Pioneer Knight

Chapter 696:

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Originally, it didn't matter much, but with the unexplained disappearance of the sky, the contradiction between the two veins was revealed, and it became increasingly sharp, which led to the split of the last family of the sky dark, and the achievement of the later sky vein and dark vein .

The Tianmai has six lines of the Tianmai, and the dark vein has the four families of the dark vein.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Both "Dark Reincarnation" and "Six Reincarnations" are extreme powers and ultimate powers, and the people they show are very strong people, and the scenes of collision are even more majestic. The space is split by this fluctuation, and this strong force tears the sky, showing their unmatched strength.

But the only thing left behind by the faint is a remnant soul, and it can’t be compared with Tianyi who ingested a lot of anger. There are a lot of cracks slowly appearing on the dark reincarnation, and the cracks are not accompanied by the sound of "click". Expand, and then heard the sound of "boom", the darkness reincarnation instantly collapsed completely.

"Haha, secretly, I can finally defeat you, I can finally go out, I have been waiting for this day for too long, I want to kill all of you, you just wait to bear my endless anger "Tianyi said with a mad smile.

Hughes struggled to resist the power of that cycle in the cycle of reincarnation. Seeing the collapse of the dark cycle, Hughes's face sank, but this was the result he least wanted to see. I didn't expect it to happen in the end. Do you really want to die here? At this moment, Hughes thinks of Yang Qianyun, thinks of fallen leaves, thinks of Yuan merchants, thinks of Quanhe Quanhe, thinks of many people, and what he has experienced emerges in front of him, and thinks of many, many.

Time seems to be frozen. Hughes recalled what he experienced in this short time at this moment. Although it was very exciting, it also left a lot of regrets.

Hughes is very unwilling to die like this. He can’t die like this, he can’t just die like this. Hughes wants to live. Hughes uses the strength of his body to get rid of the powerful oppressive force of the reincarnation channel. It is simply impossible to overwhelm yourself with momentum.

Hughes's will erupted, using his will to urge the soul spring frozen by the reincarnation channel to make his soul run, and at this time the location of Huustian's eye hole was the first to break through this shackle and feel The power of the reincarnation channel shocked Hughes even more. Hughes’ Tianyan cave actually absorbed the power of the reincarnation channel. Hughes’ skyeye didn’t even know when it would open. At this moment, the skyeye seemed to be hungry. The beast is desperately absorbing the power of the reincarnation channel.

"Well, the ants actually want to turn over." Feeling that the reincarnation channel is different, Tian Yi said disdainfully. In Tian Yi's view, the most powerful secrets have been defeated, and others can't fight him at all. Hughes is the realm now, as if they were born a hundred times stronger than this. It is true that it is true that the ants are ants.

"It's a real death." Although Hughes wasn't treated as one thing, sometimes the ants swayed in front of their eyes but it was very annoying. Tianyi now belongs to this kind of situation, and Tianyi is increasing his strength and trying to crush Dead Hughes.

"Lei You Emperor's Seal, the Origin of the Clan" But when Tianyi wanted to kill Hughes, the faintness did not mean to die like that. Instead, he pointed at Hughes, "Thunder" on Hughes. "Yuhuangyin" was radiated with vitality and burst into a strong thunder. Huston felt no such strong sense of oppression, and Tianyan absorbed the power of the reincarnation channel with greater intensity.

"The source of the Leiyou clan, damn, that kid has such power, the power of the Leiyuan lineage, the power of the Supreme Rule." Tianyi cried out in disbelief.

"The origin of the clan, the source of the various clan, is the source of the strength of the clan, and it is the existence of the heaven and earth, which contains the supreme Taoism. Of course, the clan source is where the clan is the most powerful and has the strongest power. That is the root that a family can survive, and it is the source. This is the origin of the name of the family."

"The Lei Youhuang Seal is the imprint of the Lei You Clan Emperor, the strongest power of the Lei You Clan, and a sign of achievement. He is the source of the Lei You Clan, but Hughes doesn’t know it. The source is more mysterious."

The ethnic origin is the cohesion of the laws of heaven and the power of the entire ethnic group. This is like a belief, but it is more mysterious and can mobilize all the strength of the ethnic group. That is very powerful, but this is not to say that ethnic origin is not It will be destroyed. The extinction of a clan means the destruction of the clan source, and it is more likely to be swallowed by other clan sources to increase its strength.

