Pioneer Knight

Chapter 644:

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"Seven Star Gate, I didn't expect you to be the Seven Star Gate, but I never seem to have heard of your name. The snow hidden in the Seven Star Gate is really in line with human cunning." Tengtian was very upset, etc. When he saw the realm of Hughes, Teng Tian squinted his eyes and said in shock: "Your realm is the life soul realm. I didn't expect to be able to exert the power of the heaven soul realm. When will the Qixingmen have such a genius. "

"This is a matter for our demon clan, why do you want to intervene in the Seven Star Gate, if you insist on shooting, then I’m welcome, don’t make an appointment to say things, hum, and look down on the old **** of your Seven Star Gate. "" Teng Tian cursed and said.

"I have no intention to intervene in the matter of your demon tribe, but they once had a grace for me. Since such a thing has made me encounter the possibility of being ignorant, I think the strength of Patriarch Tengtian is very powerful, and even more I'm doing my work with strength. I really want to bet with Patriarch Tengtian. If I had a chance to win a half-and-a-half move, what happened to the Quanhe Lima clan? How about?" Hughes said with a smile. .

"You dare to bet on me like this, okay, I will see how good your strength is. I haven't done it for a long time, but I didn't expect them to withstand even the power of my palm. It really disappointed me. Don't Say I am bullying the small, as long as you can take thirty moves under my hand, I will let them go." Tengtian Biya said with a grin of satisfaction, Tese said with a smile, everything seemed to Tengtian No battle is more exciting, attracts his attention, and makes him more interested.

The bet of Hughes and Tengtian is in line with Tengtian's intentions. The slaughter of Quanhe Lima didn't make Tengtian very happy, and his heart was full of anger and nowhere to vent. Hughes' shot made Tengtian feel very extraordinary. Although Hughes is only the realm of life and soul, Tengtian did not mean to underestimate Hughes. Peerless powerhouses have always fought in the stance of powerhouses, and there is no fear at all, even There are some deficiencies in the realm, but there is still no gap in combat effectiveness.

The four elders who fought with Teng Tian suffered heavy internal injuries, and now they have no fighting power at all. Seeing the tussle between Hughes and Teng Tian, ​​the elders are very grateful and said to Hughs, "Thank you for your help If you can’t beat it at all, you don’t need to control us. You just want to be able to tell Devil Iron about the situation of our tribe, and hope that he can make the decision for us. Tengjin is not what we killed."

"Relax, although Tengtian's strength is amazing, but I have my own advantages. I have never made a bet on uncertainty." Hughes said comfortingly for the old man.

"No matter what the result is, you will be the most honorable benefactor of our Quanhe Lima family in the future. If we can survive, if you have any orders in the future, we will not dare to follow. This is my Quanhe wine as a priest. You promise." The leader said very cautiously.

Hughes didn't say much, but let Quanhe Jiumo leave them aside. His eyes looked at Tengtian cautiously. Tengtian made Hughes feel a lot of pressure. It was absolutely difficult to win. And this is the first battle for Hughes to advance to Life and Soul Realm, so it needs to be treated with caution.

"Tiger Xiao Ni Skull"

Tengtian is not very polite, then it does not need to be very polite at all. It is the most fierce move. The battle that Tengtian needs is the most real battle. Enjoy the thrilling and dangerous feeling, that is his greatest. Fun, Teng Tian is naturally not half-mannered, and the demon races are not willing to try this set, overwhelming each other with the strongest strength. In their view, this is a real victory and the greatest respect for their opponents.

Hu Xiao, this is the most famous move of the Tigers. The strong roar set off a strong wave. The palace that had been completely broken around left only shimmering stone rubble and ruins, but Hu Xiao’s rush wave was not let go. They can't bear the power of such a powerful sound wave and evolved into a powder. Quanhe Jiu Mo has been away from the battlefield for a long time. Such a tiger roar makes them more seriously injured. There is an old man who can't bear it directly. faint.

Hughes's face is also very unsightly. Hearing the sound of Tiger's roar, Hughes has a very irritable feeling. The body seems to be occupied by Tiger's roar. The most important thing is that Hughes feels this Tiger's roar. It is actually a terrible thing that affects your skeleton and makes you unable to use your strength.

