Pioneer Knight

Chapter 657:

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The power of "Voidless Boundary" does not stop there. He is like a black hole that can devour all attacks, just like the previous purple halo attack, neutralizing the real energy and eliminating the attack is the strongest defense. The chakra space can become a killer skill of Hughes, and the powerful ability of "Void Boundary" is indispensable.

Entering the "nil boundary" of Hughes, Shi Wei Ke Yu couldn't find Hughes' figure at all. There was no expression on their faces, but the bright red in their eyes was strangely silent. All of their looks seemed to be in their eyes. Although they could not see Hughes, with the evolution of chakra space, the outside scene could be clearly displayed in front of Hughes. Hughes looked When the change in their eyes revealed doubt, could it be said that this was their weakness, Hughes thought in his heart.

Hughes did not test his conjecture. Entering the city is what Hughes urgently needs to do. Hughes now has many questions. What exactly happened here? Although Hughes absorbed some of the soul fragments of "Glassia" and knew part of it, it was only limited to the destruction of Rift Canyon by Cailu, so that the entire Rift Valley became swamp, and other things, such as Kewei Keyu, Marsh The lakes and so on are not introduced.

The scale of Quanhe City is indeed very large. If it is twice as large as Dongyuan City, it can be seen how brilliant the Quanhe Tribe of the year was, the silence of the oldest atmosphere, so that Hughes suddenly entered the deserted In the era of "Pangang", the place reached by Quanhe City is the most central place in Quanhe City. The hidden wave of light appears from time to time. Hughes knows that it is where the lake is.

Hughes stepped forward and came in an instant. This is a clear and deep lake. The sound of running water pours into Hughes’ ears. This is true, or it is true in itself, and there is a film at this time. The black wisp "lime" seems to be dragged into the lake, but the dark and deep "lime" is strangely turned into transparent water droplets when it falls into the water, and the sound of "drops" drops Into the lake, a little ripple was made.

Although the lake in front of it does not have a half-wind wave, Hughes is unprecedentedly cautious. All things may be revealed here. The calmer the lake, the more Hughes feels the intensity of the storm that is coming. .

Hughes stretched out his hand to the lake and wanted to feel how the water in the lake existed. He could actually purify the "liwan", although the "liwan" was the soul fragment of the "little", but it had not Destructiveness cannot be eliminated at all, but the water in the lake breaks this taboo, which can explain the power of the lake.

But upon touching the lake, Hughes felt that the lake water contained a very special energy, directly hitting his body, and the most accurate was the soul of Hughes. It was a clear lake water, which blended into Hughes' Nethersha Spring along Hughes's hand. It was a very peaceful Nethershave. After injecting this very special energy, it caused a violent vibration, and the Shaquan was rolling. The change of Nethershaquan naturally affects the change of Hughes's soul. The seven souls cause such oscillations. Hughes's spirit was severely damaged in an instant, and his spirit fell into depression.

It is not only the Seven Souls that are affected. The three souls of Hughes are also not spared, but this force Hughes can’t resist at all, after all, it involves a deeper level, and Hughes’s soul Understanding is still at a very obvious stage.

"Ah, what is this thing that actually melts the soul." A very frightened voice rang in Hughes's mind. This was a long-lived new voice, absorbing enough when Hughes broke through the life and soul realm. Soul and sober.

Hughes used the shortest language to tell things clearly to the freshmen. This is a moment of life and death. Hughes naturally did not dare to neglect. There seems to be some strong attraction in the lake water. The moment Hughes touched the lake water, he felt that the lake water had another sway, only a few seconds, and it was such a short time. The lake water was like imprisoned by Hughes, and it was impossible to pull it out. And now the spirit of Hughes is badly hit, and he wants to cut off his arm, which is impossible.

"Is this the "Jingling Lingquan", the kind of horror called "End of Life", how could there be such a thing, this kind of thing is just a legendary thing, how could it exist, but only the heaven and earth God punishment comes Heavenly punishment, the harshest punishment used only by the trial terminal, once contaminated, the soul must be melted, that is forever attributed to nothingness." The newborn was shocked.

