Pioneer Knight

Chapter 181:

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It took a long time for Hughes to realize that she was talking about the coffin. When he thought of the coffin, Hughes felt another headache. Even the invisible seal wall can make it open, how high will its energy value be? The toe knows that it definitely exceeds 100,000 yards!

To go out, you must push the coffin away. There are two ways to push away, one is to destroy the coffin, and the other is to push him into the air with brute force, and then drill out.

However, no matter which method is used, it needs more than 100,000 yards of energy to achieve it.

Seemingly sensing the inner troubles of Hughes, Moran suddenly awakened from the panic, struggling slightly, and left Hughes' arms, saying, "I will mobilize the seal energy on the coffin. If the seal is broken, the seal will immediately open, and we can go out."

The dragon's eye space, gray and misty, small but a bit vague.

Five people stood quietly in five different positions. Hughes is at the forefront, because in terms of single power, he is now the most powerful of the five. His right-hand side is Harry, and his left-hand side is Adi. The goal of the three of them is to trigger the seal energy at Moransi, and launch an attack on the black coffin.

Morans relied on Mira's floating technique, standing in mid-air, his hands slowly raising the dark heart of peace, with words in his mouth. Others only heard the buzzing sound, but couldn't hear the specific words. They just felt that the spells were far more mysterious than the magician's.

Mila has been standing beside Morans, carefully performing a floating technique to control Moran's body.

"...Energy should be summoned by me, come!" Morans' last sentence, everyone understood, and knew that the critical moment had arrived.

So all stared at the dark mouth in front. This mouth was first blasted by the huge energy of the black coffin when Xiu Si fled into the space of the dragon's eye, and it has not been repaired to this day.


A sound blew by a strong wind, everyone immediately saw a surging energy blast from the dark mouth,

"Attack!" Hughes stood at the forefront, grasping the fleeting opportunities more clearly, screamed, and instantly exploded into full combat power. At the same time, his soul "residual demon" also drilled out of the heavenly spirit cover and sent out a brutal force to the mouth.

Harry and Adi didn't hesitate either, they all issued the strongest blow in their lives in an instant, and it was their first full attack in ten years after they closed their doors. They all know that Moran is risking his life to fight for this instant time for everyone. If he can't break it at this time, then Moran will also be sealed by that powerful sealing energy.

Ten years ago, Hughes was almost sealed by the dark energy of the seal. Fortunately, the old Mr. Mood only rescued him even more powerfully.

Today, although their strength has been greatly improved, but compared to that seal energy, it is still too far away! Their strongest punch can only emit one yard of energy, and that seal energy can emit more than one hundred thousand yards of energy. The gap is self-evident.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Four huge bangs made the dragon's eyes tremble violently, and even Hughes they were shaken upside down and stood unsteady.

"Huh, do a few ants want to shake the elephant?" Suddenly, an angry and mocking voice came from the dark mouth. Then three dark and sharp beams shot towards them.

"Hurry away!" Moran shouted, prompting the energy of the whole body, speeding up the fierce seal energy, hoping to attract the black light.

Hearing Moran's cry, Hughes and the three of them immediately stepped back dozens of meters. It is said that the space of the dragon's eye is narrow. Compared with the space of the mysterious dragon, it is actually quite wide in itself, with a radius of about four or five hundred meters.

Such a large space is enough for them to evade left and right and walk around. However, even if all three of them have learned light combat skills and the speed is surprisingly fast, it is still difficult to escape the three sharp black lights.

Almost in a flash of thought, the black light came to my eyes.

Both Harry and Adi were still at the top of the ninth level. Without being promoted to the sanctuary, they could not display the warrior shield, and their defense was very weak. When they were hit by the black light, they immediately appeared like broken kites and crossed a strange The arc fell to the ground, and the blood was spurting in his mouth, and his life was at stake.

Although Hughes was also very embarrassed, he was much better than them, at least he didn't vomit blood and was injured.

As soon as the black light appeared, he immediately backed away, and he did not hesitate to exhibit the golden taboo defensive magic skills-the golden bell and the golden cone.

