Pioneer Knight

Chapter 301:

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Hughes and the others ran like rabbits, but the three-headed dog behind them did not mean to give up, and the dark bombing was launched from time to time. Several double-headed dogs were released as if several people were at the same time. Throwing a grenade like a horror This also seriously affected the speed of Hughes and others' escape. The three of them should pay attention to whether there are other creatures in front of them, and also pay attention to the dark bombing behind. The situation is extremely optimistic.

Just as Huss and others were thinking about how to get out, a bull-sized monster suddenly appeared in front of them. Huss and others immediately came to a sudden brake, and Huss took the geologist who couldn't stop, Looking at the monster in front of it, it has three heads, with a snake's tail, and the hairs on the head and back are all coiled snakes. The whole body is very dark, and the saliva falling from the mouth rises on the ground immediately. A burst of smoke was obviously extremely corrosive.

This monster is the dark three-headed dog king of the underworld, the king of the dark two-headed dogs, and the pet of the underworld king of dragons. Hughes looked at this disgusting three-headed dog, and said in his heart: "It seems that the taste of King Yalong is not so good. Let's see what the brother raises? There is a cute little thief dog, and there is one more cow x, The two-headed dragon king dumplings of the same level as the Yalong king." According to the city owner Phil, the three-headed canine king of the dark underworld is extremely powerful, and the sharp claws and teeth are enough to tear the steel.

The three-headed dog king looked at Hughes and the others, full of killing and violentness, and there was only one thought in his heart that shattered them and tore them into pieces. At this time, the two-headed dog behind him also caught up, and saw the king in his own family, all with their tails in between, standing honestly sideways, changing the previous fierce and evil look, it was even gentler than the kitten. In the hands of Hughes, the Blade of Sange was transformed, exuding a faint cold light, and the other two were also in an offensive state.

The three-headed dog king barked low and took the lead to attack, rushing towards Hughes, and the two-headed dogs behind him rushed towards the geomancer and the captain Czech respectively. There was a sense of crisis in Hughes's heart, and his hair stood upside down. Hughes immediately pulled up from the ground, and a dark black tentacle emerged from the ground, and he grabbed Hughes. The night blade flashed coldly in his hand, and the tentacles rushed in response to the sound. One of the three-headed dog kings had a head in his mouth, and a gray fog directly hit Huss, and Huss immediately rolled on the spot, evading the attack. The gray mist suddenly fell on the ground and made a "chirping" sound, obviously dissolving the ground into a big hole.

Hughes was shocked in his heart, which was much more corrosive than the two-headed dog just now. Hughes immediately waved the blade of Sange in his hand, and slashed fiercely at one of the heads of the three-headed king. The tail of the three-headed king quickly wrapped around Hughes’s arm and dropped Hughes, and Hughes immediately Ascension was in the air. The head of the three-headed dog king sprayed gray mist again, and the shadow pressure of Hughes's two cannons would cancel it out.

The three-headed dog king roared, and the tail immediately approached his mouth, biting away from Huss. Huss was anxious, and the blade of the night in the right hand was immediately handed to the left hand. There was a wailing cry, and the tail was immediately cut off by the sharp blade of Sange. Hughes fell by the way, the cold wind hitting behind him, Hughes rolled in place again, and it was indeed the spitting black mist of the three-headed dog king.

The three-headed dog king is extremely angry. This little human has cut off his tail, which makes his face look so unpredictable. One of the three huge heads was fired immediately, and quickly attacked Hughes. The roaring head was still roaring in the air. Hughes's eyes tightened, and the blade of the night scattered with purple light, thunder exploded, and a flash of lightning was born. Hughes swept the blade of the night scattered fiercely, and purple thunder hit the first seven. Two strikes: Tian Xuan Thunder turns.

With the power of thunder and lightning, the black bomb from the three heads of the king was chopped, and a loud noise was made. The black mist covered Huss, and Huss continued to make a squeak sound, and the dark elements continued. Want to erode the skin of Hughes, the helpless vast element of thunder does not give the dark element any chance at all. The three-headed dog king stared at the rising mist, and did not know if this human killed...

In terms of the captain, the siege of dozens of double-headed dogs, but the captain Czech is extremely elegant, not panic and busy, the big sword in his hand constantly provokes the power of the tide, and the addition and splash effect of the water knife has a very strong Lethal power, coupled with the torrent's damage, dozens of two-headed dogs even hit the captain Czech without any return. As for the Geomancer, the two avatars and the deities formed a group (leaving one avatar outside), and the shovel in his hand waved quickly. Whether it was a dark bombing or a two-headed dog, in short, it was a shovel.

