how can there be such an unreasonable coincidence?

Luo Fatzi and the troll did not know where to go, but the news broke again, and how to start.

Andre is in deep contemplation...

Originally, the secret agents and secret whistle all around Dunhe City were filled with secret codes, just like a permeable big net will pack Dunhe City tightly. Because the psychologically aware that the other party will escape from the secret road to the east, most of the other three sides of the personnel are transferred to the past, which greatly reduces the vigilance of the other three sides. If the other party takes the opportunity to escape from the city, it is likely to be Let the other party escape without knowing it, which will bring more trouble to the hunt.

"Hopefully they will choose to continue hiding in the city." Andrea thought, but he knew more clearly, how could the other party make such a stupid mistake.

"Report, sir." An intelligence officer ran quickly, kneeling down on the ground and saying: "There are people in the west wall who are breaking through."

"how many people?"

"It seems like two."

"It seems?"

"There are brothers who say three, but most people say two."

"Huh? How did you find out?" Andre must have asked more details about the vague information.

"The dark whistle on the city wall was fascinated by the enemy with a drug, but there was another fight there, which was discovered by us." The intelligence officer reported the matter honestly. Generally speaking, there will be a style of deceiving and concealing in the officialdom, trying to cover up the bad things, just like the enemy has escaped his warning line and almost escaped from the city. I don’t know yet, or the enemy himself has exposed his weaknesses. Being noticed, this is completely a performance of negligence. Especially now that the traces of the enemy have been found again, intelligence personnel can take full credit, such as how to patrol their own people and how to work hard not to be afraid of the cold, so that they will find the traces of each other. Only when the object of consideration is shrewd Andrea, the intelligence officer dare not lie, so he has to report the facts honestly.

In this chilly, ghostly place, his body was trembling with cold after being soaked in water. Robber jumped and turned around the tree to keep warm, and his mouth kept nagging: "How come the little brother has not yet come, It won’t be washed down by the river."

The other side of the river was brightly lit, and the horse hissing sound continued on the river. Luo Zhongyun looked around and saw that a group of Lingdong troops began to disarm and undress, obviously trying to cross the river by force.

Luo Zhongzhong couldn't help being secretly anxious. He wanted to go to the riverside to see if there was something wrong with Hughes, and he was afraid that Hughes would come and miss the meeting as soon as he left.

"Let's go and see, if he comes, he will wait for me." Rob Zhong thought to himself.

Rob Zhong ran a few hundred meters down the river, and finally found a figure in a grass not far from the river. The figure was lying on the ground, his cheeks were covered with weeds, and he could not see clearly. Rob Zhong walked over carefully, the figure was motionless, and I wonder if it was a conspiracy or a Hughes.

Judging by his body shape, it seems to be Hughes, but for the fat man of Luojiang in the old rivers and lakes, he didn't check it out immediately. Too much of a sudden killer because of the disguise has happened. Robber should naturally be careful. And if this man is Hughes, how can he fall to the ground for no reason? If it is artificial, then where is that guy hiding?

After looking around, Robber made sure that no one was there, he turned the figure carefully.

"Little brother!" Rob Zhong exclaimed, this person was actually Hughes. I saw Hughes' white face, his muscles twitching continually, as if enduring pain.

Robber touched each other's palms one by one, only to feel the cold biting, and could not help throwing away the other's palms.

Rob Zhong frowned, how could this be so, he reached out again to touch Hughes' hand bowl, "It turned out to be it! It turned out to be poison!"

After the energy was exhausted, he was forcibly promoted, and then there was a fierce battle. After a night of consumption and torture, Huss was very empty in the body. Now he was stimulated by the cold river water, and the poison in the body was immediately ignited, and Suddenly swept Xiusi's entire blood veins with great strength.

Hughes was almost tortured by the poison and sank directly into the river. He also climbed up the river with his stubborn will, stumbled and walked a few steps before fainting to the ground.

"Little brother, hold on to you." Robber encouraged, and a huge amount of vitality was continuously sent into Hughes' body to help him suppress the crazy ice flow in his body.

With the help of Robes, Hughes' temperature finally returned to normal, but after only such a delay, twenty minutes passed.

"Are you all right?" Rob Zhong asked a little tiredly.

"Fortunately." Hughes' voice was a little weak.

"Both, the Lingdong Army is coming, are you still running?" Ten feet away, Shenfeng No. 89 said with a sneer.

Robber's expression tightened, and he stood up in front of Hughes, "Little brother, you run away first, and your brother will come immediately."

"Run? I think he is still very weak, do you think he can escape?" Shenfeng No. 89 disdainfully said.

"With me, I will never let you hurt him." Rob Zhongzhong said firmly.

"Really? If I yelled here, you see how successful you were to escape." Shenfeng Eighty-nine said leisurely.

Hughes looked to the river. The Lingdong Army had passed dozens of people. If they caught their attention, they would face endless chasing.

"Hey...I'm afraid." Shenfeng Eighty-nine smiled happily.

Rob left with a wound in his left hand, and was consuming a lot of energy because of the rescue of Hughes. I am afraid that the one-to-one is not the opponent of the Kamikaze No.89. How to fight. It's no wonder that the other party will stand upright, it seems that he has a full grasp.

"Big deal!" Hughes said firmly.

Shenfeng No.89 frowned, apparently dissatisfied with Hughes' answer.

"It's a big deal! Well, let's accompany the little brother to the ghost gate tonight!" Luo Zhongzhong said with pride.

Ignoring the enthusiasm of Robber, Shenfeng 89 turned away. Soon, the Lingdong Army not far away sent a lot of commotion.

