Pioneer Knight

Chapter 169:

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However, this time Lina Ace was no longer looking away. This made Obrota's suspicions so much unclear what medicine was sold in Lina Essoul! However, he was also very smart, but he still focused on Lina Ace, thinking that as soon as she moved, she would keep up.

He knew in his heart that Lina Aes came to the Black Gold Empire for the same purpose as him, saying that it was to visit Benz Jersey, but in fact for that "human treasure."

Also standing in the crowd were Manger and Marlowe. They didn't come to watch the battle in the valley. They actually wanted to see if Lina Ace and Obrota would have friction and fight. Last time, Benz Jersey and the Black Sword two old men, Brook three people battle, they did not see, has been deeply sorry!

This time, they don't want to miss it again!

They all knew clearly that many of the super masters who came to the Black Gold Empire this time came for the "human treasure" on Hughes. Lina Ace and Obrota are no exception. Now, so many people are fighting in the valley to fight for "the greatest treasure in the world." From the fighting population, they also heard that Hughes was in this valley.

Therefore, they are very confident that the two pinnacles will shoot for this. However, the two pinnacles are still like them, so quietly watching the battle in the valley, and even a trace of the soul's power does not spread out, it seems to come just to watch the battle. The two couldn't help being disappointed.


At this moment, a roar of Warcraft suddenly came out from the valley, it turned out that a bald warrior released the Warcraft on the chain of Warcraft.

This head of warcraft turned out to be a ninth-level warcraft-the Western Mastiff, 15 meters tall and about 30 to 40 meters long. With a roar, several elite warriors besieging the bald warriors were stunned, and their front claws were randomly stroked. A skinny warrior not far away in front of him was torn apart, flesh and blood flying around.

Seeing that the Tibetan Mastiff was so fierce, the other people who besieged the bald warriors immediately retreated to the distance.

These people are the killers of the "sleeping group". They are usually cruel and hard-working people. When they saw Huss, they even desperately killed the past, even if they found that the other party had two 9th-level warriors and a 7th-level wind magician. They did not flinch.

They are not for the purpose of organizing the release of the task, and the eight hundred gold coins are not enough to make them sell their lives. Like others, they are for the "treasure of the world" in the hands of Hughes.

Originally, they relied on a large number of people, and had already defeated the two 9th-level fighters with no parrying power. Seeing victory was in sight, but the other party still had a Warcraft chain, and the most fierce 9th-level Warcraft, the Western Region Tibetan Mastiff, was locked. They were so terrified that they shook their legs and retreated immediately, but there were still a few soldiers who were stunned and killed by the Western Mastiff!

The other people who were fighting each other also stopped fighting with a roar from the Tibetan Mastiff in the Western Region. They all looked at the Warcraft with the claws on the south, and they didn't dare to move!

Nine-level World of Warcraft, that is comparable to the existence of the ninth-level peak magician, is simply not the people these valleys can resist. What's more, it is the most ferocious Western Mastiff in Warcraft!

The crowd on the hilltop also saw a moment when they saw the Tibetan Mastiff in the Western Regions, and could not help but exclaim.

They all know that the Warcraft chain must lock both ends of the Warcraft at the same time before it can function. Otherwise, the Warcraft chain will crack because the strength difference between the two ends of the chain is too large. Now, the one that comes out is the ninth level of Warcraft, which shows that the other is also terrifying!

With such a thought, everyone's exclamation was louder.

Mang and Marlowe even opened their mouths wide, thinking to themselves: Today is really a calm day! First, there were two 9th-level peak magicians, and now there is a 9th-level Warcraft. I don't know what will happen next. Suddenly, I look forward to the expression!

Obrota saw the ninth-level Warcraft, his eyes suddenly lit up, and his heart was ecstatic.

For the baby, no matter what kind of baby, he has a crazy taste, at any cost, he wants to get the baby. It's like taking the enemy ring with Laziborg in order to get the dragon eye ring. Nine-level Warcraft is definitely a jealous treasure, whether it is a magic crystal, or skin and bones are the most precious treasure!

Obrota licked his lips, thinking about how to bypass the 9th-level Warcraft and kill the bald warrior in order to seize his Warcraft chain. However, a glance at the corner of the eye revealed that Lina Ace's beautiful face was not shock but doubt. His mind could not help changing again, he said: "Be patient first, let's see what Lina Ais wants to do!"

