Pioneer Knight

Chapter 627:

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Hughes didn't think that Shang crack actually was such a person. Hughes felt that Yang Minhao's speech was a bit biased. After all, Yang Minhao had a prejudice to Shang crack, and what he said must be unfair, but Hughes felt Even if Shang crack does not have a full of economics, it means that he has not been provoked by Yang Cai. This shows that Shang crack's mind is a bit extraordinary, and definitely not reckless. Otherwise, Shang crack is likely to fight directly, but But this can't be said in this way, otherwise, it will definitely cause unnecessary trouble, and finally Yang Minhao will change his goal, Hughes no longer needs to attract Yang Minhao's eyes.

"Second man, is there a baby in front of me? Otherwise, how could Shangchai run so fast? I think we should hurry up, otherwise we will fall behind him." Hughes said to Yang Min.

"Yeah, yeah, I was almost fooled." Yang Min quickly responded and said: "Except for your mouth, your head is still very good."

Yang Minhao rarely praised Hughes. Hughes was really flattered, but in Hughes’ heart, he said sorrowfully: "If his head turned fast, how could he say that very annoying words? , And it’s an obvious thing, but you didn’t think about it."

As mentioned by Hughes, Yang Minhao had Kung Fu “playing” with Hughes, and he quickly drove along the cave towards the front. The cave was very tortuous, but fortunately, there was only one Channel, this really makes people feel like they are going to black, Yang Minhao wants to catch up with the business crack, and the speed is very fast. Although he didn't catch up, after all, it is the cultivation of the domain, but they are The wasted world was greatly shortened, and quickly walked out of the end of the cave.

What Hughes hadn't thought of was that the end of the cave was like an exit, the darkness and darkness were suddenly bright, the bright sky shone with infinite light, like a paradise here, there are mountains and water, flowers and grass, There is this palace between the mountains and rivers. A plaque is erected on the palace. Although the palace is far away from Hughes and their position, the word Hughes on the board is very clear. "Temple of Heaven".

Seeing the words on the plaque above the palace, Hughes frowned, seeing the words on the plaque above the palace. Obviously, Hughes had never heard of it, and the mark on the map of the residual armor was only "Death to Heaven" , Or else it is marked on the other carapace maps. After all, there is only five copies of the carapace map of Hughes and Demon Flame. After seeing the Heavenly Palace in front of him, Hughes suddenly thought of the two Zhang's unconnected map of the residual armor is also marked "Xuanxie Xuanjue", is there still a "Xuanjue Hall" there.

By the time Hughes walked out of the cave, there were already a lot of people, and not far away there was the "splenic scum" business crack that Hughes had just encountered. Yan, looking at the two Confucian and Taoist costumes standing there, there is a feeling of being very pinch. They both wear hats and paper fans in both hands, and they are artsy.

There are a lot of flowers and trees planted here, flowers blooming, flowers blooming, filled with various fragrances, so that people feel in a very deep and quiet pure land, there is no disturbance, there is no battle, only flowers and flowing water, lingering in Among the mountains and rivers, traveling on the mountains and rivers is really a big joy in life. Hughes, Mo Yan, Shang Li, Yang Min, they are like literati samurai who come to play, where they show off coquettishness.

But in fact, no one comes to appreciate such a very beautiful scene. People are very careful looking at the flowers and trees in front of them, revealing a very cautious look, like being very sad or encountering The problem, even Mo Yan frowned, Hughes knew that the scene in front of him was by no means as simple as he thought, and it must be accompanied by danger.

"Zhenyue, see what kind of formation this piece of flowers and trees does not have, why the two people were just attacked by flowers and grass and turned into bones just now." Shang crack asked the old man in front, the old man was very old, The wrinkles on the face are very deep, it seems that there is no spirit at all, and the eyes are already very muddy.

