Pioneer Knight

Chapter 161:

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Not to mention a four-level gold magic crystal!


There was a huge bang, the golden lights scattered, the entire Ya room burst into pieces, and even the entire Royal Hotel collapsed in half!

When the three old men in the elegant room heard the cries of Hughes, they immediately performed their own taboo defensive magic skills to resist them! At their level, casting magic skills is no longer as long as the Meng Naqin they need to read a long spell to cast it. Although their speed is not instantaneous, it is also very fast, almost just in one breath. come out.

"Boom-throat -"

The elegant room was bombed, and all three old men also fell into the lobby on the first floor of the hotel, killing many diners who were going in and out, eating and drinking. At the same time, all the hidden masters in the hotel also jumped out and shouted, "Who makes trouble?"

When seeing the smoke and dust revealing three rich and energetic old men, all the hidden masters were shocked in their hearts, their faces changed greatly, and they dared not speak again, but their eyes were full of anger.

After all the dust was settled, the outside of the Royal Park Hotel was already surrounded by passers-by, who were fortunate to gloat, sympathetic, and advised...

"What about people?" Brooke shouted loudly, making everyone's eardrums hurt.

"I saw him suddenly disappearing just before the magic crystal exploded, just like Asle and the little girl suddenly disappeared!" said the bearded old man, one of the black knives.

"Did he hide in the'Treasure of the World'?" Brook came to the Imperial Capital only after hearing rumors about Hughes. Naturally, he heard that he might have a "Treasure of the World"!

"The greatest treasure in the world!" Hei Dao was surprised.

At this moment, there was a tidy and rapid running sound on the street, and then everyone saw a large group of officers and men running towards this side.

One of the leading officers was an eighth-level warrior, full of dark gold armor, holding a thick backed sword, and as soon as he walked into the Royal Park Hotel, he immediately shouted, "What's going on?"

"An officer also wanted to come and ask me to find death!" Brooke was full of anger and nowhere to vent. When he saw such a carefree, proud officer, he naturally started to show mercy, and a sharp wooden nail shot away, and the officer's The forehead shot a big hole!


The officer fell innocently and straight into the ruins, raising a cloud of dust.


When the audience saw the old man with a heavy face and white beards, he seemed to be a very kind old man, but he didn't expect a face-to-face general to defend the emperor's generals, and an eighth-level soldier killed him.

"Brook, you are too much!" Suddenly, an indifferent cry came from the void, and then, everyone only felt a flower in front of him, and a fat middle-aged man had appeared at the door of the Royal Park Hotel.

"Wow, this is the chairman of Benz Jersey at the Imperial Warriors Academy!"

"He is currently the only nine-level peak magician in the Black Gold Empire, and the patron saint of the Black Gold Empire!"

"I finally saw Chairman Benz Jersey. He was so powerful. He was too man. Too handsome. Too..." A scream of nymphos suddenly appeared in the crowd of amazing people, and made everyone laugh. Endless.

Hearing the screams behind, Ben Jersey couldn't help but grinned back at the screaming girl, and immediately attracted more **** screams!

It’s fair to say that Benz Jersey’s appearance is not handsome, but he is very good looking, especially since he has always maintained a smiling expression, which makes people very friendly at first glance, coupled with his power to dominate the world, so he was also fascinated Little ignorant girl!

"Chairman Benz Jersey, this is the case..." The manager of the Royal Park Hotel came over and told Benz Jersey in detail what had just happened.

"Where is Hughes?" After learning the whole process, Benz Jersey looked coldly at the three old men in front, and his voice was cold.

"Humph! Are you interrogating me?" When Brooke was scolded by people in the street like this, he looked at each other coldly.

The second old black knife stared at him glaringly.

Seeing a dragon fight is inevitable, the crowd, the soldiers and the hidden masters of the hotel, as well as the store manager, all immediately retreated, fearing the scourge of the pond fish!

"Okay! It seems that the three of you want to fight my magic with me. It's inconvenient here. Can the three dare to fight me out of the city?" Benzene said sarcastically.

"Although I know that you are disturbing us, so that we have no time to find the whereabouts of Hughes, or you already know that Hughes has the greatest treasure in the world, I am afraid that we will **** it when I find it, but I still want to fight you, Nothing else is honor and dignity!" Brooke said aloud.

