Pioneer Knight

Chapter 808:

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At this time, all the powerful people who came came to feel the strength of the palpitation, which made them unable to keep calm, and the ripples in their hearts quickly expanded to form a storm.

"There is still such a strong man in God Realm." The main face of the domain said in a deep voice: "This is definitely a monster with a real soul. How can the old monster of the real soul realm exist on this continent? , Shouldn’t this have disappeared long ago?"

"Then there is a force that also fully demonstrates the power of supernatural powers, reaching the peak of the real essence. It seems that this "cracked domain" has exposed many hidden masters. I want to see who this is."

Emperor Shitian, psychic ancestor, dark hall master, Wan Letian and others also felt the majestic energy, and the grand mood, which overwhelmed the breathless tension, which made them feel terrified. People, there are still such strong people in this world, it is counterintuitive.

But they are all heroes on one side, and their mind, courage, courage, etc. are not comparable to that of ordinary people. Naturally, there is no stage fright. This makes them feel very excited. They have been in this state for so many years and cannot break through. This or Is an opportunity.

They all accelerated their pace toward the barren sun.

At this time, God Realm was full of explosions, earthquakes, catastrophic floods like erupting volcanoes, which could not be suppressed at all, and there was a growing trend. God Realm became very chaotic, gravel rubble flying everywhere, scattered on the ground, a desolate and sad brewing in my mind.


Flying sand and rocks, the dim and dark scenes were calmed down, the world became brighter, and the surrounding scenes appeared in the eyes. But what is very shocking is that the mountains and rivers have been flowing for a long time, and the ruined scene is like a fantasy in my heart, full of fantasy.

The evil, the divine staring at each other, no one spoke again, and there was no extra look on the face, and it was impossible to read other kinds of information.

The whole world has become very calm, without any interference, as if in a vacuum, quiet, and a very terrible quiet.

But suddenly, the heavens and the earth have changed, and the mountains and rivers are like dream bubbles, slowly rising with the bubbles and disappearing, but the flowing river is completely yellow sand. What I have just seen is a false existence. There are changes.


The riyue formed by the eyes of the evil and the cracks appeared, and then disappeared and disappeared, but the evil was not moved, because the desolate sun in which the divine was located had completely disappeared, and there were only fragments with a faint light , Condensed and shining, exudes amazing power.

Under such a strong collision, even if the Huangyang completely disappeared, this fragment still exists and is intact.

That fragment is the fragment of the plane bead, Huangyang is formed by him.

"Plane bead fragment." The evil said lightly, he was very clear about such a thing, and he could do such a thing as "cracked domain", which could not be done without the guidance of the plane bead. The face bead is equivalent to the existence license of a certain plane, otherwise it is a black account.

The desolation sun is broken, and the divine guarding soul tower looks like a peeling snake, and it is very detached. It has no anger, but only "Shen Que" is still intact, but now it has entered dormancy. The state is hidden in the divine spirit.

Shen Di was even implicated, and he vomited a lot of blood in his mouth, but he did not fall into low cháo because of the failure of the "cracked domain." There was a faint smile on the corner of his mouth. He should be happy because he was stuck in The True Essence Realm has decades of progress without any slight progress, but I didn't expect this to make him realize the true meaning of magical power. As long as he is given time to consolidate, he will be able to temper the true soul and achieve the existence of the true soul realm.

Above the nihilistic realm is the existence of the real realm, and the real realm is divided into the real artistic realm, the real quality realm, the real marrow realm, and the last real soul realm. In the real quality realm, you touch the threshold of supernatural powers, and the real realm When you are in the realm, you must master the true essence of magical power, and then you need to shape the real soul. Only the strong people of the real soul realm can completely get rid of the shackles of the clan origin and become a ziyou person in the true sense, without being restrained.

True Soul Realm, this is the supreme existence. Of course, Di Di can achieve this kind of realm.


Counting the sound of the air blasting appeared with a few extremely fast figures. This is exactly what the domain master, Emperor Shitian and others rushed to see the situation in front of them. I immediately knew that the two strong breaths they felt were the two of them.

