Pioneer Knight

Chapter 189:

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At this moment, when she mentioned the words "Master Upson", the kind of mustache suddenly appeared again. Hughes, who first tasted the beauty of love, finally understood the cause of that mustard. However, the mustard at this time is much smaller than before. If the soul of Hughes is too strong, it is estimated that it cannot be sensed.

Frightened by the sharp eyes of Hughes, Mila was shocked, and she stepped back involuntarily a small step, trembling and said: "The subordinates have not seen it, just listened to Master Upson said that those mysterious people's The strength is very strong." But he whispered in his heart: the young master has changed, and the kind and gentle child became much more majestic.

"A powerful mysterious person, is it..." Gu Zizi girl seemed to remember something, but he forgot to say it.

Hughes looked at the girl with melon face, and after seeing her for a long time, she couldn't say anything. She couldn't help being disappointed. She turned to Molson and said, "Give up your heart and give me a sword. I have great use."

Moore wanted to refuse. Unexpectedly, there was a sharp pain in his soul, which made him have to reluctantly hand in the peace of mind sword.

Looking at Morson's heartache expression, Hughes was also a little unbearable. After taking Xinmu Mujian, he said: "You don't need such heartache either, as long as you really help me sincerely, I can let you learn more advanced seals, It will also give you a peace of mind again."

Moore was overjoyed. He had already seen the powerful sealing power exhibited by Hughes. If he could learn that hand, he would definitely hope to impact the sanctuary. Even if he could not become the sanctuary, he could defeat everyone below the sanctuary. So, hurriedly bowed: "Morson will do everything he can to assist you."

"How about you?" Hughes turned to look at Southco.

"Huh, I don't want me to return to Shunmen, unless you can beat me!" Southco thought of his majestic 9th-level magician and was chased around by a little girl without any chance of shooting. Just got angry.

"Haha...good!" Hughes laughed, stood up and shouted, "I have seen that you are also an eighth-level fighter, and I'm just a seventh-level fighter, how can we compete with combat skills?"

Southco took a deep look at Hughes, that he was surprised that he could see his actual combat power, and that he was shocked by his strong self-confidence, and that he could think of using combat skills instead of magic skills. I was surprised. If you think about it carefully and think that this young man is not simple, he can think so thoughtfully at once: he must be afraid that the power of magic is too great to destroy the entire Ulan City, and the combat skills are even powerful, as long as It’s not a holy land, it’s just to destroy this marshal’s house.

"Good." Southco responded readily. He knew very well that the reason why Hughes dared to challenge his eighth-level power with a seventh-level power was definitely based, but he was not worried because he also had secret weapons.

"Then let's go to the stone yard outside the city to compare!" Hughes finished, striding out.

A group of people quickly followed. When Morson walked past Southco, he whispered a few words of concern and then followed. Southco froze for a moment, thinking about Moore's eyes just now, and couldn't help but think: "Am I doing something wrong?" Then I thought, "No matter what he is, I am me, I am this character, the big deal is that kid Slaughter, what's so great. Not to mention that I'm an eighth-level fighter, and I don't necessarily lose!" Thinking about it, I also moved towards the stone yard.

Anyone in the city of Ulanq who learns that Elder Southco is going to challenge Hughes shows his concerns about Elder Southco.

Some people even shouted: "Elder Southco, you don't have to compare. Ten months ago, the young master had already killed two eighth-level fighters with one punch. You can't beat him alone. "

These soldiers have been brainwashed by Harry and Adi, and they all believe that Hughes is their young master.

Southco heard screams around him, and his suspicions were even greater, but he still walked firmly to the stone yard.

About twenty miles southeast of Ulanq City is a rolling hill, with peaks rising from the ground, quite steep.

In the depths of these peaks, there is a sect comparable to the two Ulanc cities in the countless lush foliage.

There are countless tall buildings layered from the outside to the inside, and each building has a layer of untraceable silver light entangled. If an uninformed person touches it accidentally, it will immediately be like a sculpture unable to move, obviously being Sealed.

This vast school is the Black Magic Forest, the second largest school of magic sword masters on the Golden Phoenix Continent. This mountain is Mount Limon.

