Pioneer Knight

Chapter 198:

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Hughes, Morans, and Ally immediately chased them out, while Morson was still in a coma.

As soon as Hughes and others stood firm, they were all petrified. In particular, Hughes opened his eyes wide and was shocked beyond measure.

Not far behind him lay three heads of nine-level vajra apes, all motionless, those who were already dead could not die anymore.

This is the ninth-level Vajra Ape that is incomparable, difficult to divide, and finally forced him to fight hard in the end. Under the old Mr. Mood, all of them were killed in just one photo.

What shocked Hughes even more was that the tens of thousands of Vajra apes that had been sober around the entire valley have now turned into powder, and only a few of the 7th and 8th Vajra apes have corpses.

Hughes estimated that this might have been intentionally left by the old Mr. Murder, otherwise he would not leave only the bodies of grades 7, 8 and 9, obviously considering that he might need them.

Sure enough, as soon as Hughes thought of this, the voice of the old Maud came over: "Master, you put those Vajra apes' bodies into the Xuanlong ring, which will definitely be useful to you in the future."

There was a moment of emotion in Hughes' heart, and he collected corpses four times, ten corpses of level 7, five corpses of level 8, and three corpses of level 9. He also accepted Mila into the Xuanlong Ring.

"Are you Senior Medeljic?" asked the surprised look in the eyes of the dwarf squirrel.

"Seventh domain of the Holy Land, good strength. Unfortunately, your eyes are not good." The old Mr. Mod answered unanswered, his eyes full of anger.

This is also the first time Hughes sees the anger of Old Murd, and his heart jumps, thinking: "It turns out Grandpa Murd also has such a sharp and fierce side."

"Don't forget, he evolved from a unicorn. The cruel and fierce nature is his nature, only because of the long-term influence of humans, he gradually has human emotions." Jin Ling said in the mind of Hughes.

"Whether he is a beast or a person, as long as it is a brutalist, I like it!" The demon could not help being excited when he saw the strong temperament displayed by the old Mood.

"You guys, the boss will be killed by you sooner or later!" Jin Ling was the least accustomed to the fierce evil spirit of the remnant demon, and his simple mind.

At this moment, the voice of the squirrel dwarf came again: "You killed several of my brothers?" He just released the power of his soul, but could not sense any breath from the three brothers.

"I can only blame them for their poor strength, the second and third ranks of the Holy Land, and dare to come to my Golden Phoenix mainland. I have dead dead!" Old Man Mo said coldly, "You said, what do you come to my Golden Phoenix mainland?"

"Haha... It turns out that you kept me just to know our purpose, but I don't..."

The mouse dwarf hadn't finished speaking, it was like being pinched by the neck, the voice came to an abrupt stop, and an ugly face was flushed with redness.

"In my hand, you can't help you." Elder Mood gently waved his right hand, and the dwarf squirrel's neck was caught in his hand, but the short body was suspended in the air.

"Soul Search!" Allie exclaimed when she saw the distorted, painful expression on the face of the squirrel dwarf.

"What is soul search?" Both Hughes and Moran turned to look at Allie.

"Soul search is a more advanced attack method than soul devouring. As long as the other party is not dead, you can cast on him, and then search for all the information you want from his soul." The old man answered is, "Young Master, you are not strong enough now. When your strength is reached, I will teach you this magical power."

"Huh, it's not that easy to explode the magic crystal." The old Mod suddenly groaned, and his left hand Wang Xukong made a move, and then a silver brilliance was sucked into his palm by him. "Bao" was hit by him. The little man's mind.

"Two hundred thousand yards of sealing energy!" For the silver glory, Hughes still knew. For the various magical powers displayed by the old Mr. Mood, his brain has been a little numb.


The two words were deeply imprinted on Hughes's mind.

"A person with strong consciousness is powerful!" Allie was also dumbfounded.

Only Moran was indifferent to the strength of the old Mr. Mood. She never pursued how high the strength was. Her pursuit was whether her master had a good life or not.

"Spiritual consciousness? What level is that?" Hughes was confused, and his understanding of the sanctuary was almost blank.

"The world we live in is called the Tenjin World, and was created by a powerful soul. He has created a total of seven sectors, namely the sun and moon sector, the heaven and earth sector, the mountains and rivers sector, the soul sector, and the time sector. , Wisdom, and bliss. In addition to creating the Seven Realms, he also left a lot of cultivation secrets, in order to hope that one day, someone can reach his realm."