"I didn't expect to have a few more masters. This is really a feast. It is estimated that the peak of the entire emperor's continent has come almost." The evil said very calmly, no one knew that he was thinking in his heart at the moment. what.

"Well, this one looks a bit strange, I don't know who it is." The domain master felt a familiar breath in the body of the evil, but it was different, but also because the eyes of the evil returned to normal and could not be recovered from It was a standard image to guess, so I asked.

"I thought my reputation was already very loud and reached the point where women and children knew it. I didn't expect you to have this doubt, which really made me sad."

"Then you should give you some thoughts and let you remember it well." The evil was originally very stable, but the tone changed suddenly and became very Yin Yin said.

The golden light and the silver splendor scattered all over the sky, the powerful force burst and opened, the heaven and earth were reversed by the positive sun, and the heaven and earth rotated, and several cold lights came out, which is cháo Xi Bing Soul, heading towards the domain master.

The master of the domain was prepared, and a large grinding disc came out of the world, such as a long and barren moon, which stretched out and crossed the road for thousands of miles, resisting the ice cháo.

Yinhui spreads across the sky, the bright moon rises sharply, and the plumbum settles down. It is a heaven and earth wrapped in a moon. The moonlight is cold and bitter, and the cold wind rises. The cold is deep, making people feel very trembling. Fruitful.

The vicious eyes are like light, flashing like electricity, riyue running, and the Cambrian. Demonstrating his invincible strength, without any glorious strength, the strength of the strong is unreasonable, this is the strength of the first evil general, such horror.

But the domain owner is not a general generation, he is the head of ten types of domains, and has the most powerful power. The domain master is wary, here are the strong ones, and they are not allowed to be careless.

Behind the domain master reveals the pure grinding disc, Xuanyang shining, like the existence of heaven and earth from the beginning, people feel the majestic power, the difficult shore, that is a joyful paradise, full of hope.

The millstone resisted the moonlight, and the other shore showed a gray sèze, drowning the cháo tidal glory.

Although the domain master's methods are very colorful, but he is only the real realm after all, he has just touched the true meaning of supernatural powers, and naturally cannot be compared with the evil of completely refining the true soul, and the cháoxi of Yinhui Yuehua is simply impossible. Submerged and exhausted, it can't be burned like a weed, but it is constantly spawned and blown up again.

Yuehua pulled, desolate and frozen, the grinding disc soon completely collapsed and scattered, the domain master was implicated and suffered internal injuries, and his face died instantly.

"The first evil general, evil."

The wicked shot allowed other people to instantly identify who he was. This made people's hearts awe-inspiring. He didn't expect that he was still alive. It was really unimaginable, and his strength was still so high. , People's hearts have become heavy, like a huge stone pressed on their hearts.

And it was the moment when they recognized the evil, they suddenly felt a very bad feeling, they were counted, and they were still puzzled by the fact that some people sent messages to them in such a big event as the Protoss Splitting the Domain, but now they are completely Explain it, this is a wicked scheme.

"It turns out that the secret letter was spread by you. What kind of tactics do you have? It's not just for us to let us see your rebirth." Emperor Shitian said in a deep voice.

"Is this like a very boring person? It is indeed my attention to call you here, but it is not to observe, but something wants to draw on your strength. I need a few masters, if you cooperate, you don’t It will hurt your name, otherwise it will be difficult to say." Xuan Nan said with a smile.

"Huh, although you are very strong, if some of us join forces, it may not be possible for anyone to lose and win." The Dark Lord said coldly.

They are all people standing at the peak of the emperor's continent. They usually hear flattery words, where they have suffered the present, and they are all heroes, with great talents and ambitions. Aspirations, they have their own opinions, where they listen to where others are pointing their fingers.

"Really?" The evil said very strangely: "Some people are very willing to help this, right?"

