Pioneer Knight

Chapter 638:

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Dongtianfu is divided into ten areas, each of which corresponds to a different attribute rule. The nine primary source attribute rules are arranged according to the "Nine Cables", which is like a miniature Qixingmen miniature, and the most central place is the chaotic zone, that area It is full of chaotic energy. Nine original attributes are gathered there, and there is the most dense place of energy, but there is no choice to practice there. The attributes there are too mottled, and the law of perception cannot be formed at all, there is no way to constitute The world of pure attribute laws, except that the energy is very strong, but the other is not different from the outside. Why do people bother to come.

Without any hesitation, Huss walked to the center of the chaotic zone. The main purpose of Lai Dong Tian Fu Di is to break through to the life and soul realm. Huss needs a very large amount of energy as the basis. This is the most suitable place for Huss. Moreover, there are nine seeds of law in the Huns Dantian, and now only four kinds of fire, water, darkness and space are released, and there are turbid virtual laws in the chaotic zone. Hughes can understand these four laws at the same time. Kill two birds with one stone.

When I came to the center of Dongtianfudi, Hughes knew why it was called a "chaotic zone." It was indeed very chaotic. The various laws established each other, making people simply unable to feel what the virtual laws in front of me radiate. This kind of artistic conception, the principle of heaven and earth, is very seriously polluted, and it is not much different from the outside world. But the energy here is indeed very dense, and the energy is solidified into spar, which is no longer as simple as the spirit fluid.

Hughes is not wasting time, adjusting his state, Hughes sits there to make himself gradually stable, his mood reaches a wavering state, and the spirit spirit is at the peak state, impacting the soul state, then It's not a joke, but cultivation is a very important pass. If you succeed, you will go to heaven, and if you lose, you will whine, and you have to be cautious.

After waiting for three hours, Hughes adjusted to the peak state, Hughes slowly opened his eyes, and came up with "Ning Soul Grass" and "Heaven Fruit". Hughes first has to refine it. The celestial fruit is a raw service. It only needs to absorb the "leading qi" contained in the celestial fruit, but the curd grass needs to be refined into drops and droplets.

Comprehend Huo Si's refining of "Ning Soul Grass", there is no difficulty at all. After a while, Hughes will regenerate "Ning Soul Grass" into "Ning Soul Liquid" and two "Ning Soul Grass". Seven drops of "Ning Po Liquid", Hughes first took out three drops of "Ning Po Liquid" to take, "Ning Po Liquid" entered the body of Hughes, Hughes felt the cold and cold breath of "Ning Po Liquid" Strike all over the body, forming a thin layer of ice on the lining of Hughes, but the "condensation liquid" is heading towards Hughes's evil spirit.

When "Ning Pian Liquid" touched the Tiansha Spirit, it directly penetrated the protective layer of the Tiansha Spirit and melted into the Tiansha Spirit, and then Hughes felt that the Tiansha Spirit had a severe pain. Like the flesh of his body was slashed by a knife, and the knife was slashed, the pain was so unbearable for Huss, but Huss was tolerant, with a will to resist such pain, but the body It was a very strong reaction, and the cold sweat on Hughes was like a rain, very terrifying.

Under the action of "condensate liquid", the sky spirit of Hughes slowly melts to form droplets, and that is the essence of soul and soul. Podi didn't stay in the Nethersha spring of the chakra just like that, but moved with the movement of Nethershaven to Hughes's "fetus" under the mediation of Hughes, which is the most mysterious place for people , Is the source of human life, the highest commander of the soul.

The two souls of the world are always outside. Only the life soul lives alone, the life soul lives the fetus, and the seven souls are evolved. The "fetus" is where the life soul is. Reversing the seven spirits can shape the life soul. Tian Chong Soul, Smart Soul, Spirit, Strength, Central Soul, Hero, and Hughes have all reached the extreme, and they are all tempered by Hughes. In this way, "Ning Po Liquid" can more easily transform the soul drops .

A lot of energy formation is a terrible energy storm pouring into Hughes' body, the momentum is very majestic, the virtual rules are a little trembling under such a powerful momentum, although it is trembling, but it is enough for people to be shocked, good No one else is practicing in the chaotic zone, otherwise it will definitely cause a frenzy. Such a scene is too shocking.