For a time, the entire valley was only exclaimed from the top of the mountain and the ferocious growl of the Western Mastiff.

The bald warrior Harry Kuf saw that everyone had stopped fighting, and immediately ordered the Tibetan Mastiff to stay ahead, and then called Adi Yala and Mila Doric to his side. Seeing that both of them were seriously injured, bloody, and weak, they quickly gave each of them a pill of green oil and whispered, "You go back to the cave for a while, and I can resist here alone a bit!"

Adi didn't say much. Since he was surrendered by Master Upson, he has followed Harry, but he is the first to look forward, knowing that although his appearance is cold, his heart attaches great importance to brotherhood, so he only said softly "be careful", He turned and walked into the cave where Hughes was.

Mila changed her expression several times before whispering, "Thank you, be careful!" He also turned back to the cave.

"Everyone, if anyone dares to beat my young master's idea again, I will let him die without a corpse!" Harry held the axe in his hands, glaring and yelling. He didn’t want to expose his own 9th-level chain of Warcraft before. After all, it was too shocking, and it also attracted countless greedy people, but what he did not expect was that the people who came to catch Hughes were one by one. Powerful, in order to save lives, he had to summon a nine-level Warcraft-Western Mastiff Tibetan Mastiff.

However, he still has reservations, and only summoned one World of Warcraft, and the other more powerful World of Warcraft, he will stay at the last moment and save his life!

"Young Master? Husse is your young master? Are you not the Harry Kuff who surrendered to Master Upson?" a seventh-level magician who knew the bald warrior shouted in the valley.

"Sius? Master Upson?" Everyone on the hilltop heard the man's cry, and they were all startled. Only then did they understand why the various forces in the valley were fighting.

"Isn't Hughes the six-year-old kid who has the legendary "Treasure of the World" and was lost by the ninth-level peak magician? Who is Master Upson?"

"Master Upson is not a person, but an organization. It is a powerful force established in the last two decades. It seems to hide an unspeakable great secret!"

"Whether he is organized or not, I now want to seize the "human treasure" of Hughes, I heard that this thing has many magical effects beyond imagination!"

"Forget it, people now have two 9th-level warriors, one 7th-level magician, and one 9th-level Warcraft protection. It is very difficult to seize it! There is almost no chance, unless it is a 9th-level peak magician. !"


After listening to everyone's comments, Manger and Marlowe looked at each other in surprise, thinking: This time, we can finally see the pinnacle battle!

Obrota's eyes lit up again when he heard the word "Sius", so he understood why Lina Aeth's face would appear doubtful, obviously thinking about how to bypass the nine levels Warcraft, kill that bald warrior.

Lina Ace was puzzled in her heart: "Young Master? That little slave is his young master? No?" But if that little slave is really lost, maybe it is possible! Look at them like that, The little slave should be behind them. How can I get around that Warcraft?"


Harry didn’t know the thoughts of the people on the hilltop. He just stared at the people in front of him and shouted: "Since we know that we are the people of Master Upson, are you still dare to chase down, are you not afraid of being annihilated?"

"Haha... Genocide! It's arrogant enough!" Burgaso, the "Lei Weiguai" of the Revich family, laughed loudly, and his dark face showed contempt.

"Then you try it!" Harry glared roundly and said coldly.

"Then I will see what you can do!" The old monster Lei Bugaso groaned angrily, and would step forward to teach Harry. In his eyes, the ninth-level fighters were not at all concerned. If it were not because of the fear of the Tibetan Mastiff in the Western Regions, how could he be so nonsense, a thunder system of taboo magic attacked long ago, splitting Harry into pieces.

"Don't be impulsive! If you want to teach him, don't be in a hurry, just wait and talk!" The old white monster Buffel reached out to stop Bugatto, and his eyes signaled that he would first look at the reactions of others before saying.

"Dare not?" Harry said contemptuously. He just wanted to provoke a person to challenge him, and then let the Tibetan Mastiff in the Western Region easily defeat that person, and he will definitely scare away many people who want to touch the fish in muddy water.

"You have the ability, you put away Warcraft and play against me!" Suddenly, the voice of a young man rang in the valley.

