Pioneer Knight

Chapter 164:

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At the moment of the collision, Black Blade 2 and Ben Benzie in the battle, like Brook, threw out all the magic storage stones of his body to resist.

Although they can display such a domineering attack, they cannot display defenses that can resist. Even if Benz Jersey can display the magic sanctuary of the sacred sanctuary, the colorful ice wall, it has to rely on the power of the magic skill to store the stone. Because this terror force has far exceeded the defense power of the colorful ice wall!

This force is a collision between the attack magic of the Pseudo Sanctuary and the "death" combat skill! Whether it is a pseudo-sanctuary magic technique or a "death" combat technique, their power has been infinitely close to the sanctuary, and can sweep all the non-sanctuary existence under the sky!

Such two forces collide, how can they resist? !

You can only rely on the magic skills to store stones and continuously strengthen the defense, otherwise they will use their own defensive magic skills, then it is definitely too late!

Fortunately, they usually store a lot of magical storage stones, otherwise they must die in this terrible battle!

However, despite this, they were seriously injured and weak.

However, Benz Jersey is slightly better. He can barely stand because of the four-five-layer pseudo-sanctuary defense magic technique-the colorful ice wall, so that he will not lie on the ground like Bamon, Bath and Brook. , I do not know life or death!

As for the two polar ice bears and the Aoki Lions, they have already turned into ashes!

Looking at the collapsing peaks in front of him, the criss-cross ravines, the depressed valleys, and the three people whose lives and deaths were unknown, Benz jersey twitched slightly with a smile on the fat face. Such a tragic and terrible battle was never imagined by him, and he couldn't help but be more determined to maintain peace!


Just when everything was calm and Benz Jersey wanted to return to the Warrior Academy, a loud burst of laughter suddenly sounded in the void.

"Who is this person, and the laughter that can erode the soul?" Hughes, who stood on the top of the depression, also heard the laughter, and a gray-black substance burst into his mind, just like listening to Elder Carrick. Speak the same.

"Duke Ryan had been disturbed, and Benz Jersey was really upset!" Just as Hughes wondered, Benz Jersey's voice came immediately.

During the talk, Hughes felt only the flower in front of him, his body was caught in the air, and in a flash of thought, he had already landed about two hundred meters opposite Benz Jersey.

As soon as he landed, Hughes heard a very majestic and magnetic voice behind him: "Chairman Benz Jersey is a good way!"

"Don't dare to be. Master Duke, wouldn't you want to care about this child as well?" Benzeri's usual friendly smile returned to his face, but the tone was cold.

"Haha...Joke, what is my identity and how can I care about a child. However, he can resist my soul erosion at a young age, indicating that he is not simple. Although I don't know if he has been taken away by others She, but I can be sure that by his own practice, it is absolutely impossible to stop my erosion. So, this child will either be taken away or have an extraordinary baby! Such a person, as the first of the empire I, a great minister and first-class prince, must not be careful. In case of unforeseen consequences, Your Majesty blames me, I can’t afford it!" The magnetic voice said righteously, with a soul in its voice The magic of erosion.

"Okay, okay, okay. Lord Duke really thought about the empire everywhere. It was indeed an honor for my Bahri family!" Suddenly, another person flew by. When he got closer, Hughes saw that this was a middle-aged man somewhat similar to Benz Jersey. His clothes were very luxurious, and he naturally showed a king's spirit.

"The old minister has seen Prince Boden, and it is my greatest honour and desire to serve the empire. It is also the duty of the Flosman family to think about the safety of the empire!" Duke Ryan said graciously. The world is public.

But the words in Prince Boden and Benz Jersey were a stomach cramp in their ears, which was very disgusting. Benzie turned his head straight, not wanting to see the old face full of Duke Ryan, but Prince Boden had to nod and said: "Master Duke said good!"

"Isn't His Royal Highness coming to just praise the old minister?" Duke Ryan saw scornful expression on Benz Jersey's face, and there was a burst of anger in his heart, but he did not attack, but looked at him with a smile. Prince Borden.

