Pioneer Knight

Chapter 141:

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He has also suffocated this month, and has not practiced for a full month, which makes him want to confuse Hughes to leave, but he also knows that there are dangers outside. Let’s not talk about whether Ahel and other people who fled in embarrassment will look around for revenge, that is, a six-year-old magician Hughes will also cause a huge sensation, maybe it will lead to a large number of murders. only!

Because, as long as people with normal thinking will think that a child who is only six years old turns out to be a magician of nearly two grades, then this child definitely has a powerful auxiliary! They wouldn’t be fooled into thinking that the child would only improve so quickly because of his 100% magic talent. To know that such a person is rare for hundreds of years, even thousands of years, how could a little boy who was once a slave was so favored by God!

However, staying with Meng Nasiqin is not the way. Every day, Meng Nasqinla goes to practice magic skills. One practice is a whole day. At night, you can rest easily, but you have to absorb the elements of the world to heal the injury. There is no time to increase the power of the soul.

When this continues, when can his soul recover to level 7 or higher? When can we win the house? When can revenge be hatred?

Therefore, this would cause Hughes to drill out of the house, and also had the idea of ​​not going back, so Laziborg spoke out the confusion that had been brewing in his heart for a long time!

"But, if they leave this way, will they be worried? Will they..." Hughes hesitated.

"No! They all know that you are already a magician, and they also know that your physical recovery ability is super strong, and you may even guess that there is an I behind you, so you will not be too worried, just think you are going out to experience Go. Every magician and warrior grows through countless hardships and experiences! They all understand this truth!" Lazibague continued to bewitched.

"That's good! Let's go to practice!" Hughes was finally moved.

"Grandpa Lazibague, where are we going now?" Hughes asked.

Although he has decided to go out and break, he has no idea where to go.

From small to large, he has lived in the Iron Spring Valley, and he knows nothing about the outside world. Although I lived in Jinjiang Town for half a month, I spent most of my time in practicing magic. I never thought about going to know the local customs and secular features of the mainland.

Not to mention this month in Ulan City. Except for a few glances at the city of Ulanke when I passed the street on the day of my arrival, I spent most of my time in the house, accompany Meng Nasqin to practice magic skills, and had no time to understand the outside world!

At this moment, looking at the secluded alley and the street outside the alley, Hughes did not know where to go, and suddenly there was a feeling of loneliness in the leaves and a fear of the outside world. sense!

"Don't worry! Everyone can grow up through the wind and rain! With Grandpa Laziborg staying with you, you will never have any problems! You don't know how wonderful and wide the world is, but I Got it! I can guide you to some wonderful places that you have never seen before, and also let you experience a thrilling life!" Lazibague was attached to the soul of Hughes, what a slight Hughes’ thought He can sense the change quickly, so he said firmly and temptingly.

"Well! As long as Grandpa Lazibague is with me, I will never be alone!" Hughes laughed, and the worries just disappeared!

"Yes. Let's go to the "Molin Xuan", the first commercial firm in the mainland, to get some gold coins. By the way, we will buy something and then go out of the city!

"Fetch some gold coins?" As soon as Hughes heard this, he couldn't help thinking of the scene that happened three days ago.

Early in the morning, Hughes just woke up and heard someone knock on the door. He thought that it was Monasine who came to him again to "learn the magic", so he shouted impatiently: "I haven't waken up yet!"

But he heard a man's dry cough outside: "Cough... it's time to get up!"

As soon as Hughes heard it was not Monas, he quickly got out of bed and opened the door. He was about to ask, but the other party opened his mouth: "Be careful!" Then a basketball-sized ice hockey flew in an instant.

If it was such a sudden attack a month ago, Hughes was likely to be blasted, but now, after nearly a month of "non-human torture" by Monasqin, Hughes’ reaction is quite fast!

In just a moment, he performed three flying needles!

