Pioneer Knight

Chapter 124:

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Cultivating magic can bring great power, but also face great danger. Whether it is soul cultivation or magic skill cultivation, they are all dangerous, and a little carelessness will cause the soul to be weak, the soul will be bitten, or the soul will be extinguished directly.

Fortunately, every time he felt tired and weak, Dragon's Eye immediately issued a mysterious force to rejuvenate him.

This also gave him a moment of enlightenment: perhaps this mysterious power is doing the blame.

The same is true. A few days ago, he had just sensed the element of heaven and earth, and his soul was still very weak, so the dragon's eye would send out a mysterious force to protect his soul. Today is different. From the beginning, the eyes of the dragon only gathered particles of gold, wood, and earth around them, and did not emit mysterious power to protect his soul, so he felt trembling, weak, and tired.

With this trace of enlightenment, Hughes did not stop practicing, but continued to immerse in meditation.


Time hastily passed without stopping.

Not knowing how many times he was tired, nor how many times he had experienced the thrill of the soul almost being washed away, Hughes woke up from meditation.

With a happy smile on his face, he stood up suddenly and said with a smile: "Grandpa Laziborg, I obviously feel that the power of the soul has become stronger today. The body of the soul is also tougher."

"This is the speed at which the gold element has 100% affinity. Only after five days of cultivation, the soul has changed. If it is another person, it is estimated that it is impossible to feel the soul change without ten days and a half months."

The old man of Lazibague did envy jealousy. It was thought that when he first started practicing, it took him three months to feel a little change in his soul.

He is already 80% of the affinity of the gold element, but compared with Hughes, it is too far away. Of course, among them, in addition to Hughes's magical talent is better than him, the more important thing is that Hughes has a perverted auxiliary-Dragon Eye Ring.

If Laziborg also had such a ring, the speed of cultivation would definitely increase hundreds of times faster, perhaps as long as ten days could feel the soul change.

Hughes looked around and saw that: the sun was shining in the sun, the breeze was shaking, the summer cicadas were singing in chaos, and the birds were lingering.

Another beautiful sunset.

"It's another day. Grandpa Lazibug, you will remind me in the future, if this is the case, Dad will worry about me!"

Hughes glanced at the sunset in the mountains, but he was scolded again after worrying about going back! He patted the dust on his body and ran back with his legs spread.

"People in a state of meditation cannot be interrupted, otherwise they will be repulsed by their souls and can only be awakened by themselves." Lazibague said half-empty, apparently concealing his ulterior motives.

People in meditation, as long as they are not in a critical period, such as breaking through a new realm, can be awakened or even yell!

The reason why Laziborg did not call was because he did not want to call.

The longer Hughes meditated, the happier he was.

Because the longer Hughes meditates, the faster the soul's power will increase with the help of the dragon's eye. Similarly, the injured soul of Laziborg can also be repaired to the greatest extent, thus having the opportunity to win the house!

Why should he call such a good thing? Only a fool!


Hughes panted back to the house, but saw his dad standing on the crutches and waiting for him to come back.

"It's just a whole day of playing before going home! Don't you know I am worried about you?" Mark murmured softly.

"I..." Hughes didn't know what to say.

"Look at the mud on your feet, did you play in the forest outside the town?" Mark asked, still black.

"Yes, Dad, I'm going to..."

Hughes was about to tell Mark that he was practicing magic, but suddenly he heard Laziborg say in his mind: "Never tell your dad now, and tell him when you become stronger in the future, so it can give you Dad is a surprise!"

Just for the word "surprise", Hughes suffocated his words back and lied, "I went to the bird's nest!"

"Well, remember to come back early next time! By the way, this afternoon, Master Shenmo came back. He came to see us and asked you to come back and find him." Mark said.

"What did Master Shenmo tell me to do?" Hughes asked curiously.

"I don't know, let's go." Then, Mark took Hughes to the main house.

"Your name is Hughes Liku? Listen to your father saying that you have lifted your imprisonment magic?" In the bright hall, an old man in a Chinese costume, not angry, he reached out and touched Hughes' head.

