Pioneer Knight

Chapter 130:

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He stood up tremblingly, with bloodshot eyes hanging around, looking around in a circle, fearing that the muscular young man was hiding in a dark place for a sneak attack. After standing for a long time and not seeing the muscular young man reappear, it is certain that he has left.

Hughes wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, endured the pain in his body, and walked towards Monas’ hideout.

Passing by the muscular young man's embarrassing defense just now, he suddenly found a book on the ground with simple and mysterious pages, so he stooped to pick it up, and turned it over to see some pictures. The pictures below are densely filled with small heads and small heads!

Hughes doesn't know words, but he can understand pictures.

I saw that the first half of the book is a man, **** and posing in a strange pose! The previous pictures are somewhat similar to the boxing techniques that the muscle young man just sang. In the second half, the two men are fighting each other, the posture is the same as the previous one, only a slight change. Hughes flipped it roughly, and when he couldn't understand it for a while, he put it in his arms and looked at it later!

He walked to Monash's hiding place and found that she had fallen asleep on the grass!

This is the midsummer night, and there are many small bugs. The strange thing is that they dare not be close to Monas within half a meter! After thinking for a while, Hughes couldn't find the answer. In the end, he shook his head and stopped thinking. He picked up the sleeping Monas and returned to the house.

In the midsummer night, the moonlight is thick, the mountains and rivers are rash and vague.

On the official road northwest of Jinjiang Town, a slightly rundown luxury carriage drove quickly, followed by a team of soldiers. There were about ten soldiers. The armor on the body looked a little messy, and there were blood marks on his face. He looked like a soldier who had just retreated from the battlefield.

"Who?" Suddenly, there was a loud shout in front of the carriage.

It turned out that he had arrived at the barracks stationed at the west gate of Jinjiang Town. The person who stopped the noise was the barracks of the barracks.

The carriage stopped at once, and walked out of an old man in Chinese clothes in the sixties, and said in front of him, "It's me, Shenmo? Yekes."

Shen Moke is the mayor of Jinjiang Town, and the troops stationed here have to get his permission to enter Jinjiang Town, so basically all the soldiers know him.

When he heard the sentry, he hurriedly stood aside, let out a way, and smiled respectfully: "It turns out to be Lord Yekes, offended, please be free!"

Shen Mogang just wanted to get into the carriage, and suddenly remembered something, then turned back and asked the sentry: "Is General Neroman in the barracks?"

The sentry quickly replied: "Here!"

"Okay, go ahead and let your old friend visit!" Shen Mo walked off the carriage, sorted his appearance, and smiled.

"Okay, wait a minute!" The sentry hurriedly notified.

"Grandpa Shenmo, why didn't you go?" A girl's voice came from the carriage.

"Oh, Miss Monasqin, we will take a short break here for a while, I will go to the barracks to meet an old friend." Shen Mo said with a smile.

Soon, the sentry walked back, said "General has a request", and then took Shen Mo into the barracks. After about an hour, Shen Mo returned to the carriage.

Seeing his smug face, Mona Siqin asked, "Grandpa Shenmo, what makes you so happy?"

Shen Mo laughed: "Haha, can you be unhappy after having a strong aid?"

It turned out that along the way, he had been thinking: being able to invite such a powerful "thief" to stop him, indicating that this person is very powerful and wealthy, may not be able to resist with his own family, so he just arrived at the barracks and wanted to invite General Neroman can help him by then. General Neroman was also an eighth-level fighter, and had received the Helling Pill sent by him many times, so he stated the purpose, and General Neroman agreed.

Can he be upset if he can get such a strong foreign aid?

Just as he was about to get into the carriage and continue on the road, suddenly, a child's voice was heard not far in front: "Let me down, let me down!"

Then came the voice of a young man: "Come on, be careful that I tear you!"

"Dare you! My grandfather knew you caught me, and you would die!" the child said angrily.

Shen Mo hadn't heard who this voice was at first, and was still wondering how there were children in the barracks, but this time it was clearly heard. It was Homon's voice, his baby grandson!

He hurried past in a whirlwind, grabbing the young man who had just got into the tent and shouted, "Leave him down!"

The young man was full of muscles and said to be extremely powerful, but being grasped by Shen Mo's hand was like cast iron, and he could not move for half a minute. He looked at the old man in shock. He never thought that an old man would have such great strength. He was about to ask, but the child in his hand cried happily, "Grandpa, you are back!" Then she cried again. Grandpa, something big is happening in our family!"