What he said is: I know you want to stimulate us to fight you, so that Hughes can escape, I shouldn’t have been fooled by you, but for my honor and dignity, I just took your buck. You fight!

Black Sword II is now on the same front as Brooke, naturally there is no meaning.

So the four people simultaneously turned into a phantom and plundered out of the city.

Everyone on the street heard their conversation and immediately called friends to watch it. This is a battle between senior magicians. It is rare to see it once in a lifetime. How can it be missed? So, hula, all went outside the city. Even the hotel manager and the hidden master followed.

For a time, the entire emperor was sensational, and millions of people ran out of the city at the same time.

But no one cares about the ruins of the Royal Park Hotel, and even thinks it is a delay.

"Grandpa Lazibourg, shall we also go to see?" Suddenly, the voice of a young boy sounded in the ruins of the Royal Hotel.

"Of course we have to go. The battle between high-level magicians is rare in a century. How can we not watch it?" Then came an old voice.

Suddenly, with a clatter, a little boy about six or seven years old appeared in the ruins. If someone passes by, he must think hell. Fortunately, however, the street is empty, and there is no personal shadow.

"Which city gate did they go to?" The little boy scratched his head and looked sadly left and right.

"Listen carefully to the sound of the wind, whichever side is louder, which is the side!" The old voice solved the little boy's annoyance as soon as he spoke.

"Grandpa Lazibague, you are so smart!" the little boy shouted excitedly, and then ran towards the louder place.

In a ring in his arms, an old man with a white beard and golden armor is helping a little girl to detoxify. Suddenly he heard a praise from the little boy, and he could not help but choke!

The imperial capital of the black-gold empire, Saskono City, is very wide. Hughes does not know the magic skills of the wind system, nor has he learned the light combat skills.

"Bang -" "Boom -" "Roar -"

"It's already started!"

Hughes quickly increased the speed of running, but his feet were like stepping on a spring, shaking left and right, bumping up and down, and from his ears there were occasional cries and explosions of mountains and tsunami.

As the distance drew closer, the shouts, screams, explosions, and roars of Warcraft became more and more explosive!

Running all the way to thirty miles outside the east city, Hughes saw that on the dozens of low mountains on the side of the city, the black pressure was all human heads, and he could not see the side at a glance. Fortunately, he was slender and squeezed through the crowd. He was squeezed to the front of the crowd. However, he was already sweating and weak all over his body, leaning on a large stone and looking forward.

I saw about thirty miles in front, on a flat ground, four figures, four heads of Warcraft are struggling to fight, roaring, all kinds of magic skills are emerging, white light, blue light, yellow light, electric light are flying around like The fireworks and firecrackers are beautiful, but they are also shocking!

"The chairman of Benz Jersey is really powerful, and one person would dare to challenge the three eighth-level peak magicians, which is really amazing!"

"...Fortunately, he has two eight-level watercraft Warcraft-Polar Ice Bear helps him, otherwise it is hard to say who wins and who loses..."

"...The three people are not bad, they are all eighth-level peak magicians, especially the old man in blue robe and white beard who also owns two eighth-level wood-based Warcraft-Aoki lions..."

"I see that the two black robe elders seem to be hiding some tricks, do they also have not summoned Warcraft?"

"...I guess so, I have always heard that the people of the Flosman family are very insidious and cunning, and these two are the men of the Flosman family who are called "Black Knife and Two Old Men" and Bamon, the old man with short beard and black robe. It’s Ba Meng, and the other is Bath. Born in a sinister and cunning family, the two of them are definitely not going to be better. There is definitely a trick!"

"Isn't this Chairman Jersey very dangerous?"


Hearing the talk of everyone, Hughes was also worried about the safety of Jersey, and his eyes were staring at the battle ahead. He seemed to be thinking. If you are injured, do you want to go to the rescue?

Although he didn't meet Benz Jersey very much, he had met three times in the first half of the month when he first came to the Warrior Academy, and he hadn't heard a little news since then, but he was still very grateful to him. Every time he saw the detailed plan designated by Benzer for him, he would feel warm in his heart.

For good people, Hughes will always remember, because his father once told him that people must know how to be grateful!