When Hughes saw the old man, he did not think that he was a very ordinary old man. After all, people who could come to this place through the "Youtian Town Sting" are not easy, and Shang crack spoke to him although he did not have this. Respectful, but without arrogance, it shows that this old man known as Zhenyue is capable of overwhelming the business.

"If I am not mistaken, this should be a killing formation. Anyone who enters the formation will be attacked by flowers and trees, and the flowers are not ordinary flowers, they are all poisons, and I also found These flowers and trees are the hobby of silkworm ants, which may hide silkworm ants." Zhenyue said in a deep voice, his voice did not give people a feeling of powerlessness, but rather full of confidence, clang powerful, Hughes even more I feel that Zhenyue's strength is not simple.

Hearing what Zhenyue said, people's faces have changed greatly, and silkworms and ants are enough to change their color. There is also a killing array that makes them feel terrified. The killing array is very mysterious and strange. They haven't figured it out yet, they are just eaten by flowers and trees, they swear, this is a very frightening thing. They haven't seen the Jedi before.

"Then what kind of formation is this?" Shang crack put away the expression of laughter and became very cautious. He could feel the weight of Zhenyue's speech and the solemnity of Zhenyue. Flowers and trees are not as simple as they thought.

"This is the "Team of Sacrifice", it is the guardian array of the Celestial Palace, but this is not a complete formation, it is only a part of the big formation, it is a quarter of the "Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Great Formation", according to" According to the classics of Jingyuandong Mansion, the Ancient City of Extinction has four temples, namely the Heavenly Palace, the Earthly Palace, the Mysterious Palace, and the Yellow Palace, each of which has such a large formation, which is connected to Together, they form the'Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Formation', which protects the'Tianjin Temple', the taboo of the ancient city of silence." Jingyue said with a deep voice.

"What, there are four such large formations. The four palaces are just for this formation. Isn't this formation very powerful? I don't think we should go in. What's the difference between it and death?" Said in vain.

"The Four Great Palaces, the Great Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Formation, but the peerless formation that has been lost for a long time, even if it is among the three thousand formations of the formation, it can be ranked, and once it enters this formation, it will never go out. Possibly, the four killing arrays are mutually complementary and cannot be solved at all."

"Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Great Array, is there really such a great thing?" Hughes asked Yang Yanghao. In the "Sky Array Catalogue", there is no record of the formation of "Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Great Array". Now Hughes It is only the existence of the first level of formation. The authority possessed by Thousands can only look at the three thousand formations of the relevant level. Only when the formation of Thousands has been broken, can he see the more profound formations like " The "Tiandi Xuanhuang Formation" is such a powerful formation that Hughes still does not have such authority.

Although the "Sky Array Atlas" formation method focuses on the succession formation method, the second formation method is evolved from the most primary first formation method, but the actual effect is very different, and The size of the power of the formation also has a great relationship with the material. It is like the "Yu Tianzhen thorn" formation. His power is more than several times stronger than that recorded in the formation. Hughes still feels very much. Fortunately, he did not let Yuan Shang follow him, otherwise, Hughes would be overwhelmed by himself, and it would be impossible to manage Yuan Shang.

"Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Dazhen is famous, you don’t know that it is really normal. After all, it was a matter of decades ago. When the group came to the gate because of offending Zhenzun, Zhenzun relied on the "Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Dazhen" The entire group was extinct, so it became the famous name of the'Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Formation'." Yang Min said to Xiusi.

"Zhan Zun, use the "Heaven and Earth Xuan Huang Da Zhan" to destroy the crowd." But Hughes did not expect there to be such a murderer. It was really shocking.

"You don’t have to worry, although this is only part of the "Tian Di Xuan Huang Da Zhen", but according to my observation, this "Tian Shi Xuan Huang Da" has been completely separated from the "Tian Di Xuan Huang Da Zhen" and disconnected from the "Tian Di Xuan Huang Da Zhen" Now, as long as we can get rid of the "Sky Slayer", it happens that "Sky Slayer" is within my power and can be cracked." Zhen Yue said with a smile.

