Pioneer Knight

Chapter 133:

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"Shen Mo's group, who will be besides her being a magician?" Kate's face blossomed with the thought of catching Monaskin to satisfy his desire. Fortunately, Kedev has been walking ahead, did not see his wretched smile, otherwise he must be given a "big fan"!

Being nervous and terrible, this kid was still trying to vent his *** It was so worthy of the ancestors of the Flosman family!

"grown ups!"……

The slaves around Sophie's body shouted. Mark had left because he was worried about his son, and went looking for Hughes.

Cardiff walked to Sophie's body, saw a huge black hole in his eyebrows, and he said: "It is indeed a high-level magician! The most lethal gold magician!"

Kate also changed her look. However, when he squatted down and carefully looked at Sophie’s body, he discovered that Sophie’s entire head had only a black hole in the eyebrow, but there was no back brain. Obviously the magician was not powerful enough to penetrate Sophie’s head, so he said : "Third Brother, it is the gold magician who killed Sophie, but it is not a high level, at most it is only a third level!" he shouted with disappointment in his heart: "Why not her!"

Without knowing what Kate thought in his mind, after hearing what he said, Calder calmed down a lot, and asked the slaves next to him, "What's going on?"

Now a clever slave spoke about the cause and effect.

"A book? What book? What about that little slave named Hughes? What about his father?" Kadev asked again.

When Kate heard the "book", he suddenly remembered the expression of Sophie's hurried departure, and could not help guessing: "Is he just for that book? Isn't it nervous to see him? It must be a very important book, could it be Martial arts cheats? By the way, his martial arts power has soared recently, and he must have cultivated some powerful martial arts, maybe this is the book! Otherwise, he will not be so concerned, so nervous, and finally killed!"

At this moment, the clever slave answered diligently: "The villain doesn't know! His father is a lame, and he has gone to the front!" Kate didn't wait for his third brother to give the commander, and directly screamed: "Carry his body out and tell all the slaves that they will report immediately when they see Hughes! They will report when they see the lame! Those who caught him will be rewarded!"

Kedfer glanced at his fourth brother, but he was slightly angry, but it just passed by, and then ordered the fine iron warrior to go around and search all the little slaves and lame, and take them all to the valley level.

Soon, the whole valley was very noisy, with the cry of little slaves and lame slaves everywhere, and the screams of soldiers!


"Sus! Sius! Where are you?" Mark limped shouting in the cave.

"Dad, here I am!"

Hughes originally hid in a deserted tunnel, planning to wait for the outside to be quiet before going out! But when he heard his father's anxious shouting, he had to follow him all the way. Seeing his father's thin and crooked back, he suddenly felt a sour and warm feeling in his heart.

"Be quiet, someone outside is going to catch us!" Hughes walked to snuggle beside his father and whispered.

Sure enough, before I finished talking, I heard someone shouting at both ends of the tunnel: "They are here, hurry up and catch them!" Then there was a messy and numerous footsteps approaching them quickly from both ends.

"Surrounded!" Mark heard the call and immediately searched for other ways around. Unfortunately, he found that this tunnel had no forks, and all were dark stone walls.

"Can you hit a road?" Hughes asked. He had seen a stone wall hit by a slave before.

"It's all hard black gold stones, and it's impossible unless the other side is also a tunnel!" Mark left his crutches on his left hand, and his right hand kept tapping on the stone wall. He wanted to see if the side of the stone wall was a tunnel. There will be a drum sound of "Boom Boom", but unfortunately there is only a very boring sound.

At this moment, the fire at both ends of the tunnel was already visible, and they could even hear their heavy gasps.

When I heard the voice, I knew that these people were all slaves who dug black gold in this cave all the year round.

The slaves should help the slaves right, but seizing the two fathers and sons of Mark is a good opportunity to ask the master for help. In case the master is happy and gives a chance to restore freedom, it is the luxury that all slaves dream of!

What's more, the owner has already said, seize the father and son of Mark, and reward!

Half a month ago, these slaves were spared to be killed by the spirit fox, frozen to death by the magic of Lina Ace, and went crazy to siege and capture the spirit fox, in order to be an opportunity to restore freedom.