However, it is strange that hundreds of thousands of troops are stationed outside the black demon's protective wall, and it seems that the posture is attacking the black demon forest.

A tent was temporarily erected behind the army, where a tall man wearing a general’s armor was talking to an embarrassed warrior.

"What are you talking about!" The general shouted suddenly, so terrified that the embarrassed warrior softened his legs and knelt on the ground.

"General, all I said is true. Elder Morson, Elder Southco, and Lord Van der Hayden, and some other adults were arrested by the mysterious boy." The embarrassed soldier said with a trembling voice.

"How old is the mysterious boy? What is his appearance? What is his strength? What is his background? Which side do he belong to?" The tall general asked aloud like a bead.

"Look back to General Nelson. The teenager is about 16 or 7 years old. He is estimated to be one and a half meters tall. His childish face is slightly clear, his figure is well-proportioned, and his eyes are as cold as ice. His strength is a gold seven-level magician with one Hundred-headed vampire bat king, but we were killed and injured more than 20 heads. There is also a beautiful girl, whose strength is above the teenager, holding a piece of blue wood in his hand, which can attract the power of silver seal, No matter who is shot, he will be sealed immediately. Elder Southco is sealed by her." The embarrassed warrior said tremblingly.

"Being able to observe so carefully while escaping, this person is worthy of being a personal talent!" Nielsen couldn't help expressing such an admiration in his heart after hearing the warrior's complaint.

"Well, a 7th-level magician boy plus a girl who knows the soul seal technique has captured Elder Morson, and the remaining 600,000 soldiers have not resisted?" Nielsen asked.

"The subordinates rebelled. Elder Southco ordered the anti-cannon to fire, but the result was still..." The embarrassed warrior saw Nelson's more and more dark face, scared to speak.

"You must be too careless, so you can defeat it so easily! Let's go, let me rescue Elder Morson." Nielsen sneered and walked out of the tent. The embarrassed warrior still wanted to say something. When he saw Nielsen's angry eyes, he didn't dare to talk nonsense, but he began to plan how to slip away halfway.

"Urank City was attacked by the enemy, and the Marshal General sent a signal asking me to wait and rush back to the rescue immediately. What do you think?" Nielsen stepped on the stage and called all the officers under his command.

When the officers heard that Ulank City was trapped, they immediately shouted, "Everything is heard by the general."

"Okay! You immediately led your sergeant to follow me to rescue." Nielsen ordered, all the officers immediately summoned their troops.

After a while, all 300,000 troops were assembled, and except for leaving 100,000 to continue the siege of the martial arts, 200,000 troops marched towards Ulank City.

In the vast mountain gate of the Black Demon Forest, there is a majestic building in the layered building group, which is blue and black, as if a warcraft is entrenched, but the shape of the building is like a giant sword, and the sharp edge seems to be thorny. Breaking the sky is intimidating.

This is the meeting hall of the Black Devils.

At this moment, sitting on the innermost throne of the temple was a white-bearded face good old man, his eyes gleaming finely, and he was calmly stroking his chin beard.

Under him, there are eight stools on the left and right, swinging from the inside to the outside, all of which are filled with people. Most of them are old people with a gray hair.

The third one on the left is a beautiful woman. If Hughes is here, she will definitely recognize this beautiful woman as the birth mother of Mona Siqin, Elder Karan. And the old man sitting in the last eighth position on the right is the mayor of Jinjiang Town Shenmo Yakes.

Behind them stood more than 30 elite disciples of martial arts, all whispering, making the whole hall buzzing.

"Let's talk about what to do next? Do you trust the Xifeng Empire, or do you stand alone as the king?" the white-beard old man in the throne whispered, and the hall was so quiet that he could only hear the faint breath of elite disciples.

"Everyone knows that in the initial stage of cultivation, our magic sword master must waste countless magic crystals, soul lock stones, black gold and golden jade rings in order to truly realize the true meaning of the soul seal and the soul swallowing. Moreover, we are in danger of early cultivation Sex is also higher than warriors and magicians, and there is a danger of soul extinction if you are careless. Therefore, we must have a quiet environment and strong financial resources to cultivate a magic swordsman above level 4. In this chaotic world , It’s obviously unwise to want to be independent...”

