Pioneer Knight

Chapter 148:

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"Grandpa Lazibug, he..." Hughes was completely shocked, unable to speak. Not only because he no longer exerts soul erosion, but also because he can sense the existence of Lazibuge.

For such a long time, no matter whether it meets the 9th-level peak warrior Ahel, or the 7th-level magic swordsman Essengel, no one can detect that he has a dragon eye ring, and it is impossible to know that there is still attachment in his soul. The soul of another person. However, the black robe in front of him knew clearly.

"He is an old monster who has lived for more than 400 years. He is both a 9th-level pinnacle warrior, a 9th-level pinnacle magic swordsman, and a 9th-level pinnacle wood magician!" Laziborg turned into a golden light from the dragon He got out of his eyes and said.

"He...he..." Hughes was so shocked that he couldn't find any words to describe, but his eyes were wide open, and he couldn't believe there was such a perverted monster in the world.

"Yes, I only practiced wood-based magic at first, but when I reached the ninth peak, I couldn't break through anymore. Later, I changed my combat skills. After reaching the ninth peak, I still couldn't break through. I started again. Cultivating the magic swordsman, the result is still unable to break through to become a sanctuary."

"Everyone knows that the 9th-level pinnacle magician can only live for 400 years, the 9th-level pinnacle warrior can only live for 350 years, and the 9th-level pinnacle swordsman is only 380 years old, but I have already lived It’s 425 years old, and I vaguely feel that I still have twenty-five years to reach the end of my life. This may be the reason for my fellow soldiers, magic swordsmen, and magician fellows.”

"However, no matter how long the life span ends, unless you step into the sanctuary, you can have a long time of two thousand years. However, I have been at the peak of the ninth level for more than 120 years, or Failing to break through, I couldn't help but feel desperate, groggy all day, borrowing wine to worry, and killing innocent people." Carrick said this, sighed and continued.

"One day later, I accidentally learned that the reason why Golden Phoenix Continent did not produce a Holy Land Warrior, Holy Domain Demon Sword Warrior, or Holy Domain Magician for five thousand years was because someone cursed Golden Phoenix Continent. Vicious curse!" Carrick's skinny hands clenched tightly, exuding a cold air, apparently hating the cursed person.

"Later? Did you find a way to crack?" Hughes asked. He was no longer shocked, but instead looked at Carrick with interest like listening to a story.

"Not yet! However, I heard that as long as there are eight people in the world who have dragon eye rings to bring them all to the ninth peak, maybe this curse can be cracked!" Carrick said.

"Eight people with dragon eyes? Are there eight dragon eyes?" Laziborg asked in surprise. He always thought there was only one in this world, but he didn't expect to have eight.

"Yes, they are golden dragon shape, silver crane shape, black tiger shape, cyan snake shape, purple monkey shape, yellow wolf shape, blue fish shape, red sparrow shape. Among them, the golden dragon shape is the most powerful! I have found three, which are cyan snake shape, yellow wolf shape and red sparrow shape. You are the fourth one, I don't know what shape you have?" Carrick said.

"This..." Hughes hesitated, but heard Laziborg say, "Tell him, we can't escape from him anyway!"

"Razibague is right, you can't escape, even if you hide in the dragon's eye ring, I will always be guarded, not afraid that you will not come out. You are only a second-level magician, and your stomach will be hungry. , A month and a half later, you will naturally starve to death. And once you die, the flesh-and-blood connection you established with the dragon’s eye will disappear, and I can replace it. Also, if this little girl by your side does not have mine Save, she wakes up to be an idiot!" Carrick said softly.

"You..." Hughes knew that what he said was true, so he was more annoyed, but had no choice but to say, "My one is a golden dragon!" Take the dragon's eye from his chest and put it On the palm, show it to Carrick.

"Haha...really a golden dragon! Good, good, good!" Carrick said three good, but unfortunately his face was blocked by a black robe, and he couldn't see the specific expression clearly. It's beyond words.

After a while, Carrick said to Hughes: "You follow me now, I will take you to a place!"

"I can't go with you. I'm going to Grandpa Lazibague's home now." Hughes said.

"Oh? Isn't Laziborg's home..."

