Pioneer Knight

Chapter 660:

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"You are not wrong, but that was the previous idea. Just when the teenager came here today, I felt the change of "Magic Emperor's Spirit", and there was joy in the Demon Emperor's spirit, thinking To get rid of the shackles of this enchantment, I think this is probably the person predicted by the patriarch Survival and such a stolen life? That is not the devil's proper character and nature at all, but the waiting of millions of years makes us all very anxious. The birth point does genocide. How can we afford the patriarch's pains? "" said the huge sacrifice in a deep voice.

"But that person only has a soul state. When our people are normally born, they all have the strength of the state. Even if it is the weakest, the malnourished people have the state. Then how long do we have to wait, how long will it take? In a million years, I might as well die than that, so as to be worthy of the blood of our great troll clan." Ju Biao said very disappointed.

"We are only at the elementary level of Jiutian Realm, and we can't break the "cold zero ice" at all. Maybe we can only break it until we reach the peak of Jiutian Realm. We are limited to a hundred years. If we still If we can't go out, we will take action." The giant sacrifice finally said with a little relief.

"Well, I'll practice first. I still say that. I simply don't believe that person can achieve such achievements in a hundred days. We still need our own strength." Ju Biao put down this sentence Go to the right.

"Is that what you just said is true? You have to know that Ju Biao is the most talented of the three of us. If he is allowed to absorb the "Magic Emperor's Spirit", it is likely to make a major breakthrough, at least one level , And Ju Yi thinks the same way, he is very angry that is inevitable." The last demon will finally speak: "It’s very annoying to know that I am the same, although I don’t have to blame you. Meaning, but I have to say that your decision this time is indeed a bit reckless, and it is still cut first, but I hope your decision is true, and now it is useless to say anything."

The silence of the giant sacrifice did not say anything. In fact, he also had doubts in his heart, but he still decided to do so in the trust of the patriarch. He also prayed in his heart that Hughes could grow quickly, hoping not to let them Waiting for a long time, because they have been waiting for too long, the loneliness of millions of years is not something outsiders can imagine.


But at this time, Huss didn't even know that there was such a scene deep in the bottom of the ice layer. He continued to go westward, and after Huss spent half an hour, he finally came to the Scorpio. In the swamp mentioned, seeing the figure sitting right in the swamp seems to be practicing, with endless lizards surrounding him, but Hughes still recognized at a glance that it was the black hand behind everything. Quanhe was inexplicable, but he didn't expect that he was really in this place, he really came out, there was no hiding at all.

There was a figure sitting in the middle of the swamp, and that was exactly the person Hughes had seen several times, but it was the first time he saw it. He saw it several times in pictures and mirror images. Seen for the first time. Chuan Jiu Mo’s legend Hughes has heard a lot, but Hughes really did not expect to see him one day, Hughes now does not know what kind of mood he should report, to really say, Quan He is inexplicable to Hughes. His blood-sharp knife rescued Hughes several times. Even the opening of the sky-sharp spirit of Hughes was guided by the evil spirit in the "shasha blood-knife".

But after Hughes knew that Quanhe was inexplicably the behind-the-scenes of all these things, Hughes had a great sense of horror. To speak of hatred, it did not reach that level. After all, Hughes and Quanhe inexplicably talked about There is no anxiety at all. Of course, Hughes still does not know whether the current Quanhe is inexplicable or not, and whether his soul still represents his will.

Quanhe is inexplicably refining the "little cockroach", as if to supplement his soul, Hughes can feel the very strong soul fluctuations in Quanhe Jiumo from a distance, which is better than Hughes The insignificance of Quanhe’s inexplicable exuberance is even more amazing. The inexplicable feeling of Quanhe to Hughes is like the kind of heart palpitations touched by the assassination of the door master. Hughes knows that Quan He Jiu Mo is definitely not that simple character. Hughes now feels very tricky. Absolutely he is a bit rash, but Hughes did not expect to encounter Quanhe Jiu Mo here. After all, according to what the Scorpion said, Changluo's soul should have been eliminated by the empty robbery hall as a "little cockroach", and Quanhe Jiu Mo disappeared similarly.