Hearing Zhenyue saying that he could crack the formation, the original coquettish scene calmed down instantly and looked straight at Zhenyue. People wanted to determine whether Zhenyue said it was true. Yue gave the correct answer. After all, when he came here, no one left like this. Everyone thought about returning with full load.

"I can really crack this method, but I personally have no way of needing your help." Zhen Yue said very surely.

"How to help." With hope, people are motivated, and they are very urgently asked, but they are very afraid of danger. Even the best baby needs life to enjoy, life is the most precious, people He quickly asked again: "Is there any danger."

"This is not dangerous." Zhenyue first gave people a reassuring pill, and then said: "The basis of the Celestial Extinction Formation is born from the "Four Kills Formation", but it is just adding some very Dangerous things, such as poisonous flowers and trees here, the'four kill array' is composed of four directions, which means that there are these four array eyes, each of which has an energy spar to provide energy for the kill array. If you want to break the formation, you must break the formation. All we have to do now is to break the energy spar of the formation."

"It's just such a simple word, then we can all do it, where are the four arrays." Hearing such a simple thing, there is no danger at all, people are very excited and want to immediately So he broke the formation and entered the Tianjue Hall.

"This is a celestial formation. Although it was born out of a four-strike formation, it is stronger than a four-strike formation. The celestial formation has not only four formations. It is very simple. I think this formation is at least three. Four kills are combined, and that requires twelve people." Zhen Yue said.

"We have more than thirty people here, twelve people are absolutely no problem, everyone said yes." Some people said immediately.

"We all have no problem." Others responded.

Hughes didn't answer, but looked at Zhenyue. "Four Kills" Hughes had heard of it. There was such an introduction in the "Sky Array Catalogue", but it was introduced with Zhenyue. There are some discrepancies. Although the "Four Killing Array" has four array eyes, it is not just the energy spar. It is very simple. If Hughes remembers nothing wrong, he is beside the array eyes. All of them have a killing god, and they all have a strong man. The "four kills" are very powerful and powerful. The most important thing is that the killer of the eye is outlined by the formation method. Under normal circumstances, the killing spirit of the array is in a sleep state, but once the energy spar is broken, they are likely to wake up and kill the person who breaks the energy spar.

Zhenyue said this, it was obvious that they were going to die, Hughes did not expect that Zhenyue was so cruel, and wanted to kill them all. Sure enough, they are old rivers and lakes. Although Hughes knows, he has no meaning to say. The life and death of others have nothing to do with himself, especially in such a cruel world.

"Yang Wo, Yang Shi, you also go to break the battle." Although there are a few very positive people, but most people are still silent, their minds are much more complicated, thinking of this Such a large formation is definitely not that simple. So there are not many people who want to break the formation, only five or six people agree very readily. Yang Min sees this. The situation, frowning, said to the two people around him.

Hughes didn't think that Yang Minhao was so confused. He actually wanted to send his men. Hughes really didn't know how Yang Minhao lived for so many years, but in fact Yang Minhao had his own considerations. Yang Minhao heard that there was energy. Crystal, thinking of such a powerful formation, the energy crystal supported by it is not that simple after all, so he was greedy and greedy. If he wanted the energy crystal, he wanted to send Yang Wo and Yang Shi to go.

Although Hughes was not cold to Yang Minhao, Yang Minhao saved his life after all. Although he did not necessarily succumb to that time, but he was able to stand up and speak, that is, he has a favor for Hughes, Hughes naturally It is impossible to retaliate with such complaints. It is necessary to stop such a thing. Hughes said softly in the ear of Yang Cao: "Er, the four kills are actually ~~~~~~~."

Yang Minhao was shocked when he heard what Huss said. He didn't expect that he just thought of the huge temptation of the energy spar, but he didn't think of the huge danger hidden behind this temptation. Yang Minhao looked at Zhenyue fiercely. , And said in his heart, "This old, immortal, really vicious, actually came up with such a trick."

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