Pioneer Knight

Chapter 192:

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Looking at the domineering and murderous golden taboo magic skills, Morson and Southco who stopped behind were shocked and speechless. They secretly screamed: "Fortunately, he did not exert magic skills on me. Otherwise, it would have been smashed long ago! He, a seventh-level magician, was able to perform magic skills comparable to the power of the ninth-level peak magician. No wonder he was so confident!"

Although Mila on the other side did not show a surprised expression, but the heart was full of emotions and it was difficult to calm down: "Young Master and I are both seventh-level magicians, but his strength is more than ten times that of me. It seems My strength is really a bit behind..."

At this moment, a loud bang came from the front, and Mila immediately put aside his cranky thoughts and looked forward. It turned out that the old man with white beards threw an amber jade bead with the earth's taboo defensive magic skills beside him, which resisted the attack of Hughes in a very timely manner. However, his flying sword was completely sealed by Hughes, which made his soul suddenly weak. "Puff, puff, puff, puff." Sitting paralyzed on the ground, he seemed to lose his energy.

In fact, he was just hurting his soul, and his body didn't hurt much at all. The reason why he was so depressed was that Hughes completely defeated his pride.

He is a ninth-level magic sword master. As the master of the second main school of the mainland, he has never tasted a defeat in his life. However, tonight he was defeated by a yellow-haired boy, and he was still defeated, and he had no chance of returning. How to tell him not to despair?

If he knew that Hughes not only possessed the "soul card" of the first sealer that was rampant on the continent, but also had the rare double soul spirit and magic crystal mutation for a thousand years, he would not be so desperate.

Since the magic crystal of Hughes is generated outside the soul, and is also protected by "residual demon", the white-beard old man devours the soul and seal of the soul to him, unless he can reach the sanctuary, maybe he can repair Si's soul was sealed, but devouring was still impossible.

Looking at the old man with white beards sitting paralyzed on the ground, Hughes smiled coldly and shouted, "If you trust me, I can let you and your doormen live!" Speaking of which, the afterglow of his eyes glanced at the audience, It was found that Moran's skirt fluttered and graceful posture. A pure blue wooden sword in her snow-white little hands turned into countless sword lights like blue peach blossoms. There was a silver energy directed by the sword light. Those who were shot were sealed without any resistance and lost their ability to move.

In less than a few moments, the 400,000 army was sealed by her. Not only that, the arrows that struggling to shoot at her were all sealed by her. There were also some people who threw the magic crystal thrown out at the risk of dying together.

This made the hundreds of thousands of troops underneath their feet stunned, all scared of resistance.

The fifty girls attacked other elders and elite disciples in the Black Devils. Those people are magic sword masters of level five, six, seven, and eight. They usually boast of their strength, so they are quite arrogant, but under the attack of fifty girls at the same time, they are as vulnerable as a baby.

Although the strength of the fifty young girls is not as powerful as Morans, it is more than enough to deal with these magic sword masters below the sanctuary.


Because the sealer is the ancestor of the magic sword master.

Ten thousand years ago, the magic sword master didn't exist at all. At that time, there was only the seal master. But after that great change 10,000 years ago, the sealers disappeared, and only a few words about seals and devouring were left. That is the various cheats about seals and devoured by magic sword masters as treasures. After 10,000 years of continuous efforts, people have created the pulse of the magic sword master with their own intelligence and adventurous spirit.

However, the magic sword master borrowed from the magician's method of cultivating the soul. Therefore, it was very dangerous in the early stage and was very expensive in the later stage. Because they must rely on the power of the soul to cast seals and devour.

However, the sealer is different. They do not rely on the power of the soul, but rely on the peace of mind or other media, and then through their own induction and the coordination of exercises and spells. The seals and devours that they send are not only huge in energy, but also do little harm to themselves.

Therefore, those magic sword masters below the sanctuary are not opponents of the seal master at all.

First, the energy is not big enough for the other party. Second, it does not perform as fast as the other party. Third, the damage to itself is higher than the other party. So, the elders and elite disciples of the Black Devils were printed one by one instantly.

At this moment, the elders of the Black Devil Forest finally understood why the mysterious boy could occupy Ulank City so easily.