For the gold magic skills, he can now reach the instantaneous level. However, for the wood and earth magic skills, he must read the spells honestly and make gestures in order to display them.


When the black light hit the magic skill, he instantly smashed his magic skill. Although he later obtained some time to exhibit the earth's taboo defensive magic skill-the earth holy armor, he was still bombarded. He was also blasted out, and there was a sharp pain in his chest.

With the afterglow of the corner of the eye, glanced at the embarrassed face of the three people. Moran's heart was suddenly anxious, and he urged his energy more anxiously, wanting to use the heart's safety to provoke the huge seal energy to resist the attack of black light.

It's a pity that the energy of the seal is too large, and she can't seduce it all at once, unless she now has a hundred peace of mind.

"How to do?"

Morans was very anxious. Among the five, Hughes has the strongest strength, but he does not understand the seal and the formation, and the other three do not understand it, but he knows these, but his strength is not good. It is really difficult to find a solution!

Just when she was anxious like an ant on a hot pot, Mira next to her suddenly said: "Can you use the Warcraft chain to resist?" The reason why she asked this question is that she suddenly thought that the Warcraft chain also uses the sealing energy. Trapped with Warcraft.

"Warcraft Chain?" Moran's beautiful eyes lit up and immediately shouted: "Give me your Warcraft Chain!"

Although I don’t know why Moranth wanted the Warcraft Chain, but at this critical time, everyone didn’t have time to think about it, and he didn’t hesitate to throw the Warcraft Chain on his body to Moranth.

Thousands threw a gold chain, Harry was a platinum chain and two gold chains, Adi was a silver chain, and Mila also had a bronze chain.

Looking at the five chains of Warcraft in his hand, Moran was moved by the heart, but this is everyone's heavy trust!

Shaking his head, Moran immediately chanted the spell, his white hands were wide open, five chains and the heart-shaped wood floated in front of her at the same time, a beam of white light flashed, and the five chains suddenly formed into a five-pointed star shape. , And that piece of heart safety wood is suspended in the center of the five-pointed star, and is sending a wave of substantial energy waves to the five chains.

"It's kind of interesting that you have learned the long-lost five-star Xin An array! However, your strength is too weak, it is destined to lose!" The angry and ridiculous voice came out again, and then the huge seal energy It is five or six times more powerful, and at the same time, black light flew everywhere, making the misty space even more gloomy.

"Master, help me!" Morans didn't care about the ridicule of the voice, and suddenly called to Hughes.

Hughes had seen Moran's pale little face covered with exhaustion and weakness, knowing that she could not hold on. Immediately, he stepped on his feet, leapt to Morans, hugged her, and instantly transferred all the combat power, magic power, and even the power of "Golden Spirit" and "Remnant Demon" into Moranth's body.

On the floating side, Mila saw that Hughes and Morans seamlessly cooperated and had a tacit understanding. They couldn't help being a trance and envy, but they didn't stop casting magic skills. Because she was blocked by Morans, she was not sealed by the huge sealing energy, nor was she hit by the sharp black light.

"...Five Star Heart Array, Seal!" With the strong energy support of Hughes, Morans immediately launched the Five Star Heart Array to guide the powerful seal energy towards the dark mouth to seal it!

"Humph, don't limit yourself!" The void voice sounded again, but there was a hint of worry in the voice.

"Harry, Adi, master, release Warcraft on the chain of Warcraft!" Moran ignored the voice of nothingness, and then commanded.

Once the chain of Warcraft has been infiltrated by someone's blood, it must be opened by the person in order to release the trapped Warcraft, otherwise it cannot be released. The golden chain that Sius obtained was the Duke of Ryan, which could not be opened, but later, after some sacrifices by the old Mr. Murd, Ryan's contract was eliminated and replaced by the blood of Seuss's contract.





The Golden Retriever Lion, the Western Mastiff, the Polar Ice Bear, the Crimson Eagle, ... ten different levels of Warcraft suddenly drilled out of the five chains, and rushed towards the black mouth.

"Boom, boom, boom,..."

