Pioneer Knight

Chapter 360:

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The middle-aged man also had a surprised look on his face, even if he knew that Lin Shang and the young man had a gap, but did not expect that the gap would be so large. Lin Shang was struggling to climb up from the ground in disbelief, and blood was spilling from the corner of his mouth. If Hughes' men were merciless, it was estimated that Lin Shang had already killed Jiuquan. Lin Shang stumbled to the middle-aged man, knelt down and said, "Master, I am ashamed of the God of Killing God, I am ashamed to live in the world, and I am ashamed of the teaching of the master!" After a loud noise, he picked up the sword on the ground and wanted to wipe his neck.

Fortunately, the middle-aged man saw the machine quickly, grabbed a sword in Lin Shang's hand, slapped it on Lin Shang's face fiercely, Lin Shang again hit the fly. The middle-aged man scolded: "Useless things, just think about committing suicide if you can't beat them? You're so good at this? You won't think about why you lose? Victory and defeat are commonplace for soldiers. Can't bear this blow? What are the qualifications to become a disciple of God Gate? If you insist on seeking death, you can! From now on, you will never be the disciple of God Gate!"

Lin Shang immediately rolled to the middle-aged man in the distance and knelt down. He said, "Master, Lin Shang knows the wrong thing and knows the wrong thing! Please ask the master not to expel me from the killing gate." The middle-aged man sneered. One channel: "Go to Houshan Confinement! You can't come out within a year!" Lin Shangru was pardoned, looked at Hughes with fear, and walked towards Houshan.

The middle-aged man looked at Hughes and said, "Let the little brother laugh!"

Hughes shook his head and said, "Young people are like this, or do you teach well!" This sentence praises Hughes sincerely, but Hughes forgets that he is also a young man, younger than Lin Shang, and Lin Shang was defeated without much effort. Lin Shang was the proud disciple of this middle-aged man. To say so on this occasion, it was a slap in the middle-aged man's face, Hughes immediately realized, but it was too late.

The middle-aged man's face changed, and he pulled out his sword from his waist, pointing at Hughes: "If you lose, you will lose everything, and I don't care who you are! If you win, then let you go, not to blame. !"

Hughes said, "I don't mean that!" Hughes still wanted to explain, but the middle-aged man ignored Hughes and went straight to Hughes: "No need to say anything! Kill the second disciple Zhang Jian, fight me!"

Hughes looked at Zhang Jian, but he didn't expect Zhang Jian to be a disciple of killing God Baiqi. Hughes greeted Zhang Jian and his party: "Younger Hughes, disciple under Xiang Yu's door, please enlighten me!" Since he is a disciple of the murderous god, Hughes does not need to hide his identity. Sooner or later, he still has to meet. It's better to make it public earlier.

Zhang Jian's face changed, and he said, "Lin Shang is unjustly defeated! It turned out to be Xiang Yu's disciple. The skill of Master Xiang Yu's apprentice is really great. Whether it is the young man in front of him or the legendary Xiang Wuwu, he is from Under Xiang Yu's gate. "Among the four guardian gods, the killer Baiqi is the strongest, but the strength of educating his disciples is Xiang Yu. This is acknowledged by the killer Baiqi himself.

Zhang Jian said, "Under the overlord's door, they are all geniuses, Zhang Jian admires! I am a few years old, so I will call you a little teacher!"

Hughes nodded immediately and said, "This should be, please give me advice!"

Zhang Jian stood with his sword, and the murderousness suddenly appeared, and he overwhelmed Hughes. He could see the fierce murderousness with his naked eyes, and he kept pressing towards Hughes. Hughes also felt a sudden increase in pressure, and the murderous air was like a knife air, cutting him sharply. Hughes immediately lucked the Purple Thunder heart, and squeaked the electric sound of Hughes, who could withstand Zhang Jian's murderousness.

A trace of applause appeared on Zhang Jian's face, deservingly Xiang Yu's disciple. The sword in Zhang Jian's hand slowly pointed to Hughes, and said to Hughes: "Be careful!" The other disciples of the killing **** looked at his master nervously. The master did not shoot for many years, and finally had the opportunity to see the master again. In the minds of all the disciples, Zhang Jian is an invincible existence. It used to be, and it is also now. It must not be a problem to clean up this young man in front of him.

The sword in Zhang Jian's hand pierced towards Hughes, taking the preemptive route. Hughes immediately felt that the surrounding aura tightly locked himself, forcing himself to deal positively with the sword. Zhang Jian, the sword, spit out white murderousness above the sword front, which can already be seen with the naked eye, just like tongue and tongue. Hughes shouted, "Come well!" The blade of San Ye greeted him fiercely, and with a "Dang!" sound, the two retreated.

Zhang Jian immediately felt a little numb in his right hand, and sighed in his heart: "How can this disciple under the feather gate be so powerful?" Hughes had no effect. It can be seen that the first time he played, obviously Hughes took the advantage. . Hughes stared at Zhang Jian in the distance, and raised his hand with a cannon shadow. The black mist immediately condensed on Zhang Jian's head. Passive beating was not Hughes' style.

