Pioneer Knight

Chapter 156:

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"No!" Due to the large amount of gold elements absorbed and deposited, the physique and character of Hughes have been inadvertently changed, making him more and more stubborn and arrogant! The sharp style that doesn't stop at the goal!

After another three hours, the early autumn sunshine was west.

Student instructors from other training grounds have already started packing home!

"Don't say that, "Playboy" is really hard! I came to practice early in the morning, I haven't rested in a day, and I still practice hard!"

"I was so desperate when I was six years old. For what? Isn't it possible to reach the sanctuary? For five thousand years, how much more diligent than him, and more talented than him, could not take that last step. Is it because he also wants to succeed ?"

"It's this mentality that hurts you. Can't you become a sanctuary, you won't practice! Although it is said that today, a piece of peace, but it is good to have strong strength!"

"Say me, you're not the same! You can't be a sanctuary. Even if you reach the ninth peak, it's not the same as a gloomy end. Rather than being depressed on the ninth peak, you're better off now!

"Cough! You're right. Look at the old guys in the board of our college who are frowning and fighting all day, not just to dispel their inner depression! Let's go, let him go, let him go, we Secretly go out at night and have fun!"


Many warrior student instructors have such thoughts.

Fang is going down today, the prosperity of the world, and the major empires are at peace, although local wars continue, such as the border between the Black and Gold Empire and the Xifeng Empire-the Jinjiang Battlefield, a hundred miles away from Jinjiang Town. However, overall, it is very comfortable!

The people at the bottom may still be trying to practice, hoping to become a senior warrior or magician to change the destiny of themselves and future generations. However, the noble children in the upper class do not have that kind of consciousness, so they are lazy, even if they are the students of the top fighter college in the empire!

Because they are the best talents of the empire. It is precisely because of excellence that there is a huge ambition. Everyone wants to be a sanctuary, but no one has achieved the sanctuary for five thousand years, which also makes their confidence so much that they are disheartened. Abandon yourself, pass it by!

However, for those who are diligent, full of blood, and full of hope, they ridicule and sneer verbally, but they still admire deep in their hearts, and also vaguely hope that that person can break the five thousand years of curse, let them Have hope again!


"call out!"

Just as the sun was slanting west and the autumn wind was getting cold, a golden flying knife suddenly appeared in the palm of Hughes, and he flew straight ahead to a big tree twenty meters ahead.


The golden knife had not touched the big tree, so it fell halfway. Then a gust of wind came and the golden sword disappeared.

"Come again!"

Hughes was not annoyed by the failure in front of him, but rather inexplicably excited! At least he has successfully condensed a gold knife and thrown it ten meters away!

Condense over and over again, shoot out, condense, shoot out!

at last!

"call out!"

A small gold knife, with a slightly cold autumn wind, flew towards the big tree 20 meters ahead!


The golden flying knife was inserted from the front of the trunk, and then pierced from the back. It pierced the two trees and fell to the ground weakly. After a few minutes, the golden flying knife fell to the ground into a golden wind Disappear.

"The power of this gold sword is really greater than the take-off needle technique, but the consumption of magic power is too great! I only cast it ten times, and each time I only condensed a gold sword, I am actually tired now. !"

Hughes' face was pale, and with a sigh, he immediately sat cross-legged on the ground, absorbing the magical power of the world's elements.

"This is of course! This gold sword skill must reach the third level of soul power to be able to exert it reluctantly. However, because your soul mutates, I will let you practice in advance. In addition, you are sucking the gold element into it. Reappear in the body, so the consumption is even greater! The two are superimposed, you are not weak, it is strange!" Laziborg saw that Xius could successfully copy the practice method of flying needles, and cultivated the third-level magic skills with the power of second-level soul. , I really felt incredible in my heart, but also very pleased.

After absorbing for more than an hour, the sky is already dark!

"It's time to go back!" Laziborg reminded with a smile.

"Yes, it's time to go back. I don't know what Morans is doing now." Hughes took the dust off his body and walked to the dormitory.

As soon as he walked out of the training ground, several figures followed him from afar!