The ethnic origin is recognized by heaven and earth and is one of the manifestations of the law of heaven and earth.

The war in the Hundred Clan period can be said to be a battle of power, but it can also be said to be a war of ethnic origin.

The power of the clan source is very powerful, which is undoubtedly a thing, but it is constantly digging out the power contained with the enhancement of the realm, and now Hughes cannot play its one-millionth The power is different, but with the secret, it is able to exert the strongest power of "Lei You Huang Yin", because he was the master of the Lei You clan, and the source of the Lei You clan was mobilized by him.

"Lei Punishment, Lei Yang, Lei You, Lei Yuan, Lei Tian, ​​Wan Lei condensed, occupying the heavenly position, coming from the heavenly position, Lei."

With the secret singing, the "Lei You Emperor's Seal" on Hughes burst out with an unprecedented thunder, and each thunder is nine-day **** thunder, which is a thunder cloud that surpasses several grades of the blue sky thunder domain. It has become a thunder here. The world, the kingdom of thunder and lightning, and the six reincarnations are all affected by the thunder light, opening up his own space.

"The supreme divine power without the clan origin, your heavenly veins and the Six Dao simply cannot resist this supreme power. I advise you to return to your original world. This is not what you should come here." Tianyi, still struggling, said with consolation.

"I am very unwilling, I always do not close you, and you are always like this, I have been fed up with your preaching, even if you are my brother, my strength and talent are not worse than you, Why do you always have a high momentum, I just want to rebel against the dark veins, I want to restore the supreme glory of the dark and dark family, the heavenly veins are correct." Tian Yi was very unwilling to cry.

"Why are you always so persistent, the dark veins will not die, as long as there are people in the dark veins, the dark veins can be inherited by sparks, and the people in front of you are the best proof." Anonymous said quietly.

"On him, there is no resistance at all in my hands, not even ants. I can kill him at any time. If you are not protected, he would have died." Tianyi was very disdainful. Said.

"Is it?" Anonymous said casually.

"Huh, what I hate most is your attitude." Tian Yi said very uncomfortably.

"The seal of the seal of the Zhenfeng monument has been destroyed. I can no longer confine you. It hasn’t made you aware for millions of years. Your survival is definitely the catastrophe of the emperor's continent. Nether, be the guardian on Huangquan Road."

"Nine Heavens Soul Smashing, Souls Reincarnation, Dark Veins Heavenly Strategies, Soul Spectrum Clan Source, I have ordered the ninth Dark Vein Master to order the Dark Vein Tribe Tianyi to be the guardian of samsara, guarding Huang Quan, and avoiding intrusion, and I Formally appoint the person in front of the ninety-ninth generation of the dark veins, inherited from the clan, and concluded." Yin Yin said suddenly.

"The ten-mortal palace policy, the source of the dark veins, controls the life and death of all the dark veins. You have been hiding in the Zhenfeng monument. How could this be possible, I didn't even feel it, it was really abominable, I didn't expect you to be I’m still unwilling to keep such a starting hand.” But even if the sky is unwilling, what can be done, the family source is the root of a group, and everything in the family is mobilized, which is deeply imprinted in the soul at birth. What is deep cannot be changed at all. This is the power of the clan origin, which has a greater power to live and kill than a monarch.

"Ah, I'm not reconciled. I am destined to be destined in the first day. Actually, this place is about to fall. What about the six reincarnations? I'm not afraid at all. You are waiting for the secret. One day I will break the shackles of the six. Becoming the new master of the Six Dao and becoming the master of the real Haunted Land is a new generation of darkness." Tian Yi shouted.

But the "Ten Strategies" is too strong, which is the origin of the world and controls all of them. Everything is accomplished by him. Since he can accomplish you, he can destroy you. There is no right to survive. As powerful as Tianyi, he was easily killed.

Tian Yi disappeared into the invisible, where the Zhenfeng monument reached its limit, the cracks gradually expanded, and the sound of "Bang" was completely broken, but the Zhenfeng monument was very strangely integrated in the "Ten Temple Policy", Like that itself is part of it.

Hidden inheritance of the clan source "Ten Temple of the Dying" was given to Huss. When he was "concluded", Huss found that the reincarnation channel actually deviated from the original trajectory and moved, and the cyclones in it were increased to ten. In different directions, Hughes feels a more powerful force, the energy of the reincarnation channel absorbed by the sky eye becomes more difficult, and Hughes has a very strange feeling, just like this is the real "Reincarnation" is where the real power of reincarnation lies.

