Pioneer Knight

Chapter 811:

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Hughes's "Nine-Nine Realm" simply couldn't resist the strong power and collapsed, and it collapsed in an instant. Hughes couldn't bear to spit it out and was hurt.

Then the eye looked at Wan Letian not far away, he was also unable to move, watching the dark black light coming, Wan Letian desperately urged the "Buddha Wheels" in his hand, trying to resist the strong Light.

But the light is too strong, even the Buddha can’t stop it. The Buddha wheels of the heavens burst apart and shattered to the ground, and Wan Yuetian’s eyebrows were penetrated and Wan Tian died.

People are worried that the light will shine on themselves, but the eyes are not turning, but they are always looking at where Wan Letian is. Isn't Wan Letian not dead, he still has a big move? But his breath of life has disappeared, and even the soul has no time to escape.

The sound of the Buddha is entwined, the divinity and the gods, which is issued by the "Buddha Wheels of the Heavens". People in the sound of the Buddha see a figure with solemnity and divine power.

The Brahma sounds curled up, blasting the waves of Buddha's light, the golden color filled the whole God Realm, listening to the truth of heaven, guiding the glory of divinity, this is the kingdom of the Buddha.

In the deepest part of the Buddha Kingdom, there is a solemn figure with a solemn and magnificent power, and there are bright Buddha powers spinning around, and the rules are not covered by the clothes.

The Buddha wheels in the heavens have evolved into the world of twenty-four Buddhas. The Buddha is full of sky, and the figure is coming out of it. The sound of the Buddha is diffuse, and it is abnormally sacred.

Buddha light washed Wan Letian's body, the dark black light was slowly dispelled, the eyebrows that were pierced through were repaired, the method was amazing, and then saw Wan Letian's eyes opened, with the handprint, very Solemnly said: "First Buddha."

The first Buddha, which is the honor beyond the Buddha, is the beginning of the Buddha, the origin of the Buddha, is the pioneer of the Buddha, and only the creator of the Buddha can be called the first Buddha.

The person in front of me is the first Buddha, and people give up breathing, which is quite amazing.

"Evil, I didn't expect you to be in a **** storm for so many years." The first Buddha looked at the evil eye and said lightly.

"I didn't expect that you were still dead. I was relieved by the influence of my evil source and achieved my way, but I didn't expect you to become such a hypocrite." The evil eye made a voice, and the voice was very sharp , Very harsh.

People are very shocked. This evil eye is actually the real evil eye, the most terrifying evil.

"The initial loss is what I am now awakening. I understand that only the heart is my ultimate pursuit. The tribulation in the world is nothing more than a blind eye, and great sacrifices have great achievements." Xian Fo said frankly.

"I didn't expect that the ten-death palace clan that represented the darkness was reduced to the ten-type territories, and it was actually able to say such things, which really made people laugh."

"That was my old cause, and now I bear the fruit, and when I turn into reincarnation, I want to settle the cause and effect, and now I show up to kill the cause and effect of you and me." The first Buddha was not angry, very frank.

"Then let me see how your cultivation practice has been over the years and whether it can be worthy of your words." Evil Eye said coldly.

"Evil eyes look back"

Dark black brilliance spread across the sky, black fireworks rolled over, the sky cracked out of an abyss, about a million miles long, the evil eye expanded infinitely, the evil energy turned into evil soldiers, holding a sickle, harvesting life.

But the first Buddha did not move. The heavenly Buddha wheels around him implicated. The twenty-four heavenly circles reincarnate their bodies. The heavens and the earth are full of rainbows. The six-character mantra is deafening and deaf, and there are countless Buddhas chanting "Oh, ummi.吽".


The pre-Buddha's momentum washed people's minds, and it made people feel unconsciously wanting to follow. This is an infection of the soul. People's hearts were shocked, and they quickly converged their minds. They looked at them with awe. Before Buddha, there is no need to say at all. People know exactly what state they are in front of them. It is absolutely the supreme existence of the Nine Heavens.

"You have not stepped in all these years, and you have already taken this step. To be honest, it surprised me a bit, but my power is not what you can understand."

"My eyes came into the world, one opened to the sky, and the other to the world; I was alone with arms, heaven with one arm, **** with one arm; I penetrated with my feet, one with my feet on the sky, and one with my feet on the ground. "

The other evil eye has been revealed, it is tightly closed, gray is permeating all around, it looks very strange. But people felt that there was a stronger force than the one that opened their eyes, and it was a big burst.