The last time I needed to risk my life, they all scrambled, this time there was no danger, just looking for someone, that is not even crazier! !

So tens of thousands of slaves drilled into the cave at the same time and searched carefully in various tunnels. Unexpectedly, when he walked into the cave about a kilometer, he heard Mark's shouting. They immediately heard the sound, and they let them find Mark's father and son, so they immediately shouted in excitement.

Standing in the spacious cave outside the tunnel, Kadev heard the shouting from the tunnel and couldn’t help but laugh with laughter: “Still four brothers, your mind is flexible, knowing to use these slaves to find Mark and son, If we let our wrought iron warriors look for it, it would be like a little lamb walking into a maze, and I didn’t know if I was lost!"

"Hey, I also had a whim!" Kate said modestly, "Come on, brother, let's go quickly, don't let him run again!"

"Yes!" Kadev immediately followed Kate and drove dozens of fine iron warriors.

However, as soon as they walked less than a hundred meters inward, they constantly heard screams, screams, roars, and swearing! The sound is aggregated through the tunnel, and it looks extremely harsh!

"No, that gold magician appeared again!"

Kate heard the shrill cry and instantly determined that the gold magician was slaughtering the slaves, and immediately increased the speed to the fastest!

Kedfer also had the same conjecture, and the speed was also increased to the fastest. He yelled and rushed inwards like a wind, which caused a sharp roar and soon passed Kate!

"Is this the strength of the 7th-level pinnacle warrior?" Kate looked at the back of the third brother enviously, and the speed accelerated again.

As the distance drew closer, the screams were even harsher, but Kate didn't care at all. After running to a group of slaves, he stood still and looked forward, only to see that Kadev was standing with his hands on his side, seeming to appreciate the sight. massacre.

"Brother, why don't you go in and catch the gold magician?" Kate walked over and asked puzzled.

"Don’t panic, fourth brother, you see this narrow tunnel is full of slaves, at least two hundred people. Since the magician wants to kill, let him kill. When he is tired, we will go and take him down easily! I just took over the Tiequan Valley, and I was thinking about how to govern these slaves. Now, when they are all desperate, I will rescue them. They will be grateful to Dade, and it will be much easier to manage after that!" Kay Dev said.

"Third brother, younger brother has never found that you have such a wise time!" Kate praised with a smile.

"Haha, that's not how you stayed with your 4th brother for a long time, and you've been influenced!" Kedev also smiled. "You see, the flashing golden light in front of the slave is actually just a first-level magic flying needle technique! At first, I thought it was a high-level magician."

Kate looked around in front of her. There was a deep tunnel in front. The light was dim and the space was narrow, but the two ends of the tunnel were packed with slaves, leaving only a space in the middle. There is a golden light flashing, but the golden light is not bright and powerful, and only those who are close to the golden light center will be fatally attacked, while the others are only slightly injured.

However, what surprised him was that the golden light could actually turn and kill halfway, and even kill in a straight line!

"This is a magic skill that can only be produced by the power of the second-level soul. Is this person a second-level magician? No wonder he can kill Sophie, but he can't penetrate his head! However, he was unlucky and touched me and the third. Brother only has a dead end!" Kate sneered in his heart. "These slaves standing behind are not stupid. They actually blocked the slaves running away in front and let them act as cannon fodder for the benefit of the fisherman!"

The screams kept going, but the slave did not retreat at all, and Hughes couldn't help but worry. He thought that by killing one or two slaves, he could scare away others, but he did not expect that instead of scaring away, he would attract more slaves.

In his heart, Hughes didn’t want to kill them. After all, he had been subjected to various abuses, abuses, and humiliations just like them. Knowing that these people were actually not bad, but they were oppressed by their lives. Shackles that change fate, escape from the fire pit, and escape from the region!

However, if you don't kill them, you and your father will have to die! Therefore, Hughes still had to kill the killer in the end, but he always killed only the person closest to him, and the others could kill without killing!

"Hughs, what are you doing! Can you be so kind, can you touch them? Can you escape?" Laziborg thought of Hughs once he died, and he was also finished, so he couldn't help but roar with anger. Road.

"I... I really can't fight! They are the same kind of people as me! They are all very pitiful!" said Hughes soul.

