Pioneer Knight

Chapter 126:

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Huo Meng said indifferently: "This is a small matter, it will be better in a few days!" Suddenly remembered something, shouted: "You were a little slave sent from Tiequan Valley six months ago?"

Hughes said slightly: "I am no longer a slave."

Hormon said: "As long as you were a slave, you will be a slave for life!"

Hughes said angrily: "You..." When you reach out, you have to perform a magic trick.

Hormon hurriedly covered his face with his hands and said, "Don't be angry, I'm just kidding you."

Hughes hummed: "Dare to call me a slave in the future, I will make you crippled for life." Then, he stepped forward and punched Homon's shoulders fiercely, and then hugged him around his neck again.

Hormon was taller than Hughes, and he was more than twice fatter than Hughes. So, Hughes hugged his neck and felt like a dry firewood hanging from him.

Hormon was so thumped by Hughes, his teeth grinned in pain, and he kept saying: "Dare not, never dare again, let me go!"

Seeing the appearance of the two brothers, Monas thought that Hormon was going to carry Hughes, and hurried over quickly. His hands were hanging on the necks of the two brothers one by one, and he smiled and said, "I will also carry it! Also have to carry it!"

Hughes laughed: "Okay, I will carry you!"

Hormon frowned: "Back, ah! It hurts!"

The three laughed and walked towards the house of the Yers family.

The Golden Phoenix continent is very vast in area, with hundreds of countries, large and small, distributed on it.

The Black Gold Empire is located in the southwest of the Golden Phoenix continent, with eight provinces and sixteen states, which can only be regarded as a medium country.

Domestic mountains rise, forests flourish, and Warcraft rages.

Because it is rich in a kind of auxiliary material for cultivation-black gold, and it is the only country in the whole continent with black gold veins, it is the richest and strongest empire in the whole continent.

People across the continent know that the soldiers cultivate and absorb the heaven and earth aura, and the magician cultivates and absorbs the heaven and earth elements.

Heaven and Earth Aura is the general heaven and earth element. All kinds of elements mixed together became a heaven and earth aura. To draw an analogy: Heaven and Earth Aura is like a deck of cards, and Heaven and Earth elements are like any of the black, red, plum, and square colors in this deck of cards.

It is precisely because the warriors cannot absorb the more elaborate elements of heaven and earth, they can only absorb the general aura of heaven and earth. There are too many impurities and poisonous gas, so their achievements and ability to control elements are not as delicate and so clear as the magician. And powerful.

However, whether it is the soldiers absorbing the heaven and earth aura, or the magician absorbing the heaven and earth elements, it is their ability to absorb the aura and elements that determine their level of achievement.

An ordinary person who has no money, no guidance, no good talents, and no super-sensing power, after his own hard work, will be an ordinary soldier below level two in his life.

If you want to be a great warrior above level 7, you must improve your ability to absorb Reiki with the help of foreign objects.

These auxiliary foreign objects are quite expensive.

For example, a Gathering Spirit Pill needs three thousand gold coins, a gold magic pill condensed by the fifth-level magic crystal needs one hundred thousand gold coins, and if it is a platinum gold pill condensing the nine-level magic crystal, it is even more valuable.

However, the black gold produced by the black gold empire is quite cheap. Black gold cannot be directly used as an auxiliary foreign object, it is only a raw material. It can only be used as an auxiliary after being condensed into black spirit pill through special procedures.

It takes one hundred kilograms of pure black gold to condense a black spirit pill, and only two hundred gold coins are needed for this one hundred kilograms of pure black gold. After condensing into a black spirit pill, it is only priced at three hundred gold coins.

A black spirit pill can assist a talented warrior to absorb the spirit of the world for one year, and for a talented warrior, it can assist for three years, if it is used by a magician, it can assist for five years.

A three-thousand-gold gold aura can provide a warrior with bad talents to absorb the spirit of heaven and earth for five years, and a three-a-gold gold black aura can supply him a year, and three thousand gold coins can buy ten black spirits Dan, for ten years.

Which kind of cost-effective? See at a glance.

Of course, the effect of Ju Ling Dan is definitely much higher than that of Hei Ling Dan. Not to mention ten times, five times is always there. In this way, it seems that it is more cost-effective to buy Juling Pill, but, as the so-called small profits and quick turnover, it will catch up with a few more.

Therefore, black gold is the cheapest of all auxiliary foreign objects, and it is extremely cheap!