"Heavenly Light"

The closed eyes slowly opened, and the grayish yellow light blazed across the sky. Everything that was encountered was wiped out, with an extremely strong destructive power, just like the world's destruction.

"The God of Light" was recognized by people, and then breathed in the air, which is still amazing. The Light of God is only revealed by God's punishment. It has the power of ruining the world, as long as it is contaminated by a little bit. Destroyed by the light.

People have heard of evil before, knowing that evil is strong, but to such a degree that no one has ever seen it, which gives them the idea of ​​a desire to compete with the sky, but now, they can’t do anything about it. Such thoughts came into being, because they realized that the power of evil was several floors higher than them, and those eyes had fully explained everything.

Born to destroy the world, the present evil is such domineering.

The first Buddha's expression was a little cautious, and the evil force was beyond his imagination, but he did not give up. He had the strength to reach the peak and see the mountains.

"The Buddha Wheels of the Heavens" interprets 24 worlds of reincarnation, 100,000 Buddhas forbidden mountains to perform the glory of the Kingdom of the Buddha, the six-character mantra chants the Buddha's sounds in Sanskrit, and a statue of the great Buddha is in the world, the light is shining, and the Buddha's philosophy is free to speak. , Sentient beings, all I want.

"The gods and gods sing the sentient beings, the heavens and the earth create the souls, the clouds and the clouds stand, stand on the ground, carry the long-cherished long-cherished wish, create the roots of the heavens and the earth, the sufferings of the sentient beings, the misery of the sentient beings, the sentient beings of the sentient beings, the word of Buddhism, the common sense of the Kaben. "

"The Kingdom of Buddha Language"

Evil eyes open, and the world and the world are destroyed. First, the Buddha's heavenly wheels, and the achievement of the Buddha Kingdom, both of which are supreme powers, the strength of the heavenly realm, the collision between the two is naturally fierce and accurate. But it was very tragic, the space collapsed, the creatures were destroyed, the chaos flowed, and the lightning excited.

This kind of scene stretches to the realm of the western wasteland, and people wake up from the infinite disaster. What they see is this more devastating scene. The only thing left in people's hearts is despair, only death.

People have their eyes wide open, and want to see who wins the final victory. The significance of this battle goes far beyond itself. It is related to their lives and even the future of the entire emperor continent.


The crisp crack sound was very loud, breaking the suffocating silence, the evil eyes were revealed, and the figure of the first Buddha was also revealed, no one spoke any more, and all breathed.

The Buddha Kingdom of the First Buddha disappeared like a bubble. The reincarnation of the twenty-four heavens was completely collapsed. The phantom of the First Buddha appeared cracks and was drowned at any time. Obviously, it was seriously injured.

The evil over there is not so good, but the cracked eyes in the millions of miles are collapsing, and the light emitted is even weaker, only a little brightness, like a fire candle flashing.

But evil is full of smiles, saying: "You have no body, and you want to defeat me with the power of the soul. It is really too self-confident. Now your soul is broken and you are unable to return to heaven at all, I will let you see See how evil this world has become."

"Is it? Buddha pays attention to cause and effect, and pays attention to chance. I am not without a body, that is my body." First Buddha pointed to Wan Letian and said: "The breakage of the Buddha wheels in the heavens represents the disaster of the Buddha family. , And I’m going to come out in order to worry about things in the body and things that do not match the body and the soul, so the buddhas of all generations have to practice the "golden body Buddha", which is to do the body for me." Xian Buddha said lightly , It seems like such a thing is already clear to the chest.

"Huh?" This makes evil feel a little puzzled. Since this is the case, why not use the body and let yourself leave such a big flaw, this is really something that people can't figure out, even the people who heard it They are all puzzled.

But with the exception of one person, it was Hughes. Knowing that the first Buddha was a ten-chamber clan, Hughes realized something.

The first Buddha didn’t care about the others, but turned to look at Hughes and said, "I sensed the very familiar "Ten Temple of Ten Deaths", knowing that you are the new tenure, and your Ten Temple It has been opened, and I now want to return to the Ten-Emperor Clan."