The three-headed dog king suddenly discovered that the ascent of the black mist rose much faster, faintly emitting purple thunder, and then a figure jumped out of it. The weapon in his hand was as bright as the bright lightning in the night. A famous man, he slashed at himself with a knife.

Hughes flung himself from the black mist, followed by the cover of the black mist, and quickly gathered the elements of thunder, triggering the power of thunder and lightning. The thunder of purple thunder hits a third blow: Shen Lei **** strikes abruptly, slashing the head of the three-headed dog king. The three-headed dog king also felt the danger of Hughes’s blow, and turned his head to the side. The three-headed dog king’s neck was hit by a knife, and the blade of the night fell into the three feet, but it was never again. Can't go further, it seems that the three-headed dog king's defense is very high!

The three-headed dog king made a mournful sound, and Hughes flashed back immediately, and the other head bite fiercely towards the location of Hughes, and simply Hughes dodge in time. Hughes can see from the wound just cut by his own knife that Sisi Lei elements continue to come from inside, constantly blocking the healing of the three-headed dog's wound. The three-headed dog king Yang Tianchangxiao, one of his heads showed a bit of cruelty, biting towards the middle head fiercely, making a harsh bone shattering sound, and soon the middle head was eaten up by this head and became The two-headed dog king is gone.

Hughes looked stunned, but something that made Hughes more shocked appeared. The part that had been bitten off immediately grew a head and became the three-headed dog king again. Hughes said: "It's really hard!" The captain Czech and Geomancer Shuohai also discovered that the three-headed dog king is extremely difficult, but he has no time to support Hughes, because the number of double-headed dogs has increased dramatically. The pressure of the two also doubled.

The three-headed dog king once again barked, three mists spit toward Huss from different directions, and Huss immediately pulled out of the ground, with a knife to resist the attack of the three-headed dog king's tail, opened the distance and wiped out. A two-headed dog pounced on himself. Hughes began to chant: "Wandering soul! Please listen to my call, listen to my command, play a soul burial song for the enemy through the sorrow and unwillingness of the ru..." , A huge black figure descended from the sky, constantly twisting his body.

The three-headed dog king has fallen into madness at this time, and has not realized the danger at all. At this time, it has been dominated by killing and violentness, and his brain wants to tear the human provocative man in front of him into shatters. The three-headed dog king pounced fiercely on Chaosius...

"Listen! A rejuvenating song I played for Ru-Emoji of Souls!" Hughes released the power of the soul gathered in his hands towards the periphery, and the huge black figure suddenly stopped twisting, and the huge body turned into Evil spirits scattered in all directions. The three-headed dog king who bears the brunt uttered a mournful wailing sound, and the two-headed dogs around him were also affected by the elegiac of the soul. One by one, the seven tricks bleed, and there is no more movement on the ground.

The three-headed dog king constantly hit the ground with his huge head to reduce the pain he suffered. Countless evil spirits raged in the spiritual world of the three-headed dog king, destroying the power of the three-headed dog king's soul. Hughes is also a little weak, and his steps are a little bit floating, but Hughes knows that the opportunity is coming. Hughes immediately accelerated to the three-headed king, but the three-headed king was unknowable.

A black light sphere appeared on the blade of Hughes’ Night of Dispersion, which was opened by the armband, followed by a red light from the body of the two-headed dog king, the effect of the desperation of the Medal of Courage appeared, and the effect of the advent of the devil , Three consecutive times, cut off the heads of the three head kings at the same time, and blood spewed out. The three-headed dog king's body kept pumping, and it didn't move after a while.

The other two-headed dogs found out that their king had been killed by the enemy, with no fighting spirit at all, and they immediately evacuated and fled towards the distance. The captain Czech wiped the sweat from his head and gave a thumbs up to Hughes. Hughes smiled, but the geologist changed his face, and immediately walked towards Hughes.

Huss has discovered that the geomancer’s face has changed, and the captain Czech has also come over. The geomancer said: "The avatar of the graveyard I stayed in was called by the Lich King, so I am sorry, I am going back, I can't take risks with you anymore." So it turned out, Hughes smiled and said, "It's alright, go!"

The geologists said goodbye to Hughes and Captain Czech, and then a few flashes of light passed, and the geographers disappeared in front of Hughes and the two. Huss just wanted to talk to the captain Czech about how to find the next question. Suddenly he felt in his heart, a short stiff body, a sharp weapon came out, and flew over the head of Huss. The sharp weapon rotated half a circle, and flew back again, Hughes was caught off guard, barely letting go, and immediately had a **** mouth on his waist, blood flowing directly.