Therefore, many countries across the continent have purchased black gold in large quantities to go back and condense Hei Ling Dan to enhance the strength of their warriors.

The Chamber of Commerce, major families, and noble classes are also acquiring black gold, and they all hope that future generations can become a great warrior of seven grades or more by virtue of black spirit.

Even ordinary ordinary people are saving money to save money and buy Hei Ling Dan, they also hope that a Hei Ling Dan can change the fate of future generations.

In short, on the Golden Phoenix Continent, whether it is a magician or a warrior, they are buying Black Spirit Pills!

Any industry with huge profits will attract countless greedy human races.

Digging up black gold and selling black spirits are all profiteering industries, and they are also industries that people want to engage in.

However, the main black gold mining area of ​​the entire black gold empire and Hei Ling Dan are condensed in the hands of the imperial royal family.

For those mining areas where the gold content is not very high, the state let go of the civilian forces to control.

In the first place, it is possible to avoid the counterbalance between the civil power and the national power, and play a role of appeasing;

Secondly, it can make the non-governmental forces compete against each other, so that they will not be alone, and play a balanced role;

In the third place, civil forces can realize that their relationship with the country is at a loss and a glorious relationship, and play a role of unity and cohesion.

This shows how wise the royal family of the Black and Gold Empire.

Most of the civilian forces realized that they were just a chess piece played by the royal family, but they still invested in the competition and mining of the black gold mining area, which is not very high in gold content. There is only one reason: the profit of black gold is too rich and too tempting.

Tiequan Valley, twenty miles northwest of Jinjiang Town, is such a low-gold black gold mine.

It now belongs to the Yekes family living in Jinjiang Town, that is, the mayor of the entire Jinjiang Town, the family of Shenmo Yekes.

On an official road four hundred miles north of Jinjiang Town, a caravan of hundreds of people was slowly moving forward.

In the middle of the caravan is a luxury carriage. There are two people sitting in the carriage, one is a 60-year-old old man in Chinese clothes, and the other is a young girl in twenty-eight years.

Both of them were like clay sculptures, without a word or a motion.

Seems to be thinking about things, and seems to be on their own.

The eyes of the two accidentally touched each other, and immediately exhaled a strong resentment, then snorted, and didn't go too far.

The two stalemate for a long time, and the water and spirit of the two or eight girls said courageously: "Grandpa Shenmo, I just went to your house to play, why are you so reluctant?"

The old man in the Chinese costume is the mayor of Jinjiang Town, Shenmo Yakes. He has just finished trading black gold in Ulan City and is rushing to his home in Jinjiang Town.

Father Shen Mo jumped his eyebrows and said angrily: "Well, I welcome the extreme, how dare you not want to?"

The girl said: "It's reluctant to listen to your tone! Grandpa Shenmo, I assure you that I won't be messed up when you arrive at your house. It will be absolutely quiet. Is that okay?"

Shen Modao: "What else can I do? You are already in the carriage, can you still get out of the car?"

The girl said with a grin: "So, Grandpa Shenmo, you have to treat me better, otherwise I'm in a bad mood, it's easy to get out of control, and it's not good if you mess up your house."

Shen Mo smiled helplessly: "You won, my dear Miss Meng Nasiqin!"

The girl saw Shen Mo's helpless smile and clapped happily: "Oh, Grandpa Shen Mo, you are so funny. I am really happy. This is the first time I have walked out of Ulan City since I was a child. Thank you Shen Grandpa Mo." He said, reaching over to grab Shen Mo's neck, and took a deep kiss on his face.

Being kissed by the girl, not only did not feel a little happy, but the expression of helplessness on his face became stronger. He knew very well how mischievous the young lady hugging her neck and neck.

This lady is his good friend-the seventh-level fire magician Doug Jevich's pearl.

What is even more surprising is that she is also a level 4 wind magician.

In Ulank City, no one dared to bully her, only she bullied others.

I remember once when she was playing on the street, she suddenly saw a handsome young man dressed very handsomely, which aroused the admiration of a group of girls around. She was also fascinated, so she stepped forward and wanted to say a few words to the elder brother, but the elder brother ignored her at all.

In a rage, she immediately exhibited a fourth-level wind magic, a gust of wind, which caused a gust of wind, blowing all the houses and trees in the whole street upside down, some people around were blown into the sky, and some were blown. You have to roll around on the ground.