"Oh, that's it. His Majesty the Emperor heard the loud noise here, so he sent me to find out what happened. I understood it and found that the whole thing was caused by the child in your hand, so I decided to send him Take it back for more interrogation!" Prince Boden pointed to Hughes.

"In that case, the prince will not bother. I will interrogate him well. Two days later, I will personally inform your majesty the results of the interrogation!" Duke Lane was an official for many years, and Prince Boden's little trick , He heard it as soon as he heard it.

Why is Prince Boden playing a trick, because the full name of Benz Jersey's chairman is Benz Jersey? Bahri.

If Hughes let Prince Boden take him away, he would eventually be taken back to the Warrior Academy by Ben Benze without any damage. Wasn’t he Duke Ryan visiting in vain, not to mention that this time, his favorite grandson was poisoned and comatose, and the two super masters of the family did not know the life and death, how could he give up!

It turned out that since Ramazan took the chain of Warcraft, he has always released the power of his soul and locked Ramazan's every move. Seeing Ramazan really took the Warcraft chain to invite his classmates to eat and drink, he was relieved a lot, and seeing the old Black Sword standing outside that room, he also regained the power of his soul, after all Continuously releasing the power of the soul is very expensive, and if it is too long, it will hurt the soul.

However, to his surprise, not long after he withdrew the power of his soul, great changes occurred in Yajian.

A loud explosion caught his attention. He quickly released the power of his soul again to "see" the Najian. Under a "see", he immediately sweated, and his body instantly turned into a gust of wind and looted towards the Imperial Hotel.

However, when he arrived at the Royal Park Hotel, he didn't even see his personal image except for the dilapidated restaurant. In the end, one of his subordinates came to tell him that Ramazan was left at the gate of Dongcheng by Black Sword Elder, and Black Sword Elder went out of town with Chairman Benzer.

Ryan immediately ran to the city gate, but he saw that Ramazan had been unconscious, and some investigators realized that he was poisoned by Soul Eater, so he immediately gave him a detoxifying elixir. When Ramazan woke up, he hurriedly inquired about the whereabouts of the Warcraft chain, but when he saw that Ai Ai was speechless during the period of the Ramazan, he understood that the Warcraft chain was lost!

At this moment, the fierce battle had already begun. For Ramazan's safety, he first sent Ramazan back to his home, and then rushed to the hill to watch it in the crowd. It was only after that terrifying power that he passed He came quickly, and when he passed the hill, he did not forget to hold Hughes in his hand.

In the watching just now, he had noticed Hughes for a long time, but he never had the opportunity to start. This time, taking advantage of the early break of the war, Hughes was still in shock, and grabbed him in his hand.

I thought everything would go smoothly, but I didn't expect to kill Cheng Biaojin halfway, and I couldn't help being furious. When I heard Prince Boden's words, his face was somber.

"Master Duke, didn't you embarrass me?" Prince Boden's tone began to harden. Seeing that soft is not enough, he had to come up with a hard one.

"Humph!" Ryan sneered, and suddenly an imperceptible energy struck Prince Bourdon.

Prince Boden did not know that he was in danger, but when he wanted to say more, he heard Benz Jersey around him shouting, "Lane, you are bold!" At the same time, Prince Boden stood up in front of him. Colorful ice wall protection.

"Haha... Chairman Benz Jersey really laughs, I just don't want to make the prince too tired, why be bold. If it is so bold, then I would rather be bold one hundred thousand times!" Ryan saw himself vaguely Soul attack was blocked by Benz Jersey, shocked in his heart, but his face was unmoved, and he said as usual.

And at this moment, the little boy in his hand suddenly shouted, "Explode!"

Immediately, Ryan saw a magic crystal circling brutal energy striking his face, and at the same time a gleaming golden knife chopped towards himself holding Hughes' right hand.

The speed was so fast that Ryan had no time to think, plus he was unprepared, he could only immediately let go and retreat, but fortunately he was super fast. The golden knife just fell against his palm without breaking him, the magic crystal was also twisted away from his head, but the powerful explosive force also made a **** splatter on his face. !

"Look for death!" Ryan's old face with ooze bleeding twisted angrily, the space was compressed by a punch, and the sound of a huge explosion of air exploded, and the speed was almost incredible.