Before Carrick finished his speech, Laziborg hurriedly interrupted: "Sius, you go with Grandpa Carrick, we will go to my hometown in the future!"

Carrick glanced deeply at Laziborg, and suddenly understood that Laziborg wanted to hone Hughes, and also wanted to find a body that could make him succeed in this process.

Carrick is a human being who has lived for more than 400 years, and can be the grandfather of Laziborg. It’s easy to know about Laziborg’s crooked thoughts, but he didn’t break it, just meaningfully. Said: "The soul does not necessarily need a body, but it can also be cultivated!"

After hearing this, Laziborg was shocked and wanted to ask more, but when he saw that Carrick did not mean to continue, he did not ask again, but he thought twice about what Carrick said just now: "What did he say?" Meaning? Does it mean that the soul can also practice on its own and can be separated from the body? What if it is in danger?"

Hughes didn't know what Lazibague was thinking, only said to Carrick: "You rescue Miss Mengasiqin first, and then I will go with you."

"It's okay, I'll save the three first!" Carrick finished, and immediately radiated a blue light in his hand, suddenly covering the three lying on the ground. It is the bald warriors, the stout warriors and Miss Mila, all three of them are already angry, if no one rescues them, they will die in the middle of the night.

With a tea kung fu, the cyan light fades from bright to bright, and finally disappears without a shadow. The three people on the ground also regained their vitality, but the injuries sustained were still very heavy. It is estimated that it would not be repaired within ten days and a half months.

"Okay, I have rescued them now, but I have also trapped their souls. I cannot wake up without my rescue. You put them in your dragon eyes, so it is easy to carry. As for this Little girl, let's save as we walk!" Carrick saw Huss put the three men into the eyes of the dragon, and quickly grabbed Huss, and held the Monas, and flew westward.

Laziborg also hurried into the eyes of the dragon, but continued to think about what Carrick said in his mind.

Three days later, Carrick took Hughes and Monas to a magnificent and solemn city gate.

"Where is this?" Hughes asked curiously, looking at the tall and mighty walls and the bustling crowd.

"This is the imperial capital of the Black Gold Empire-the city of Sascono." Meng Nasiqin has been awakened, and looking at the mighty city gate in front of him is also a pride.

"Go, let's go in!" Carrick pulled Hughes and Monas to the city gate from left to right, like an old man pulling a pair of grandchildren. It seemed quite harmonious and warm.

However, all the people who saw Carrick outside the city gate, as if they saw the most terrible thing in the world, immediately evaded to both sides, and they did not dare to approach them within 20 meters.

"Who is this person? The breath is terrifying!"

"Yeah, wearing a dark robe, he can't see his face clearly, but his hands are terribly skinny, is it the legendary skeleton mage?"

"Skeleton Mage! No, I heard that when I encounter such a person, I will somehow die that night."

"Ah? Won't it be so scary?"


Just as there was a lot of discussion, a sound like a Hong Zhong suddenly sounded in the void: "Elder Carrick came to the Imperial Capital, the younger brother was very honored, and he was greeted by a distance!" The voice reached the city gate from afar Office.

"It's fast!" Hughes just heard the sound as if it was ten miles away. He looked closely at the people and found that he was a fat middle-aged man, wearing a sky blue robe, with a smile on his face, and full of cheerfulness in his eyes, like seeing a good friend he hadn't seen in years.

"Ben Jersey, you came just right. I was about to go to the Imperial Warrior Academy and give this child to you, so that within ten years, you will train him to become a nine-level pinnacle warrior and a nine-level pinnacle magician!" Rick pointed to Hughes and said quietly that the volume was not loud, but everyone around him could hear clearly.

In an instant, a brief silence appeared at the whole gate! Yes, silence! It seems that time stops at this moment! After a breath, a roaring discussion broke out:

"In ten years, become a 9th-level pinnacle warrior and 9th-level pinnacle magician!!"

"How is this possible? Even if you don't eat, drink or practice without sleep, you can't become a 9th-level peak warrior within ten years!"

"Yeah, this is simply a fantasy! My talent is excellent, and there are a lot of panacea for me to enhance the absorption capacity, I have also paid a hundred times or even thousands of times, but I have already practiced Fifty-eight years, and still only a 7th-level fighter!"