The main tire of Podi, with a faint light on it, is the color of Podi, but there is no obvious change in the fetus, and he has not recovered his true appearance from the fake "fetal". Only until Podi completely melts, The "leading fetal qi" in "Tiantaiguo" awakens the fetal qi in the "fetal", and that is the ultimate success.

The three drops of "Ning Po Liquid" did not last long. The "Ning Po Liquid" was consumed. The landing speed of the Po drops was greatly discounted. The pain of Hughes was slightly cushioned. Hughes kept this for a long time. State, but intellectually, Hughes is not allowed to do this. Hughes endured the pain and took three drops of "Ning Po" again.

The gigantic project that went back and forth continued again, and the severe pain struck again. Huss had to endure this. Huss also had to absorb a lot of energy to fill the soul drops. Only in this way, the seven souls were successfully reversed and the life soul was shaped. When the Soul Spring is achieved, the Soul Spring can accommodate the majestic energy, and the strength of Hughes can be greatly improved, much stronger than that of the same class, and the capital of leapfrog fighting is based on a deep energy.

Soul Spring’s initial scale determines his future achievements. It’s like the foundation of human cultivation is very important. If the foundation is not laid firmly, it is very likely to stop at a certain level for a long time. Hongjian is at the moment of hitting the soul of life. The scale of the soul spring naturally depends on the strength of the energy. All people choose a place with strong energy when they hit the life of the soul. Then the future achievements will be higher.

When the long time lapsed, the sky spirit of Hughes slowly melted into the soul drops and was absorbed by the "fetus". Until the formation of the last drop, the first step of the Life Soul Realm was completed, and this But it was the "Ning Soul Grass" that consumed nine of Hughes, and 39 drops of "Ning Soul Liquid", and Hughes felt very shocked. His divine spirit was really different from the ordinary spirit. There is enough "Ning Soul Grass" that Si has gotten, otherwise Hughes can't laugh or cry.

After completing the first step, the next step is to absorb the "inducing fetal qi" contained in "Tiantaiguo". Only under the action of "inducing fetal qi" can the "fetal" react with Podi, just like a chemical agent. The catalyst is the same, but "Tiantaiguo" is the most essential difference from the catalyst, that is, "leading the tire gas" is absorbed by the "fetus", which intensifies the "fetal gas" contained in it.

"Tiantaiguo" is placed in the position of Hughes "Tei". "Tiantaiguo" is not taken internally, but is taken directly from the "fetus" outside the body. "Induced fetal qi" is very fragile and easily absorbed. If it is absorbed through the body, it is very likely that the "leading fetal qi" will not reach the "fetal" at all, and will be absorbed by other cells.

The faint radiance around the "fetus" is difficult to maintain the very stable state when feeling the breath of the "day birth fruit", but it seems very excited and emits a strong light, and at this time in the "day birth fruit" The energy source continuously flows into the "tire", and with the addition of "leading tire gas", Hughes's "tire" completely explodes.

The fusion of the three fetuses, the soul drops and the fetal qi, produces a strong reaction. The trajectory of fate is disrupted, and the sky is cut through. The sky is surrounded by the entire hole. It is the interstellar of fate. As long as you break your own destiny, the interstellar can truly detach from destiny and achieve life and soul.


The Seven Star Hall, sitting on the throne and practicing the assassination, closed eyes suddenly opened, seeing the distant stars through the layers of houses, feeling the arrival of the interstellar fate, the assassination revealed a very inexplicable expression , Talked and said: "I didn't expect to be a step faster than Quzhe, it is indeed a wise wisdom, but it's a pity, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~." Instead, he closed his eyes again to realize his own practice, and he no longer took Logic.

The star owners and soul-breakers of Xingfang felt the change of the sky, and they all looked side by side, guessing who was breaking their destiny and fulfilling their life and soul. The man is tasting the tea lightly, but the arrival of Destiny Stars is a surprise to the man. I didn’t expect who shaped the life soul at this time. When he felt the luck of the Destiny Stars, the man’s face changed greatly. His expression was unbelievable. He only floated down in the last half of the day and muttered, "I didn't expect you to take one step faster in the end." This man is Qu Zhe.