No one noticed that the Lord of Heaven, not far away from the Lord of Darkness, had acted as soon as the words of evil fell, "Ancient Heaven" came out suddenly, and the holy light filled the shadow of the angel, behind The wings are constantly flapping against the void, like a jingling spirit, and the various forms are beautiful and beautiful, that is the phantom, the scene shown by "Ancient Heaven".

"This is supernatural powers? Supernatural powers-ancient heaven." The dark palace master had not yet had time to respond. At this moment, he was full of doubts. He did not expect that the "ancient heaven" that was an artifact was originally supernatural power, and he did not think why the heavenly master should ask He shot.

Now that the Dark Lord has no time to go, the most important thing is to save the life of Xing. Although the Dark Lord has the confidence that even magical powers can’t kill him, accepting such a heavy blow is definitely a serious injury. When the situation is very uncertain, this is undoubtedly very dangerous.

"The world is long, the sky is dark and condensed, and the darkness is condensed out. The world is yellow smoke. I was born in the roots of the world. I grew up in the dark. I follow the end of the world, I follow the truth of the world, I follow the reality of the continent. , I am the incarnation of darkness, the world is colorful because of me, the red sun is dazzling because of me, chieftain wind, dark cloud, hidden fog, Lei You, this is my face, this is my source of information, I am Dark reincarnation, not falling between heaven and earth, ~~~~~~"

The Lord of Darkness exhibited his magical power "Dark Reincarnation". The power of reincarnation came and rolled. It looked like a galloping river and lake from a distance. The Lord of Darkness desperately blocked the holiness shining in that heaven, and blocked the angel's beating.

The two forces collided together and evolved into the scene of the world's big bang, which is very amazing.

The Lord of Heaven and the Lord of Darkness are originally the strongmen of the same level, they are the strongmen of the real essence. Their collision has such a scene but it is a matter of course.

But the victory and defeat is another statement. Because of the sneak attack of the Lord of Heaven, the Dark Lord is out of defense. This is an innate deficiency. Even if the acquired day wants to repair the sheep, but there is still a loss, the Dark Lord looks very embarrassed. His hair was completely messy, and his clothes were full of folds. He looked like a beggar on the street, or he was not even as good as a beggar. He had no power and domineering as the master of the darkness.

The act of the Lord of Heaven made people feel unexpected. Why should they suddenly take the initiative to the Dark Palace, coupled with the tone of the evil just now, the truth is already obvious, which makes people shocked and at the same time guards against other people No one can confirm if anyone else is disguised.

"You are the evil jaw, the third evil general." Wan Letian looked at the flying angel, frowning, remembering a legend, the expression on his face became very dignified, and said in a deep voice.

"I didn't expect that there were other people who knew me, which really moved me." I didn't wait for other people to say that the appearance of the Lord of Heaven was changed, and the outermost layer of human skin fell off. Falling to the ground, showing his original appearance.

It was a very strange pattern of yin yang, which became Tai Chi, and his eyes were exactly the two points of that Tai Chi. Behind him was the eerie holy light, like a saint who ascended to heaven, who looked extremely holy.

"I didn't expect that God Realm has turned into a devil's den, which is really ironic." Emperor Shitian said amusedly.

Heaven is the third evil and evil jaws, which obviously makes people feel a chill lingering in the back, cold and biting.

People have become very cautious, guarding against other people, avoiding being stabbed in the back. The Lord of Darkness is a good example, no more explanation is needed.

The purpose of the crucifixes is exactly this. Only when they diverge from each other can they have a chance. Otherwise, the crucifixes are really difficult to manage. Although the realm of these people is not as deep as the crucifixion, the difference is not very different. Far away, and they still have artifacts in their hands, the power they exert cannot be underestimated.

"What the **** do you need from us? Do you have any plans?" the psychic ancestor asked.

"This is a very good question. I actually hate killing and killing. I sat down and talked about how good it is and saves wasted energy. That is really the best policy. We should be in love." Ignoring it, they still have this kind of nurturing, so even if it is disgusting, it will not affect their mood.

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