"That is, the warrior is still so difficult to cultivate to the ninth level peak, let alone the magician. This person must have a question in his mind..." The man wanted to say, but suddenly he was like a slump of mud. A glance at the people around him turned out to be dead!

At this moment, all the people around didn't dare to talk any more, not even the atmosphere.

After listening to Carrick, Hughes and Monas were also surprised. They never imagined that Carrick had brought them to the Imperial Capital. They wanted Hughes to become a 9th-level peak warrior and 9th-level peak magician within ten years!

Not to mention others, they have no confidence in themselves.

Although Hughes knows that his training speed is amazing, it is impossible to become a ninth-level peak magician within ten years. It is necessary to know that the magician's cultivation is more difficult as it gets to the back. Every level up requires years and years of accumulation before it is possible to break through. Even taking innumerable panacea, it is necessary to strengthen the soul body to a level that can be promoted. It is possible to break through, and the enhancement of the soul body can not be enhanced by taking panacea. It takes a long time to practice. Therefore, there are very few people who can become ninth-level peak magicians in the entire continent. It can be said that they are rare and few.

Now, Carrick actually made him a ninth-level pinnacle warrior and ninth-level pinnacle magician within ten years. That's really whimsical.

"Elder Carrick's Soul Devour is magical, killing invisible!" The middle-aged man's face also changed slightly, but then returned to a smile.

"Huh, the one who disrespects me is only dead!" Carrick's cold words made people around him fall into the ice cave, thinking: "This man is either a demon or a **** of death, it is extremely vicious!"

"Ben Jersey, you haven't answered me yet, can you?" Carrick said coldly.

"Why don't you teach it yourself? You're definitely more likely to succeed than I teach." Benz Jersey said.

"I'm going to find another owner of the Dragon Eye Ring. I can't do it at the moment. He can only teach it to you. Because of the entire Black Gold Empire, all I know is that you are the ninth-level peak magician!" Carrick's words were directly transmitted into Benz Jersey's mind with the power of the soul. The people around him couldn't hear them, not even the Hughes and Monas.

"Okay! I promise you, I will try my best to train him, but I can't meet your requirements, I don't know!" He also knows about the dragon eye ring, and he is also eager to step into the sanctuary, so As soon as he heard Carrick, he readily agreed.

"Okay, then please!" Carrick nodded slightly to Benzes, thankfully, and said to Hughes again, "After you came to the Imperial Warriors Academy, everything listened to this Grand Benze Yes, he will teach you how to practice combat skills and magic, will make you practice faster! If you don’t work hard and want to escape, I will kill this little girl!"

"Dare you!" Hughes and Monas yelled in unison.

"Hey, there is nothing in this world that I dare not! You remember, as long as you work hard, this little girl will have no harm, and even I will teach him several taboo magic skills! If you are not obedient, you can Give it a try!" Carrick said coldly. "As for the three people in your ring, I will leave it to you as a servant. I will explain it to Master Upson. After you release them, only give They each take a bowl of blood dripping with your essential blood, and they will wake up and will completely obey your orders!"

After speaking, Carikra dreamed that Nasqin disappeared instantly.

"Miss Monna Siqin!" Hughes screamed in anxiety, but he didn't hear any response and couldn't help feeling a loss.

"Go! As long as you become a ninth-level pinnacle warrior and ninth-level pinnacle magician within ten years, that little girl will be fine!" Ben Jersey himself said without confidence, "What's your name?"

"My name is Hughes Liku." Hughes glanced in the direction of Carrick's departure before he followed Benze into the capital, Sascono.

As soon as you enter the city gate, it is a street seven or eight times wider than Ulank City. People walking on it seem very small, and it also reflects the majesty of the imperial capital. The streets are endless and full of traffic, so busy! On both sides are a row of shops, hotels, hotels and various luxury clubs.

Hughes was dazzled, dazzled, and exclaimed. From small to large, he has never seen such a rich, magnificent, luxurious, colorful scene, and never knew that there is such a wonderful and fun place in the world. This time he followed Grandpa Lazibourg to travel the world, that is, he wanted to increase his experience.

"As long as you work hard to practice, I can take your day off every month and give you a thousand gold coins for you to play around in the city of Saskono!" Benz Jersey said with a smile.

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