Pioneer Knight

Chapter 634:

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At this time, Zhenyue, Shang crack, and Lei crack were very puzzled thinking about the scene that just happened, which made them very puzzled. The Yin soldiers, the soldiers, and the soldiers of the sand had occupied an absolute advantage, let them It’s totally helpless, but I don’t know why they just dissipated and turned into energy like that, which is really unthinkable, but this is definitely a good thing. What they think can only happen is that something very important happens, but specifically How, they are not clear.

Zhenyue is a master of Zhenxiu. He has a certain understanding of the "Great Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Great Formation". Although it is not very thorough, it is enough for Zhenyue to think of many things. Zhenyue thinks that there must be a break in the balance of the four portals. The power of the formation is weakened, or the main formation is destroyed, but who is it, who can achieve such a point, the figure of Hughes appears in the mind of Zhenyue, but shakes his head again, he is very young, And the strength is the lowest, that is only thunder, business crack, but Zhenyue does not believe that they have such strength, things are strange.

Hughes naturally didn't know that when he got the "melting master", he helped them through the crisis. "Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Formation" is composed of "Heavenly Extinction Formation", "Earth Extinction Formation" and "Xuanshi Extinction Formation". The "Yellow Killing Array" are integrated with each other, and they complement each other. Each killing array is interconnected. Once that formation is touched, the power of other formations is blessed.

"The Melting Master Symbol" is equipped with the "melting Symbol" of four lore formations, which melts energy into a spirit body, and the "melting Master Symbol" is obtained by Hughes, and the effect of the seal completely disappears. The spirit body melted in the world will of course lose its effect and become energy again.

This time, Hughes did not encounter any danger again. Soon Hughes saw the "Eye of the Boundary", which was suspended in the center of the world of Tiansha, just like the sun shining on the earth. "Eye" is shining on the entire world of Tiansha, and Hughes looks from a distance. With a dim light, it was glowing.

The "Boundary Eye" is not very dangerous. On the contrary, it is very fragile. Even small fluctuations may cause the "Boundary Eye" to crack and collapse. This is why the obstacles should be set far away. The reason, and the "frontier eye" should be placed in a very stable and safe place. What Huss has to do now is to wait for Zhenyue to issue orders, and then all four of them will simultaneously destroy the "Jianjie Eye", and only then can the "Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Great Formation" be truly dismantled, otherwise, there is nothing at all. Useful.

Zhenyue, Shangchai, Yunyong, Yinyin, Jiebing, and Shabing collapsed, they were not in danger, and they all went forward with full force, and quickly reached the position of the "Jianjie Eye", Zhenyue Just contact each other through "Heart Tong Jing Shi" to see if they have reached the predetermined place, they are naturally no problem, the four of them are separately prepared, waiting for the signal, breaking the "Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Formation" , And other minor details, doubts are left behind at this moment, breaking the array is their main purpose.

"One, two, three, break." Zhenyue shouted to the crowd, Hughes, Zhenyue, Shang crack, Thunder and Cleave all stirred up the strongest force, and blasted toward the "Border Eye". Under such a very powerful attack, the sound of "Kaka" rang in their ears, and then there was a strong fluctuation. The whole "Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Formation" vibrated, especially in the world of Tiansha where Huss was. , Vibration, chaos, and ruin are all displayed in front of Hughes, but Hughes is unmoved, knowing that this is a scene of bursting formation and chaotic energy.

After this situation lasted for half an hour, it slowly became calm, the dust and mist all dissipated, and the figures of Zhenyue, Shangchao, and Thundercrack were all revealed, so what Hughes did not expect was that they actually Just three meters away from me, in a square place, which makes all of them stunned. That is very vast. The magnificent enchantment is just such a small place. The magic of the formation is that they are The first time I saw it, of course, only the accustomed Zhenyue did not have such excitement.

"The Great Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Formation" was cracked, and the Temple of Silkworm appeared in front of Hughes. They all showed a very excited smile. Isn't this the moment they are waiting hard for? They all fell towards the door of the Temple of Heaven, and wanted to enter the Temple of Heaven. But at this time, it was a very strong roar from the Temple of Silkworm, the voice was very strong, and there was joy, a very strong momentum was emerging from the Temple of Silkworm, which made Hughes their face. It is all a big change. There is such a very powerful existence under the silkworm palace, which really makes people unbelievable.