"Hoo--" There was a slight noise, and three lights radiated from the top of Hughes' head. Gold, cyan, and yellow interlaced with each other, which was really beautiful.

"Three-line magic talent! Haha... Okay, okay. Hughes, how about staying in my courtyard without having to be a slave in the future?" The old man in the Chinese costume smiled broadly and looked at Hughes with bright eyes.

Hughes was startled and couldn't help looking at his father. Mark quickly stepped forward and bowed his head, said: "Master, this is not so..."

"It is so decided without further ado. Mark, you gave birth to a good son! Haha... When your legs are clear, I will restore your freedom. How about it?" said the old man in Huafu.

The magician is the most dazzling figure on the mainland, not to mention the three-line magic talent, which is extremely rare in the entire continent. Now, the little boy is still in the growth period, it is the right time to make a good relationship.

The elders of the Chinese costumes are happy, and the family strength is not deep. If there is a three-line magician to join, it will not be the same.

"Thank you... thank you lord!" Mark's voice was a little trembling. This was his dream for many years, and now it has become a fact. How can he not be excited?

Late at night, in Sius's new bedroom, he was sitting cross-legged on the bed, his body relaxed, and he was completely in meditation.

He did not dare to relax at all. Although he knew that the speed of his cultivation might be fast, in order to realize the dream in his heart early, and in order to cope with the great danger that may come in the future, he must pay close attention to practice every minute and every second.

During this cultivation, he found that cultivation in the house was very different from cultivation in the woods.

In the woods, the wood element is the most abundant, followed by the earth element and the gold element, and in the house, the gold element is the most abundant, followed by the earth element and the wood element.

In addition, in the woods, the soul can enter a completely ethereal situation, but there is always a sense of depression in the room.

However, even in this case, he did not relax at all, and continued to practice diligently.

Especially under the confusion of Laziborg, he didn't even sleep, and he was in meditation all day long.

The reason why Laziborg dared to keep Huss in a state of meditation, not afraid that his soul would be exhausted, and was repulsed by the elements of the world, just because he knew that Huss had a magic ring-the eye of the dragon.

He knew that whenever Hughes’s soul was extremely weak or nearly extinguished, the dragon’s eye would promptly release a force to protect and nourish his soul.

In this cycle of "weakness—moisture—weakness again—moisture again”, the power of Soul's soul is rapidly increasing, and the body of the soul has become more and more tenacious.


In this way, regardless of day and night practice, in just three months, Hughes outperformed others for a year, and the power of the soul actually reached the level of a magician.

The speed was so horrible that even Laziborg had to be envious and angry. If he also has such a fast cultivation speed, he has been the first magician who has been promoted to the sanctuary in 5,000 years. How can he be smashed by his opponent and his soul hiding around?

However, Hughes can make such rapid progress, mainly due to his magical magic weapon like the dragon's eye, coupled with his 100% magic talent in the gold system, and his endless practice day and night.

Otherwise, it will take one or two years to reach the level of a magician.

The most taboo in the magic world is quick success!

When other people begin to practice, their magic instructors will tell them to proceed step by step, not to be greedy, and it is good to be able to practice for four hours a day.

Once you feel tired of your soul, you should stop practicing immediately, otherwise you will be seriously injured without dying, just like the old man Lazibague said, becoming a "living dead person".

Therefore, most people practice magic with care and trembling. You can only meditate for more than four hours a day. Therefore, they have to go through a year or two of hard work to become a first-level magician.

However, Hughes, a little pervert with the eyes of the dragon, not only greedily progressed, but also practiced day and night, vigorously assiduously, without worrying about the exhaustion of his soul.

Therefore, he became a first-level magician in just three months.

At this speed, the entire Golden Phoenix continent must be crazy!

It has been half a year since I came to Jinjiang Town. As usual, Hughes sat cross-legged on the open space in the mountain forest, surrounded by big trees and wormwood bushes, which just covered his figure, making it impossible for people to discover.

He closed his eyes slightly, cleared his mind, and was quietly sensing the gold, wood and earth elements in nature.

