Pioneer Knight

Chapter 632:

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Seeing everyone gather together, Hughes feels very bad when he arrives at this place at the same time. If there is a big conspiracy to be exposed, otherwise, it seems a coincidence, Zhenyue, Yang Min , Shang crack, but Hughes has no doubt, and the timing of Mo Yan, Mo Chi, Thunder, Yun Yun came here is a bit coincidental. "Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Formation" has not been cracked at all, it seems very strange that Mo Yan can come here. Things are absolutely not as simple as Hughes thought.

Jingyue was shocked by the terrifying world of the "Tianqian Temple", she also found the figures of other people, and Jingyue frowned, feeling that things were a bit strange, like everything was rushing together, which was a coincidence. They have to be very cautious and think of a certain possibility. Shang crack, Yang Min, and Mo Yan all had their ideas.

Hughes, Zhenyue, and Shang crack all jumped down from the Yinquan Passage and came to the railing in front of the "Tianjin Temple". Although there was a lot of doubts in my heart, since I came here, there was no reason to retreat, and They all want to know what kind of treasure is the hidden armor? What kind of existence does the Silkworm Hall contain? Are there any traps involved in all these things?

"Brother Demon, how did you come to this place? Didn't you regain your energy on the abyss of extinction?" Hughes asked Mo Yan, this thing was like a thorn in Hughes' heart, Not asking Hughes was very uncomfortable, as if there was a thorn in the heart.

"After we regained our energy, we were ready to come down to find you, but we did not expect that a large number of Jiu Youyin springs came out of Nian Tian Tian Ju, and Mo Chi and I did not understand the situation at all, and were swept away by the sweep, feeling Jiu Youyin There is a strong erosion mind and soul in the spring. I can only protect myself from erosion. I can’t do it if I want to get rid of Jiuyin Yinquan. When the impact of Jiuyue Yinquan becomes weak, I appeared at the exit of the Yinquan Passage." Mo Yan said very cautiously. He also felt that something was wrong, and his sensitive touch made him smell dangerous.

Hughes again asked about the situation of Lei Pang and Yun Kang. Although they were different, they had similarities and differences. This made everyone's face change greatly, feeling that things were indeed beyond their expectations, and that things could only be better than they were The imagination is even more serious. People feel that something is very wrong. For a time, everyone frowned, thinking about how to do things.

There is no basis for judgment, and the origin of the matter is even more unclear. This dangerous touch is only the feeling of people. Whether the matter is really dangerous or something that people take for granted. These are unknown, and there is no basic situation. People simply cannot rely on their own experience in handling things, which puts people in a dilemma. No one can come up with a better way.

"You can come here, you must want to see what the armor is hidden in, and everyone's strength is very strong. This is firmly believed, even if there is danger, I believe we can deal with it. , Even if it is the Tianmian tribe?" Zhenyue said in a deep voice.

When they heard what Zhenyue said, people all responded, "Yes, except Hughes, Demon Flame, and everything else here are the Soul Realm and the Powerful Realm of the Realm, which can sweep many first-class forces. The powerful combination, they have nothing to fear at all. No matter how powerful the silkworms are, they are all past tense. They are differently extinct. The world today belongs to them, and there is no need to be afraid."

Thinking of the great increase in people's confidence here, I just looked at the state of depression just now, but Hughes was surprised to look at Zhenyue. I didn't expect that Zhenyue's strength is not only strong, but also this kind of grasping of human nature is like that Exactly, such a person is undoubtedly terrible. Hughes thought that if not necessary, he would offend such a person as little as possible.

Actually decided that there is no reason to retreat, thinking about how to solve the immediate difficulties before we can enter the "Tianjin Temple". Underneath the "Tianjin Temple" is the special "Nine Nine Yin Spring", but it shows a pair of evil and fearful eyes, staring at Hughes, and Mo Yan, revealing a very bloodthirsty light, but that is After a flash, it quickly fell silent. The only evidence was that the dark and dim "Jiuyou Yinquan" turned to a pale purple. If you didn't pay attention, you wouldn't be able to see it at all.

Hughes seemed to have a feeling, looking down under the "Tianjin Temple", but nothing was found. The Jiuyou Yinquan did not raise half of the ripples, Hughes frowned deeply, and the horror that flashed just now Feeling, it seems like a very real existence, but when Huss captured it, he found nothing. Huss believed in his feelings, and intuitively told Huss that there was something there.