"It is said that in order to encourage his people, the great God of God set up a purification pond on every continent. Only those who have been soaked in the purification pond can be promoted to the next level, otherwise, even if they reach the peak There is no way to break through. For example, a 9th-level peak magician, if he has not been soaked in the purification pool, then he will never be able to break through to the sanctuary." Ellie said.

Hearing this, Hughes showed a sudden look. It turned out that there was no sanctuary in the mainland for 5,000 years because there was no purification pool. Where is the purification tank? Why did it disappear?

Hughes thought so, but didn't interrupt Allie. He was afraid that if he intervened, Allie couldn't remember.

Ellie's voice continued to come: "...The **** of heaven set up a bliss lotus platform in the bliss sector where he lives, that is, the highest rank in the whole world. Anyone who can step on the lotus platform is to understand the whole All secret people in the world will also be able to walk into the extreme world of Liantai and become as powerful as the gods!"

"In addition to the bliss realm, the other six realms were originally in an equal position, but after hundreds of millions of years of reproduction and change, people have different understanding of the cultivation secrets left by the gods, so they gradually divided the heights. In order to facilitate the examination of the strength of the younger generation, the seniors artificially divided the entire cultivation process into four levels, namely five levels of apprentice, holy domain, spiritual knowledge, spiritual domain and Shentai, and each level is divided into nine levels. ."

Ali said.

"Apprentice, Sanctuary, Spiritual Awareness, Spiritual Realm, Divine Platform are five levels, each of which is divided into nine levels. I am now only an apprentice of seven levels, this..." After listening to Ally's words, Husden was stunned. In his long-term thinking, reaching the sanctuary is going to end, but now I have found that I haven't even gotten started, but I am just an apprentice.

This is a huge blow to Hughes, who has always wanted to be the most powerful in the entire continent.

"Young Master, don’t worry, your current strength is already the strongest in the whole continent, one-on-one, no one is your opponent. However, I just searched the soul of the dwarf and learned that people from other continents have begun to pay us gold Feng Continent came, and even people from other sectors would invade our continent for the sake of'seven leaves and one branch of flowers' and'golden branches and jade leaf fruits.' Immediately turned into a dust. "According to the intelligence of the dwarves, the two types of flowers and fruits will take another five years to pick. Therefore, we must unify the entire continent within five years, find another seven black dragon rings, activate the purification pool of the Golden Phoenix continent, and then cultivate A large number of powerful saints."

"Wait, Grandpa Murder, I'm very confused. Please let me think about it." Hughes's mind was indeed chaotic, and the news one after another made his nerves unresponsive.

"Okay, let's go back to the Xuanlongjie first. If we think about it, we will talk to me directly." Old Man Mo now finally understands why his master has to wait for the strength of Hughes to reach the peak of level nine before telling him everything. The situation right now. However, now that the situation is compelling, there is no time for Hughes to adapt slowly. He can only tell him all at once.

After the old Mr. Mood, Allie and Moran were put into the Xuanlong Ring, Hughes sat alone in the dilapidated valley and looked at the moon.

I saw a faint flash of light in the east, as if dawn would come.

However, in the eyes of Hughes, the beam of light was darker than the night, which made his heart chill.

A scene of scenes appeared in his mind.

Tiequan Valley, Jinjiang Town, Ulanke City, Sascono City, Underground Tomb, Xuanlong Temple...

"Boss, are you afraid?" Jin Ling couldn't help but ask softly as he helped Hughes show the pictures.

"Yes, I'm really scared. Do you know? It took me ten years to become a disciple level seven, ten years. However, those who are about to enter the Golden Phoenix Continent are at least the first order of the Holy Land. You Say, can I not be afraid?" For his soul, Hughes did not hide his inner fear.

"Boss, what is your purpose of practicing magic?" Jin Ling did not despise Hughes' weakness, but Chunchun induced.

"I once said that I want everyone to respect me and admire me! I want to be the strongest person." Hughes said.

"What's there to worry about?" Jin Ling asked back.

"Yes, I agree with Jin Ling's idea, isn't it just to come to a few powerful people? Dare to grab our site and still kill him!" The remnant who had been silent suddenly and rare stood on the same front line with Jin Ling.