A series of voices came, and the space of the dragon's eye was like a sky cracking.

The eardrums of the five people were bleed with shock.

"Death!" The vain voice finally burst into a roar, and the black light of the child's arms lased everywhere. Harry and Adi have fled far away, while Hughes and Moran are still standing at the forefront without retreating, controlling the huge seal energy to resist the sharp black light.

If they are a little distracted, not only will the seal energy be immediately engulfed, and they will be completely sealed, but the mighty black light will also crush Harry into pieces. So they did not retreat at all, they could only carry it to the end.

Seeing the head of warcraft turned to ashes under the mighty black light, the five-star Xin An array also began to show signs of rupture. Moran and Hughes were in a terrified heart, and they really did not understand what this pair of ten thousand years coffin was. In the beginning, they would be beaten to the utmost.

Hoo, hoo, hoo...

A ray of black light came, and thunder and thunder, like the end of the world.

"Is it a thunder ninth peak magician lying in the coffin?" Mira said suddenly, looking at the trembling black light.

"This is not a thunder system magic skill, but the instinctive attack of the ninth-level peak Warcraft Vampire Bat King!" Morans had read countless books in the Tibetan Scripture Hall, and knew more about the characteristics of Warcraft than anyone present.

"Vampire Bat King?" Hughes was startled. "I heard you said that this kind of Warcraft mainly appears in the southern mountains of the mainland. It is the most fierce Warcraft among them. Even the Holy Land can't beat it!"

"Yes, but this time we encountered ten vampire bat kings sealed in a coffin, and they have all reached the ninth peak!" Morans said.

"Ten heads! Ninth level peak!" Hearing Moran's words, everyone else screamed in their hearts. No wonder the black light would have such a powerful force that even the nineth-level World of Warcraft Tibetan Mastiff was shot to ashes.

"Who is so powerful that he can seal the ten-headed vampire bat king?" Mira asked everyone's doubts.

Just when Moran shook his head, the voice of nothingness came out again: "Haha... little dolls, you can't fight me. I was called the first sealer of the mainland, and the seal was a full hundred. The head vampire bat king, because the time of 10,000 years is too long, most of them are dead, only the last ten heads are left, and they are already old. Otherwise, how can you persist for so long!"

"Little girl, what's your name? Who taught you your seal technique? Why did you lose the long-lost five-star Xin An array?" The nihilistic voice suddenly asked. The terrifying black light also stopped at this time, but the seal energy was not retracted because of Moran's inspiration.

Morans glanced back at Hughes, and when he nodded, she said respectfully: "My name is Morans? Gail, who taught me the seal technique, I cannot tell you, because I promised him Don't talk to anyone!"

"What do you say your name?" Suddenly, the void voice asked suddenly.

"Morans? Gael." Morans said again.

"Moraki? Who is Gail?" asked Void's voice.

"I haven't heard of it," Morans said truthfully. She was an orphan since childhood, and she didn't know the names of her biological parents.

"Oh." Void's voice seemed disappointed. After a while, Shen suddenly said: "Holding Moran's boy, I see that you used three taboos in a row when you resisted the instinct attack of Vampire Batman just now. Magic. It is really not easy to display three taboo magics in such a short time. Do you dare to bet me?"

"What bet?" Hughes asked, looking at the dark mouth. He had let go of Morans in his arms and landed on the ground. Morans was blushed with shyness because of the phrase "Holding Moran's kid", and stood aside and said nothing.

"As long as you can catch the ten instinctive attacks of the Vampire Bat King, I will let you out!" said the voice of nothingness.

"Ten times!" Harry and Adi shouted in unison. Harry stood up and said, "Young Master, don't accept it. It's a big deal. Let's go back to Xuanlong Space and practice for a few more years."

"Yes, we will be able to defeat the first sealer by then!" Adi also stood up and said.

Seeing that Harry and Adi were seriously injured, Hughes knew how terrifying the ten attacks were. Both Harry and Adi are already 9th-level pinnacle fighters, and their physical strength is comparable to the second order of the Sanctuary, but they can't withstand an attack of black light!

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