Seeing that Quanhe was inexplicable did not mean to wake up like this, knowing that Quanhe was inexplicable was not sober and was simply disdain of himself, or it was a critical point of cultivation, but no matter what kind, Hughes They are all sure that Quanhe finds himself inexplicably, and what makes Hughes more worried is whether this swamp is in the inexplicable territory of Quanhe. Even if he is not attacked by himself, he is not sure about it. Hughes is not as good as this. The battle of at least does not need to spend so much thought, because Hughes understands the truth very well, that is: in front of the absolute strong, any conspiracy and tricks are very pale and weak.

Hughes looked towards the swamp, but he saw the center of the swamp. There was indeed a very strange flower beside the Quanhe Jiu Mo. The color of the flower was a very strange muddy color, like a swamp. The mud is the same. If Hughes didn't notice anything if he watched it carefully, what kind of flowers are they? There is a big question in Hughes's mind. Is it that Quanhe Wine is refining this flower, or is he waiting for the flower to bloom? In any case, this flower is not so simple, it is probably some kind of treasure of the world, or it is left over by the extraterrestrial creature "Li", just like the "Ni Di" seen in Mo Yan Hell The same as the "fruit", that is the source of the extraterrestrial creature's "heart" and the source of the extraterrestrial creature's very strange ability. Without the assistance of this kind of thing, it is impossible to fully exert their own energy. It is a very strange place. Although it is not a treasure of heaven and earth, it is more powerful than an ordinary treasure of heaven and earth.

Quanhe’s inexplicable "little cockroach" contracted continuously, and his body slowly showed up. When Hughes saw the place where Quanhe was sitting inexplicably, he was shocked to find that they were all corpses. The corpses spread across the field, and they looked shocking, and the corpses were degraded into skeletons at a speed that could be distinguished by the naked eye. All the anger contained in the corpses was poured into the inexplicable body of Quanhe. Quite strange, Hughes was very shocked. I don’t know what Quanhe was doing inexplicably, but he was definitely doing something very important.

Although Hughes was shocked by the corpses in this place, it was really those horrors that were horrible but they seemed to be similar. Hughes seemed to have seen it somewhere, and when Hughes really remembered At that time, it was found that it was not what I saw in Quanhe Canyon. At that time, Tengtian was going to exterminate the Quanhe Lima family. Although Huss only glanced at the time, it was enough that Huss recognized that it was Quanhe. The tribe of the Lima family.

Seeing all of this, all the problems were solved in Hughes’ mind. There was no need to have any other doubts. The thing that Quanhe Lima was annihilated was full of doubts. He was the man in front of him who was once Quanhe Lima The proud Spring River of a family is inexplicable.

Although I’m not sure about Quanhe’s inexplicable current state, and Hughes dare not act rashly, but temptation is very necessary. Hughes’s hands are full of thunder and lightning, condensed into a thunder dragon, thunder The dragon was raging, full of domineering prestige, and with a scream, it cut through the silence of the ice layer. Thunder Dragon inexplicably went towards the Quanhe River, opening its huge dragon mouth, trying to swallow the Quanhe River inexplicably.

But what surprised Hughes was that Quanhe was inexplicably not moving at all, as if he didn’t care about Hughes’s attack at all, but continued to absorb the "little cockroach". Although Hughes had doubts in his heart, he was still in his hands. However, there is no obstruction, and the inexplicable attack towards Quanhe is faster.

Thunder Dragon with endless majesty, the glory of thunder and lightning revealed undoubtedly on the body of the dragon, straight from Xiangquan River inexplicably, just like that Quanhe penetrated inexplicably, Thunderbolt presented what he had on Quanhe inexplicable body Ability, Quanhe is inexplicable like a whole body electric shock, trembling, even so, Quanhe inexplicable does not have any meaning to change the posture, only the flowers around Quanhe inexplicable are more and more fascinating, faintly with flower buds Open up.

"That flower has a weirdness." Hughes thought in his heart, and then called Thunder Dragon to attack the flower. When Thunder Dragon was about to touch the flower, there was a change, and the flower was very strange. The muddy color light forms a protective film, and Thunder Dragon? simply cannot touch the flower.