"My sacral cap finally regained his freedom, 桀桀." Under the sky silk temple there was a spiral of black mist, which was constantly infiltrating outside the sky silk temple, and the voice came from the black mist, "Jian Fu, Fu Hu, Zhenyin, I must have tortured and killed you three, and killed your whole family, actually suppressed me here for so long, let you know the ability of'sacral'."

"Sacral? Extraterrestrial creatures." Hughes heard that black mist said, his face became even more ugly. I didn't expect that the repression here was actually extraterrestrial creatures. When "inheriting the waterfall", the gang once told Hughes Some information about extraterrestrial creatures includes "sacral" information, which is more powerful than "scrambled" extraterrestrial creatures. They have a very powerful "particulate" ability, and they can become "particulate". Of course, there is nothing terrible to say in this way, but when the particles they form can dialyze the rules, that is, they can’t attack outside of heaven and earth at all. The laws of heaven are not useful to them, and they are not only able to themselves.” "Particles", the creatures they attack, can also be transformed into "particulates", which are absorbed by them or become their slaves.

Sacrums, extraterrestrial creatures, possess powerful and perverted "particulate" energy. Everything in the world can be particles, all of which are their energies, and even their weapons. In the explanation of the array, the sacral possesses more abilities than "scratch". "More powerful.

The "undead" Hughes of "Kai" has been seen before. Hughes's "Undead Body" was formed because Hughes absorbed the "Qi" heart source "Ni Di Panguo". Hughes can now have such It is a powerful strength, capable of competing with the powerful in the Earth Soul Realm. The "Undead Body" is Hughes' biggest barrier.

The "particles" possessed by the sacrum are still above the immortality, which makes Hughes doubtful, but Hughes knows that the formation did not deceive himself in this matter, and Hughes fell into a very contradictory, no It is very powerful to know whether "particles" are really like that. Before the preparations accepted by Hughes, the power of "particles" was displayed in front of Hughes.

Shang crack is the closest person to the silkworm temple. He was going to be the first to enter the silkworm temple, but he did not expect that things would evolve into what he is now. Shang crack wanted to escape, but the dark mist, to be precise, was The speed of "particles" is even faster. The legs of Shang crack are contaminated with droplets of "particles", and then people are shocked to find that the legs of Shang crack slowly become "particles", and the legs of Shang crack are just like that. With the disappearance of nothing, no half of the blood or the debris of the clothes fell, and the "fine particles" could even "fine particles" of the clothes, which made people's face even more ugly.

However, as a party, Shang crack seemed to have no feeling, no pain, knew that he wanted to escape but no movement, only to find that his legs have become "particulate", Shang crack exposed very shocking I couldn’t believe what I saw in front of me, but Shangchai was a very decisive person. He immediately cut off his legs and wanted to avoid the spread of “particles”. Life is good, but this can only be Shangli's wishful thinking. "Particles" did not end like this, but continued to diffuse towards Shangli's whole body. Shangli can no longer keep calm, but he wanted to tear the roar However, he found that he could not scream out at all, and that kind of business rift turned into "particles" in front of them and disappeared.

"I haven't smelled human smell for a long time. This kind of taste is really good." The voice came out again, but I didn't expect it to be such a terrifying discourse. Such a person is absolutely perverted. . Sacral did not care how Hughes thought of them, but quickly aimed at the next target, but Thundercrack was just targeted.

Knowing what you can do can be changed. But in fact, there are many things in the world that do not give you the opportunity to make mistakes at all, because once you make mistakes, it is the price of life. Business cracking is a lesson, and no one dares to take it lightly, because they simply cannot afford it. When "Particle" was going towards Thunderclap, Thundercrack aroused his own Thunderbolt. Thunderlight scattered around Thunderclap's body, resisting the closeness of "Particle", but I didn't expect it to be a bit useful. "Being blocked by the thunderlight and unable to enter Thunderclap's body, but not waiting for Thundercrack to be happy, then "Particles" actually turned the Lightning on Thunderclap into "Particles".