Before an old man's words on the left had been finished, another old man's opposition sounded: "In order to be king, you can have more financial resources. Relying on others is always inferior, and everything you do is shrinking and very stifling."

"I also know that it is good to be independent, but have you ever thought about how many forces will be attacked once we become independent, will we be able to withstand the strength of our Black Devil Forest by then?" The old man retorted.

"Can't we recruit talents?" Another old man on the right stood up and opposed.

"I also agree to stand on my own feet!" Karan whispered suddenly.

She is a seventh-level magic sword master, and the only female elder in the school. Everyone listens to her and supports self-reliance as king. She can't help but stop talking, and wants to hear what she said.

At this time, a shout suddenly came from outside the hall: "Master, Xifeng Empire Army has retreated!"

Hearing this shout, all the elders in the hall stood up, and even the white-beard old man on the throne changed his face slightly, and did not understand why the Xifeng army suddenly retreated under the predominant situation.

"Why did they withdraw their troops?" an elite disciple in the temple stopped the outside disciple and asked.

"It is said that Ulank City was occupied by a mysterious boy, and they will rush back to the rescue." The outer disciple said, "I also heard that the mysterious boy was just a seventh-level gold magician with a group of vampire bat kings. It's all seven-eighth-level Warcraft."

"A seven-level magician and a group of seven-eighth-level Warcraft cannot defeat Van der Hayden. Why are they defeated by teenagers?" Almost the elders were all surprised.

"No matter what reason he retired for whatever reason, now is a good time for us to attack. So, I thought we should attack immediately!" Karan stood up and said loudly.

As soon as her words were spoken, most elders agreed, and the elders who opposed them just bowed their heads and sighed.

In the end, the white-beard-faced elder stood up and said with great dignity: "I agree with Karan's proposal. We are all out in this battle and we must succeed in the battle!"

At the moment when the war was about to hit, the stone yard outside Ulank City seemed very freehand, and there were still a large group of people watching the challenge of two people.

"What boxing method does the young master use, it is so magical. For a while, it feels as soft as the spring wind blowing willow, for a while it is as hot as the midsummer scorching wind, for a while it is as sharp as the autumn wind sweeping the fallen leaves, and for a while it is like entering the winter. The twelfth lunar month, the wind chills."

"Elder Southco is not weak. A machete dances vigorously. It looks like a tiger's roaring forest on the left, looks like an eagle striking the sky, and looks like a whale sucking water. It's really amazing."

"Elder Southco's machete is definitely a high-level weapon, otherwise he will not be able to withstand his eighth-level combat power."

"You are wrong, his scimitar is a holy weapon, and it is said that it was auctioned at Mo Linxuan for 100 million gold coins."

"What! One hundred million gold coins! God, I can't make so many gold coins in my life!"

"You are a fifth-level fighter, and the Samsung mercenaries also want to compare with Elder Southco, isn't that looking for a block?"

"Hey, look, the younger won."



The collision of battle forces caused a huge noise, and then saw the two figures occupying one side.

"You lost!" Hughes said with a smile.

Southco's face was ashamed, and he dragged his head weakly, and said softly, "I will follow you."

But he was still thinking about the scene just now:

The scimitar in his hand is a sanctuary weapon, which can not only maximize his strength, but also enhance the power. Coupled with the fact that he poured all his combat power into the machete, he was very confident that even a ninth-level fighter would not be able to take the knife.

Seeing the young man break into his attacking range like a headless fly, he couldn't help but sneer and screamed in his heart: "You are dead."

However, it is very strange that just when he was full of confidence, the teenager opposite him also sneered and rushed towards his scimitar without evading, it seemed that he was not afraid of his full blow.

And just when his knife gas was about to touch the body of the boy, he saw that the boy's body flickered suddenly, as if the willow branch lifted by the spring breeze was weak and weak, and the knife gas fluttered over. Yes, it was the feeling of light flutter.

However, when he thought that the teenager would always float down, the punch of the teenager was like a huge ice, making him feel bitterly cold, and his chest was sullen.

It was at this time that the teenager flew away again.

If it weren’t for the teenager to retreat, it is estimated that he would now become a icy frost, and when the ice melted, he would disappear.

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