"Well, although I am still a disciple of level 7, I can practice hard, and my strength will definitely improve. I can also let those invaders know that Jinfeng mainland is not so easy to bully. If you want to **** the resources of Jinfeng mainland, you have to pay. The price!" Hustle stood up, facing the rising sun in the east, and said aloud.

"Boss, it's cool!" the demon shouted like a nympho, and suddenly caused Jin Ling's white eyes, but Jin Ling was also very happy in his heart.

They are all souls of Hughes. Only when Hughes's strength increases can they improve. Although they have their own wisdom, they are actually just branches of Hughes's wisdom, not really independent wisdom.


"Grandpa Murder, I have already thought about it. Since I already know everything about the Holy Land, and you come out to help me, then there is no need for us to look for the Holy Land ruins again. Today we will go back to Ulank City and arrange it. Once again, I plan to unify the entire continent in half a year," said Hughes.

"Young Master, I came out only to help you solve the strength above the sanctuary. For the sanctuary below, you can only rely on you to deal with. In addition, when you break through the sanctuary, I will only deal with the strong spiritual knowledge, no longer deal with Sanctuary," said the old man.

"That's the best. I'm still worried that it will be cleaned up by you, so I don't have the opportunity to experience it." Hughes laughed.


After clarifying the goal, Hughes immediately flew back to Ulank City on the vampire bat king, and on the way back, he sealed the entire Frostman palace, that is to say, the Frostman empire was already headless. Therefore, as soon as he returned to Ulank City, he immediately asked Harry to lead the million troops to the west.

It has to be said that Harry and Adi had a set of battles with their soldiers. For a few days, they not only blocked the 1 million army of the Xifeng Empire and the 2 million army of the Frostman Empire, but also strengthened and enriched their own strength. The Liku Army, which originally had only 800,000 troops, became 1.5 million.

Because there were no decision makers, the Frostman Empire was completely occupied by Harry in just half a month. When Harry rushed into the city of Frostman in a fog, he finally understood why there was no effective resistance along the way.

At the same time, Hughes led Adi, led another 600,000 troops to the north, and went through five stages to cut six generals, so smoothly that Adi did not believe that this was true. So much so that he often says in his mouth: "This is not fighting, this is traveling!"

The sharp expansion and unstoppable momentum of Hughes chilled many other countries. Some weak-willed people did not hesitate to turn to Hughes, while some unwilling people were stubborn and resisted. Finally, they were directly sealed by Hughes. There are still some people who have turned to the Molan Empire in the north and the Xifeng Empire in the east.

In just two months, the human territory of the entire Golden Phoenix continent has become a three-legged situation.

The Xifeng Empire occupies the east, the Molan Empire occupies the north, the Liku Empire occupies the south and west, and most of the central region.

During this time, Hughes was also a large number of Internet talents. As long as he was at level 7 or above, no matter he had confronted him or those who obeyed him, he all recruited them, and let them all cultivate with peace of mind, and search all All the magic crystals and magic remedies provided are given to those in need free of charge to help them improve their strength as soon as possible.

Upon learning of this news, even those who were loyal to the Molan Empire and the Xifeng Empire and above had all turned to Hughes.

Moreover, in the past two months, Hughes has improved his strength to the top of level 7, and the application of Fengshen card has successfully opened the second layer. Now, his magic has reached a very sufficient level, and it is about to break to the eighth level.

"You finally promised to cooperate with me?" The Moran Imperial Palace, a slender, bright and charming woman cast a charming eye on a young man sitting on the throne and smiled softly.

"Are you sure you can stop the attack of Hughes' little slave?" This young man was exactly the old Master Upson, now Simon the Great.

"Cough... Your majesty, you are just kidding. Since ancient times, no one has been able to escape under the chase of my Moon Temple." The charming woman is named Hu Lisha, from the continent of the soul world.

"Then who do you decide to send? You have to know that he has a Xuanlong ring. It is said that the seal is the king of the Golden Phoenix mainland-Xuanlong King." Simon the Great said.

"Xuanlong King is not only the King of the Golden Phoenix Continent, but was also the owner of the spirit world. But what about it, he is only a sealed body now, and he can't afford any big waves." Hu Lisha said contemptuously, but her voice was Delicate and gentle, he heard that Emperor Simon and other officials were numb.

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