"Jingling Lingquan? Heaven and Earth God punishment?" Hughes was very shocked, is it said that this is caused by Quanhe Tribulation, "robbery" is the representative of Heavenly Tribulation Thunder Punishment, if so said, then Quanhe Tribulation It is indeed a very powerful race.

But now it's not time to consider how the Quanhe Tribe and the tribe are concerned. Hughes asked quickly: "Is there any way to stop the'Jingling Lingquan'?" This is the most important thing Hughes wants to know now.

"'Jingling Lingquan' I just heard it. It belongs to the existence of legends. Where do I know how to solve it." The freshman said that there was no way to deal with such a situation, and said in panic.

Hughes’s heart sank, and even the experience of the new life was very extensive. I just heard that the “Jingling Spirit Spring” was indeed terrifying. Heaven and earth punishment. Hughes’ mind was spinning rapidly. "Spiritual Soul Spring" flows endlessly into Xius's body, destroying the Nether Springs, and the seven souls of Hughes are in a precarious state.

Life Soul Spring, Earth Soul Spring is much stronger than the Seven Souls' Nethersha Spring, and after being hindered by the Seven Souls, it reaches Life Soul Spring. The "Jing Soul Spring" of Earth Soul Spring is already very weak, so Hughes also You can maintain a clearer mind, but if you go on like this, Hughes cannot guarantee it.

Just as Hughes racked his brain to think of a way, some kind of aberration occurred in the chakra space of Hughes, and some kind of power was born in the chakra space. The chakra space was not controlled by Hughes. Under the circumstances, the natural start did not wait for Hughes to be stunned, Hughes' body already reached the chakra space.

After Hus entered the chakra space, his whole body was surrounded by "black clouds", that is, the energy of "robbery", which had its own consciousness, but all his energy was absorbed and shaped by Huss. Earth Soul has achieved an unprecedented punishment of God's soul, and the sense of robbery has been wiped out by Hughes. The current "robbery" is controlled by Hughes itself. When Hughes was shocked by this sudden change, he did not notice the movement of the phantom ball in his own mind, and gave out an inexplicable blush. It was very subtle, but it was so obvious.

"Jiaoliang" cuts off the connection between Hughes and "Jingling Lingquan", and prevents "Jingling Lingquan" from continuing to merge into Hughes' body. "Jiaoliang" is even more integrated into Hughes's body and goes straight to the earth soul. go with. Such a scene is that Hughes hasn't figured out what kind of fame it is. All that happened is to give Hughes a dream-like feeling. All things are not under Hughes' control. Hughes is like a visitor. .

After "Jiaoliang" reached the soul of the earth, it actually merged directly into the soul of the earth. This is absolutely a shocking thing. I have never heard of the soul and can integrate other things. Know that the soul itself is the most wonderful existence. , A slight change may lead to the collapse of the soul, and the result of the collapse is only this one, that is death.

However, the earth soul of Hughes broke the shackles, and the earth soul with the "robbery" has undergone major changes. The earth soul of Hughes was originally a cylindrical channel, but now it has become a mass without any regular patterns. It looks like, and the earth soul of Hughes can also wriggle, and constantly change its shape, just like a changeable cloud. There is nothing wrong with it, that is the cloud, "This ~~~~~." Hughes's heart does not know Thinking about something, anyway, the expression is very unnatural.

The Earth Soul emits the light of thunder and lightning, sweeping the very weak state just now, the "Jing Soul Spring" in the Earth Soul Spring feels the light emitted by the Hughes Earth Soul, but it is very strangely calm down, the Earth Soul and Instead of stopping his brilliance in this way, he continued to shine, shining all over the body of Hughes, the seven souls of Hughes, and the soul of life fell into silence.

At this time, Hughes immersed all the minds in the changes of the three souls and seven souls. Of course, the most important thing is the changes made by the earth soul, but he did not notice the continuous backlog of clouds outside his body, which contains a lot of Thunder and lightning, it was a catastrophe. Endless coercion emanated from the sky-tribulation, and the lake completely boiled, but there was a building hidden in the lake, the exterior was very splendid, with a strong ancient atmosphere, it was a palace.