For the first time, all the "golden nails" shot straight at the ice hockey, with the purpose of breaking it!

The second time, all the "golden nails" bypassed the ice hockey and attacked the man directly to prevent him from performing hockey again!

The third time, all the "golden nails" bypassed the ice hockey and flew past the man. It seemed to be missed. In fact, it was controlled by the soul of Hughes and turned to shoot from behind the man to form a siege. Potential!

The man first saw Hughes fly away when he saw his first-level hockey. He felt apologetic. He was about to control the hockey to move to the side, but suddenly heard a loud noise. The hockey burst in the air!

At the same time, a large group of "golden nails" hit themselves, and they are all around!

The man panicked for a while. As a fourth-level water magician, if he is in peacetime, of course he will not care about this only one-level flying needle, but now, he is attacked in the front, but the result is counterattack. Big, really indescribable! It's too late to cast defensive magic, and you can only shoot down all the "golden nails" with your fists!

Seeing him like Monas, he was not only a magician or a warrior, so he immediately exhibited flying acupuncture again, the speed was still so fast, and he performed five or six times in one breath!

The man saw that the "golden nails" were shooting continuously, and he had no time to perform defensive magic. He could only wave his fists constantly, but he was still shot in many places.

Of course, if he really exploded into full combat power, these "golden nails" would not be close to the first half of his body, and Hughes might also be blown away by him, after all, he was already a seventh-level fighter. It is simply not something Hughes can resist!

Of course he wouldn’t do that. He also wanted to see how amazing Huss, who was hailed by his father as a genius magician. , I’m your Uncle Fern!"

"Uncle Fern?" Hughes fixed his eyes. Sure enough, it was Fern Yerkes. He hurriedly stopped the flying needle technique, and said apologetically, "Sorry, Uncle Fern, I..." The eyes glanced towards Fu The "golden nails" stuck in Eun's body could not help but laugh inwardly!

Furn shook all the "golden nails" to the ground with a shock. He also ignored the injuries on his body and looked at Hughes like a monster: "Is it really the magic you did? How can you do it? So fast? If someone else hasn’t even finished speaking the spell, you’ve already cast it seven or eight times!"

"I..." Hughes couldn't tell the reason, just thought it was forced by Monas Qin! But, of course, that shameful thing, he certainly does not want to make it public.

Fern saw Hughes talk, he thought he didn't want to say, after all everyone had secrets that he didn't want to tell, he didn't investigate too much, just took a pink gold jade stone from his body and handed it to Hughes: "This It is the deposit stone of'Molinxuan', the first commercial firm in mainland China. You can use it to deposit and withdraw coins at any branch of Molinxuan, or you can use it to buy anything at Molinxuan, and enjoy discounts! Eight million gold coins is the dividend of the black gold income of Tiequan Valley this month! Every month in the future, I will deposit the dividend into your account. You can use this deposit stone to check at Mo Linxuan!"

"Eight million gold coins! For me?" Hughes took the jade crystal but couldn't believe it.

From a young age to a big one, he hadn't even seen what a gold coin looked like, and he didn't even know what the gold coin was for.

At this time, he suddenly got eight million gold coins. He didn't know how terrible that concept was, but he felt that there were so many, so shocked that he couldn't speak at all!

Raziborg was not surprised. He used to be a ninth-level peak magician. He spent money like running water, and his tens of millions of shots, one billion! These eight million are really not in the eyes. However, he was secretly rejoicing when he suddenly got so many gold coins. He just wanted to speed up the training speed of Hughes, the money just used to buy auxiliary panacea!

"Eight million! Isn't it a share of only four million?" I don't know when, Monasqin also came to Hughes's door. She has carefully calculated that even if it is calculated according to the maximum output, the share is almost a little over four million, not to mention that there is still one mountain in the Tiequan Valley.

