Pioneer Knight

Chapter 139:

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"Shen Mo, don't say that, we are good friends, we should help each other!" Doug waved his hand.

"Yes, besides this time it wasn't just his contribution, I also contributed a lot!" a young woman in purple dress sitting next to Doug said.

"Yes, yes, yes, the favor of Elder Karan, our Yarks family will also bear in mind! In order to repay your kindness, I decided to divide all the proceeds of the black gold mining in the Iron Spring Valley into ten!" Shen Mo is right As Karan nodded and smiled, "I have five parts from the Yex family, two from Doug, two from Elder Karan, and one from Hughes!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the room was taken aback.

Maud and Fern looked at his father in surprise, his eyes full of puzzlement and surprise!

Doug and Karan quickly waved their hands to quit, but in the end, seeing Shen Mo was very persistent and had to be respectful and obedient!

Of course, Meng Nasiqin clapped and applauded, especially when he heard Hughes also took a share, he immediately cheered: "Grandpa Shenmo is really brilliant, clever, and the best person in the world!"

The reason why she was so excited was that Hughes asked Shenmo for this copy. The reason was that Hughes restrained the enemy's attention and let them relax their vigilance. Only then could Shenmo succeed in their sneak attack. Great victory with less victory!

Of course, the deepest reason is that after Mona Siqin saw that Hughes was also a magician, and that she had a better magician than her talents, her restless peace of mind moved her mind, thinking Let Hughes grow up quickly, so that she will have someone to practice with, and her life will be endlessly interesting. The residents of Ulan Kecheng can also be less painful, and they will not be banned again, how good!

However, the most surprised of all was the Hughes sitting at the outermost doorpost.

He didn't want to come to this meeting because he felt he didn't have that qualification: he was just a little slave who had just returned to freedom. How could he be qualified to sit down with those noble lords to discuss things? Finally, Meng Nasiqin drew him abruptly, saying there was a surprise!

Who knows, the surprise in her mouth is so huge that Hughes hasn't recovered for most of the day!

God! Among all the proceeds of black gold mining in Tiequan Valley, he has one share!

Don't look at only one copy, it is a huge wealth!

Hughes lived here for six years and knew the rules in the Iron Spring Valley: male adult slaves must dig 4,000 kilograms of black gold each month, female digs 2,000 kilograms, and young slaves under 15 years dig 400-800 kilograms of iron. There are tens of thousands of slaves in Quangu Valley!

Even if the average per person is 2,000 kilograms per month, the black gold excavated in that month is as much as 20 million kilograms. According to the market price of black gold sales, two gold coins are one kilogram, which is converted into gold coins: total monthly income Forty million coins!

The share of Hughes is four million gold coins! Get rich overnight! ! !

"I... I also have a share?" Hughes came over for a long time before he calmed down, shouting in shock, "This... this is not so good!"

"This is what you deserve. What's wrong!" Monaskin sat next to Hughes and said aloud with his arms around Hughes' shoulders. "Tomorrow I invite you to my house-Ulan City, you go Not going?"

"I... my dad's injury is still..." Hughes was embarrassed by Mona Siqin's arms in public.

"It doesn't matter, I'll call your father and your uncle Rise together too!" Mona Siqin said firmly. "It's so decided!" After that, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, but the smile made people look a bit scalp a bit. Tingling!

"Okay! If you don’t have any opinions, then decide so. At the end of each month, I will give you all the black gold income and the condensed Hei Ling Dan dividend personally! Everyone is tired today, take a rest early!" Shen Mo saw that no one had any opinions, so he stood up and prepared to drop off.

"I still... there's something... to say!" Hughes said with courage and stuttering.

"What do you have?" Shen Mo said slightly angrily, but he concealed it well and did not show it.

Hughes looked at the crowd's betting eyes and appeared even more nervous, and said with a knotted tongue: "I...I want..."

"What do you want, say boldly, my sister supports you!" Meng Naqin said encouragingly.

"I want to distribute my share in half to Miss Monasqin!" Hughes took a deep breath and said quickly.

"What! You divide me half! Hee're so good!" Mona Siqin actually clicked and kissed Hughes **** his face. This turned Hughes' face into a red apple instantly!

