Pioneer Knight

Chapter 121:

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"Then trouble brother to help me to report."

"You wait, my brother will help you to call you Master." The tough soldier finished and turned and hurried into the house.

Soon, a rapid footstep sounded in the house. A group of people led down to the gate in a gorgeously dressed man.

This magnificent strong man is Shen Mo? Yakesi's eldest son Maud?

"Master." There were four soldiers who came with the carriage. When they saw Mode Yakes, they bowed their heads to salute.

"I already know the matter. You go to help Kinsat buy a coffin and store it in the backyard cellar. The two slaves are sent to the dormitory, and everything will be processed when the father comes back. Go!"

Mord? Jacques saw a black hole in Jinsat's forehead, and there was a panic in his heart. This is indeed the power only for the magician of the sanctuary.

So, after a brief inspection of Hughes and his sons, I thought it would be better to stay by my side. In case these two slaves are really connected to the magician of the sanctuary, they can also be freed from guilt and protected from the scourge of genocide.

You know, the magician of the Holy Land is a mythical figure in the entire continent. How dare the little nobles in a small town offend?

Things didn't make sense, Maud didn't dare to compliment the two slaves too blatantly, and could only temporarily let them rest in the house for a while, and wait for his father to come back and make plans.


Two days later, Mark and his son woke up.

In the past two days, they have been carefully cared for and their injuries healed quickly.

After waking up, they discovered that they had been sent to a large room, surrounded by dry firewood and thatched grass, and the smell of food and the sound of scrubbing pots and pans from time to time.

No need to ask, they also understood that they were sent to work in the kitchen, and they wouldn't expect it to be a blessing. They didn't have that idea at all, let alone, the place where they lay was still a messy log house.

However, even if it is just a firewood house, the thick walls, the tight tile joints, and the flat bed board underneath, the clean quilt, compared to the thatched house in the Iron Spring Valley, it is a heaven and a hell.

After that, they stayed in the house. Not much work is done every day. It is easier to chopp firewood, pick up water, wash dishes and brush pots than to dig black gold.

Moreover, they also have a privilege, that is, do what you want, do not want to do it. This was specifically ordered by Maud. Of course, the deadline was the day when his father returned from Ulan City.

The father and son of Mark are most happy with the food here. Although they said that they ate leftovers from the owner's leftovers, compared with the food that is not as good as the pig food in Tiequan Valley, it is really delicious on earth.

If the Tiequan Valley lived a real slave life, then now they have lived a civilian life, even better than the average civilian.

At the beginning, Mark still abandoned himself because of the crippled left leg, but after hearing that his son had regained his freedom, he suddenly came to a 180-degree turn. No matter what he did, he was happy and happy, even in the house. The other slaves thought he was abnormally nervous, and they all avoided him.

However, after a long time of contact, he discovered that Mark was actually a very easygoing and enthusiastic person. The main thing is that he was always full of hope for life.

Father Mark and Son used to work hard in Tiequan Valley, but they were too busy to get used to it, so they took the initiative to ask for more work, often helping other slaves to burn firewood, wash vegetables and wash dishes. They worked fast and well. Won the love of all the slaves in the room.

Five days later, there was a small forest about five or six miles away from the west gate of Jinjiang Town.

In the grove, a six-year-old thin child was looking around with a probe. Suddenly, he stopped on a flat grass deep in the grove. Surrounded by lush coffins, he just sat on the ground. No one will ever find him.

"Grandpa Lazibague, is this OK?" Hughes asked.

There are very few people here, no one can see the figure for a few days, and the end of a mine near the Iron Spring Valley is rich in gold.

"Yes. Hughes, you tell me some common sense, listen to it." The voice of the old Lazibague sounded in my mind.

"Okay, you said that the magician is divided into seven lines according to the different affinity of the elements, which are the seven lines of wood, fire, earth, gold, water, wind and thunder. Each line is divided into the strength of the soul. Ninth level, the higher the level, the stronger the power of the soul, and the more terrifying magical energy! After the ninth level magician is the sanctuary magician, which is a mythical existence. However, it is said that there are still above the sanctuary There is a higher existence, but that is all legend." Hughes said literally.