"Do you remember the underground cave where Hughes was rescued? The stone walls in it contain as much as 90% or more of gold, even the Royal One mine, which has the highest gold content in the Black Gold Empire, is only 80%! So, this In one month, our production volume has greatly increased! The total income has reached 78 million gold coins, each of which is 7.8 million gold coins. However, because the cave was also discovered by Hughes, he was rewarded more Two hundred thousand gold coins, a total of eight million gold coins!" Fern said with a smile, but she was thinking about Shen Mo's words.

"Wealth is not coming afterwards!" Mona Siqin's eyes shone.

"Of course, but you have to keep it secret, otherwise it will attract super-family competition, maybe it will attract the attention of the emperor and relatives!" Fern said solemnly.

Recalling this, unconsciously, Hughes has come to the door of a majestic, luxurious and domineering business.

"This is the'Molin Xuan', the No. 1 business firm in the mainland?" Hughes stood looking at the door and saw two welcoming girls dressed in gorgeous clothes standing outside the door. Xiao Yingying constantly let some guests into the Morrison. Inside the Moulin Xuan, it is very lively!

"Go in!" Lazibague urged.

"Good!" Hughes stepped towards the door, but was blocked by a strong man.

The big man squatted down and shouted: "Beggars are not welcome here, want to beg, come again in the afternoon! We have a dedicated time to do good!"

"Beggar?" Hughes was stunned. He only knew that there were nobles, warriors, magicians, civilians, and slaves, but he didn't know that there would be beggars. So, he didn't know what a beggar was!

"Broken like you, with bruises and bruises, it smells like a beggar or a slave! Are you a running away slave?" He looked at Hughes with a smirk.

"You are a slave!" Hughes is most annoyed nowadays that others say he is a slave. With a raised eyebrow, he will teach the flying man a lesson.

"Don't be impulsive. Your strength is too weak, and you should not expose your identity as a magician, otherwise it will cause great danger!" Laziborg immediately uttered a voice to stop Hughes' impulse.

"What if I offend someone?" Hughes asked. The communication between them is between souls, there is no sound at all, and outsiders can't hear it at all!

"If you can bear it, you can bear it, and wait for nobody to retaliate!" Lazibague said.

"I know!" Hughes was originally a man who was kind to others and did not like to fight. Only when this big man violated his counter scale would he be so impulsive.

Everyone has a reverse scale, even the most gentle and honest person, as long as he touches his reverse scale, will be desperately impulsive! What's more, Hughes was "contaminated" by the militants of Meng Nasqin for a month, and the anger was many times greater than before!

The big man saw Hughes' face full of anger and smiled even more crookedly, and said with a smile: "Haha, so you are really an escaped slave! Since I was..."

Hughes didn't wait for him to finish, and directly shouted: "Go away, don't block Uncle's way!" This sentence he learned from the soldiers when he was in Jinjiang Town. Those warriors have always been arrogant, and when they see civilians or slaves in the way, they often swear. This is one of the sentences. After listening a lot, Hughes also remembered it unconsciously.

The big man's smile suddenly froze, and the corner of his slanted mouth couldn't stop shaking, obviously angry. He was also a fourth-level fighter anyway. He was scolded by a six-year-old child under the large crowd. He felt ashamed. He raised his right hand and tried to slapp him.


The big man suddenly yelled like a pig, and his right hand waved vigorously, as if stung by something, and his face was full of pain.

The people walking around and the two welcoming girls were taken aback by his yelling, and they all looked over with doubt, not understanding why he yelled suddenly.

Hughes was lying on the ground, covering his face with his left hand, holding a smile, pretending to cry and said, "How do you hit someone! You are an adult who is so shameless to hit me a child!" What Lazibague taught him was that, with Hughes’s small head and seeds, his mouth was stupid, and it was difficult to say such a thing!

Pedestrians around heard the words of Hughes and saw that he was as thin as a wood, but the big man was as strong as a tower, and the difference was too wide, so he accused the big man of being bully and losing his system!

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