The sharp weapon fell back into the hands of a man who turned out to be a cross sickle. The captain Czech immediately stood in front of Hughes and looked at the man who attacked Hughes. With a height of about 1.8 meters, the skin is naked and unusually fair, and he looks strange. At this time, he looks at the captain Czech and Hughes with a smirk. Hughes simply treated the lower wound and straightened up. The wound on the waist was painful, but the effect was not significant.

Hughes looked at the man angrily and said, "Who are you? Why do you want to attack me?"

The man said faintly: "Hades, the Underworld Warrior!"

The Underworld Warrior is the faithful guardian of the Underworld Yalong King and the number one warrior of the Underworld Yalong. He is looking at Hughes with hostility. Underworld warlord Haledi continued: "You killed Lord Dragon King's pet, naturally I will kill you."

There is nothing wrong with this. Who told you to kill your pet? Although this pet is very ugly, after all, it is playing the sign of the Yalong King of the Underworld. Hughes was a little embarrassed, scratching his head and saying, "This three-headed canine king is already dead. The so-called dog death can't be resurrected. Can the underworld war open adults."

The Underworld Warfare glanced coldly at Hughes, no longer talking nonsense with Hughes, and the flying sickle in his hand flew towards Hughes again. The captain of the Czech Republic changed his face, and the Underworld Warfare would take himself as the air and attack Hughes directly. The big sword in the captain's Czech hands immediately blocked the fierce flying sickle. The flying sickle made a "chirping" rotating sound, and returned to the hands of the underworld warlord again.

The captain of the Czech Republic accelerated, the big sword in his hand was going to the underworld war, and the flying scythe in the underworld war quickly flew towards a tree, and it was nailed to the tree in an instant. The underworld war will borrow the power of the tree and see if it has escaped Captain Czech this knife. Immediately afterwards, the underworld warfare roared, and with a strong hand, the whole tree was uprooted and fell on the captain Czechoslovakia.

The captain of the Czech changed his face and flashed quickly to the side. The big tree instantly smashed into the air and made a bang. The captain Czech leaned forward, a sword mixed with the power of the tide, and he slashed towards the underworld. Underworld warfare also took his face seriously, and quickly drew a dagger from behind to block the sword, accompanied by the splash of the water knife. The Underworld Warrior is forcing the sword to retreat a few steps.

The Underworld Warfare will look at the captain of the Czech Republic with some surprise: "Hero Venerable Peak?"

The captain Czech smiled coldly, and said to the underworld warlord: "You have eyesight!" The voice just fell and flashed forward again, but the underworld warlord was calm and fearless. The dagger in his hand pierced the captain's Czech heart, the captain's Czech. Putting the big sword in his hand, the two weapons immediately joined the short soldiers, and made a "ding" sound, and both sides took a few steps back. The captain Czech said: "You are not bad!"

Underworld snorted, the scythe chain in his hand exerted force again, and the big tree threw at the captain Czech again. The captain Czech evaded the underworld attack lightly, but a sense of crisis came from behind, captain The Czech immediately squatted down, and the shiny dagger crossed the captain's shoulder, stirring a few drops of blood. Hughes couldn't help but be surprised, the Underworld Warfare would even have the ability to blink.

The captain Czech suddenly felt a pain in his shoulder, grinned, and stab his back with a sword in his backhand. Underworld warrior gently lifted the captain's Czech sword with a dagger in his hand, and quickly backed away. Underworld warfare re-energizes the left hand, and the huge tree once again smashed towards the captain Czech, and the captain quickly flashed to the side. Hughes discovered that the captain Czech had an act of raising his hand while he was hiding, but the Underworld Warrior didn't know it, so he reapplied, and the dagger quickly stabbed towards the captain's Czech vest.

When the dagger of the underworld warrior was about to stab the captain of the Czech Republic, a plume of water rose under his feet, and he immediately pushed himself into the air, and then the underworld warfare saw a huge black warship in the distance collide with himself . The Underworld Warfare will sneer, a flash will disappear instantly, and then appear behind the captain Czech, a dagger stabs out again.

There is a smile on the corner of the captain's Czech mouth. If the Underworld Warrior can be run like this, the captain of the Czech Republic should not say that he is the peak strength of the hero. I saw the underworld warrior who had flashed to the back of the captain Czech, but returned to the same place again. The ship of the nether hit the underworld warrior fiercely. Fly away.

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