"Okay, let's go!" Looking at the sealed disciples and the 400,000 army, the white-beard old man nodded miserably. Thinking of his desire to stand on his own feet, he felt very ridiculous at this time.

Other disciples and elders also lowered their arrogant heads, and their confidence had disappeared when they came, leaving only the shame of being inferior to others.

"I believe that you have your pride, and the promised things will not go wrong again. But, in order to show your sincerity, should you..." Hughes did not deliberately finish his eyes, but stared at the old man to see how he expressed .

"You can rest assured about this. Since Dalmar promised to surrender to you, of course I will not go back on his own, and I will also give you the position of the Black Devil Forest Gate Master. All of my martial arts belong to you." The head said, but he secretly scolded Hughes the little fox, but he was a lot of careful eyes.

Hearing the old man with white beards, Hugh smiled, and then let the Vampire Bat King land in front of a beautiful woman.

This move puzzled everyone around him and cast a strange sight on him.

Some people with complicated thoughts even laughed secretly: "Does this kid like to be more mature?"

"Remove the seal on her." Hughes ordered to a cute girl with a round face and even a cute face behind her.

The girl was holding a small dagger in her hand, and the texture was awesome, but the color was not pure cyan, but the light cyan contained pink. This made a doubt appear in Hughes’ mind: "Is it safe? There are several kinds of wood?"

Thinking about it like this, after seeing the little girl unravel the seal on the beautiful woman, she did not forget to cast a despising glance at him.

"Huh?" Hughes froze for a moment, and then heard the little girl gently floating a word of disdain: "So hello, this one."

This sentence made Desius even more like falling into the abyss, unknown. After thinking for a long time, I didn't understand the meaning of the lovely girl. He could only smile bitterly in his heart, and wanted to go back and ask again.

Immediately, with a friendly smile on his face, he said to the beautiful woman: "Elder Karan, you must not guess who I am? My name is Hughes Liku, do you remember?"

Karan was wondering whether the teenager had any attempt to just lift the seal on her body. Suddenly he heard the teenager self-reporting the house, and he was stunned. He stared blankly at his eyes, and the thin, thin boy, vaguely still had the same year. The shadow of the six-year-old boy shivered: "You were the six-year-old boy...boy?" She used to call Hughes "boy", and almost blurted out at this moment, but fortunately changed it in time come.

"Oh, yeah. It's an endless experience, and I will tell you slowly in the future. Go, I will take you to Ulan City!" Hughes said, and put her on the back of the vampire bat, and then moved Daal The horse also pulled up, and then plundered into the city.

Hearing their conversations, those with complex thoughts are ashamed at heart, and the cute girl with a round face is ashamed and blushed, thinking: "It turns out that the main hall is a gentleman, it's my thinking too..." Thinking, Suddenly found that Hughes cast a beam of Deng Zizi's gaze on her, frightened her with careful heart pounding, her face flushed more intensely.

Seeing the girl's shy expression suddenly, Hughes laughed in his heart, but did not expect his prank to succeed, this little Nizi's skin was really thin.

He was happy in his heart. When he passed Morson and Southco, he saw the obvious shock in their eyes. He could not help but smiled slightly. He brought them to war instead of letting them know about themselves. 'S strength is far above them, so that they can follow their heart in the future, now it seems to work well.

Hughes's heart suddenly smiled like flowers, but his face was calm and calm, and the tone said flatly: "Mila stayed to deal with these 400,000 people, and the others went back with me."

The imperial capital of the Xifeng Empire, the center of Gomez City is a broad and majestic palace group, with green walls, glazed tiles and dragon eaves and phoenix columns, showing incomparable respect, luxury and atmosphere.

At this moment, it was the early morning time. In the main hall, the civil and military officials were arranged on both sides of the hall.

Inside the hall, a domineering dragon chair was sitting with a middle-aged man in a yellow dragon robe, with sharp eyes and no anger. He glanced at the hundred cultural relics standing underneath with a smile, and said with a smile: "After nearly a year of war, the territory of our Xifeng Empire has finally more than doubled. Today, the entire continent is only more than the Molan Empire in the north. We are slightly stronger. The achievements we have today are entirely due to Ai Qing, and I believe that with the efforts of everyone, our country will surely become the first empire of the mainland."

"Chen and others will do their best." Hearing the pride of middle-aged people, the hundred officials immediately shouted long live in unison.