The young man looked carefully at the old man in front of him, and said, "Are you Shenmo? Yekes? Are you dead?"

This young man is called Sophie Ritchie, and he is a muscular young man heads-up with Hughes. He comes from the ancient and rich Revich family and is one of the seven major families of the Black and Gold Empire. Because he was unwilling at home, he joined the largest warrior hall on the mainland, the Warrior's House, and accepted the employment task. This time, the battle between the Black-Gold Empire and the Xifeng Empire was tight, and a large number of soldiers needed to be hired to join the army, so he came to Jinjiang Town. He has fought several times on the front line, and just returned from the battlefield of Jinjiang a few days ago!

The reason why he came here from Sisko city in the northern part of the black gold empire, in addition to the reason for accepting employment, the main reason is that he stole the family's special combat skills-strong wind boxing skills, so he wanted to stay away from home, but I'm still worried all day!

His friend Kate knew that he had this kind of psychology, so he had nothing to ask him to drink, and gave him the golden rice wine soaked in Hei Ling Dan, which made his combat power advance by leaps and bounds! He often said to him: "The mayor of Jinjiang Town owns a black gold mining area-Tiequan Valley, which can dig up tens of thousands of kilograms of black gold every month and can condense thousands of black spirits, which is a huge sum of money. Wealth! Now someone is replacing it."

Tonight, Kate said to him again: "Shenmo has been blocked, his family has been captured, and only two children have not been caught. Seeing that you are my friend for many years, this opportunity is for you, Fortunately, you can get some benefits and get some black spirits, which is the most important for you at present!"

Sophie thinks about it too, as long as he reaches level 7 or above, the family will no longer be held accountable for stealing cheats! After all, there are only seven or eight fighters above level seven in their family!

So, feeling grateful to Kate, he went to Shenmo's house happily, but did not expect to meet a second-level magician who was only six years old. Finally, only one child was caught, and he was very angry. Suddenly, she found out that Mr. Shen Mo, who had been blocked in Kate's mouth, actually appeared in front of him. He was really frightened and angry at Kate's false intelligence!

"How do you know that I'm going to die? Say, who sent you to deal with Shenmo!" Shenmo grabbed Sopho's right shoulder blade and squeezed slightly.

Shen Mo is the mayor of Jinjiang Town, and he is well-known for his strength as an eight-level peak warrior. Of course, Sophie also knew that he felt that the power from his right hand was about to crush his shoulder blades, and he was immediately frightened with cold sweat, and said with a trembling: "I don’t know who is going to deal with you, I am just entrusted by my friends Catch your two grandchildren, and the rest will not be known."

"Which friend?" Shen Mo shouted again.

"I...I..." Sophie had a hard time choosing. As a warrior, he didn't want to betray his friends, but as a depressed noble child, he felt that he should keep his shoulder blades, otherwise he would never have a day!

"Hurry up!" Shen Mo shouted.

"Who is making trouble in the barracks?" When Sophie was about to say, an officer-like man came over and asked aloud. Sophie looked at Kate, his friend, and felt relieved.

"It's me, Shenmo? Yekes!" Shenmo replied coldly.

"It turned out to be Lord Yekes. Did this guy offend you? You gave it to me. I will teach him!" Kate said.

"Don't trouble you!" Shen Mora took Sophie away.

"Master Yekes, this is a barracks, but you can't make a mess!" Kate shone in front of Shenmo and said. He was very strange in his heart, how could Shenmo escape from Fran's resistance, Fran is a ruthless character known as "the king of assassination"!

"Who are you? Dare to stop me!" Shen Mo said angrily. His temper was inherently grumpy, and he only managed to converge when he was older in recent years.

"My name is Kate Frostman. I believe that Lord Yekes must have heard the name of my grandfather Ryan Frostman!" Kate said with a smile. He is just a 6th-level peak warrior himself, daring to block Shen Mo's way, it is also in the name of his grandfather.

"Lane? Duke Frostman? It is said that he is already a 9th-level pinnacle warrior, and he can only step into the Sanctuary Warrior in one step, and he also has a Warcraft chain, which locks two Warcrafts above 7th level. Because of this, he His family became one of the seven major families of the Black and Gold Empire. I didn’t expect to encounter his grandson here. It seems that things are going to be difficult tonight!” Shen Mo was shocked, but his face was still cold and expressionless.