Earth Soul merged with "robbery" and let the original "Jingling Spirit Spring" fall into peace. Hughes’s three souls and souls were comforted. This made Hughes breathe for a long time. This crisis finally passed. Although Hughes has not yet figured out what is going on, why there is such a change in chakra space may be related to the structure of chakra space, which was originally formed by the barriers of the three souls and seven souls Success, nature has a strong connection with the three souls and seven souls.

It's just that this "Jingling Lingquan" is indeed very powerful, with such a very strange and powerful ability, no wonder that it can eliminate the immortal "Mengli" soul fragments, Hughes thought that this might be the Quanhe Tribe. It was built for the purpose of destroying Luoluo, which is very obvious.

The power of "robbery" doesn't just make Huss's spring, but the "Jingling Spirit Spring" of Soul Springs calms down. The change of Huss's Earth Soul is the most important. Now Huss's Earth Soul possesses Heavenly Tribulation The ability of thunder and punishment is officially transformed into the punishment of God, and no longer fears the laws of heaven and earth. The biggest gain of Hughes entering the swampland this time is not to advance to the Earth Soul Realm, but to open up the truth in the nothingness of the chakra space, and the Earth Soul evolved into the Sky Penalty God Soul.

In addition to the evolution of Hughes’s Soul of the Earth, the extra energy is to fill up the spirits consumed by the "Soul Soul Spring", so that Hughes "resurrected" again and returned to the strongest state, reaching the peak in all aspects. Degree.

The earth soul of Hughes evolved into a heavenly punishment soul, suppressing the "Jingling Lingquan", and no more throbbing of the soul, and the soul of Hughes became more powerful with the supplement of the energy of "robbery", and Hughes now reaches the ground. The extent of the peak of the Soul Realm was something that Hughes hadn't thought of. There was such a weird thing. Hughes felt like he was in a dream. The most crucial point, Hughes was not sure, that is All of the root causes of these are Hughes' greatest guarantee of dependence-the phantom ball.

There is no change in "Jingling Lingquan", gurgling flow, no storm, the water in the lake is still very clear, but this time Hughes has not been confused by the appearance of "Jingling Lingquan", When Hughes touched the lake, he felt the danger contained in it, and it contained a very violent and ferocious momentum. It was an unprecedented strong breath. Hughes’ mind was lost and he was not in the " There is a big reason why the "Jingling Lingquan" invaded the first moment to reflect that momentum.

Hughes can imagine what kind of existence is contained in the ground of "Jingling Lingquan" without too much guessing. That must be the extraterrestrial creature "Cai" who was suppressed in the "empty robbery hall". It’s just that Hughes is very surprised. This “Jingling Spirit Spring” is very clear, and you can see the bottom of the lake at a glance, but there is no palace, and there is no figure of 蠌, but that momentum can’t be deceived. Hughes.

Hughes finally considered it and decided to go to the "Soul Soul Spring" to explore it. The purpose of Hughes here is to explore what kind of secrets are hidden in this lake, although knowing this lake is not easy, it is The legendary "spiritual spirit spring", but the strong power that Hughes touched is also a mystery.

With a thump, Hughes jumped into the Soul Purifying Spirit Spring, and the magical effect of the soul-washing spirit expelled towards Hughes. Hughes had a cold, biting feeling, just like swimming in a frozen lake in winter. , The whole body trembles and trembles, but this kind of ice is in the soul of Hughes, he is more fragile than the body, fortunately, Hughes has the protection of the heavenly punishment of the soul, and then let Xiu Si's soul will not be net driven.

Hughes strongly endured such ice cold, the earth soul can only resist the soul-cleansing effect of "Jingling Spirit Spring", but this ice-cold effect cannot be dispelled. Hughes thought that this might be related to this lake There is a relationship, not the natural attribute of "Jingling Lingquan". "Jingling Lingquan" does not have such an ice cold, and may sneak into the bottom to know what is going on.

Hughes continued to dive towards the "Jinghun Lingquan", but after a further half hour, Hughes felt very wrong. When he looked down at the "Jinghun Lingquan", he did not find the "Jinghun Lingquan" How deep, but this makes Huss swim for half an hour. You must know that Huss's speed is very fast. Under the stimulation of this cold, Huss is unprecedentedly hardworking. After all, find it earlier. Among the reasons, Hughes can be relieved as soon as possible. The pain is not what people are willing to suffer.

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