The eyes of the dragon in his palms constantly absorb the surrounding elements, forming a dense cloud of elements around him.

From the outside to the inside, you can find that these clouds are like the smoke of the mountain stream, intertwined between the branches of the ancient wood, making the entire forest show a mysterious atmosphere.

However, in the center of the cloud, there are river-like vortices. If you look closely, you will find that the end point of these vortices is the dragon eye in Hughes' hand.

The dragon's eye is like a combination of a suction cup and a filter. It not only gathers elements with a radius of 500 meters, but also filters the elements of gold, wood and earth into the body of Hughes, allowing Hughes to absorb and internalize.

At the same time, it constantly emits three kinds of light: khaki, cyan and gold. The three kinds of light alternate with each other, changing into a symphony of extremely wonderful light.

All of this, Hughes has no consciousness. His soul has been slowly absorbing the three elements, the softness of the wood, the thickness of the soil, and the tenacity of the gold, all rapidly strengthening the power of his soul.

With the increase in the absorption of elements, Hughes clearly felt that the body's induction is gradually increasing. Previously, only dynamic things such as wind, birds, rivers, and rain could be sensed, but static things could not be sensed.

Now, he can not only sense dynamic things more clearly, but also static things, such as: the pulsation of the soil beneath him, the growth of the trees around him, the outline of the rocks, and everything is clearly displayed in his mind.

In addition, the range he can sense is also growing.

Previously, he could only sense less than half a meter around him.

Now, the range he can sense reaches 20 meters, and if the range of the outermost blur is added, it will be 50 meters wide!

Without opening your eyes, you can "see" the bird resting on the branch to dress up its feathers, "see" how the roots of the ground **** nutrients, and "see" the whole process of falling leaves.

"This feeling is really amazing!"

Hughes couldn't suppress the surprise in his heart, he couldn't help but infuriate, quietly spread the power of his soul, and wanted to see all the new things around him.

Within a meter, there are only some flowers and small bugs, and there are no novelty.

Within five meters, some solid stones were added, and there was no novelty.

Within ten meters, there are many more rocks and trees.

Within fifteen meters, there is an ancient sky tree, the heart of the tree is actually empty, and there is a nest of small squirrels in it. The black is very cute. For this nest of squirrels, Hughes "watched" for a long time!

The little squirrels seemed to feel something, huddled around in the nest, pushing each other around, especially interesting!

This is his happiest moment since practicing magic!

This fresh gameplay is also the most interesting one since he was born, so he forgot to practice for a while!

However, it is strange that those elemental particles enter his body faster than before.

If the elemental particles entered the body before, it is now running!

"Hoo, hoo, hoo"

The gold, wood, and earth elements with high affinity with Hughes quickly entered his soul, quickly transformed into his soul power, and at once made his soul power saturated.

However, those rich elements are still rushing into Hughes’ mind, swaying Hughes’ soul, and it may be extinguished at any time.

However, just as the soul is going to die, Dragon's Eye outputs a magical power in a very timely manner, instantly raising the power of Soul's soul to a new height, making his capacity even greater!

If you continue to practice in this way, it is estimated that within a month, Hughes can break through again and become a second-level magician!

That is absolutely terrifying speed! You have to know that many magicians on the mainland have stayed at the level of the third-level magician for life, and they can’t get in, but he has been upgraded to two levels in just half a year. Isn’t this speed scary?


Hughes poured his whole body on the small rat in the tree hole.

For adults, such a move is definitely unreasonable, but for a six-year-old child, this is all he has to do.

Not to mention a small slave who had no freedom from birth.

Not only does he have no playmates, he has no time to play.

Since he learned to walk, he went into the cave behind his father to dig black gold. Fortunately, he had a good father. He tried his best to help him reduce the load, plus his vitality was also strong, otherwise he would have been under heavy load. Tired of working.

Hughes "watched" it for more than four hours before recovering the power of the soul. Just recovered the power of the soul and found that his own power of the soul has been greatly improved, and there is a sign of breaking through the second-level magician.

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