Pioneer Knight

Chapter 671:

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The domain of Jieyu has insight into the law. Obviously, it is to reach the quadratic law domain, and the disclosed law pattern is derived from the single-attribute law. The attribute you have is the law presented in your law. . A man like Hughes has four attributes of space, darkness, water, and fire. When he reaches the law area, he shows the four-wire rule. When the law breeds the divinity, it is the divine rule, and the cable is the root of the god. . This is the saying of "Nine Suoyan God".

Xie Yu saw the flamed fire dragon he had condensed, and he became more and more proud, imagining that Hughes was very miserable after losing, that would be the greatest pleasure in his heart, his life is exactly To live for this, Hughes did not look at Xie Yu’s disgusting expression. Although the method of relieving depression surprised Hughes a little, although the power of Huoyan Yanlong was very strong, he did not reach the level of cultivation. This kind of imagination, Hughes does not need to be afraid now.

"Just let you try the depth of my water law." Hughes looked at the sky-high and thorough Huo Yanyan Dragon and said lightly: "Zero, seal."

Then Hughes’ body radiated cool energy, and that energy quickly spread to the surroundings. The place where the cool energy reached quickly formed a mist around it, which was a cold breath, and when I looked at that place again You will find that there has become a frozen world.

The ability of extremely real water is to "freeze", freezing everything in the world, it has the most terrifying ice-cold ability, and the meaning of "zero degree" of the water law understood by Hughes is evolved according to the ability of "freezing", of course There is a very strong freezing capacity.

The improvement of Hughes' realm has led to the improvement of his horizons. The extreme real water has allowed Hughes to dig further. Now that he has reached the level of Xiaocheng, Hughes has a strong confidence that even in the field of relieving depression, he can freeze the fire. Yan Yanlong.

Hughes's "zero degree" ice cold is thorough, and the field is quickly frozen at a speed that is visible to the naked eye. Here, it has become an ice-cold world. Even the fire laws in the field have not escaped the fate of being frozen. The fire dragon is composed of countless fire dragons. After those fire dragons touched those cool "zero degrees", there was no chance of any struggle to be sealed into ice cubes.

But after all, the Fire Flame Dragon is all the fire elements in the collection field, and its power is quite objective. Those cool "zero degrees" are also burned, but it is surprising that the ice cubes are burned again. It becomes water, which makes Hughes' "zero degree" expand more quickly. In a moment, the whole fire Yanyan Dragon and the face full of shock, the unbelievable look of depression did not escape, but was Hughes's "zero degree" is frozen, but at this time Hughes's "Fire Flame Field" is not attacked, and the scenery around Hughes returns to the original world.

There is such a powerful force in the "zero degree" place, and Hughes shows a very excited look despite his body's anger.

Even the strength of "Zero" is shocked by Hughes. To be honest, this is indeed the first time that Hughes has shown "Zero". This is like reading a book. Some truths need to be understood by oneself. Hughes is now in such a situation. The "zero degree" has been realized and reached a certain level. Whether it is the actual effect displayed or the feeling in his heart, Hughes understands, understands, understands, and understands, It is a matter of course that "zero degrees" can have such an effect.

Hughes was still a bit worried before, but the actual effect was better than expected. Hughes was surprised, but he thought that this was a matter of course, there were contradictions, but it was in line with Hughes’ state of mind at this moment, and has a powerful Strength is what Hughes desires, and once he has strong strength, he may make a whisper. Hughes is generally like this, but this is ultimately what makes Hughes very happy and has a rough sense of himself. Positioning.

Cui Sanye, Cui Ya and other people are in shock. For a long time, they can’t shock their hearts. The performance of Hughes makes them impossible to evaluate at all. It is obviously beyond their imagination. The realm can overcome the realm, which is itself a matter of fantasy, but Hughes is so lightly described, Hughes’s energy consumption is a problem that they directly ignore. In their eyes, Hughes is like As in the middle of the day, the glory he played was very strong, so that their eyes could not touch the height of Hughes, especially Cui Sanye. He had great doubts about Hughes’ strength before. Si was labeled by him, but now the strength displayed by Hughes is very different from the scale label in his heart. That is the source of shock. Of course, the most important thing is the strength of Hughes itself. Guide everything first.