On the seventh-level training ground, there was also someone who had been watching Hughes' every move. Although he had not trained for a long time, he had not left. He didn't follow him until Hughes left, and he thought to himself: "Although this little boy is mysterious, he still has a chance to make friends in the future, and he can also add a chance of winning for the future." Riyue Crystal Under the shine of the light, I discovered that this man was actually the seventh-level fighter who lived on the third floor of the "superior" dormitory!


Within a day, he finally learned the gold sword technique, and Hughes was in a good mood, hopping on and off.

Seeing the door of the dormitory in sight, he couldn't help being childish, and wanted to be quietly scared, so he approached the dormitory courtyard lightly and slowly extended his head to check in!

This look made him stunned a little, and then there was a lot of anger!


A burst of anger like a thunderbolt burst into the dormitory compound.

At the same time, with a bang, a gleaming "golden nail" is like a meteor rushing to the moon, flying fast forward incomparably! At such a critical moment, he simply could not allow him to think more. One shot was his best flying needle technique.

At the Imperial Warriors Academy, a "superior" dormitory compound dubbed the "Devil's House", a 17- to 18-year-old lean warrior is kicking a thin girl who is only 7 or 8 years old.

"Go to death, lowly slave! Dare to be arrogant in front of me, I want to make you as painful as death! Bitch..."

Every time a lean soldier kicks a foot, he is accompanied by a vicious curse. What's more, his power is very well controlled, which can make the little girl lying on the ground who has been bruised all over the body hurt into the bone marrow, but also prevent her from dying too quickly!

All he wanted was this kind of tormenting pleasure, what he wanted was the cry of the slave under his feet!

Unfortunately, to his disappointment, the slaves at his feet did not make a pleading, not even a cry!

This completely angered this lean warrior who nourishes himself and shows his dignity noble children everywhere!

I saw that he pulled out the saber hanging from his waist. He didn't want to kill the little girl who was about to pass out with a sword. not that simple!

He wants to divide the little girl little by little, and only then can he hate him!

A slave who dares to despise his future star of a dazzling super-family, what makes him face and dignity!


The lean warrior pulled out his long sword and cut it off from the little girl. Suddenly there was a naive but extremely majestic anger behind him, followed by a golden streamer.

He hurriedly waved his sword to stop it, and a "ding" sounded, and a golden mist exploded in front of his eyes, so that he could not see who was coming.

"Who attacked Lao Tzu!"

When I was about to vent my anger, some people came to stop it. The anger in the lean soldiers could not help but skyrocketed. With a rage, I immediately swiped the long sword and attacked forward!

The entire dormitory compound does not have the hanging sun and moon crystals. Only a thousand-year-old scaly fish head is installed in each dormitory. The faint light shines out of the dormitory, just on the shadow of the sword of the lean warrior. Guanghuohuo charming eyes, the strong wind is touching the clothes!

"court death!"

In the sword shadow, another childish anger rang out, and at the same time, hundreds of golden nails attacked the lean soldiers!

"Huh! The first-level gold magic skills only, and I want to hurt me! Little boy, you are too naive!"

The lean warrior has already seen that the coming man is a six-year-old little fart boy, and his magic skills are only one level, the lowest level of magic, and a ridiculous face also appeared in the angry face!

The long sword in his hand spread out, and he only heard the sounds of "ding, ding, ding, ding...". He couldn't breathe, and hundreds of golden nails were all shot down!

"Then you try!" The little boy saw the other party's bravery, and the look on the small face also changed, then immediately suppressed the anger in his heart, and continued to display flying needles, one by one golden nails continuously towards the lean Warrior stabbed!

"It's so fast!" On the big tree outside the dormitory compound, two shadows were hidden in it. When I saw the little boy performing a dozen flying needles in one breath, they were all surprised and shut their mouths!

"Is this the kind of in-vivo cultivation method he is experimenting with today?" Standing outside the gate of the dormitory compound, a magnificent warrior stood, he also looked at the battle in the courtyard with shock, most of his eyes were focused on The little boy.

"What kind of magic skills are you? Why can you cast it so fast!" The lean warrior is in the whirlpool of "golden nails", and he has a deep experience. Even if he can use the sword to the fastest speed, he still can't use all of them. The "Golden Nail" was shot down. Fortunately, he was also a second-level earth magician, able to perform the primary defensive magic technique-earth wall technique, which only avoided the injury, but he felt a chill in his heart!