And Quanhe finally opened his eyes inexplicably, and his eyes were full of fierceness, staring at Hughes and said, "Since I dare to move my'little soul', I will let you die." The voice is full of coldness, and the flower is His taboo is there, and when touched, he dies.

Quanhe finally opened his eyes inexplicably, and his eyes were full of fierceness, staring at Hughes and said, "Since I dare to move my'little soul', I will let you die." The voice is full of coldness, and the flower is his taboo Where you touch, you die.

"Gang Yi soul?" Although it is not clear what exactly it is, Hughes guessed that it is the key to the strange ability of the extraterrestrial creature "Cang".

Quanhe's inexplicable hands reached into the swamp, and the mud in the swamp jumped up. At the beginning, there was only a small fluctuation around the inexplicable Quanhe, but with the inexplicable agitation of the Quanhe, the mud of the entire swamp jumped The scene is very large. Although Hughes doesn’t know what Quanhe wants to do, he knows that this is definitely a very powerful move. Hughes looks around carefully. Beware of Quanhe's inexplicable attacks.

Thunder Dragon just now told Hughes that Quanhe’s inexplicables were not afraid of thunder and lightning, and just as soon as Quanhe’s inexplicable opened his mouth, he knew that Quanhe’s inexplicable at the moment was not the former Quanhe’s inexplicable, his soul no longer belonged to him, now Hughes is unclear exactly what kind of existence it is, and in combination with Quanhe’s inexplicable ability, Quanhe’s inexplicable is likely to be the fourth generation of dying Ke Yu. The fourth generation was beyond Hughes’ imagination.

And seeing the flower called "Gangyu Soul" beside Quanhe's inexplicable, when Thunder Dragon attacked him again, he was actually able to generate a protective film to protect himself, indicating that he had his own consciousness, and just now Hughes Seeing that the corpses were absorbed, the ascites were melted, and they all merged into the "soul of the scorpion", but under the "soul of the scorpion" there was a corpse, and the "soul of the scorpion" was constantly pouring into the corpse. Some kind of energy, the corpse is like the ones that Hughes had encountered before, and it is absolutely not a coincidence. It is most likely that all the dying Keyu were made by the "calamous soul" in front of them.

The evolution of the swamp is intensifying, and the mud is extremely shrinking and piled up together. Such scenes are learned from the scene. The first and second generations of dying Ke Yu remodeled the mud body. Is it ~~~~~~~?" Hughes thought in shock. The mud is actually integrated into the inexplicable body of Quanhe. At this moment, Quanhe is inexplicably like a troll clan, and his body is very burly and strong, like a mountain.

Although Hughes was amazed, he didn't feel much shock. What he saw during this time was such a huge body. First, the first and second generations of Cao Wei Ke Yu, and then to the later Troll Clan, Hughes Nature Already very immune to such a powerful body, Hughes was surprised that Quanhe had inexplicable ability to condense mud and form a body. It seems that what I have just guessed is not unreasonable, Quanhe is inexplicably likely to be Zhi Wei Ke Yu.

In the tide of Nize, the "Lun Soul" was not contaminated with Neze. The flower buds waiting to be released were already so charming. Without the corpse at the bottom of the flower root, this is absolutely lovely and charming. But now it is endless fear, chilling, terrifying feelings touch the nerve endings all over the body.

The inexplicable and burly mud body of Quanhe has been fused, and a strong roar sound is made. The mountain-like thick arm is waving towards Huss, and the fist wind blows the entire swamp, and the ice layer is shaking and trembling. "Creak" sound, and Hughes felt the punch, just like the feeling of touching when facing the storm, Hughes felt that his body was a little bit out of his control in this punch, and Quanhe's inexplicable fist Containing endless power, it is a kind of Tianwei, like the master of this field.

Hughes carefully looked at Quanhe’s inexplicable fist, and knew that Quanhe’s inexplicable was very powerful, but it was really another matter to see it. After Quanhe’s inexplicable transformation through the "soul of soul" It has the strength of the territory itself, absorbing the endless mud, so that Quanhe's inexplicable strength is even better, and the strength shown is more powerful and more powerful.

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