Pioneer Knight

Chapter 675:

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"Sacred Domain", that is the eighth dimension to reach the realm of the realm. The realm has already been refined. The achievement of the self-realm is completely controlled by the master. All people who enter the realm must follow the rules in the realm. Execution, the offender will be blamed.

"Who the **** are you?" Xius asked Shen Wu in a deep voice.

"I didn't expect you to be able to force me to this step. It's really not easy. I agreed to your conditions earlier. How?" Zhou Wu didn't answer Hughes, but took the first topic he raised.

"Can I know the reason, I think you have enough strength to kill me in one move, then why is it so troublesome." Hughes found that his body could not move, the vitality in his body could not Asked very curiously.

"I can really kill you very easily now, but that will certainly waste some of my energy, and this is what I don't want to see, I have more important things to do." Zhou Wu is Very simply.

"Resolve, Hunye is the one you sent." Susie asked suddenly.

"Well." Zhou Wu's expression was suddenly stunned. He didn't expect Hughes to ask such a question. Zhou Wu's eyes became very cold, saying: "I didn't expect you to know a lot, since this is the case. , Then there is no need to keep you."

"Slow down, in fact, I don't know much at all. That's just my guess. I just thought of this kind of problem when I saw you. In fact, I didn't know your thing at all." Hughes said quickly. .

"Then what else do you know?" Zhou Wu's eyes were fixed on Hughes, his expression had a lot of disbelief, but as he said before, he did have some sort of taboo, but there was no direct Asked Hughes.

"There is something you need in the Lingxiao Tower." Hughes said very truthfully.

After hearing what Hughes said, Zhou Wu's pupils contracted sharply and said, "You really know a lot."

Hughes didn't care about the endless killing intention in Zhou Wu's voice, but continued to say: "It's just that I am very strange. You are a disciple of the ancient demon palace. The resources of the ancient demon palace must be very complete. Seven Forts In terms of how powerful it is, it can’t be compared with the Ancient Demon Temple. Why are you so deliberately wanting to go to Lingxiao Tower? It’s easy for you to want to go to Lingxiao Tower, but why do you have to Doing so many things is quite puzzling."

"Well." Hearing Hughes said, Zhou Wu's expression was a little relaxed. "It doesn't need your care. You only need to say your point. Of course, if it exceeds my expectations, I am Don't mind if the fish is dead," Zhou Wu said without warning.

"I'm not interested in your conspiracy. I'm just wondering what your strength is. Earlier I heard what you said about the'Holy Domain'. As far as I know, it is a domain that can only be possessed by the eighth dimension." Hughes Knowing that Zhou Wu is very difficult to deal with, and what Hughes said is indeed correct, this matter really has nothing to do with him. If it is said that there is a little relationship, then Hughes is very conspiracy to them. Is curious, there is a saying that "curiosity kills cats".

"That's because my strength was previously sealed, and the fight with you just touched my seal, so I unlocked the seal and had such strength." Zhou Wu said.

"Are you a creature outside the realm?" Hughes asked suddenly.

"I am ~~~~~." Zhou Wu was confused by the jumpy thinking of Hughes again. When he responded, it was too late. Zhou Wu looked at Hughes angrily. Yin coldly said: "Since you know it, you can never let you go."

Hughes didn't expect that this was the case. Zhou Wu was actually a remnant extraterrestrial creature, but their purpose was self-evident, to save the extraterrestrial creatures in the "Lingxiao Tower". In fact, before this, these were all guesses of Hughes. Zhou Wufei had such a great effort to do such things. The purpose was by no means that simple. It must be some special reason, but when Hughes really knew Their conspiracy did not respond for a while. To be precise, I did not expect it to be related to extraterrestrial creatures. This is the case with Demon Flame Hell, this is the case of the Swampy Land, and the same is true for the ancient city of the Extinction. It seems that everything is related to extraterrestrial creatures.