Xie Yu was sealed by Hughes’s “zero degree” at the moment, together with the shock on Xie Yu’s face, Hughes didn’t care about other people’s views, it had nothing to do with him, Hughes walked to Cui Ya and asked : "My room is there, I want to rest."

If Hughes had previously said such unwelcome words, and they still responded to the icy "cold rose", even if Cui Ya did not respond to them, they could not ignore such scenes, they had to scold Xiu severely. Si Yifan, after all, it was a beautiful lady in their minds, more appropriately it was a goddess, but this goddess is indeed very cold, but now it is completely different, no one dares to stand up and speak loudly in front of Hughes Not to mention scornful words that are very deep, this is strength, this is the style of the strong.

Cui Ya was awake at the moment, watching Hughes have very indescribable emotions, Hughes first met her embarrassment, she was a high presence at the time, but Hughes was weak and angry, so he continued to play It’s all hard to do. In Cui Ya’s eyes, Hughes was like a ant, or garbage. If Cui Cui insisted, Cui Ya wouldn’t even bother with such Hughes, but After only a few days of change, Hughes slowly became angry and was able to walk very reluctantly. Cui Ya did not care either. It was not until the night of the attack that Cui Ya was suspicious, but she did not wait until Cui Ya figured out that Hughes would kill those enemies in a strong manner to rescue their lives, and now he is free to solve the depression in the top 20 of the rookie list and the pride of Tianzong. This makes Cui Ya not so good. Shocked, how not to fluctuate, how to have no emotion.

Proud people have something to be proud of. Cui Ya has her pride. That is not the amazing face of people, nor the coldness that people talk about, but her practice. Although Cui Jiabao is not as good as those super. Power, but it has its own heritage and is not weak there. They also have the capital to compete with other forces, and Cui Ya is the second person of the younger generation of Cui Jiabao. The level of the environment, what kind of genius does not need to say more, but I did not expect Hughes to shatter her pride, and to fight the endless skin, which makes the proud Cui Ya's heart is Has bitterness.

Hughes followed Cui Ya, with a little frightened Cui Cui heading towards the place where they were, Cui Ya didn't have a great relationship with him, Cui Ya was very arrogant in the eyes of Hughes. Others, Hughes doesn’t mean much to this kind of person. Naturally, she doesn’t care. If she is good for Cui Cui, Hughes has no urge to speak with her, but Hughes does not. Knowing this moment, Cui Ya was hit hard, and the pride at that point was broken and broken.

For a long time, the figure of Hughes completely disappeared in people's vision, and Cui Sanye was awake. Even though he was a strong man in the realm, he could not give birth to any place of pride at this moment, especially when he saw Xiu This is even more so. Seeing the frozen Jieyu in front of him, Cui Sanye felt that this was no way at all. Although Tianzong ranked at the end of the central court, it was stronger than their Cui Jiabao, if Qijiabao If they are united, there is no fear, but now they are just Cui Jiabao.

The vitality followed Cui Sanye's very old hands with deep folds towards Jie Yu's frozen ice, and wanted to melt the ice, but what made Cui Sanye very surprised was the ice. However, there is no tendency to melt. Cui Sanye frowned. He now has the strength of the seven-dimensional square realm, and even the mystery of the soul of the earth can't be broken. This is a faceless thing to say. Moreover, Cui Sanye still has a certain position in Cui Jiabao, there are many disciples of the Cui family, and those who look lively. Cui Sanye just stepped up his efforts, but it still has no effect. This is a matter of course. After all, Hughes’s “zero degree” is born out of extremely real water, but it is the place closest to the origin of the water. It is a powerful ability, which is normal. Otherwise, if Hughes uses the realm of Earth Soul to freeze the second realm of depression, it is simply impossible.