The younger brother was even embarrassed, and was blown upside down on the red apricot tree, swaying around, scared pale.

After the violent wind, the whole street was in a mess, and it took half a year to restore it to its original state. Afterwards, the city owner sent someone to investigate the cause and effect of the incident, and learned that Miss Monasqin was caused by the failure to chase the younger brother, but the unlucky younger brother was so handsome because he wanted to go on a blind date.

The lord of Ulank City was speechless for a while.

Such things happen from time to time in Ulank City, and the city owner finally has no choice but to ask the girl's father, Mr. Doug, to discipline him strictly.

After all, a fourth-level magician, not a city master who is only a sixth-level warrior, can offend.

Mr. Doug also felt very sorry for the city owner and the residents of Ulank City, and issued a foot restraint order for Meng Nasiqin.

Menasin also felt ashamed in her heart and had to agree to ban the foot and stay at home without going out.

However, after a few days of staying, she felt upset and always wanted to go out to play, but when she thought of her father's harsh look, she still held back.

However, this time, when she saw Shenmo Yex coming to say goodbye to her father, she suddenly hid her eyes and secretly hid in Shenmo's carriage.

So there was the scene just now.

Meng Nasiqin looked at Shen Mo's helpless expression and smiled smugly: "Grandpa Shen Mo, I heard that your Jinjiang Town is a black and gold mining area. Can you show me? I haven't seen it since I was a child Have you ever gone through the black gold mining area? I only know that black gold was dug from the underground. As for how to dig it, I don’t know anything about it. I want to take this opportunity to know more about it."

Shen Mo nodded and said: "Yes. Since I can't avoid letting you go to my house, then I will entertain you and let you have fun!"

Meng Nasiqin shouted happily: "Wow! Grandpa Shenmo, you are so good!" Shen Mo quickly turned his head away and secretly said in his heart: "The future will not be settled."

At this moment, the caravan suddenly stopped.

A warrior in full-body armor drove a tall horse to Shenmo’s carriage and reported: "Master, there is a thief in front of us. Our guards have gone to drive out."

Shen Mo hasn’t answered yet, and the Mona Siqin beside him has already got out of the carriage, shouting excitedly: "The thief? Where? I'm going to teach them." She held back at home for too long, this will be heard How could she not be excited when a bandit came to block the way?

As soon as Shenmo heard this, she quickly said, "Miss Meng Nasqin, don't you..." Before he finished speaking, he saw that Meng Nasqin's gust of wind generally disappeared.

He looked at the place where Monasqin stood originally in shock, and he sighed infinitely in his heart: "The magician is powerful. I am already a warrior close to the ninth level, but I can't disappear instantly. She is just a fourth-level magician. Do it. Bandits, ask for your own blessings!"

However, when he got out of the carriage and saw the thief in front, he was completely shocked.

Where is this little thief who robbed the road, clearly sent by the Chou family.

If it is a little hairy thief, how could it be possible to have a warrior of level 7 or above, and even less likely to have a magician.

In the Golden Phoenix continent, soldiers of level 7 and above are considered great warriors. They are not only worried about food and clothing, but also reused by the state. When they are expected by the general governor, they will also be respected by people. How can they be willing to be alone? What about the little hair thief?

It is even more outrageous to have a magician among the little hair thieves! Even the first-level magician is more popular than the fifth-level warrior in the entire continent. Unless a fool, who would be willing to be a thief?

However, whether it is a warrior of level 7 or above, or a magician, it is possible to be bought to perform blocking and assassination missions.

Although the asking price is high, there are always some people who buy these warriors or magicians for a certain purpose.

Shen Mo just glanced at the "thief" in front of him and figured out many things.

Although there are only twenty people in the bandits who are in front of the caravan, there are one eight-level warrior, two seven-level warriors, one third-level fire magician, and the remaining five are five-level warriors. .

How could such a powerful "thief" gang be a little hair thief, or how could it be unknown?

Shen Mo didn't know how many times he walked on this road in his life. It was clear where to turn and where there was a pit on the road. How could he not know the strength of the thief on the road?

These people are clearly hired by the Chou family, and they are carefully arranged by the Chou family. The purpose is to let him die in the wilderness.

Shen Mo watched his guard soldiers fall into the pool of blood one by one, the anger in his heart swept across the body instantly, flicked his right hand backwards, and grabbed his own weapon, the steel axe, from the carriage.

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