Those who have not yet figured out their heads are shocked to see the changes of the stars. I can’t think of what kind of situation this is, especially the kind of disciples who haven’t entered the Seven Star Gates for a long time are in a state of panic. Yuan Shang sees The vision to the sky is happy for Hughes, thinking about when he will be able to get to this step, but Yuan Shang has the ambition to reach this level in two years. What surprised the Yuanshang was that he didn't see the hidden kill after he returned, saying that he was dispatched.

Hughes's "fetus" burst out with different light, and the mist in the deepest part of the "tire" slowly flicked up, and was intensified by the different light. The mist evolved into a group of energy, which was very strange, emitting dark golden 氤氲, That's exactly the Qi of the fetal element. The Qi of the fetal element is triggered by the induced Qi and explodes. It is almost an instantaneous speed. The entire "fetus" shows a dark golden light and spreads towards the body of Hughes. The extreme contraction of Hughes’s spiritual power produces a qualitative change under the influence of the Qi of the fetal element, which becomes the Qi.

A lot of energy is infused into the body of Hughes, the spirit fluid cannot meet the needs of Hughes, the energy crystals are rolling towards Hughes, the energy storm is more than three times the expansion, but this has not yet reached a stable The state continues to expand the energy vortex, and the energy storm quickly spreads to the entire chaotic zone, and it also advances towards the other Jiusuo's original attribute area.

The faint spring eyes are brewing in Hughes's "tire". Although it has not yet been realized, it is already able to see the scale. It is very atmospheric, and the majestic energy is transformed into spiritual fluid contained in it, making people stand in the sea. The immense feeling in front of me, all I need now is to increase the absorption of energy, turn the virtual into reality, and open up the soul spring, and then the soul of life will be contained in it, then successfully reverse the seven souls, shape the soul of life, and achieve the soul spring.

The successful opening of Soul Spring has brought about a major change in Hughes’s “fetus”, which becomes a transparent spar, exuding hundreds of millions of phantom thread shuttles to the distant starry sky, connecting the destiny interstellar, wanting to break the sky Shackled by destiny, obtain your own destiny and shape the soul of life.

Based on the majestic energy of Soul Spring, the speed of the thread shuttle is very fast. Even the "Lingtai Square" of Hughes is not so powerful. That is the collapse of Soul Spring, the traction of energy, and the interstellar fate. Start moving.

The thread shuttle that built the bridge between Destiny Star and Soul Spring slowly reveals the entity, which is light purple. If you don’t watch it carefully, you won’t be able to see it clearly, and these thread shuttles ignore the enchantment at all. , That is the existence above the law, called "the shackles of destiny".

What Huss has to do now is to break the interstellar fate, break free from the "yoke of fate", achieve his own destiny, and let himself become the master. Even if he is the master of fate, he will take back his own soul. Unicom Destiny Interstellar, the shackles of destiny appear to be entities. This is the last step to achieve the life and soul realm, and use your own strength to break the shackles of the shackles.

Hughes is not polite. When he came to Hughes, he used a very powerful attack. The strongest move of Ling Yuan Qiuye's sword technique was "Ten Fang Tianyu." The body is shrouded in light and very special energy. That kind of energy spreads around with Hughes as the center. Any area covered by Hughes seems to be the domain of Hughes, and the laws there follow Hughes’s laws. The nature of it has changed, and everything that happened inside, even a little bit of Hughes, can feel it clearly, which is a feeling of control.

"Ten Fang Tianyu" was fiercely hitting the thread of the thread shuttle, and wanted to break the "yoke of fate". Although the thread shuttle that appeared was very fine, it was surprisingly strong, even It was Hughes’ very powerful "Ten Fang Tianyu" attack, and only one of them was cut off, but there were still hundreds of millions of them. Hughes’s face showed a very unbelievable gaze. The strength is completely beyond his expectation, which is stronger than the weapon of Xuan Zhipin.

Hughes was intimidated by this kind of scene, but instead attacked the thread shuttle again. This time, Hughes sent out three "undead sacred marks", devouring the mysteries of the stars, the mysteries of the stars, the mysteries of the zero degrees, the fire path, etc. The power of All Upanishad’s law has more than ten times the momentum of Hughes. This attack on Hughes definitely has strong confidence, but Hughes has not relaxed like this. The tough Hughes of the thread shuttle has seen of.

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