The Lingdong Army seems to have been premeditated to be taken elsewhere. Who is helping him? Is it him? Luo Zhongzhong remembered Shenfeng No. 89, who had just left, because he was leaving in the direction of the Lingdong Army, and if he did, it all made sense. But why did he come to help himself again? Was it just an enemy of life and death, is it possible to become a friend now?

"It is estimated that he does not want us to be captured by the Lingdong Army." Hughes suddenly said, as long as he guessed that Shenfeng No. 89 was not with the Lingdong Army, then this reason might be established.

Rob nodded his head and watched Shenfeng No. 89 leaving quietly. It must have nothing to do with Lingdong Army. Or he would just shout a few times and attracted the attention of Lingdong Army. You have to finish it.

"Can we go, we have to leave quickly. The Lingdong Army has all kinds of talents. It is inevitable that some traces will find us." Rob Zhongzhong asked Hughes and said that if the other party could not move, he planned to escape directly.

"It's much better. It's okay to walk a little bit." Hughes stood up tenaciously, just this movement, immediately touching the body's pain, a few cold sweats came directly from his forehead.

"Don't force me, let me carry you," Rob Zhong said bluntly.

"It's okay!" Hughes stubbornly refused, "It's okay to exercise while taking the opportunity to exercise."

Hughes said, walking first into the darkness, his movements stiff and his body trembling slightly, as if he was enduring pain. However, after he took a dozen steps, his pain gradually decreased, and his movements gradually became flexible.

Robber looked at Hughes' stubbornness and strength and shook his head silently. "He is just too strong, but I admire him!"

Andre received the news from Zhu Ra that the person who escaped from Mi Dao caught it, but the chief executive of the Dali Jewelry Shop and several principals, Luo Fatzi was not in the Mi Dao.

There is an iron bridge in the upper reaches of the Pearl River, but it takes a little half a day to get there from Dunhe City. Andre mobilized the cavalry battalion to cross the iron bridge and led a team that was good at tracking across the Pearl River.

The river was still surging, and Andre stood by the river, taking off his upper body decisively.

"Team leader, we have already transferred the ship, I believe that we will come over soon, let's wait for the first time." Ordinary people go to the water to swim in the past, of course it's okay, but Andre is a character, how can he be affected by ice water. Suffering, Wei Wei, who accompanied Andre immediately stopped Andre from undressing.

"Let's delay for a second, and we will lose the grasp of the other party, and wait." After taking off his coat and throwing, Andre first jumped into the river.

Wei Wei picked up Andre's clothes, slowly groundwater, raised his right hand high, try to keep the clothes dry.

When Andrey swam across the Pearl River and saw Wei Wei struggling to protect his clothes, although he was a little bit sorry, he just said lightly: "You are working hard."

Under the close investigation of the search squad, the traces of Rob Zhong and Hughes were found immediately.

"Brother Wei, please trouble leading the way ahead." Andrea faced Wei Wei, Wei Wei's ability to track the team was the highest, and even Andrea had to rely on him.

Wei Wei nodded solemnly and followed the light traces quickly.

At first, Wei Wei still had the ability to despise the opponent, because he could clearly know where the enemy had escaped by looking at it, but when he walked back, Wei Wei found that the traces became more and more blurred, and he was even almost killed by the opponent. Cheated. It seems that the other party is also good at escaping!

Wei Wei kept dispersing the team, making the search team wider and expanding the search network.

The time passed quickly, and most of the time was spent running in the middle of the night. Andre did not put a lot of pressure on Wei Wei, because he knew that the other party would do his best to complete the task he explained, and this time The effect is not very obvious, maybe the other party is too cunning.

For a guy who counts himself, how can he be so good? Andre is increasingly uncertain about capturing Robber and Hughes,

The vast grassland looked at the sky at a glance, Andrea looked blankly at the surrounding grassland, and there were no other creatures besides the dry grass that was shaken by the wind. It seemed that it was really difficult to catch them this time.

Just when Andrea was going to give up and re-formulate a new plan, I saw two figures rushing to the horizon, one strong and one fat, so it was a bit like looking for someone. However, killing Andre doesn't believe that the guy in front will be the target he has been looking for.

Wei Wei started to guard against the two uninvited guests, and God knows whether the two of them are assassins.

As the distance drew closer, the faces of the two sides gradually became clearer.

"Fat Su, what a coincidence." When Andrea saw the other party's appearance, he suddenly jumped with excitement as if the hungry person saw a lot of food.

"Yeah, what a coincidence, it's time to fight side by side again." Rob Zhong laughed, as if he was excited when he saw Andrea.

Andrea was stunned. He didn't understand the other party's words, and looking at the other party's happy face, he felt a little bad in his heart.

A thread of light came out of the ground, a soldier on guard in front was entangled in it, and the blood "poo" splashed across the ground.

"Fremer!" Andre exclaimed, looking at the familiar scene.

When Hughes had not escaped from the city gate, Freimo hung them from far away. Hughes mentioned that there was a feeling of being monitored when the gate was stabbed by the **** of the wind. It feels like Fremont gave him.

When it was time for Hughes and them to escape from the Lingdong Army's pursuit, Freymon suddenly appeared, and wanted to eat these two guys who injured him in one breath, but Hughes's super-spirit feeling again Saved his life. Facing the powerful danger of Fremont, Hughes and Rob coincided with each other and immediately turned around and ran back.

"Leader An is really compassionate and actually protects us secretly. He is really a responsible and caring young man." Robber was wearing a high hat shamelessly on Andre's head, nothing but hope. He can solve Frey together.

Andrei couldn't hear the other person's thoughts, but after hearing the shameless praise from Robber, even he felt uncomfortable. After tracing and arranging it in Robber's mouth, he seemed to have a bad taste. It is to protect these two talents that they have launched such a large military institution.

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