Pioneer Knight

Chapter 159:

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From the length of training, the method of tempering, the order of practicing combat skills, the specific daily schedule... and so on are all listed in detail.

Hughes trained every day according to the above regulations, and at night he practiced the body of the soul under the supervision of Laziborg.

Since the last time I tasted the sweetness of soaking my body with magic crystalized water, after training every day, Hughes will go to the third and fourth floors of the college complex, and he will not buy any other armor, weapons, or materials. , Only buy gold, wood, and earth magic crystals, no matter what level, as long as these three series of magic crystals, all buy.

Over time, the salesperson on the third and fourth floors, as soon as he saw him, immediately took the three series of magic crystal out and handed it to him. Because he never bargained when he bought something, he said as much as he could, and left after buying!

This also led to the gold, earth, and wood three-series magic crystals often being out of stock. The other three-training trainee trainers could not buy it, and they all itched their teeth.

None of these trainer instructors are as wealthy as Hughes, and they must talk to the salesperson for half a day to buy something. In the past, this trick was good, because the price of the magic crystal was too expensive, and there were not many people. It was difficult to meet a buyer. The salesperson was of course selling and trying to be tempted. Now, it's different. Since I know that Hughes never bargains, those trainer instructors will not bother to take care of them unless they just bought them away!

This made them dare to hate or anger, but they saw Hughes beat two Eighth-level fighters in one stroke. In case their angry words reach Hughes' ears, that's okay! I had to sigh alone in my heart: "It's better to have money!"


Time passed in a hurry, and it was half a month later.

Since the war half a month ago, the trainer instructors in the academy have known Hughes and saw that he either smiled or walked away, or stood while paying attention, and no one came to trouble him, even There are no people close to you!

Huss was used to being alone, but didn't feel much, but Laziborg felt the unusual.

Ordinarily, a great character suddenly popped up in the college. Those young students should be very excited. They came to make friends. Why didn’t they even come to say hello? At most, they smiled a little, then turned their heads away and seemed to be What to avoid, or fear of trouble.

It's a pity that he couldn't come out and ask someone, so he had to be bored in his heart, but his expression was always vigilant and he didn't relax at all.

On this day, it was Jin Feng on July 24, 990.

Hughes trained for another whole day. Sweat flowed on his face, the student's suit on his body had been sweating for a long time, his breathing was short, and he sat on the ground.

"Here's the "super" combat skills of the Vickey family-Gale Boxing is really hard to practice! This is the tenth day, I haven't even completely mastered the first move "Spring Breeze", that kind of spring breeze Warm, the mood that is blowing slowly is always not felt." Hughes’s small face was full of frustration, and he did not reach out to wipe the sweat on his cheeks, muttering lowly.

"I haven't learned combat skills, and I can't understand the artistic conception." Laziborg is a very pure gold magician who has never practiced combat skills. It is precisely because he can be so focused. Within a hundred years of age, he became a ninth-level pinnacle magician, compared with many talented and talented people on the mainland who practiced for decades.

"Hey! Knowing this already, I shouldn't let the three of Adi, Mira and Harry go out for training. With them there, at least I still have someone to ask for advice. Now I can only think by myself!" Hughes regretted. Said.

"No one teaches, it is very laborious, but you can go to ask other instructor students, maybe they can give you a hint!" Lazibague said.

"You don’t know, they are hiding from me as if I were a very dangerous person! Only the Buffal in the whole academy is willing to say a word or two to me, but he is just a fourth-level fighter. , I can't answer my question at all!" Hughes said helplessly. He also knew the attitude of the instructors and trainees towards him, knowing that they must have been frightened by the battle they had half a month ago, or that they thought they were taken away by others. !

Just as Hughes was worried about the progress of his combat skills, a fat 17- to 18-year-old fighter of the 5th grade approached the 9th training ground.

"What is he doing here?" Huston was suspicious when he saw the coming person.

"Huss, you are really hardworking. You are not going out for a stroll today!" Seeing Huss's face was sweating, his eyes were alert, but the person did not care, but he was very familiar and greeted, his face more It is a smile of admiration.

"Ramazan, are you okay?" Hughes asked indifferently.