After listening to Hughes, the old man of Laziborg couldn't help but say: "I have a good memory, but I remember all the words well. In fact, there is a special kind of magician among magicians. They are called magic sword masters. Dark magic is also divided into nine levels, one to three are magic swordsmen, four to six are magic sword masters, seven to nine are magic sword masters, they are not controlling element attacks, but controlling object attacks, especially sharp swords, these It’s not terrible, what is terrible is that they are also good at soul erosion and magic seal."

Hughes asked curiously: "What is soul erosion and the spell seal?"

The old man said: "In simple terms, soul erosion is to melt your soul a little bit like a candle, and the spell seal, you should have a good experience. Imprisoned magic is the simplest and slightest of the spell seals. Kind of."

Hughes said: "I understand that the soul erosion is to eat the soul, and the seal of the spell is to seal the soul and not let him out."

Old man Lazibague said: "Yes, that's it. You sit down in the woods now and let me see if you have any talent."

In the woods, the trees are lush and the birds are quiet, it is the midsummer season.

A gust of fresh wind blew, and the fragrant plants and trees scented out, making people feel refreshed.

"Take out the eye of the dragon, put it on the palm of your right hand, and then cover the palm of your left hand. Relax your whole body, don't think about anything deliberately, just relax completely, just breathe slowly as usual." Lazibague Said the old man.

According to the instructions, Hughes took out the eye of the dragon, put it in his palm, and sat cross-legged.

The eye of the dragon is a golden ring, and the entire ring is carved into a dragon. Jiaolong's mouth was wide open, and there was a finger-sized fuchsia gemstone in it.

Seeing this ring at first sight, Hughes couldn't put it down for a long time. If Grandpa Laziborg warned him not to let outsiders know, maybe he would wear the ring on his hand to show off everywhere, after all, this is him The first ornament in six years.

Moreover, every time Hughes held the ring, he could feel that there was a large space in the gem, but there was something in it that was unclear, and it seemed very mysterious.


Following Grandpa Laziborg's instructions, after sitting down, Hughes closed his eyes slightly and began to feel everything in nature.

This was the first time he felt the element of heaven and earth, and his heart was particularly nervous. He was afraid that he could not become a magician without that talent.

The old man of Lazibague was also very nervous. If Hughes had no talent and could not sense any element, then his life would be over, and he could only be regarded as an accessory in Hughes’s soul, and he would never be able to regain his life.

"Relax, the more tense you are, the less you can feel the elements. You don't have to think about anything." The old Laziborg saw Hugh's face tense and quickly corrected it.

Hughes is really nervous.

When the dream becomes reality, who is not nervous?

When the long-awaited dream is about to come true, who cares?

No! Anyone will be nervous about it!


One hour.

Two hours.

Three hours.

one day.

Two days.

Three days.

Time flows quietly like flowing water, and Hughes still does not sense any element, but the dragon eye in his hand is constantly gathering all the element particles around him, forming a thick cloud around him.

For such a long time, Hughes could only sense the woods, the breeze blowing, the leaves falling, the birds chirping, the stream flowing not far away, and the elemental particles did not sense the slightest bit.

I don’t know how long after that, Hughes has been sitting quietly. His feet have become numb and he has lost consciousness. His hands are still gently covered with the eyes of the dragon, and he also has no consciousness. What is more terrible is that his soul is gradually Fall into a semi-coma.

Lazibague watched Hughes lose a little bit of consciousness and lost consciousness, but did not speak a word, but a despair began to rise in his heart: "Such rich elemental smoke cannot be sensed, it seems that he does not have that Talent! My life is over. Obrota, you mean little villain, this time finally got your wish."

Hughes knew nothing about Laziborg's thoughts, and at this moment, he was only a little bit into a coma.

He once heard Laziborg say that when a person senses the element for the first time, until he is completely comatose and has not sensed it, then his soul may never wake up due to excessive use, thus becoming a "living dead person." ".