No one disturbs Zhenyue. Among all the people, only Zhenyue is Zhenxiu, and it is still a master level. The four portals in front of him say "Heaven", "Earth", "Xuan" and "Yellow", which is obviously " "Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Formation", at least they all think so, they do not have more say on the formation method, this is a very professional issue, of course, it must be handed over to the professional, then naturally falls on the head of Zhenyue on.

Everyone else has their own thoughts and is thinking about things. Hughes wants to contact the Emperor of the Silkworm since he has that cold thrill, maybe only he knows what is going on. Hughes thinks of the Emperor of the Silkworm The palace I saw was the Tianmian Hall, but the Emperor Tianmian was not found here, which made Hughes feel very weird. Are there other palaces here?

Hughes whispered to the emperor Emperor in his heart: "Emperor Emperor, where are you now, why haven't I seen you?"

"It's you again, hum, I'm not telling you not to eavesdrop on my privacy. If you do that again, I will really let you taste the heartfelt feelings of silkworm ants. I'm collecting Jiu You Yin Jing now, Don't take care of me." The Emperor of the Silkworm said very angry.

"Huh, it seems that I haven't repaired you well. You still don't know who is the master." Hughes thought coldly in his heart. Hughes was very angry. He didn't expect that the Heavenly Silkworm Emperor's puppet of the blood sacrifice was more than his master. The master's consciousness, Hughes decided to punish him, otherwise he would not have the status of master in the consciousness of the Emperor of the Heavenly Serpent, which is something that cannot be forgiven.

"Hey, this is the altar of the silkworm, there is a dark token here, so why is there still the cold and cold Jiuyou Yinquan, ~~~~~~~." Emperor of the silkworm exclaimed very much , I wasn’t setting up for Hughes, and the good things in front of him made the Emperor's Heart burst into bloom, so he left Hughes aside.

The emperor's exclaimation shook Hughes' heart, and Hughes, the silkworm altar, was not very clear, but the dark token, Hughes had a sprout, is it the dark **** forgiveness, and the cold ice The soul of the Nine Nether Clouds is so bad, if Hughes is right, it is most likely the Netherworld Yellow Spring.

"Netherworld Yellow Spring", that is the root of the existence of the Nine Nine Yin Spring, the huge Nine Nether Yin Spring is formed by a strand of "Nether Nether Yellow Spring", the power of the Nether Nether Yellow Spring can be imagined, and this It is not the most critical. It is said that if anyone can get the "Netherworld Yellow Spring", it is very possible to perceive the way of the Netherworld. The power of Huangquan is the most powerful force in the world, and the third room is the only one in the land of ghosts. The power is very mysterious.

This kind of power has a strong attraction to all monks. Even in the period of demons and hundreds of people, "Netherworld Yellow Spring" is the object of people's rush to snatch. Hearing the power of "Yu Ming Huang Quan" said by Feng Zun, Hughes has a lot of emotions. If he can get "Yu Ming Huang Quan", his strength will be greatly increased, if he can understand the ghost In this way, Hughes can grasp the power of Huang Quan, but the power of reincarnation, Hughes feels very powerful when he thinks about it.

"This is the four portals of the "Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Dazhen". Inside each portal is a very unique enchantment, similar to the "domain", but the world inside is a false world, or to be precise, it is The world of formation, the world of formation, the only way to crack the formation is to simultaneously break the core of the enchantment, the eyes of the formation."

"The formation eye is the most critical to support the entire formation, just like the formation eye, but because the formation has evolved into an enchantment, it is called the formation eye. The formation eye outlines the entire formation and is equipped with the formation Among all the resources in it, the Frontier Eye is equivalent to the human heart. Without the Frontier Eye, the Big Front cannot be urged."

"'Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Great Formation' is a formation method consisting of four formations in one, interpenetrating, connecting, merging, and blending together. Each formation can exist independently, but it is a complex one. It is very complicated. Formation. Behind the four portals, there are formations and four formations, but to be precise, there is only one, which is a small junction formed by division."