Kate continued: "Do you know who this young man you caught? He is one of the seven major families of the Black and Gold Empire, and the next patriarch of the Revich family, Sofo Revich. If he has a length of three, two short, Do you think the Ritchie family will give up?"

When Sophie heard that Kate said he was the next patriarch of the Ritchie family, he was shocked and inexplicable, knowing that he said it deliberately, but he was still a little proud in his heart, and it was a triumphant expression on his face.

Shen Mo didn't believe Kate's words, and thought about how a hairy kid might be the next patriarch, but when he saw the expression on Sophie's face, he couldn't help thinking. "The Ritchie family is stronger than the Frostman family. More powerful, is this time the Ritchie family is coming to **** my black gold mine? Didn’t their family own three black gold mines, and each one has a higher gold content than mine! How could they covet my mine? "

Shen Mo said at the moment: "It turned out to be rude after the fame, but he still wants to take him away, he knows some secrets I want to know!" After that, regardless of Kate's blocking, he pulled Sopho and Hormon got into the carriage and went on the road!

Kate hurriedly called fifty or sixty soldiers, trying to block Shen Mo's carriage, but saw a girl in white floating out of the carriage, and then the bright moonlight shone like a fairy, the skirt fluttering!

"This is the wind magic, floating technique? The magic skill that only the fourth-level magician can issue, she is actually a fourth-level magician!" Kate looked at the girl floating in the air in shock, and never dared to come forward to block it. .

If it is a warrior, as long as it is not a holy warrior, he can rely on the name of his grandfather and not put it in his eyes, but the magicians are different. Their power is too strong, as long as they reach level 5 or higher, they can be completely Despise the soldiers below the sanctuary! Kate doesn't have the guts to provoke the magician!

"Old friend, wait a minute!" Suddenly, a scream of Jiao Lei sounded from the barracks, and then a big man with big shoulders and big eyes appeared on the road.

"General Niroman!" All the soldiers saw the big man and bowed to salute immediately.

"General Niroman, do you have anything to say?" Shen Mo knew that he must have come to plead for Sophie, but out of the courtesy of his friends, he still smiled down the carriage. Meng Nasiqin also fell back to the ground, standing behind Shen Mo, if the soul was still weak, it is estimated that she had already done it, it would be so verbose!

"Shen Mo, honestly tell you, I know the crisis that your family encountered this time. I didn’t want to tell you before, because I didn’t want to turn your face. But if you want to take Sophie, I can’t help it. Well, after all, he is a descendant of the Ritchie family. In addition, as a friend, I also advise you to surrender the Iron Spring Valley, otherwise it will not be worthwhile to lose your personal money!" General Niroman said one by one. .

"Fart!" Shen Mo was already grumpy. Tonight, he was already tolerant. He suddenly saw that his so-called friend actually betrayed himself. The anger in his heart could no longer be suppressed. It takes hands to get out the steel axe.

"Wait a minute!" Neroman shouted. "I don't want to hurry. I will see you in Tiequan Valley tomorrow at noon. By then you know who wants to occupy your Tiequan Valley. However, I still advise you to be the best do not go!"

"Okay! Tomorrow, I will tell you how the person who betrayed me died!" Shen Mo threw Sophie and went straight into the carriage. Anyway, Sophie is also caught to know who is behind the scenes. Since Neroman said, it would not be of much use to catch.

Mona Siqin got into the carriage, and after driving for a distance, he suddenly floated out of the carriage again, chanting a spell, joining his hands, and immediately exhibiting the windstorm. She is the one who never loses! Seeing Grandpa Shenmo suffer from the turtle, she couldn't help but feel bad, so she had to make these people suffer because of the soul injury.

I saw a violent gust of wind rushing towards the barracks, flying sand and rocks instantly, dimly and darkly, overwhelming countless low-level soldiers, tent horses, flags and grass flying around, the whole barracks was in disarray.

Sophie and Kate were also blown up into the night sky and fell heavily, causing injuries. Neroman stabilized his body with a strong combat power, but his face was broken by the blown sand and the blood was flowing.

Looking at the messy barracks and listening to the wailing everywhere, Neroman roared fiercely: "Shenmo old man, tomorrow is your death!"

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