And the "Ten Temples of the Ten Strategies" is ignoring the power of the reincarnation and is integrated into the body of Hughes, but there is a very strange pattern in the eyebrows of Hughes, and the palaces painted on the pattern are ten palaces. , But it is divided into two areas, forming two tracks, positive and negative, each palace has a name, namely, chieftain wind, dark cloud, hidden fog, Lei You, Heavenly Road, Hell Road, Hungry Ghost Road, Human Road , Shura Road, Animal Road.

There are two situations of reincarnation, six reincarnations, dark reincarnations.

Hughes was shocked. According to the truth, this is just the origin of the dark veins, but why does it have the symbol of the Tianmai "Six Veins of the Tianmai"? Or is it that this is the clan source of the Darkness Clan, Hughes imagines that there is indeed such a great possibility, maybe the battle between them is because of this clan source "Ten Palace Policy", which is really too strong, But Hughes is a little weird. If this is the case, why would the Darkness clan separate, as long as they have a clan source, then their lives are in their own hands. If anyone else dares to say "no", Hughes feels very Is strange.

"I pass on the clan source to you. Today you are the master of the dark veins. Afterwards, everything in the dark veins needs you to take charge, but your current strength is not enough to use the clan sources. Only when it’s true can I gain insight into the power of the clan source, and this is just my remnant. I wanted to give Tian a chance, but I didn’t expect it to evolve like this. Okay, so much I can say. La, my power has been exhausted, and the clan source can only rely on yourself to understand." Then the faint body disappeared in the sense of Hughes.

At this time, the energy of the "Netherworld Yellow Spring" absorbed by Hughes Skyeye reached a kind of extreme, the accumulation of quantitative changes eventually led to qualitative change, Hughes Skyeye finally had some change, Hughes felt that his skyeye now looks like Like a volcano, it is necessary to burst a strong magma and illuminate the entire dark vein palace.

"The eyes of the heavens are replaced, the dark days of reincarnation, the origin of the roundabout theory, the eyes of heaven and earth are ***."

Hughes roared loudly, and then Hughes’ sky eyes were extremely rotating at high speed. The reincarnation of heavenly power was contained in them. Hughes’ heavenly eyes evolved into two, four, eight, ten, and those ten vortices were evolving. Into two, four, eight, ten, endlessly, like gears, interlocking, "Boom!" Finally the vortex collapsed, a series of reactions burst out, and then saw Hughes His eyes turned purple, revealing a strange and mysterious breath.

This is the eye of reincarnation, where the power of reincarnation can be mastered.

"Bang! Boom! Boom!" The reincarnation shattered and disappeared into the sky. These figures actually fell from the sky. This is the broken shrouded by the reincarnation, Tian Tao, the beast neighbor, Wuhen, Zhou Yin and others However, Hughes did not expect that their strength is very good, since they have been able to resist for so long, they have not died.

"The inheritance of the Dark Vein Palace is obtained by you. Hurry and hand it over to you. Otherwise, don't blame us for being rude. You will not be blessed to enjoy these things if you are a freelancer." The Beast Neighbor is very dark Speaking to Hughes, it was clear that Hughes had nothing to become their spearhead, thinking that Hughes got the so-called treasure of the Dark Vessel Hall.

"That's right, this is the site of our Shichao Academy. It's supposed to be our Shuchai Academy. You should hand it over quickly, or else you'll be sorrowful." Broken said unwillingly and lonely.

"What, that is my day annihilating the demon tribe." Chi In retorted.

"Pappapa, I am so disrespectful to the master, I really want to die." Zhou Yin, Qili, Wuhen, salivation and others looked at the very arrogant Xi indium, broken, beast neighbor, it was very polite Said the lesson.

The puppet technique used by Hughes is not ordinary. He retains human soul and wisdom, but the "heart" is toward the master. What distorts is the human psychology. The longer the effect, the better the effect. Obviously now they have Fully integrated into this role.

"What?" Jie In, and the neighbors were all shocked to watch this scene happening in front of them. They couldn't believe it at all. How did they believe it? It's hard to believe the arrogant of the sky like them. Actually, the person in front of him will be recognized as the master. He is only in the realm of the world. Compared with them, they have a lot of shortcomings. This makes them believe that this is a very funny scene.

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