When I first saw Zhou Wu, Zhou Wu was shrouded in a mysterious atmosphere, which made Hughes’s eyes impossible to see clearly. Hughes had doubts at that time, and he was in the battle just now. Si also felt the strangeness of the "Shengsimen". The disaster in the "Shengsimen" was based on the earth disaster. Although Zhou Wu's "Shengsimen" seemed to be based on this, Hughes discovered all this. It’s an illusion. All the “Secret Doors” are actually converted from another kind of energy. That’s what Zhou Wu really wants to hide. It’s not that he can’t do those conspiracy things because of energy consumption. Of course, there may be The reason for this.

"Strangling." Zhou Wu is very angry now. To be precise, he is too angry. Hughes knows too many things. This is a kind of thing that cannot be forgiven for him. In his view, Hughes must be killed. of.

"Yu domain" is moving, and Hughes feels the invisible awe-inspiring, like in the blade, Hughes' body can't move, he may be crushed at any time, and Hughes's vitality is deprived by the Holy Land. It is simply impossible to display any substantial means of rescue, death is what is done in an instant.

Hughes was very anxious, and he could not calm down in the face of life and death, but at this moment, the layer of particles on the bones of Hughes changed under this kind of oppression, and the blood in Hughes' bones Contaminated with that kind of particles and causing some changes in Hughes' bones, Hughes' bones seem to be turned into particles.

This is a mortal situation. Zhou Wu is completely dominated in the Sanctuary, and the strong strangulation will shatter Hughes’ body instantly, but Zhou Wu is an unexpected scene that happens in front of them, Hughes’s. The body actually split apart, and the parts that were crushed by the strangling were turned into black particles, but Hughes itself was not hurt.

Zhou Wu was very shocked to see the changes produced by Hughes. He could not speak for a while, and it took a long time to react. He was shocked and shouted: "Particulate, this is only the sacrum. 'The ability that you have, is it that you are also a person in the'Yumeng'?"

"Yumeng?" Hughes thought that it was probably the name of the organization where Zhou Wu was, but obviously this was something Hughes had never heard of. But Hughes did not expect that the "sacral age" he absorbed changed at this time, which might be affected by Zhou Wu's breath.

The "sacral age", which has not been moving for a long time, is an unexpected breakthrough with a substantial breakthrough. The body of Hughes turned into particles, and the attacks in the sanctuary could not cause any essential damage to Hughes.

The body particles of Hughes made Zhou Wu deeply shocked. That is the granularity of "sacral". Is Hughes a person of "Yumeng"? This is Zhou Wu's first idea, but what makes Hughes strange is that Zhou Wu has not received the notice of the plan change, which makes Zhou Wu simply unable to make a judgment.

"Who the **** are you?" Zhou Wu asked Shen Xi very calmly and asked Shen Xi very much. After all, Zhou Wu was an eighth-dimensional cultivation of the realm, and his mind was not comparable to that of ordinary people. In response, now only Hughes can lift his doubts, believe it or not, that is his later judgment.

Now Hughes has no time to take care of Zhou Wu. Hughes absorbs certain attributes in the Sanctuary, which is the kind of attributes that causes Hughes to wake up "Sacral Age" and awaken particles.

Zhou Wu is an extraterrestrial creature. He just acknowledged this point. Although it is not clear what kind he is, it must be related to the "sacral". Otherwise, it will not cause the change of Hughes.

The black particles penetrated into the bones of Huss. As the blood flowed towards Huss’s body, after the cells touched those particles, the connection between the cells suddenly weakened, and each cell seemed to form an independent individual. The flow everywhere does not produce a body, and the part that is attacked becomes a thin particle, which discharges the power of the attack.

The crystals in the cell are influenced by the particles to evolve into various grains, floating in the outer layer of the cell, like armor. The cell has a certain stronger power, and Hughes can feel the body clearly. Of this change.

Zhou Wu didn't interrupt Hughes. He wasn't sure what the status of Hughes was, whether he was an enemy, or a friend. Of course, the final solution was to stay in the way, but Zhou Wu frowned. Feeling the "domain primordial energy" lost in the holy domain, that is an energy that only extraterritorial creatures can master, which makes Zhou Wu more certain of an idea in his heart.