Afterwards, an old man with a weak appearance among the hundred officials made his debut: "The brilliance of today is entirely due to His Majesty's wise decision. The ministers just acted according to his plan,"

Glancing at the old man contemptuously, the civil and military officials all flicked their lips and scolded: "happiness." But then they also beat the emperor's farts one by one.

For a while, the entire hall of deliberations became the venue for the flattering contest. But the middle-aged man sitting on the dragon chair was very happy and laughed.

This situation continued until the early dynasty will have no signs of ending. If no one stops it, it is estimated that the whole morning passed away in such a more fierce than a fierce, a more nauseous than fart.

But this relaxed and beautiful situation was interrupted by an embarrassed black strong soldier who suddenly broke in.

In the palace, both the emperor and the officials of the cultural relics looked at this black warrior brought in by the guard with surprise. He saw blood marks on his body, his face was tired, and his servants were obviously just retreated from the battlefield.

"Your Majesty, Ulank City is occupied, and Lord Van der Hayden has also been arrested!" The black soldier's slightly crying words seemed to be a thunder, and all the people in the temple were stunned.


The middle-aged man was soaked in the meat and bones of the people's buttocks. The middle-aged man fluttering like a wild cat stepped on the tail, jumped up from the dragon chair and shouted.

The other civil, military and military officials also looked at the black strong warriors in shock, and seemed to want to see the news from his face as false, but unfortunately, the warrior's face was all sad and ashamed, obviously he said everything was true The sure thing.

"Van van Hayden was arrested? There were dozens of senior warriors, magicians and magic swordsmen around him, as well as Elder Molson and Elder Southco who were heavily spent by the empire from the old forest of the mountains. People caught?" Everyone didn't quite believe that such a weird thing would happen, and could not help but ask the Black Zhuang Warrior what happened.

The Black Strong warrior said quickly and tremblingly: "Ten days ago, Lord Van der Hayden was preparing to attack the Black Demon Forest outside Ulank City. Unexpectedly..." At this moment, the Black Strong warrior took the place ten days ago It was recounted in World War I.

After listening to the warrior’s report, the middle-aged man who had already returned to the dragon chair jumped up again: “A mysterious boy with a hundred heads of warcraft defeated your 600,000 troops? Do you have a Demon Cannon? In the Army of the Road, only you have the Western Expedition, and it is also the strongest of all the troops, and it will be easily defeated. Are you lying?" Middle-aged people do not believe that a young man will easily defeat His Western Expeditionary Army. Not only he, but everyone in the hall did not believe it. If it weren't for the Black Warrior to see it with his own eyes, he wouldn't believe that a teenager would have such great ability.

"Your Majesty, what the younger said is true." The warrior bowed his head. "The boy not only defeated Lord Van der Heiden, but also captured all the disciples of the Black Devils in the same night. It is said that in these ten days, he had already taken the original The five provinces of the black-gold empire that we occupied were annexed."

Hearing what the soldiers said, all the ministers were like a bomb exploding in their ears, making them buzz in both ears, and their heads were dizzy like falling into the abyss. After a while, all the talents came awake and talked and talked endlessly about the mysterious young man’s strength and background.

"Why does it matter, how does it matter." The middle-aged man standing in front of the dragon chair gritted his teeth in anger and paced back and forth in front of the dragon chair. The mysterious teenager hated him in his heart.

After walking dozens of times back and forth, he suddenly stopped and stared at a general among the officers with a vicious look: "Darix, I order you to lead one million troops immediately, no, two million troops. Ulank City wiped out the mysterious boy, and at the same time brought along fifty newly made demon cannons."

"Weichen leads!" Darix responded with a bowed head, and then walked out of the hall.

In the early morning of early autumn, the sun has not yet come out, and the sky is still gray.

The fallen leaves fluttered with the wind and fell on the cold streets of Ulank City, and they lay shiveringly as they lay quietly by the broken corner of the wall as the wind rolled a few times in the air.

Suddenly, a wave of shaking footsteps broke the morning serenity, followed by a shout: "Fast! Speed ​​up!"

At the same time, the same footsteps sounded on every street of Ulank City. According to the direction of the footsteps, they can be found to walk towards the east, south, west and north gates.

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