Hughes immediately mobilized the body's vitality to expel the tiger's roar, and there was no slight stop in his hand. The "Star Breaking Peak" appeared in Hughes's hands for the first time, and the powerful sword was ejected, pointing straight. Tian, ​​Hughes's momentum is slightly weak, but there is a tendency to compete with Teng Tian.

"Ten Fang Tianyu"

Huss made a loud bang, and the sword in the sky circled around Tengtian, forming a very unique field, all of which were sworded by the sword, the world of swords was there, and Ling Lie’s sword was like a cold The north wind is sharp and sharp, Tengtian's clothes are completely broken under the sword, and they are directly turned into particles. When people feel very surprised, Tengtian's body is subject to this very strong sword. No scars appeared at all.

"Very good sword intention, but unfortunately this is not your own sword intention, otherwise I'm really afraid, but now ~~~." Teng Tian said with a sneer. The expression was very indifferent towards Huss, the overbearing Hu Xiao became more intense, Huss's body slowly emerged from the side effects of Hu Xiao Ni Skull, this is indeed a very bad thing.

Since the "Engulfing the Upanishads" cannot be eliminated, then absorption, Hughes exhibits the engulfing ability to Tengtian's "Tiger Xiao Ni Skull", which is a unique energy to absorb as much as possible. Ascension, even the energy of such sound waves can not escape the fate of being swallowed.

Feeling that Hu Xiao Ni Skull is not useful to Hughes, although Teng Tian has doubts, he is very satisfied, and smiles: "It's a little interesting, I really made me very surprised."

Jianyi and Hu Xiao are like two legions, each occupying different areas and fighting each other. The cracking sound resounds through the entire Quanhe Canyon. People can feel the two strong energy collisions. Coming shock. The two people who looked at the battle, compared with Tengtian's expression, calm and calm compared to Hughes, agitated, inspiring the continuous flow of energy towards the sword, barely able to reach the scene with Tengtian, But people with a discerning eye can see that Hughes is weak.

Tengtian saw that Hughes couldn't hold it, showing a very cheerful smile, and stepped towards Hughes, as if declaring his victory, but when he walked half a foot away from Hughes, Xiu Si showed an inexplicable smile, waiting for the time at this moment, Hughes came to himself regardless of the Tiger Skull Nickel Skeleton, looking at the head of Tengtian with the "Star Crushed Peak" in his hand, Hughes used twelve The power of points is vowed to be deadly.

In such a situation, Quanhe Jiu Mo did not think of those who watched it, and Teng Tian did not think of it. This is a lifeless play, a battle of life for life, and it is absolutely a madman who can make it. Seeing are all monsters, not humans. Teng Tian didn't mean to back down, but he became more excited. This was the battle he wanted. Teng Tian didn't care about the "Star Broken Peak" from Hughes, but toward Hughes. One punch, want to "Tiger Xiao Ni Skeleton" and the palm of the two hit, two-pronged approach, win Hughes in one fell swoop.


A strong explosion sounded, and both figures flew out. There was blood on the corners of the mouths of Hughes and Tengtian. Hughes’s heart was very horrified, so he was not afraid, because he had an "undead body." The power of the flesh is very powerful, but I did not expect that the strongest palm of Tengtian and the nickel skull of Hu Xiao would be so powerful. The "Undead Body" was almost destroyed, and the power of the "Undead Saint Mark" was completely exhausted. "Undead" is no longer available.

Hughes’s face was very dismal, and he endured the urge to vomit blood. Tengtian deserved to be the patriarch of the Tenglanhu family. His strength was not comparable to that of Hughes now. If Hughes had an “undead body”, Xiu It is very likely that Si was killed by this trick. Now that the power of the "Undead Saint Mark" has been exhausted, it is simply impossible to use it in a short time.

"The undead body" is Hughes's greatest battle. Hughes can fight in such a lifeless way because Hughes has no fear at all. Hughes believes that the powerful attack can't do anything. "But now it is very different. Hughes needs to be very cautious. Otherwise, he will probably fall forever.

When Hughes was shocked by the strength of Tengtian, Tengtian was also surprised that Hughes was a perverted body. After accepting his two big moves, Hughes was like a person with nothing. This is absolutely unprecedented. Yes, know that whether it is his palm, or the super-screaming sound wave of "Tiger Howling Nickel Skeleton", Tengtian uses the power of nine layers, even if it is the powerhouse of the Soul Realm. It can be beaten into puree completely, but Hughes only looks a bit bleak, and his body does not show any signs of collapse. How can this not make Tengtian shocked, Tengtian thought in his heart that Hughes was so sad It's not human, it's more powerful than the monster that is famous for "defense".

