Pioneer Knight

Chapter 623:

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Hughes’s current situation is very bad. Obstructed by the celestial worm’s instinctive self-protection, he can’t continue the “blood sacrifice puppet”, and his spirit is rebounded and hurt to a certain extent, and Hughes also feels the silkworm The ants are eager to move, crawling towards themselves quickly, if the silkworm ants enter their bodies, then everything will be finished.

"Not even this pain can be tolerated. How can you reach the outside world, how can you still be an emperor, a **** admired by the celestial beings, the reason you are sealed here is because you simply cannot In the outside world, because you don’t have a very strong will at all, and even this pain can’t be persisted. It’s ashamed that you are so emperor, I think they all think so. Otherwise, how could you be sealed here." Hughes shouted loudly towards the celestial consciousness.

"It's not like this at all. I'm the emperor. I can endure such pain. Let's continue." The silkworm consciously heard what Huss said, and deeply hurt his nerves. This was the last thing he wanted to hear. The matter is now spoken out by Hughes, and the celestial worm consciousness is very crazy, roaring hard.

Everyone has dignity, the existence they want to maintain, their own reputation and their firm responsibilities. That is their pride, the root of their existence, and no one can tarnish it. What defends is that for the Emperor Silkworm, being the emperor is his consciousness, so when he hears what Huss said, it stimulates his fierceness, even if life can be sacrificed, not to mention this pain.

Hughes felt that the silkworm was very extraordinary. Looking at the silkworm who endured the pain of splitting the soul and no longer shouted, even the body did not tremble, Hughes admired it in his heart, but Hughes did not have more time, he quickly Extracts the soul of the celestial silkworm, and condenses into a **** through the spirit to reach the body of the celestial silkworm, and then connects the heart and blood into the self.

The celestial worm's consciousness became very firm, and the "blood sacrifice puppet" went smoothly. But no one came out of this crack outside, and they did not have much pressure on Mo Yan. Soon after an hour, Hughes showed a very happy emotion, and the blood sacrifice puppet was about to succeed. Skyworm playing cards, then his own strength becomes more powerful.


The word "deed" emerged from Huss's body and moved towards the body of the silkworm. The word "deed" quickly entered the consciousness of the silkworm, and then Huss gently pressed the position of the eyebrow of the silkworm's consciousness with his finger. The word "deed" entered the soul of the celestial worm in this way, and the blood sacrifice puppet finally achieved a complete success.

After the success of the "Blood Puppet Puppet", Hughes felt that there was something in his soul. It seemed to be a pattern, but it was not a pattern of a silkworm. It was more like a dragon. Hughes' heart moved. Is it true to say that "the silkworm has changed nine times, and the winged dragon"? Hughes couldn't help thinking.

The success of the "Blood Puppet Puppet" has greatly damaged the spirit of Hughes, but this is very insignificant compared to the harvest. When the silkworm consciousness lasted to the last moment, it was really unbearable and fainted. Hughes Thinking of the bravery of the final stage of the silkworm, and the thought of treating him well in the future, this reminded Hughes again, looking at the pattern on his arm, I don't know when it will finish evolving.

The silkworm became the puppet of Hughes' blood sacrifice. As soon as Hughes's soul moved, the silkworm slowly disappeared into the field of vision of Mo Yan, and into the body of Hughes, Mo Yan was very surprised to watch the suddenly disappearing silkworm, I want to know why, but the end is to hold back, everyone has his secret, even if they ask, they will not say what they don’t want to say.

Hughes picked up the silk armor that he had just used for blood sacrifice. Hughes' eyes narrowed, and he was a little surprised, shouting: "This is ~~~."

Mo Yan looked at Hughes with some doubt, and said, "What's wrong." But when he saw the silk armor on Hughes' hand, he was also very surprised and said: "There are patterns on the surface, this is the only reason. It’s a real map of miserable armor, but how is that possible.”