"Huh? Do you want to give Miss Menasqin half?" Shen Mo said in surprise, but inwardly accused herself that she had forgotten to give dividends to Menasqin, but she was a wind magician with excellent magic talent. At the age of fifteen or six, he was already a fourth-level magician, and his future achievements are definitely higher than that of her father Doug! Such a man with great potential has forgotten himself. Fortunately, the little slave Huss helped him so much!

Thinking of this, Shen Mo quickly said: "You don't have to split it in half, I will give a share to Meng Nasiqin. If everyone has no other opinions, I will make the final decision." said, glancing at everyone Seeing that no one would comment again, he said: "The end result is that I have four in the Yarks family, two in Doug, two in Elder Karan, one in Miss Monasqin, and one in Hughes. A copy!"

"Well, every month at the end of the month, I will personally send it to everyone." Shen Mo stood up and said, and then sent everyone out of the stone house one by one.

When everyone was gone, Fern stood up and said to Shenmo: "Dad, why are you doing this?"

"Boy, you have to remember that no matter how strong your friend's feelings are, it will look pale in times of crisis. Only the real interest is the strongest rope that binds everyone together. This time to **** our family's black gold mine The Frostman family is one of the seven major families, and there is also the first sage of the magic sword warrior. The Revich family, which is also one of the other seven major families, is also involved! These forces are not us. The single-handed Yakes family can compete!"

"However, Doug is a 7th-level fire magician, Mona Siqin is a 4th-level wind magician, and Karan is the elder of the second sword school of the magic swordsman. The strength is enough to deter those who covet us. The bad guys in the family mining area!" Shen Mo said.

"It turns out that, Dad is really far-sighted!" Fern said nodded.

"It's still using you to say that if Dad's skillful martial arts were superb, it would be impossible to defeat the powerful Celian family and win this black gold mine!" Maud also stood up and said.

"Then why do you give Hughes a copy? He is just a little slave who has just returned to freedom!" Fern asked, puzzled.

"Fern, have you seen a six-year-old magician?" Shen Mo asked back when he sat back in his chair and stared at him.

"You mean..." Fern was not stupid. He knew what his father meant when he heard this, and he was shocked and speechless.

"Yes! Not only is he already a second-level gold magician, but also Miss Meng Nasqin said that Hughes's magic talent is even higher than her!" Shen Mo leaned back in his chair and said soothingly, "You Say, such a person with great potential, should we pull in? And, this is when he is the most poor and poor, and when he needs help the most. We just helped him. Do you think he will vote for Li in the future? , Thanksgiving Dade?"

"I remember Miss Monasqin's magical talent is 95%, Hughes's magical talent is higher than her, is it 100%?" Fern said.

"Isn't that possible? That's too terrifying! The entire continent has never heard anyone's magical talent is 100%!" After listening to Fern, Maud was startled.

"It's not that it's just that you don't know it! No matter how high Hughes' magic talent is, you just need to remember a little. Dora will hug him in the future. As long as he is not dead, I believe he will remember our grace!" Shen Mo The traitor said cunningly.

"Yes, my son remembered!" The two brothers of Maud nodded.


Jinjiang Town is located in the southeast of the Black and Gold Empire. It belongs to the imperial border town. It has been in war for many years. In order to quickly transport troops and grain, the Empire built dozens of official routes around it, leading to all parts of the country.

Under Lang Lang Xia Yue, these broad and flat official roads were empty and silent.

Suddenly, on an official road in the north of Jinjiang Town, the sound of rapid horseshoes came from afar. Soon afterwards, I saw a huge carriage and eight horses racing away. Looking at his direction, he had just come out of the Ximen Military Camp in Jinjiang Town and ran straight to the north of the empire.

After the eight horses followed the carriage, four or four parallel.

The first four riders were all golden robes with long swords, and suddenly they were the four magic swordsmen who had escorted Maude and thousands of people to the Iron Spring Valley!

Of the four behind, the two on the right are magicians wearing cyan robes, and the two on the left are burly warriors wearing fine iron armor. It was the two wooden magicians who stood on the high platform with Ahler and others, and the two younger children of the Frostman family.

These eight people all had a deep complexion, without a word, only to rush the horse!