Although the current situation of Tengtian is much better than that of Hughes, Hughes’s "Ten Fang Tianyu", with the sword intention of "Star Crushed Peak", is definitely the existence of a strong alliance, not one plus one. It’s very simple. There is definitely a blow to the existence of the peak of the Heavenly Soul Realm. It is not inferior to Tengtian’s “Tiger Xiao Ni Skeleton”. Tengtian itself is the existence of the Peak of the Soul Realm. It is infinitely close to the territory. , But this blow also hurt his roots, Teng Tian suffered a lot of damage.

"I didn't expect you to be able to hurt me. It was really exciting. When I was injured last time, I have forgotten. It's really thanks to you that I can feel it again. It makes me feel this kind of super excitement. In order to repay you, I will use the strongest power to kill you." Tengtian did not feel quite frustrated for the younger generation like Hughes, but instead became very excited, showing a bloodthirsty look, The tongue licked the blood stains around the corner of the mouth. Teng Tian enjoyed it very much. His eyes became very excited and turned red. That was the reaction to blood and the desire to fight.

Hughes didn't expect this to be the case. Tengtian was absolutely a lunatic. The fighting madman had no brain at all. No wonder after his son was killed, it was just because the injury was like the Quanhe Lima family He is very angry when he has the talent to "go back home", and he hasn't figured out the whole thing. The Quanhe River Horse Race will be extinct. It is indeed impossible to speculate with common sense.

But Hughes is not so afraid. This is in line with Hughes’s mind. Only fighting is the shortcut to cultivation, can he consolidate his own strength, can also master the mystery of various realms, and play his best. Strong power. Looking at Tengtian who was fighting hard, Hughes rushed up without hesitation, and the battle continued, but this time it was a melee.

Tengtian's tiger claws are sharp and cold, and touching anything is difficult to maintain their own inherent shape and become powder, and the top of the claws also drives the "blue flame" of the blue tiger. "That is a kind of beast fire carried by the Tenglan Tiger itself. Although it is not as powerful as the Skyfire, it also has very powerful power. It is considered to be an upper-level existence. The things touched by "Blue Flame" are like Like poisoning, it becomes very inflexible, although it is very small, but it is deadly in the instantly changing battlefield, and if you accidentally absorb "Blue Flame", it will be even more serious. "Blue Flame" is very famous among Tenglan Tigers.

If the average person had a great awe of "Blue Flame", but for Hughes who had the skyfire, it was basically insignificant. The flames melted and the skyfire, the black flames and the skyfire, this is heaven and earth Among the strongest flames in the world, Hughes is completely immune to "Blue Flame". Tengtian saw that Hughes actually did not fear his "Blue Flame" at all, and his "Blue Flame" had a subconscious sense of fear for Hughes' body, which made Tengtian more optimistic about Xiu. Sri Lanka.

"Tiger claws tear the sky" Tengtian's hands stood still, the two tiger claws crossed each other, and they pulled hard outwards, like tearing things, and then Hughes saw the rules under the tiger claws. It’s torn apart, it seems like it’s really tearing the sky. If normal people see such scenes, they will definitely feel scalp tingling, thinking that this is a dream, it’s impossible, but Hughes is There is no movement at all, he is more than a hundred times stronger than this when he breaks through the life and soul realm.

"Hand of Darkness" Hughes integrated "Destruction Energy" into the vitality. "Destroy" is originally the ultimate energy of the ten great darkness. Blessed on the "Hand of Darkness", the most powerful dark power is displayed, plus The improvement of Shang Xiusi's own strength, the moves have a deeper understanding, the sky is glazed away, the sky wax is curled up, the dark air around it is roaring, and the domineering palm that swept the world is the strongest "hand of darkness ".


The figures of Teng Tian and Hughes were once again separated. They became worse this time. The clothes on their bodies were not the same. The scars on their faces were even more permeated with blood, and the "curves" permeated the body, which almost became one. The picture is very beautiful, that is their record, their merits, their medals.

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