Epiphany only needs morning and evening, and understanding only needs morning and night, but the change is only momentary. The activation of Hughes’ "sacral age" is completed in an instant. That kind of transformation has been successful. I couldn’t grasp where I was for a while, as if everywhere, as if not at all, Hughes was another ability to know that this was a "sacral" caused by granularity. body.

The phaselessness is the universality, the universality and the ancestors, Hughes understands the phaseless body, and instantly understands the role of the phaseless body. People are shocked.

Hughes imagined various forms at will, and the body changed continuously with Hughes’ imagination. Hughes thought that this phaseless body was indeed very extraordinary, comparable to Sun Wukong’s "seventy-two changes." Phaselessness is not just a change in form, but a change in essence. Hughes’ ability to change into various things is also changing, but the premise is that these things must be known by him.

Hughes opened his closed eyes and looked at the deep and solemn Zhou Wu, but Hughes didn’t care, but went on to say: "I don’t know what you mean by "Yumeng", but I Knowing that you need to make concessions now, although your sanctuary is very powerful, it can't trap me."

"You don't need your reminder at this point. When you can absorb the "Yuan Yuan Qi" in the field, I know that it is difficult for you to have no way. I now have a lot of interest in you. You actually have a "sacral" The particles are not phaseless, and the ability you show is more pure than many people in the Yumeng League, but I am very curious who you are." Zhou Wu's answer to Xiusi was not a big surprise, he It was interested in the identity of Hughes, and Shen Sheng asked.

"It was a coincidence that he met the sealed extraterrestrial creature "sacral", and by the way, accepting his essence of life became like this." Hughes said very indifferently, there was nothing to hide about such things, Hughes asked: "You spend With such a great effort, I want to get the Lingxiao Tower. What kind of secret is the Lingxiao Tower hiding?"

"If I said that extraterrestrial creatures are sealed in the Lingxiao Tower, do you believe it?" Zhou Wu asked back, not saying yes, not saying no, but saying the things that made Hughes the easiest to guess.

"Anyway, it has nothing to do with me, I just want to enter the Lingxiao Tower to advance to the realm." Xiusi sees Zhou Wu like this is not honest, so there is no need to struggle in this place, sometimes the more things I know On the contrary, the worse it is, this is the ignorance of happiness.

"Well." Zhou Wu didn't expect Hughes to be so simple, but his expression was stunned, and then said with a smile: "This may not have anything to do with you before, but it has a lot to do in the future, you have The ability of extraterrestrial creatures is not allowed by the world, especially those who are honest and hypocritical, I believe you will join us."

"I'm not going to investigate the matter of'Lingxiao Tower' for the time being, but you really have to think about whether or not to join us, otherwise you will wait to be slaughtered." Zhou Wu said: "The things about Lingxiao Tower tell you It doesn’t matter, this is the key to unlocking some secret realm. Anyway, he hasn’t got it all right now, so let him stay in Qijiabao for a while."

Hughes does not know how much of what Zhou Wu said is true, the secret realm, what kind of secret realm is these, which is not clear to Hughes, since he is not clear, he has nothing to do with Hughes, What Huss has to do now is to strengthen his own strength. I believe that entering the Tower of the Sky will have an increase in the realm of Huss, and now all he lacks is energy.

Zhou Wu withdrew from the field, and their figure appeared again in people's vision. People were very nervous looking at the two of them. They wanted to know what the final result was. This was the most exciting battle. . Zhou Wu walked out of the crowd without talking much, leaving only the stunned Hughes there.

Although Hughes doesn't care whether Zhou Wu said what he said is true, Hughes is worried about his own situation and always feels involved in a very great vortex. When people saw Zhou Wu's departure, they all thought it was eclipsed. They were all shocked and looked at Hughes. They were able to pass the "out-of-race mode." This is indeed remarkable. People are very admired. Looking at Hughes, the excitement in his heart could not be eliminated in a short time.

Cui Ku, Cui Sanye, Cui Ya and other Cui Jiabao people were cheering. Hughes’ victory meant that they were qualified to enter the "Lingxiao Tower". After entering the "Lingxiao Tower", they were able to With the realm of the new generation, their status and strength must be enhanced, which is what they are looking forward to.

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