There were three people sitting in the oversized carriage. It was the three people who escaped from the embarrassment, Ahler, Eisengel and Kedev. As for the sixth-level fire magician Lisa, she had escaped without a trace.

"Old man, this time, thanks to the four King Kongs under your hand, they will appear in time. Otherwise, my uncle and nephew will die in the Iron Spring Valley!" Ahler said, stroking a burnt black wound on his chest.

"It's my care! I thought that Shen Mo was already blocked, and no one would come to seek revenge anymore, so he eased his vigilance and did not arrange Minggang secret whistle, so that Shen Mo and they would attack successfully! Hey—" Eisen Geer sighed guiltily.

He has known Ahler for more than eighty years. When he was a low-level magic swordsman, he accidentally offended a serious role when he went out to practice, and his life was at stake. It was Ahler who was a seventh-level soldier at that time saved him. Since then, he has often followed the world through Ahler.

For decades, not only because of the great improvement of his soul power, but also as the 9th-level pinnacle warrior, and because of his carefulness and thoughtfulness, he has never tasted failure!

Half a month ago, they heard that a century-old rare battle between nine-level pinnacle magicians occurred on the Jinjiang battlefield. It is said that all the mysterious characters who only heard their names but did not see them were called in. A few powerful assistants by their side went to the Jinjiang battlefield to check what happened.

It is a pity that when they arrived, they found nothing but the messy, miserable and terrifying battle site! A group of people couldn't help but feel disappointed, the most disappointed among them was Ahler Frostman! He had come with the heart of observation, and hoped that this time he would be able to get a sense, so as to break through the barriers and become the first person in five thousand years! It's a pity that people are willing to do it!

After that, they returned to Jinjiang Town and settled down, planning to stay overnight to experience the perception of the Necro Mountain Range in the western part of the Black and Gold Empire. Unexpectedly, at this time, Keller, Ahle’s nephew, came to say hello and told them that the Tiequan Valley, which was less than twenty miles from Jinjiang Town, was a black gold mining area, and its owner was a weak family. When everyone looked depressed, when they heard such news, they immediately got their spirits.

In the black-gold empire, in addition to no one daring to move the mining area controlled by the government, the remaining mining areas are often scrambled for. The government also closed their eyes on such things, ignored them, and even secretly shoved them all at once in order to achieve their own private purposes.

After some inquiries from Eisenger, I learned that the strength of the owner of the Iron Spring Valley, the Yakes family, is indeed very weak. The whole family has only one eighth-level peak warrior, and the rest are all below seventh-level. Although there is a younger magician, but It's only second level! So he carefully planned.

First, hire a killer to stop Shenmo; then go to the house of the Yakes family in person and use the soul seal to capture all the people in the whole house; finally, let the Ahel in the Iron Spring Valley!

Everything is going smoothly, and the Iron Spring Valley is easy to get!

When everything went according to plan, Eisenger naturally relaxed his vigilance. However, the most important reason for him to relax his vigilance is that he is too confident, thinking that Shen Mo will definitely be killed, because he hires the "Assassination King" Frang!

Fran is the chief killer of "The Sleeping Group", the first killer organization in the mainland, and a platinum killer who has never lost his life! Even the ninth-level pinnacle warrior has been killed by him countless times, and even magicians above the eighth level have been killed by him! Shenmo is a small eighth-level pinnacle warrior, Eisenger never believes that he can still escape from birth, and killing him is absolutely a matter of course!

However, this "not to mention" eighth-level pinnacle warrior broke the myth that the "Assassination King" has never lost his life! Not only did he taste the failure, but he was also badly injured, so that he did not immediately return the information to the organization, but hid in an unknown mountain to repair the injury.

Therefore, Eisenger did not know that his plan had undergone unexpected changes, and he had been immersed in strong self-confidence.

Subsequently, the emergence of the little slave Hughes. A little slave who was only six years old was a gold magician, which shocked him already, and what shocked him even more was that there was a sixth-level gold magician behind this little slave!

Of course, if he shot himself, it would be easy to kill Hughes and the master behind him. However, the biggest purpose of their coming to Jinjiang Town this time was to help Ahler successfully break through the barriers of the 9th-level peak fighters, so he gave the opportunity to Ahler. However, I did not expect the little slave to escape successfully!

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