The person who came was Ramazan Frostman who scolded Morans half a month ago. For half a month, he has been very forbearing, and when he met Hughes and Moran, he nodded his head, and seemed to have forgotten that unpleasant thing, but when Hughes and they walked by, he would gritt his teeth. In his heart, he slandered a few words against Hughes.

That day happened to be a day off at the academy. He ran back early in the morning and borrowed the Warcraft chain from his grandfather Duke Lion.

The Warcraft chain, as the name suggests, is a chain used to lock Warcraft. It is divided into five levels according to different materials, iron chain, copper chain, silver chain, gold chain, platinum chain. Each chain can only lock two World of Warcraft, and there is a level limit.

Among them, the iron chain can only lock one or two levels of Warcraft, the copper chain is three or four levels, the silver chain is five or six levels, the gold chain is seven or eight levels, and the platinum chain is nine level Warcraft. As for Sacred World of Warcraft, it has long disappeared! Like humans, there has been no more Sanctuary Warcraft in 5,000 years!

The materials of the Warcraft chain are very special, with the effect of the soul seal, and it is also the most demanded by magic swordsmen, but these materials are very rare. Only found on an isolated island at the southernmost tip of the Golden Phoenix continent, and that isolated island, without the strength of the sanctuary, is difficult to climb, even the ninth-level peak must die on the way to the island!

In other words, no one has ever landed on the island for five thousand years, and no one has retrieved the materials of the Warcraft chain from there.

Without the source, the Warcraft chain cannot be made, plus some magic swordsmen destroy the existing Warcraft chain to make soul seal cards for the purpose of defending the enemy! Therefore, the chain of Warcraft that the entire continent now has is less and less, and the price is getting more and more expensive. As long as there is one, it will definitely cause competition for all big families.

Unlike warlocks and magic swordsmen, warriors can not establish soul contracts or soul seals with Warcraft, so if you want to have your own Warcraft, you must use the Warcraft Chain. Once you have the Warcraft Chain, his strength will be greatly improved.

If you think about it carefully, when two warriors of equal size play against each other, suddenly a warrior pulls out a chain of Warcraft and releases two Warcraft. In an instant, the original one-on-one situation turned into a three-on-one. How could the warrior without the chain of Warcraft be undefeated?

Even if you play against a magician of the same level, as long as you have the corresponding Warcraft chain, you can defeat it without suspense.

For example, if a fifth-level warrior encounters a fifth-level magician, he had no chance of winning, but he possessed a silver chain of beasts and locked two fifth-level warcraft, then the situation would change immediately. That fifth-level magic The division will be defeated, even if it is killed!

This is the advantage of having a Warcraft chain, whether it is a warrior, or a magician, a magic sword warrior, who wants to obtain such a chain. Therefore, its price has always been high, even the lowest-level iron chain is also a hundred. More than ten thousand gold coins!

And this chain of Duke Ryan is a gold chain that locks two eight-level World of Warcraft. It is definitely a precious treasure!

The reason why he dared to get Ramazan to come to the academy was not only a spoiled love for this little grandson, but also because he was a prince of the empire and had great power, and the family was one of the best in the entire empire. snatch.

In addition, Ramazan just took it to the college to open the eyes of those students, and took the opportunity to make some talents to serve the family in the future. He knows that the students of the Imperial Warrior Academy are all the top talents in the Empire. How many families are trying to make these talents. How can the Flosman family fall behind?

Moreover, the academy is in the Imperial City and is at the center of his influence. As long as there is a problem, he can solve it immediately without worrying.

More reassuring is that he also sent two eighth-level magicians in the family as Ramazan's servants to protect in secret, almost foolproof.

So, with Ramazan's request for all kinds of good words, he readily agreed.

As soon as Ramazan got the chain of Warcraft, he came rushing to find Hughes, planning to report the shame half a month ago! Seeing Hughes training on the ninth-level training ground, he walked over, but Hughes didn't care about him, he didn't care, he smiled and said: "Hughes, I have thought carefully for the past half a month I think that was indeed my fault that day, and should not be so rude to you. In order to express my apology, I specially booked a table at the Royal Park Hotel, I hope you can enjoy your face!"

Seeing Ramazan's chubby face full of sincere and apologetic smiles, Hughes moved a little, thinking: "Is this dude really getting better, is he really coming to reconcile himself?"