A map appeared on the top of the silk armor, a map of the residual armor. This is Hughes. The magic flame did not expect it. They were very surprised. They did not do something very special. They didn’t understand the kind of opportunity. The treasure map above the silk armor appears. Hughes quickly looked at the remaining silk armor, but nothing was found. Hughes' heart moved, thinking of a certain possibility, is it the change caused by the blood of the silkworm.

But this is also wrong. I use "blood sacrifice puppet" based on my own blood, and then condense into a certain relationship between the **** and the celestial consciousness through the spirit, and then divide the soul into the soul to form a contract, But in this there is no blood of the silkworm. The soul can't produce such an effect, then only this blood is the blood sacrificed to the silkworm, so that its own blood also produces some changes.

Hughes bit his finger and let blood drip on the remaining silk armor, but this time it produced some kind of change. The silk armor actually appeared slowly with a curve. For a moment, the silk armor The carapace map completely appeared in the vision of Hughes, which was really amazing.

Mo Yan and Mo Chi were even more shocked. They looked at Hughes with very strange eyes, just like watching monsters. When he took out the second silk armor in his hands, blood dripped from the blood. , But there is no response, but now there is a certain change, it can only show that it has something to do with the matter just now, Mo Yan looked at Hughes curiously and wanted Hughes to give Some explanation.

"I really don't know what's going on." Hughes said very helplessly, Hughes really didn't know what was going on. Hughes was also very surprised, thinking in his heart that it was the blood sacrificed silkworm Although this kind of speculation has a certain degree of authenticity, it is very unclear what kind of change Hughes has made.

Mo Yan has been looking at Huss all the time. When he saw Hussle's blood appearing on the silk armor, there was a very surprised expression on Huss's face. Obviously, Huss did not know his blood. With such an effect, I believe that Hughes himself is indeed unclear. Mo Yan did not struggle with this matter, so he said to Hughes: "Don't worry about that matter first. I still have three parts of silk armor in my hands. You try to drip blood on it." Speaking of Mo Yan, she took out three other silk armor from her arms and gave it to Huss.

Without any refusal, Hughes dripped his blood on top of the silk armor, and the pattern on it quickly emerged. Once was a coincidence, but four times was not a coincidence. It was a very simple matter. Hughes is now I believe that his blood has undergone some changes, but Hughes is very helpless, but I don't know whether the blood is getting better or worse.

But now there is no time to consider such a problem. Hughes looks at the five silk armor in his hand and wants to piece together each other to see what has been discovered and whether there is any information about the hidden armor.

"These three pieces should be put together like this, but the remaining two pieces can't be pieced together. It seems that only by obtaining more maps of residual armor can we see where this is." Looking at the map in his hand, he said helplessly in the end.

"It is indeed the case, but it is not a way to do it. It is already a very good thing to have three copies of the five pieces of the residual armor map together. Let’s first look at our location and then look forward with the map. The effect is much better." Mo Yan said.

"The location where we are now should be here, the silkworm ant cave. If we are going north, we will come here next.

"Death to Heaven?" Mo Yan frowned, looking at the sign on the map, as if thinking about something.

"There is no sign of the hidden armor hidden on the map of this residual armor, and it is really abominable." Mo Chi said angrily when he saw that the map had no hidden residual armor.

"Okay, let's gather Ning Cao Grass first, and then go to this extinct sky to have a look, maybe there is some kind of discovery." Mo Yan said.

"Uh." Hughes had no opinion, but Hughes felt that Mo Yan seemed to know something, but he didn't say it. Hughes didn't ask much, so he collected Ningcao. Everything may be known, Hughes thought.

More than a hundred strains of Ningxia grass finally got more than 40 strains, and Mo Yan and Mochi got more than 60 strains. Although it seems that Hughes did not get more than two of them, actually Hughes earned a lot. , Hughes did not suffer any harm, but Mochi lost one arm, and Hughes also sacrificed the silkworm, which is more precious than all the saplings. Even if it is a weapon of spiritual goods, there is no panacea. As valuable as a silkworm, Hughes definitely made a big profit this time.

Hughes and they continue to head north after collecting Ning Cao Grass, and then they will go to extinction.