For those who are bad for themselves, Hughes can also forgive, unless he violates his bottom line, he will kill him directly.

Benz Jersey was obviously a very good person for him. Without any relatives and no reason, he devised a detailed training plan for him with three days of hard work, and he did not hesitate to waste his combat power to refine his body. Therefore, in the heart of Hughes, this has already been determined. Jersey is his benefactor.

Even if he knew that Benz Jersey was using him in the future, even his grandfather Laziborg also used him, he forgave them and helped them rise to a very high level. Of course, this is something.


Laziborg had been helping Morans to heal and detoxify. Seeing that her face had returned to ruddy, he returned to the body of Hughes’s soul. This naturally felt his thoughts, so he persuaded: " Haha... don't think about it, the old guy in Benz Jersey must have a way to deal with it, otherwise he will not provoke three eighth-level magicians at the same time. Besides, even if he is injured, with your little third-level less Can the guy rescue him? It is estimated that he was shot dead by any one of the three before he even got close!"

"Oh, I just want to think about it!" Hughes smiled and continued to watch the battle ahead.


I saw two polar ice bears roaring at the same time, swooping towards the two green wood lions, but the two green wood lions were very flexible, leaping sideways, at the same time spraying two groups of blue smoke, sweeping toward the polar ice bear go with.


The polar ice bear is also not stupid. He exhaled two white breaths against the blue smoke, and immediately caused a collision of shaking mountains, followed by cyan and white splashes everywhere, just like two cyan and white fireworks.

The four heads of Warcraft jumped each other up and down, pausing for a while, and fighting together again.

Suddenly, the short-bearded old man Bamon screamed and exhibited the earth's taboo magic technique-meteorite. All of a sudden, a huge meteorite fell quickly within ten miles.

"Bang, bang, bang,..."

At the place where the four played, a huge deep pit that was hit by a meteorite appeared instantly!

"Well, these little stones can't hurt me!" Benz Jersey screamed and heard a hundred miles, and suddenly there was a long sword in his hand. With a wave, the meteorite around him changed immediately. For powder, drift away with the wind!

"It turns out that the chairman of Benz Jersey is already a 9th-level fighter, which is really gratifying!" Brooke was shocked when he saw the sword technique suddenly exhibited by Benz Jersey and congratulated him. Say it is congratulations, but there is no enthusiasm, cold like a thousand years of ice.

"It's not long before the breakthrough, and the control of power is still very rusty!" Benz Jersey smiled, and it seemed that the old friends exchanged ideas.

But it sounds very bad for Brooke, Bamon and Bass. He smashed all the meteorite around him with a sword, and said that he is very rusty in controlling power. Isn't this a disgusting person? As a result, the three of them were black and heavy, and their shots were even more fierce.

The blue light bursts around Brook, and the thick blue vines with arms like the blue dragons flew up and down. The tips of the long vines were sharp awls. They were frantically piercing Benzers. In the blink of an eye, they spurred thousands. Ten thousand times.

The yellow light flashed around Bameng, thorns protruding from the ground abruptly, undulating up and down, moving back and forth, swiftly rushing towards Benz Jersey with him as a starting point, a breath was more than a hundred times.

There were thunder and thunder next to Bath, a fierce electric light slashed down towards Benz Jersey, and every electric light carried thunderous sounds and thundered.

"Well, it's all taboo magic, wood thorn vine, earth ground stab, lightning electro-optic! Good!" Seeing the three men's fierce attack, Benz Jersey couldn't help but cheer loudly, look It is also very exciting.

At the same time, a dazzling white light rose up beside him, instantly condensing an ice wall that was harder than diamonds. The ice wall reflected the colorful colors in the sun.

"Water death defense magic skills-colorful ice wall!" The three old men were shocked when they saw the defense magic skills exhibited by Benz Jersey.

Millions of people watching on the hill had never seen the "death magic technique", and suddenly heard the shouts of the three old men, and they immediately talked like frying pans.

"Everyone on the mainland knows that there are five types of magic skills: primary, intermediate, advanced, taboo, and death. Among them, death magic skills must have the power of the soul of the sanctuary before they can be used! Is the chairman of this Jersey already a magic of the sanctuary? Teacher?"

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