Lazibague sensed his thoughts, and quickly exited and said, "Jiangshan is easy to change, and its nature is difficult to move. You should be careful!" For half a month, no one has come to Baptiste. Such enthusiasm is of course doubtful, not to mention that the two had an unpleasant experience.

Ramazan's small eyes have been watching Hughes' expression change. When he saw that his cold face had warmed, he immediately rubbed his hands and smiled and said, "Hughes, you are now a celebrity in our academy and even the entire empire. Certainly not Will refuse, right?"

He was so humbled and said that Hughes was really not good to refuse, so he nodded and said, "Okay. But, I have to go back to take a bath and tell Morans!"

"That is, it's better to call Morans. I also take this opportunity to apologize to her!" Ramazan laughed.

Hearing Ramazan's words, Hughes's heart, which had been a little moved, suddenly became alert again.

If it was half a month ago, maybe he would not doubt Ramazan's sincerity, and he would agree. But after the battle half a month ago, he had fully understood that the nobles would never surrender their identity to apologize to someone who was once a slave!

Ramazan must have a conspiracy to do so!

With such a thought in mind, Hughes is not broken, only thinking about the countermeasures in his heart!

Half a month of sleepless training, although the body of the soul has not broken through to the third level, it has also been infinitely close to the third level.

The combat skills have also been trained in one or two primary combat skills, that is the entry combat skills that Benz Jersey gave him. However, afterwards, he secretly practiced the "special" combat skills of the Ritchie family-Gale Boxing, but he did not make any progress at all, and he didn't even learn the first move of "Spring Breeze".

Even so, his confidence is greater than before.

Moreover, the body is under the conditioning of Moranth, coupled with the daily whipping and quenching, magic crystal potion and quenching, nowadays, Hughes’s skin and bones are ten times tougher than before, comparable to the toughness of the first and second level of Warcraft.

The skin of Warcraft is inherently tough. The first-level and second-level Warcraft are not fighters of level 5 and above, and they cannot break its skin. For level 3 and level 4 Warcraft, you must be a level 7 or level 8 warrior before they can break through! Level five or six warcraft, then only level nine peak warriors can break through. If it is a seven-eighth-level Warcraft, only the magicians and magic swordsmen above eighth-level can be broken! The skin of the 9th-level Warcraft cannot be broken even by the 9th-level peak magician and magic swordsman, it can only be a sanctuary!

I can imagine how tough the skin of Warcraft is!

Hughes's skin is now as tough as the skin of the first- and second-level Warcraft, only the soldiers of the fifth-level and above can break through!

"Then wait for me!" Hughes turned away.

After taking a shower in the dormitory, he brought Morans to meet with Ramazan, and went to the Royal Capital Restaurant for dinner.

"Master, why do you agree with this bad guy's request?" Moran asked quietly in the ears of Hughes, "I want to eat, I can do it for you!"

Her injury was intact as early as ten days ago, and the scars on her body did not leave a star, and she was more polished than before.

The reason why he can recover so well is mainly because Hughes gave her a thousand-year-old bead of ecstasy.

People who originally eclipsed the beads and were not strong enough could easily become idiots, but when Hughes gave her, she dipped them in the potion of Bi Ling Dan little by little.

The mutual resistance of the two drugs made Moranth not be fascinated by the psychedelic beads, but instead obtained the magical effect of restoring his injuries, so that Moranth can only change from dying in just five days Jumping alive.

In the next ten days, in addition to teaching Hughes to read and read, she devotes herself to researching the recipes. The dishes she makes are delicious every day, with a variety of patterns, colors and fragrances!

"Someone treats guests, don't eat in vain! Don't worry, I will deal with it carefully!" A small confident smile appeared on Hughes's face, and Moran's heart was instantly settled. She also heard about the battle that day, and she has been very happy in her heart. She also knows that her little master is so powerful that she can smash two Eighth-level fighters into pieces in one move!

"Welcome to the Royal Park Hotel, may I ask..." A beautiful lady wearing a uniform of the hotel came over and greeted warmly, but was stopped by Ramazan's hand.

He took Hughes and Morans directly to the elegant room on the third floor.

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