"No problem, I will now enclose you as the "Chujiang Palace Master" in the identity of a new generation of darkness, and master the Chujiang Palace." The words of Hughes fell, and the ten-decision palace policy had a ray of light into the body of the first Buddha. It is a palace seal, Chujiang Palace seal.

The body of the pre-Buddha contains ten colors of light. The ten palaces revolve around the body of the Pre-Buddha. The majestic reincarnation power penetrates into the body of the Pre-Buddha. The soul of the Pre-Buddha is constantly being repaired and split. The figure is more and more recovering, like an okay person in an instant.

This is like the mysterious Buddha's body is covered with a mysterious coat, mysterious, unpredictable, there is a crown of thorns on the first Buddha's head, it is more domineering, the first Buddha's breath has become deeper, especially strong .

People stared at what was happening in front of them, Hughes once again broke their minds and subverted their traditions, Hughes became mysterious in their hearts.

"Just now I felt that you were very weird, and my body was covered with a mysterious breath. Even if I could hardly see it clearly, I didn't expect you to own the Ten Temples, and the clan origin of the Ten Martyrs. It’s really hidden deep enough.” Evil Binghan said in a voice.

"Buddha, you are very shrewd like you, but you ignore the most important point. Although being a king of the ten palaces can bring you to a higher level, it is limited by the power of the sky. He is only a sham. Door, this means that your strongest strength can not exceed this level, you can’t help yourself with the strength of the first day and the realm, I see how you defeat me, and this is only part of my will, only Being able to use both eyes, if my arms, feet, and other body forces are used, only a slight sigh can make you sink to the end of the world."

"You were sealed in the abyss of endless chaos by the Demon Lord and the Demon Emperor, most of your will is still asleep, if you don't rely on the will of your evil general and the negative emotions of the entire world, even if it is the power of your eyes Unable to use it, don’t think I don’t know, now your will of the third evil will be occupied by you.”

Looking at the evil jaws in the distance, his eyes were not focused at all. Obviously he had no consciousness. Sure enough, this was actually the will that evil transmitted through the evil jaws. No wonder the previous battles did not see the evil jaws. It turned out that his will had been replaced by evil jaws.

People are silent. The power of evil is obviously beyond measure. Some of his wills have the ability to pass the sky. If he is real, how strong should be. This is the height they can never reach, and it is impossible to guess.

I thought I was God, and I knew all the puzzles in the world, but now it seems that it is still just a frog at the bottom of the well. This contrast makes them feel suffocated, and the whole person is very decadent.

Evil did not care about the thoughts of those of them. The collapsing eyes looked at Hughes. The first Buddha was already insignificant in his eyes. Even the first Buddha in the heyday could not go to him. Now he is only occupying the will of the evil jaws, he has not yet occupied the will of the evil, but his eyes, his arms and feet have not yet been revealed, and the evil is more powerful than the evil jaws. It is enough for him to show the power of the third heaven and heaven of the nine heavens. Who can rival this kind of power?

Hughes is not timid, and is looking at evil. This is an enemy sooner or later. Sooner or later, he has to face it. Now the power of evil is not the strongest state. If he can first explore his ability, this is very meaningful thing.

Communicate with the soul, and see if he can have a way. After all, the evil is not something Hughes can resist. Hughes is at most only the strength of the real soul realm. This is mainly because the realm of Hughes is really Too bad, some forces simply can't be used.

When Hughes came here, the plane bead strongly sensed the piece of the plane bead, and wanted to merge with it, but Hughes knew that if this were the case, he would definitely become the target, and Hughes would strongly press The urgency of the plane bead adopts the method of slow penetration.

The successive battles focused on people’s eyes, but no one cares about the pieces of plane beads suspended there, and people know that it is a hot potato, which is not so easy to take in their hands, but this is by Hughes Drilling into loopholes.

"Old man, is there a way for me to increase my strength in a short period of time, and evil can now show the strength of the heavenly realm with the help of evil jaws, and if the first evil over there is in trouble, definitely It is to jump two more realms, to reach the strength of the Tianyuan Realm, which we can't really stop by virtue of it alone," Hughes said with his heart.

"After engulfing this piece of plane bead, my ability has been restored. I have a way to increase my strength in a short time, that is, "Dirty Exchange", which can burn people’s potential to obtain powerful power, maybe it can make You have the strength to defeat evil, but it takes a long time and cannot be done in a short time." Wei Lao Shen said.

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