He is well aware of the cumbersomeness of casting magic skills, not only to read long and mouthful spells, but also to produce the ancient gestures. These all take time, not to mention one minute and two minutes, but at least half a minute, dozens Breathing time.

If so, he can definitely cut the opponent under the sword with the fast sword in his hand! However, now, he is frustrated everywhere, and the other party's magic skills are faster than his combat skills! And the power is comparable to "advanced" combat skills!

The combat skills he cultivated are also "advanced" combat skills-cloak swordsmanship, but under the sharp attack of the other party, he actually had to hide in the earthen wall technique and dare not show his head!

"This is the first-level gold magic skills you disdain!" The little boy is getting more and more brave, and golden nails are continuously issued!

"Stop it! I have something to say!" Seeing that the earth wall in front of him had a tendency to crack, the lean soldier immediately yelled to stop.

"Humph! It's only now that I'm scared, it's too late! I will let you try the gold sword technique I just learned soon!"

In addition to refining the body for an hour in the morning, the little boy is practicing gold knives all day long. He has accumulated a lot of gold elements in his body. If he cannot excrete them in time, his body will become too much gold elements. Metal body, rigid and rigid!

At the moment, after performing a flying needle operation, he suddenly felt a lot of physical flexibility and a lot of gold in his body, which seemed a bit unsustainable!

In this situation, the little boy suddenly realized that gold sword surgery can hoard gold elements, while flying needle surgery can consume gold elements. If the two are used alternately, then it is not possible to continuously carry out flying needle surgery. Hurt your body?

As soon as the idea came into being, Hughes put it into practice.

In an instant, a gleaming golden sword slashed towards the lean soldier!

"Humph! Don't think I'm really scared of you!" When the thin soldier saw the other party's disregard for his pleading, he also put his heart across and exhibited the earth's elementary magic technique-Rolling Stone.

Unfortunately, he can't perform magic skills much faster than Hughes. When his rock-rolling art was just formed, the earth wall in front of him was already broken by Hughes' golden sword, and what followed was "Golden nails" shining with golden light.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!..."

Hundreds of golden nails hit the balloon-sized rolling stones that he had just exhibited, bursting and raising a cloud of dust, staining him with thick dust all over his body.

"call out!"

Another golden knife is flying!


The golden knife split the rolling stone completely, and at the same time cut off one of his arms!


In the screams of the lean warriors, the two shadows and the imposing warrior immediately uttered a voice to stop Hughes from exhibiting flying needles again!

Unfortunately, their shouts came too slowly, and Hughes' flying needle technique had already flown out!

"Ding! Ding! Ding!..."

Just when hundreds of "golden nails" were to end the life of the lean warrior completely, a cold stone with a golden defensive magic skill, a golden bell, exploded beside the warrior and blocked him in time All the "golden nail" attacks.

"Who are you? Why did you save him!" Hughes's small face was covered with frost, staring coldly at the three people who suddenly appeared in front of him.

Of the three, one was a seventh-level fighter who lived on the third floor of this "superior" dormitory, and the other two were the agents sent by Director Manger to investigate Hughes.

"The college stipulates that students can't hurt their lives, don't you know?" one of the secret agents hummed.

"Then why can he kill Moran?" Hughes asked, cold face, pointing at the little girl lying on the ground motionless.

The three looked down his fingers and saw the little girl who was dying.

The spy who spoke earlier said contemptuously: "It is not to kill you a lowly slave, why do you take it so seriously! Big deal let him pay you a hundred gold coins, and then help you buy another dozen or twenty little female slaves who are more beautiful than her. , Just do it!"

Obviously, all three had heard the story of Hughes buying a female slave for one hundred gold coins. He heard the sarcasm of the secret agent, and the other two nodded secretly.

Hughes looked at the three of them coldly, and when they saw the same contempt on their faces, they knew that they all looked down upon the slaves, and they would certainly have to kill a few slaves.

A violent rage in his heart was extremely inflated, and an unpressive pain spread everywhere!

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