In the end, Cui Sanye had to hold his blushing face, and looked around in disgust, but finally went in the direction of Hughes. People didn’t laugh at Cui Sanye. They knew all about Cui Sanye’s ability, but this reflected the strong side of Hughes on the side. Some caring people hidden in the crowd began to walk around. Hughes The things that defeated Jieyu spread as quickly as possible, especially the other six castles.

The powerhouse in the realm is not the kind of arbitrarily kicking by the roadside cats and dogs, nor the trampling of ants under the feet. Although in the view of Hughes, there is no difference between the two, but this cat and dog, ants But it is that kind of powerful one. The consumption of Hughes's vitality is also very serious. To be precise, it has exhaustion.

Hughes went to the guest room with Cui Ya, and he tuned in. Cui Ya and Cui Cui both left very interesting. Now that they have come to the west neighboring castle, there are still many things. , The anecdote along the way, especially when they were attacked, is very serious, but Cui Ya's shrewdness can smell something.


The "Seven Forts Race" was held on the third day of Hughes's arrival in the west neighboring castle. During this time, Hughes did not go out of the room for half a step. Even if he was eating in the room, of course, he could not be regarded as cultivation. But Hughes is very lazy, especially now that he has nothing to do, then the rest of the time is spent in Hughes trying to figure out the meaning and walk.

Triku had been there once, but he didn't have much thought of talking to him after seeing Triku. Triku was very arrogant. Although it seemed quite satisfactory in front of him, he was so proud The coquettishness in the bone allows Hughes to feel it clearly. Hughes is not saying that such a person is bad, but Hughes simply dislikes it.

But Hughes is not as direct as that, but is arrogant, and it’s human nature. It’s one thing to like, but tackyness is still tacky after all. This may be contaminated by Hughes’ previous life. It's bad stuff. They were still very happy to talk, but only Cui Ya, who had some knowledge of Hughes, saw the "abnormality" of Hughes. In fact, Hughes was the kind of "half alive" to them except Cui Cui. "Cui Ya knows what she looks like," but as I said before, knowing is one thing, but doing it is something else. That is called "human love."

Ximen Qing, the owner of Xijia, Xijiabao, was very generous to encourage clichés, and announced that the "Seven Forts" was just beginning. Qijiabao was Wangjiabao, Xilinbao, and Cuijiabao. Liutianbao, Heyuanbao, Nikunbao, Cuijiabao, and finally Yeyebao, and the west neighbor fort, as the principal, enjoy the first round of privilege exemption, then naturally the other six Jiabao, and The enemy of Cui Jiabao is the last Yeyebao. Hughes has no other ideas, except that the name is a little pitted.

The representatives of Qiyebao are Xianning, and the page is missing. Finally, they invited the foreign aid to repair Cao Tian, ​​but Cui Jiabao is a bit lucky. The page fault is the soul of the sky, but the deficiency is only the soul of the earth. In fact, some of the loose repairs I found were in the first place. The popular habit is that the first two games were a battle of their own, and finally the power of foreign aid. This time, it is also inevitable to be vulgar, so it is still the same. Yes, but what makes Xius very speechless is that he has no chance to play at all. The lack of Yebao is just such a decline. Presumably Cao Tian, ​​who is a foreign aid, has the same idea, which reminds Xius of Cui Ya said in seven. The only thing they feared in Jiabao was Wangjiabao, which seems to be true.

The first round of the game was very easy to obtain. The lack of leaves and the lack of peace in the fortresses, most of which are the sky soul realm, but this is not as good as Choiku. Failure is an expected thing, but they are The luck of the heart only invited foreign aid, but things didn't think that it had evolved to such a situation. The people who lacked Yebao were a bit lost. On the contrary, Cui Jiabao was very cheering.

The other four castles were also completed, but Wangjiabao deservedly won the victory. In the end, the rest was Nukun Fort, so the first round of the game was over. Cui Jiabao, Wangjiabao, Nikun Fort, as well as the west neighbor fort, they will play the second round of the game to win the last two fort and climb to the final.

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