Energy can be "particulate", and all people obviously did not think of it, which made them more terrified. Isn't the creature in front of them invincible, there is no way to deal with it, and people's hearts sprang back The sacral capillaries are so powerful before they come out. If he comes out, they are still gone. How can the Tianmian Temple suppress such a powerful existence? Unexpectedly, the so-called hidden armor is such a very horrible creature, which is not at all different from the death, how does it make them feel very angry.

"Lei Ping." Yun Kang's pupils were all split, and he saw that Lei Ping turned into "particles", but he had no way at all. Yun Kang's eyes were filled with hateful eyes, and he completely lost his reason and moved towards that. It was the horrible "particles" that went away. Yunwu enchanted, with a terrifying destruction of the sky, vowed to destroy these horrible "particles".

The body of Zhenyue has a thick breath, the laws are under the control of Zhenyue, the field unfolds, and the powerful laws fluctuate toward the "particles". Zhenyue knows that there is no way to escape now, the only thing that can save himself It is to eliminate the unknown "particles". Yang Min, Mo Chi, Mo Yan, Yang Wo, and Yang Shi are all aware of this situation, and they have no reservations to attack the "particles". If such creatures are released, it will definitely cause a **** storm. Such a scene is not what they want to see.

"Particles" have a certain degree of decomposition ability. Under such a very powerful attack, the effect of "particulates" is not very obvious, and those "particulates" are more like life, so very powerful The attack caused those "particles" to collapse and disappear, and Zhenyue became even crazier when they saw that there was hope to be able to defeat the very strange creature.

"You actually did such a thing to the great sacral lord, and I must kill you when I go out." sacral screamed, and the vibration of the celestial hall became more intense, which means that the sacral antagonism revolted The stronger it comes, the more “particles” that come out become more.

This is a short-lived stalemate. There are too many "particulates" in Sacral Capricorn, and he can transform the surrounding things into "particulates" indefinitely. The trembling of the silkworm hall is getting stronger and stronger. The sacral cape seems to be able to break the silkworm hall at any time. Suppressed. Zhenyue's face has become very unsightly, if so, they will definitely be finished.

But at this time, the "literary Confucianism" Mo Yan came to this place from a certain Yinquan channel. When he saw the situation in front of him, he instantly understood what was the situation, and Mo Yan was busy. Take out the "sound silkworm flute", the flute sound spreads around. In the eyes of people who are very puzzled, countless silkworm ants are summoned by Mo Yan to open up towards the "particulate" and are repairing In the chakra space, the Emperor of the Silkworm, who was subconsciously commanded by Hughes, heard such a flute and violently shaken off the shackles of Hughes. Hughes now has all the power to deal with the "particles", and the Emperor of the Silkworm is free. So that Hughes's face changed greatly, Hughes found that he could not control the chakra space at all, and the spiritual force in the body changed with the chakra space. Hughes was in a very dangerous state.

The sound of the silkworm flute penetrates the overlapping shadows of the space and penetrates into the chakra space of Hughes, awakening the quiet and confused Emperor of the Silkworm. The chakra space affects the spirit of Husse, and the vibration of the soul leads to the instability of Huss’s spiritual power, and his ability to resist "particles" is even less. Hughes is in a dangerous situation. If he can’t control the disorder in the body, the sacral capricorn "Particles" are likely to decompose Hughes, Hughes is very anxious now.

The endless army of silkworm ants flooded the entire silkworm palace instantly, and the "particles" were resisted by the silkworm ants. These are two considerable forces. Hughes, Zhenyue, and Moyan are alleviating a lot of pressure, but things The development to the present is beyond people's expectations, and it has not developed according to the plot they want.

The sound of the silkworm flute of Wenwen Moyan made Zhenyue and Hughes feel shocked. The sound of the flute can actually control the silkworm ants. Moyan's identity is more worthy of consideration, but now it is not the time to think about this, unknown The extraterrestrial creatures are their enemy.

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