"The Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang, the Earth and Xuanhuang, and the Huangxu and Xiehuang, the fusion of the four major and Xiehuangxian, the Tianxuan Xuanhuang and Xiehuang, or the Tianxuan Xuanhuang and Xuanhuang, each of which has A powerful killing array, the one that kills the sky is Tiansha, the one that kills the ground is the earth's shadow, the one that kills the sky is the mystery, and the one that kills the sky is Huangsha."

"Tiansha? Diyin? Xuan Jue? Huang Sha? What are these?" Hughes asked in surprise.

"Tiansha is the endless killing, the **** Tiansha world, where there is full of Qi, Tiansha; Diyin is a cold world composed of Yin, cold, cold; Xuan absolutely is Xuan The peaks and peaks of the mountains are barren and lonely; the yellow sand is a world of yellow sand surrounded by sand and mud, yellow sand, halberds, battles, and sand."

Hughes did not expect that there are so many doors, four portals, four kills, and four formations in the "Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Formation", which undoubtedly challenged the knowledge of Hughes. The formation method can actually Such a power, which Hughes had never thought of before.

"What I am practicing is the nature of earth, and the furnace I am cooking is "Sand Waterfall Yanyin". The Yellow Sand World does not threaten me at all. I can go to the Yellow Sand World where Yellow Kills the Extinction, but The other frontiers need you to crack." Zhenyue said quietly.

"Shapu Yanyin" is ranked 24th in the Dingluo list. If it may cause a sensation elsewhere, it is not surprising for Zhenyuandong House. thing.

"I'm in charge of the lore." Shang crack said lightly. Among all these people, there is only Zhenyue, the strong of the two realms of Shang crack, the strength is unquestionable, in this very strange situation Next, if they did not abandon their previous calculations, they would never be able to get out of the ancient city of silence. They all understood the truth.

"I am the Thunder attribute, the yin qi does not invade, and it is handed over to me over the cold world." Lei Pi said very carefully.

The only thing left now is the world of Tiansha. Tiansha is a depraved land full of blood and blood. If people's will is not very firm, they will be easily affected. The most important thing is that Tiansha can destroy people. If the soul is contaminated, the soul is likely to be damaged. It is very difficult to upgrade the realm in the future.

Mo Yan, Mo Chi, Yun Kuang, Yang Yang, but no one dared to take this task, after all, Tian Sha is not a joke, the most important thing is that they have taboos, if they can not reach the place where the "Eye of the Boundary" is, It's not that they have lost all the money. They can't bear such consequences.

"Just let me kill me," Hugh said suddenly.

People looked at Hughes in amazement. Obviously, Hughes did not expect to take on this task. Knowing that in their impression, Hughes's strength is the lowest.

"Are you having any problems? This is not a joke." Yang Minhao frowned.

"I have the attribute of darkness, and I believe that there is no problem with Tiansha." Hughes said, Hughes did not have any fear. The soul of Hughes was "the spirit of Tiansha", "Tian "Shasha Soul" means that Hughes's soul absorbs the Shaqi contained in the Shasha Blood Sword, and naturally there is no fear, and it can supplement Hughes' "Tian Sha Sha", which is a poison to others. But there is tonic.

Other people naturally have no objections. Since Huss wants to break through, it is something they are very happy about, and Zhenyue has a lot of curiosity about Huss. , Zhenyue felt that Hughes was very strange, like knowing the "Great Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Formation", Jingyue just wanted to see what the true level of Hughes was.

"This is the'Heart-Through Crystal'. We can communicate through it. When we all arrive at the'Boundary Eye', then we will send a signal to break the'Boundary Eye' together and break the boundary." Zhen Yuecong He took out three very delicate spars in his arms and said to them.

Hughes, Shang Ri, and Lei Pi picked up the "Heart Crystal" from Zhen Yue's hands, and then the four of them stood in front of the four portals of "Heaven and Earth Xuan Huang Da Zhen", and walked towards the portal.

Dim, gloomy, Xiao Ji, deserted, the first impression that Hughes had after entering the world of Tiansha was such words. The world of Tiansha was chaotic, barren, lacking, dark and dull, which reminded Hughes of the end. The scenes are very similar, and Yin Sha, You Sha, Ming Sha, Tian Sha fill the body of Hughes, making Hughes feel even more cold.

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