Although Hughes let Laziborg cast the Golden Cone Technique and drilled underground when he was released, the powerful punch still caused him serious injuries!

Just as in the Tiequan Valley was hit by Ahler's invisible hand knife, the body and soul fell into weakness at the same time!

However, fortunately, they had already prepared, and while throwing into the ground, they also threw a magic crystal, so that Ryan's punch would not hit all their golden cones.

If all strengths are hit, the golden cone surgery will definitely break immediately, and at the same time, Hughes hidden in it will also be broken into pieces!

"You can't escape!" Ryan yelled angrily, again punching fiercely on the ground where Hughes escaped.


A more violent and brutal force instantly blasted a terrifying deep hole on the ground, and that terrifying force spread all over the soil, causing the big golden cone outside of Hughes to burst suddenly. Even the cold stone thrown quickly by Hughes turned to ashes before exploding.

Hughes wants to hide in the eyes of the dragon, but time is too late! Just when he thought of entering the eyes of the dragon, that powerful and unparalleled force was added to his body!


From hearing Hughes scream, to Ryan throwing two punches in a row, it was only a moment's time before Benz Jersey had just once again exhibited his pseudo-sanctuary defense magic skills-the colorful ice wall.

It was also he who displayed the colorful ice wall that blocked Ryan's third punch.

However, the colorful ice wall that can withstand the taboo magical powers of Barmon, Bath, and Brook simultaneously, which can make millions of people mistaken for the magic of the sanctuary, was bombarded by Ryan's punch. Next, it bursts instantly!

"What do you want to do with Benz Jersey?" Ryan saw that Benz Jersey stopped himself from pursuing Hughes, glaring at him angrily, and shouted, "You know, he hurt me!"

"Haha... Duke Lion, I found him you caught first. If you don't catch him, he will..." Ben Jersey said halfway, and heard Lion yelling angrily: "Shut up! Ben Jersey , I tell you, don’t think you are already a 9th-level peak magician, I will be afraid of you, as long as you are not a sanctuary, I will have a way to kill you!" Ryan was also stunned by Hughes, and his mind was full of words. Say it.

He was a magnificent eighth-level magic swordsman, a nineth-level peak warrior, and a first-level prince of the empire, but he was injured by a little fart boy because of his carelessness. He was eager to seize Hughes, peeling and cramping, but Benz Jersey suddenly showed his good defensive skills to destroy him, so he vented his anger on Benz Jersey's head!

"Ryan, do you know who you are talking to? Chairman Ben Benzie is my patron saint of the black gold empire, and I am the elder of the Bahri family, the emperor of the royal family. Are you so afraid to call in to kill you? What a curse?" Benzei has not spoken yet, and Prince Boden next to him roared like an angry lion.


Ryan laughed wildly, but he was thinking about whether to let go of everything desperately, or to continue to forbear.

"Ryan, I know what idea is in your heart. I also tell you, as long as I find that you dare to blatantly oppose the majesty of my Bahri family, I will let your Flosman family disappear completely!" Clearly understand Ryan’s thoughts, “You have also seen that even your family’s second oldest knife is beaten to death by me! Do you still want to go it alone?”

"Okay! Ben Jersey, I'll give you a face. That's how it is today! But, that kid, as long as I see it, I will definitely kill him!" Ryan thought for a moment, the current black knife The second elder was injured, and he had not yet broken through to the level of the magic swordsman of the ninth level. The preparation was not enough, and it was not appropriate to tear his face, so he dropped a sentence and grabbed the black knife lying on the ground and turned away.

Shortly after Ryan's departure, Benz Jersey could no longer suppress his injuries. After a few breaths of blood, his body collapsed and passed out.

It turned out that he had already been injured and took a hard punch with Ryan. If he were already a ninth-level warrior, the magic would be infinitely closer to the sanctuary. Maybe he had vomited blood for a long time, and he could suppress it until now. An extremely strong willpower.

For the benefit of the family and the peace of the empire, he must hold up, and must let Ryan feel pressure to delay or give up the idea of ​​rebellion!

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