However, Hughes knew the danger and still did not wake up from meditation. He believed that Grandpa Lazibague would wake him up in times of crisis.

It is a pity that he did not know that his grandfather Lazibague was complaining at this time, resentment, and simply forgot that there was a six-year-old child looking forward to his help.

In general, the first time that element particles are sensed, the time cannot exceed one day, otherwise it is very easy to fall into the edge of weakness or even extinction. But Hughes was sitting for three days, and today is the fourth day. I dare to meditate for such a long time for the first time. If I let other magicians know that I am either laughing at him or being a fool.

Anyone knows that practicing magic can't be too hasty, you need to take it one step at a time. If you want to succeed all of a sudden, you will end up with sorrow-lifelong dementia or death.

But Hughes insisted on sensing the element for the first time for four days!

Everything is because he owns a dragon eye ring.

Laziborg was completely desperate. Since survival is hopeless, what is the point of calling this little slave or not?

In this way, Hughes's soul became weaker and weaker, his consciousness became more and more confused, and the dangers were getting closer and closer, but he continued to meditate.

Suddenly, when his soul will perish, an extremely weak energy of wood element is filtered and purified by the dragon's eye, and then enters his body from the Lao Gong acupoint in the right palm, straight into his mind.

His soul was like a dry sponge, which absorbed the wood element instantly. Then another ray was quickly absorbed, and then another ray.

After gradually absorbing the wisps of wood elements, the weak soul gradually became clear, and the speed of absorption was also accelerating.

I don’t know how long it took, it seemed to be a blink of an eye, and it seemed to be a whole day. Suddenly, a "boom" sound exploded in my mind, and a fierce and rich wood element poured into my mind. The terrible speed and Thickness almost wiped out Hughes' weak soul.

Fortunately, Long Zhi's eyes sent out a wave of energy to protect his soul in time, allowing him to successfully resist the impact of wood elements.

At the same time, the eyes of the dragon in his hand were suddenly full of light, as if a blue sun illuminated the entire wood.

It didn't take long for the blue light to disappear, replacing it with a strong earthy color.

At this time, Hughes clearly felt that the rich wood element was covered by another rich elemental breath, which gave a sense of heavyness, which is the earth element.

However, in just a blink of an eye, the earth yellow turns to white again, but it is not as intense as the earth yellow and cyan. If the light of cyan and earth yellow is like the sun, then the white light is like the moon.

After that, the dragon's eye never radiated other colors, but only changed back and forth between cyan, khaki, and white.

Laziborg was completely stunned by this sudden change, and watched Silos's mind blankly washed by wood elements, earth elements, and water elements like battlefields.

After a while, he woke up from shock and smiled, "It's really enviable! Your kid is actually 80% affinity for wood element, 70% affinity for soil element, water element 50% affinity, such a talent, as long as there is no accident, it can definitely reach the level of magician above level 7! Unfortunately, I am a gold magician, and none of your three elements are what I am good at. "

Before he had finished speaking, the dragon's eye in Hughes's hand suddenly exuded a dazzling golden light, which was stronger than the cyan and khaki light.

"This is the golden element! You actually have a 100% affinity for the gold system. This magical talent is also terrible and incredible!"

Laziborg was shocked again. He had never heard of anyone with a 100% affinity for gold. Such a person practicing magic is a breeze. It is only a matter of time to reach the level of a ninth-level magician.

100% affinity means that as long as there is a golden element, he can be sensed by him, absorbed by him, and summoned by him!

Such people practice magic, as long as they work hard, it is definitely a material for senior magicians, and it is definitely an object that people look up to!

Hughes has been quietly feeling everything from the outside world, forgetting the time, forgetting the numbness, and even forgetting the weak and painful soul.

Only after feeling the rich wood element, earth element and slightly weaker water element, his soul appeared a bit of sweet and comfortable feeling.

The joy in his heart is hard to suppress. Just when he thought he would never feel the other elements again, after a gust of wind, suddenly a more violent rush of gold elements rushed, even making his soul have some shudder.

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