Zhang Jian snorted coldly: "Side door left!", bullying forward, Hughes slashed towards Zhang Jian, Zhang Jianmeng flashed, the shadow fell empty, and even the sword of Hughes was hacked. Hughes secretly said: "It's fast!" Just before Hughes had not responded, the sword in Zhang Jian's hand pointed directly at Hughes' right wrist, and the speed was still very fast. Hughes was too late to dodge at this moment, only to give up the blade of Sanye in his hand, put the blade of Sanye in his hand, and Zhang Jian emptied his sword.

The disciples around him immediately cheered. In just two strokes, his master lost the young man's weapons. It seemed to be in hand to defeat the young man. Under the attention of everyone, the blade of San Ye fell towards the ground. Taking advantage of the situation, Zhang Jian chopped down with a sword, trying to cut off the sword of Sanye, how could Xius let Zhang Jian wish. Hughes lifted his foot and hit the handle of the blade of Sanye, and the blade of Sanye turned in the sky, just around the body of Zhang Jian, Hughes accelerated, holding the blade of Sanye horizontally, and approached Zhang Jian. At the throat.

Zhang Jian immediately raised the sword in his hand, which was able to block Hughes' sword, but the sharp blade actually aroused the goose bumps on Zhang Jian's neck and gave Zhang Jian a clever body. Originally, Zhang Jian still underestimated Hughes. After all, Hughes was relatively young. Even if Xiang Yu taught carefully, the actual combat experience was still lacking. Zhang Jian thought this is true, but after Hughes experienced the Titan world, the actual combat experience is extremely rich. It can be said that after hundreds of battles, life and death battles are just like a routine.

Hughes forced Zhang Jian to retreat with a knife, and did not continue to pursue Zhang Jian. Hughes could feel that Zhang Jian's strength was still a little worse than himself. Zhang Jian also seems to feel that there is a slight gap between him and Hughes, but Hughes is not invincible. Zhang Jian's momentum improved again, and the sword sword edge in his hand rose another three feet, which was extremely powerful, and his shooting speed was once again faster.

Hughes was tossing around improperly. Zhang Jian's sword was like a tarsal maggot, closely following Hughes's ass. Suddenly, Zhang Jian's blade changed and cut off at the position of Hughes' throat at a weird angle. Hugh's pupil contracted and immediately lowered his waist. Jianqi looked at Hughes' skin with a cold look. Invaded Hughes' body. And Hughes had an inexplicable irritability in his heart, and an urge to kill the Quartet. Obviously this was affected by the killing intention, and was assimilated by Zhang Jian's murderous intent. This is Zhang Jian's biggest reliance...

Zhang Jian also saw that Hughes's state was a little bit impatient at the moment, and he changed his style before he was stable, and he was a bit quick to get quick results. The blade of the scattered night in Hughes's hands also began to open and close, launching a stormy attack on Zhang Jian. Zhang Jian is light-hearted, and under the influence of the murderous aura, Xius loses his reason, and the stormy attack is for Zhang Jian to easily block it. The more this is, the more Xius is impatient Incomparably.

Zhang Jian took advantage of Xiusi's old strength, while the new force was not alive, a sword pierced Xiusi's left shoulder, the timing of this sword was just right, Xiusi was careless, the tip of the sword pierced Xiusi's clothes, and was on the shoulder Left a red blood line. Although it didn't matter, it made Hughes a little sober and muttered to himself: "How do I feel irritable? How can I feel impatient in the battle of life and death?"

However, Zhang Jian exudes vast murderous intentions, shouting: "Take me a trick! Killing Seventh Heaven's Kill to Break the Sky!" Poke the sky apart. This sword is much stronger than Lin Shang's. I don't know how many times stronger it is. Whether it is shot speed or killing intensity, it is far from Lin Shang's.

Hughes was really in a turbulent storm. The Purple Thunder mind was secretly transported. A thunder sound reached everyone's ears, and a lightning came out of the sky. Bathed in thunder and light, the little electric snake spread continuously, making a "squeak!" sound, and Hughes shouted, "Look at my seven strokes of the purple thunder!" The spring thunderstorm was born outrageously!

Smash the sky VS spring thunderstorm pole.

After a second, face up. The sky's killing intentions, thunder thunder, countless murderous and electric snakes constantly entangled, and finally the annihilation disappeared, and the two Hughes and Zhang Jian, who were in the center, were also short soldiers, and they made a loud bang. The two immediately backed away. Hughes felt that the infinite killing intention passed from Zhang Jianjian had a great influence on his own mind.

However, Zhang Jian's right-handed tiger's mouth ruptured, blood flowed, and the vast element of thunder invaded his body, just like a wild horse, raging in his body. Zhang Jian immediately carried out the killing heart method, and expelled all the thunder elements raging in his body. Hughes also minimized the murderous effect in his body, and the battle continued.

Zhang Jian looked at Hughes coldly, and Hughes also stared at Zhang Jian without any politeness. The two shot at the same time. Zhang Jian's hands exuded a dazzling white light. No, not white light, but murderous, murderous condensation On top of the sword body, this sword became a lightsaber completely, very solid, and the murderous sword of the Seventh Heaven's Massacre.