The city is very messy, there are broken walls everywhere, and many of the walled houses have collapsed. There is no other discovery. Hughes is really curious now. What happened in the past was actually able to make it here. They all turned into ruins, and what is the relationship between the "dead" ancient city they saw and the city? There are many questions in Hughes' mind, but no one can answer him.

Along the way, Hughes and Mo Yan didn't speak. They were thinking about their own problems. In the past two hours, they finally came to the extinct heaven marked on the map of the residual armor.

The location of the Extinct Heavenly Extinction is an abyss, the abyss is unpredictable, just like a Jedi, it makes people seem to have a kind of extraordinary way of thinking. Seeing the huge abyss in front of him, Hughes has a very deep The big shock, there is such an abyss in the ancient city of silence, no one thought of it, and Hughes is even more so.

Looking at the abyss of extinction in front of him, Hughes was shocked, but he didn't have much fear. Now that Hughes' successful blood sacrifice to the silkworm, the silkworm ants that make people talk is no longer a problem. And maybe I can help myself, Hughes has no reason to be scared, and what is marked on the map of the ruined old city's ruined armor is only here, and Hughes has to look at what is special in it. , What kind of secrets are hidden.

"This abyss is bottomless. I don't know how deep it is. It seems that we need to go inside and see. Your spiritual energy is very powerful. Do you want to go in after a rest? I will explore it now." Xiu Si said to Mo Yan. Mo Yan uses that powerful tampering technique, and the mind consumes a lot of power, and Mo Chi's arm is even cut off. Seeing that their spirits are a little weak, they are very weak, and Hughes reminds them.

"Well, even if we go down now, we can't help much. We're adjusting interest rates here. You go to find out what is at the bottom of this abyss. We are waiting for you." Mo Yan nodded in agreement.

"Then you're here to adjust your interest rate first, I'll look into the abyss first." Hughes said, and then Hughes looked at the dark, can't see the half of the abyss, and jumped into it.

"We are here to restore our essence. This ancient city is more dangerous than imagined, and we have to be more cautious. This is'Tianlingwuxindan', which is of great benefit to your injury. , Your arm can only go back to the Horde and think of other ways." Mo Yan threw a medicine bottle to Mo Chi.

"Yes." Mo Chi said with his other arm followed by the medicine bottle. "It seems that there is no such record in the materials of the ancient city of silence, Master, we have checked, and this ancient city has some kind of Is weird."

"It's true that there is no place for extinction, but the ancient city of extinction used to have a "Temple of Heaven". According to legend, the main owner of the silkworm who claimed to be the ancient city of extinction used this "Temple of Heaven". And it is very likely that the three great masters and the battle of the Heavenly Silkworm Venerable are in this place. I think there must be some connection between the'Stop Heavenly Extinction' and the Heavenly Palace.' Mo Yan said speculatively.

"Tian Jue Palace?" Mo Chi said with some doubts: "That seems to be the first hall of the'Si Jue Hall' of the Ancient City, Tian Jue Hall, Di Jue Hall, Xuan Jue Hall, Huang Jue Hall, it is said that'Si Jue' The four halls of the hall can be equipped with a very powerful formation method,'Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Great Formation'."

"Well, the great formation of Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang, that's the great formation during the Mega Clan." Mo Yan nodded and said: "Okay, now don't say anything else, let's restore Jingyuan first."

After entering the abyss of extinction, Hughes felt that there was a lot of yin in the abyss, which was more intense than the yin of the silkworm ant cave. It was a strong **** smell, and Hughes frowned, feeling that there was a big difference in this abyss, and Hughes continued to move towards the bottom of the abyss.

"Sha Qi." At the depth of 300 meters, Hughes felt that there was a very obvious change in Yin Qi, which actually turned into Yin Sha's breath. This is a higher level of dark energy than Yin Qi. Hughes There is a change in the heart of time, what is there under the abyss of the extinction of heaven, there is such a strong sorrow, is this underneath the Nine Nether Yin Spring, Hughes thought in his heart, "Nine Nether Yin Spring, here is the Nether Heaven The base of the Diyin vein of the Zhenzhen formation method is located.

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