"They are very pitiful and worthy of sympathy, but not now! In case, if the masters come to hear it, you will definitely die!" Laziborg shouted, "Not only you, but your father, and me." , You have to die!"

Hughes also understands this truth, but he still can't do it if he wants to become so decisive, fierce and brutal at once!

At this moment, the east of the tunnel suddenly burst into a loud drink: "All back away!"

Those slaves who couldn't bear to watch immediately turned back to the two ends of the tunnel!

"Not good! The master is coming!" Hughes suddenly heard a roar in his heart, and he felt guilty!

"Shuth, don't be afraid!" Mark comforted.

He just stayed quietly and was stupid. He was not frightened by the predicament in front of him, but he was suddenly foolish and happy when he saw that his son would perform magic!

Can perform magic, that is the magician!

He knew very well the status of the magician in the entire Golden Phoenix continent, but that is a character that everyone respects!

His Mark's son actually became such a character!

He couldn't help but burst into tears and wept with joy!

Since he was a child, he wanted to change the destiny of his family from generation to generation. He had always dreamed of reviving the glory and glory of the Liku family, but as time passed, he gradually accepted the cruelty of reality and accepted the arrangement of fate. A long time ago, he lost hope in his life, and every effort he has made today is for his son to get rid of the sea of ​​suffering!

Today, his son has not only recovered his freedom, but also practiced magic, becoming a respectable magician!

This sudden surprise shocked him so much that he forgot the plight in front of him!

He didn't wake him up until the roar rang. Only then did I find that a good day has not begun! His son's fate is still in the wind and rain. So he touched the head of Hughes and encouraged him: "Don't be afraid, there will be a solution to everything!"

"Hoo!" "Hoo!"

After the two gusts of wind, two young warriors with huge muscles and muscles appeared in front of him. One of them was slightly mature, his face was fierce and clear at a glance; the other was slightly younger, but his face was gloomy and the city was extremely deep. These two men are the two brothers of Kedev and Kate.

"You killed Sofo? Ritchie?" asked Kedev.

"Yes!" Hughes did not hide.

"Very good! At a young age, it's quite refreshing, and has the courage to dare to kill someone under my eyelids!" Kedev glanced at Hughes appreciatively and said coldly.

"What about the book?" Kate shouted suddenly.

Unexpectedly, he thought, maybe the child was suddenly frightened and would accidentally tell what book it was.

However, Hughes ignored him at all, just stared at them both.

"Say, what about the book?" Kate was so angry when he saw Hughes that he was so grown up that he had never been neglected. Today, he was ignored by a six-year-old slave, so lazy! This really makes Kate, who has always been proud, explode! He quickly reached out and grabbed Hughes' neck, and lifted him into the air.

"Let go of my son!" Mark saw Hughes' face suddenly showing a fuchsia with poor breathing, and he was anxious in his heart, and he quickly hacked Kate with a cane in his hand.

"go away!"

Kate kicked violently, kicked Mark straight out of the west of the tunnel, knocked over dozens of onlookers, and then slammed down on the floor, spouting blood! If Kate didn't want to kill him, otherwise, the foot would definitely kill Mark.

Even so, Mark's life has gone more than half, lying on the ground for a long time without shaking.

A six-level peak warrior's fierce foot, not to mention Mark, who has no resistance, can't eat even a level three or less warrior who has cultivated combat power!

At a glance, Hughes saw his father lying on the ground and vomiting blood. His heart was extremely anxious and angry. A violent murder was sweeping his body at an unprecedented speed.

In this world, who is the person Hughes cares most about? That is definitely his father Mark! He can endure all kinds of hardships for his father! I also imagined that my father would live a noble life! Especially when I learned that I could become a high-level magician, this kind of mood to repay my father's nurturing grace is even more urgent!

However, the father was spitting blood in front of him, and his life and death were unknown. How could he not be angry? Six years of slave life has taught him a rule of life: "The weaker you are, the more you will be bullied by others. Only when you are strong will others face you!"

At this moment, suddenly saw a strong young slave out of the group of slaves, and took Mark away. Seeing that the young slave's eyes were full of worries, Hughes realized that it was his uncle Reese, who couldn't help but feel happy, and knew that his father could live, so he concentrated on dealing with the dilemma in front of him.

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