Hughes Thunder's seven strikes and the second strike of the Sky Whirlwind are also ready to go. The shadow of the sky and the thunderous bursts are unparalleled. Compared with Zhang Jian's slaughter of the world, it is stronger. many.

Tian Xuan Thunder turns VS Tu Shi Jian Sword.

The two strokes collided head-on again, and the sky sword shadow went forward and cut off the lightsaber. The sword shadow that met lightsaber was like Bai Xue encountering the scorching sun, and the melting disappeared, but the lightsaber gradually became dim, and there was no dazzling as before. Too. Hughes was also surprised, killing the **** Baiqi to spread his disciples really was not annoying. The weapons of the two collided again, and the sound of the knife and thunder suddenly disappeared. I saw Zhang Jianjian's murderous sentiment completely dissipated to Xiusi, disappeared without a trace, revealing the material of the sword body itself, and the lightning on the Xiusi knife also ceased to exist, and the two again reached a tie.

The tiger's mouth in Hughes's hands also broke, showing how powerful the force was anyway. Zhang Jian couldn't even say that, his right hand seemed to have lost consciousness, and he was so numb that he had to hand the sword of his right hand to his left hand, and the air machine locked Hughes, and the third form of the murderous Qizhongtian shot again. It seems that the center of the world is condensed on the tip of Zhang Jian's sword, the third type: annihilation.

Hughes seemed to hear the drums of war, countless soldiers shouted and rushed, as if he had arrived on the battlefield as if he were on the ground. I saw a white general, holding a sharp blade, constantly killing the soldiers who charged, and the body under the feet was high. Gao Leiqi, murderously pointed at himself, Hughes' feet were full of dry bones, but Hughes was standing in the middle of the dry bones. Just like Hughes, the stunned god, the world has come to an end.

Hughes immediately launched the third form of Purple Thunder seven strikes, Shen Lei Hell. With a fierce stab at Zhang Jian, he completely gave up his own defense. There was no way to rush to resist this eradication, but had to take the same approach. Zhang Jian's eyes were cold, and the fighting talent of this young man named Hughes was extraordinary. In desperation, Zhang Jian had to deflect the tip of the sword, and Kankan and Hughes' blade of San Ye hit it.

Shen Lei **** VS annihilation.

After the two sides touched it, the thunder disappeared, and a scar appeared on Huss's right hand. The blood flowed directly. If Huss was quick to see the machine, this arm would probably be unsustainable. And Zhang Jian's weapon also broke a gap. Zhang Jian frowned and said in secret: "This kid's weapon is not much more than a hateless lightning knife."

Hughes shook his right hand, and the battle was full of vigor: "Come again!" This time, Hughes took the lead, thunder roared, and a flash of lightning fell from the sky, leading to the blade of the night, followed by a thunderbolt, Xiu The blade of the scattered night in Sri Lanka's hand was like a lightning, and countless lightning like a small electric snake gathered quickly towards Hughes, exuding infinite power, the power of the narrow sky and thunder, and slashing towards Zhang Jian. Zhang Jian didn't dare to carelessly, and the fourth form of Qiqitian's murderous intention was able to leave, and the two great skills collided again.

Winter Thunderbolt VS Killing the Four Wilds.

When the smoke dissipated, I saw Hughes standing proudly in the middle of the field, and Zhang Jian...

The aftermath of the two battles overturned the killing disciples to the ground. Hughes stood proudly in the center of the field. Although the clothes on his body were damaged, they were still pulling the wind. On the other hand, Zhang Jian was kneeling on one knee, leaning on the sword in his hand to support his body. Obviously, he lost to Hughes, and Hughes smiled slightly: "Brother Chengmeng yielded!"

Zhang Jian's disciples immediately ran up, helped Zhang Jian up, and determined that Zhang Jian was only injured a little bit, but he felt relieved and turned to look at Surus and the young man in surprise, defeating his own master. Zhang Jian said: "Young Master, your strength is really strong, and worship for your brother." Zhang Jian's mind flashed the last picture with Hughes...

In the hands of Hughes, the blade of San Ye was like a flash of lightning, and with the power of the sky and thunder, Qi Qi locked Zhang Jian firmly, and Zhang Jian had no choice but to fuse Hughes' blow. Zhang Jian hurriedly performed the fourth type: killing the four wilds, killing and killing like a knife, it is a ranged attack, but the thunder and **** of Hughes is focused on one point, which is typical of breaking the surface, plus Hughes’ strength But it is stronger than Zhang Jian, and Zhang Jian is to meet the enemies between the imperial courts. He stands tall and gives Hughes the sword. Zhang Jian retreated, but Hughes's attack did not end. The element of thunder introduced from Hughes's blade into Zhang Jian's body began to wreak havoc, and continued to issue collisions, causing great damage to Zhang Jian. Fortunately, Xius's mercy , Zhang Jian was able to force the element of thunder completely out of the body.

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