Hearing the slightly naive voice, everyone was shocked, thinking that this young man was really bold, and the other party was also a 9th-level warrior anyway, and the combat power was close to the peak, although it was not as good as the magician and magic swordsman of the 7th and 8th level. But after all, he is also the one who dominates the party. He dared to declare war in public!

Everyone couldn't help but look around, and saw a 17- or 18-year-old boy standing beside Leiguai, who was iron-faced, with a beautiful face, a thin figure, a long sword on his back, and a golden chain hanging on his waist. Seeing the golden chain, everyone was shocked again, thinking that this young man was really arrogant, and even dared to hang the Warcraft chain directly around his waist to declare it to the public!

"Who is this person? It's so arrogant that he looks down upon us, the baby collectors!" said a middle-aged man among the audience who used to like killing and surrendering.

"This man is the leader of the younger generation of the Ritchie family. At a young age, he is already a sixth-level peak warrior, plus a sixth-level peak magic swordsman! His name is Sou? Become a sacred warrior within ten years." said another.

"Huh, it's really arrogant!" The middle-aged man snorted angrily and dared not to speak again.

Everyone else was talking softly about the suddenly emerging young man.

"Why, don't you dare?" Sowu stepped forward, staring at Harry who hadn't spoken, learning what he had just said, and scornfully said.

The second old monster, Bai Lei, who was standing behind Suo Wu, although slightly complaining about Suo's rashness, saw him earning a face for the family in front of everyone, and nodded secretly in appreciation.

Everyone saw Sowu's aggressive momentum, and he was also very appreciative in his heart. It is not easy to have such courage at a young age. If the average young man is estimated to be scared, he dares to challenge and satire a 9th-level fighter.

Harry's face was purple and swollen, and his heart was full of anger. He wanted to stimulate others to challenge him, but what he didn't expect was that he was a stinky little guy, and he also proposed a heads-up, provided that the nine-level Warcraft was put away.

If he really agreed to the challenge, he would not be able to defeat Suowu, but once he put away the Western Tibetan Mastiff, other people would surely swarm in, and when he wanted to summon the Western Western Tibetan Mastiff, it would be too late!

Just when he was in a dilemma and difficult to choose, a more naive voice sounded in the valley: "I will accept your challenge!"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was even more shocked, because they saw that it came from the mouth of a six- or seven-year-old child with yellow hair.

"He is Hughes. He was taken by the ninth-level pinnacle magician. He has the ‘human treasure’. He bought a female slave for one hundred gold coins, and he was the one who killed two eighth-level fighters with one punch!”

"It is indeed Hughes, it turns out that he is hiding here! His "human treasure" is mine, haha..."

Between the words, several figures rushed straight from the hill to the valley, standing about two hundred meters in front of Hughes, and watched carefully. They didn't dare to get too close, even closer is the attack range of the Western Mastiff. For these nine-level Warcraft, they still dare not go forward alone to challenge its authority.

"Sius? It really is that little slave!" When Lina Ace saw the appearance of Sius, she recognized that the child was the little slave he met in Tiequan Valley three months ago.

That day, Hughes happened to help her catch Linghu, and then she fulfilled one of Hughes' wishes and helped him rescue his father Mark. After the rescue of Mark, Lina Ace grabbed Linghu directly and returned to her hometown of the French Empire.

She catches the spirit fox not only for its magic crystal, but also for the dragon's eye ring in its mouth. However, after she killed the Spirit Fox, she did not find the ring.

She was very disappointed and very angry at that time. After thinking about the whole process of chasing Linghu to catching Linghu several times, she thought that Linghu must have been cunningly thrown into the corner of the road while she was not paying attention. .

She never thought that Hughes would get the ring. It was only when she heard rumors about Hughes that she suddenly remembered that Hughes grabbed the spirit fox's posture. It seemed that at that time, Linghu took the ring. Gave him.

So, Lina Ace immediately set off to Sascono City. Seeing Hughes at this moment, she immediately flew to Hughes without hesitation.

The moment Obrota met Hughes, it was already itchy and impatient, and wanted to go down to **** it immediately, but was also worried that Lina Ace was playing tricks behind him, so she never dared to move. When Lina Ace moved, he immediately followed.

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