Pioneer Knight

Chapter 817:

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Hughes was very emotional, "Undefeated Body" is a magical power that only the red-eyed zombies can achieve. If you can reach this level, even the Nine Heavens, the Ninth Heavens, and the Heavenly Holy Realm will take some effort. The magic weapon is already a rare and powerful weapon, even in the demon period is very rare.

Jiufeng is faintly surrounded by halos of different colors, the halo is like a dragon circling, the dragon yells and grows, the world and earth change, countless energy of heaven and earth accompanies heaven and earth, and countless vitality rolls in, The storm that was set off was cold, and nine swords, light swords, Kaiyang swords, Yuheng swords, Tianquan swords, Tianji swords, Tianxuan swords, Tianshu swords, and Yinyuan swords popped up on Hughes’s body. The Dongming swords all flew out, headed towards Jiufeng, straight into the peaks, shaking the world, and nine dragons spread the majestic shadows of nine giant swords.

The nine swords seem to be activated, countless lights flicker, various mysterious runes fly out, and continue to dance, like an elf jumping in the sky, a beam of light shrouds the world, the sky is loud, thunder is flashing, the sky is like It was split, a crack of thousands of miles unfolded, three disasters and nine disasters poured down, this scene spread throughout Dongzhou, and everyone felt a sense of suffocation.

At this moment, all the people in Dongzhou stared at the change of the world and stared at the place where the Seven Star Gates were located. People's faces became very rich and their expressions varied. If people knew that Hughes’ power was just heard, if they didn’t have a clear understanding of Hughes’ strength, they now have a very deep feeling, and they can’t resist even the momentum, so don’t talk about fighting. This is undoubtedly no different from finding death, people's awe of Hughes reached a point of fear.

Seven stars and nine swords bathed in three disasters and nine disasters, the runes became brighter and brighter, and the runes were even connected to form a text, "gold" "wood" "water" "fire" "earth" "time" "space" " "Light" and "darkness" all emerged. The climbing dragon was submerged in the Linglie sword light, and the movement between the world and the world became more intense.

At this time, there was an additional forging stand in front of Hughes. The floating forging cloud image was all the peaks of Qixingmen. Seventy-two forged stone monuments were set up in the four directions to form an oven to refine. These nine great swords.

Hughes closed his eyes and felt all these changes. Every minute of change flowed in his heart. Hughes’ thoughts seemed to be flying, and his thoughts were leaping. Hughes’ hearts touched every place of the seven stars and nine swords. Keep your emotions.

This is the second step of Hughes' forging and fusion, with a clear heart.

Let the sword merge with your own feelings and emotions, and communicate with your own mind, this is the real forging, the real practice of the sword. Since the Seven Stars and Nine Swords do not have sword spirits now, just like death, Hughes only needs to constantly touch the sword body with thoughts. This is without any danger, and Hughes’s mind is very strong, but there is nothing. Wrong.

The next step is the last one, and the most difficult one. The sword is my body.

This requires the infusion of sword spirit, the fusion of nine swords, and even the concentric branding of Hughes. And after the fusion of swords, it will drop the strongest disaster "chaos robbery", these need to be treated carefully.

Thunder punishment came into the world, the heaven and the earth were black, and the earth was flooding. The three disasters and the nine disasters in the cracks of the earth and earth were faint. There was a gray cloud born in the cloud, but it was the robbery that changed the world. The disasters are rolling in, the landslides are cracking, the volcano is erupting, and even the red sun in the sky dare not look squarely and hiding, and the world becomes dim, like in the dark night.

That robbery cloud is "chaos robbery."

Chaos robbed lives, the world turned upside down, disasters in the wilderness, countless wildernesses, heavens and earth mourning everywhere, horn-like sounds are singing, telling about the disasters in the world, and the muddy swamps of the earth and the earth are drowned like the sky, this is the end of the scene.

"The seven stars and nine swords merge into one, the forged clouds are deepened, the seventy-two forged stele emperors and hills, the sword spirit is born, the heaven and earth are born in the oven, the heaven and earth are like my body, the heaven and earth are like my heart, and the heaven and earth are like my heart, and the heaven and earth are like my god. , My mind and body are as bright as snow, my spirit is as life, and my sword is as bright as the sword.

Forging cloud pictures, forging stone tablets into a piece, the world is like a red sun, Hughes’s body stands in the sword light of the seven stars and nine swords, and the sword is controlled, and the new student hears Hughes’ call and throws into it, a glare If the lamp is extinguished into Jiufen, they must be merged into the Seven Stars and Nine Swords respectively, and then merged in consideration of Hughes.

As we get closer and closer, the looting clouds of heaven and earth are getting bigger and bigger, disasters are coming one after another, and they are more vast and magnificent. The entire Seven Star Gate is shrouded in this fear.

Not far away, Yang Qianyun and Sheng Ying all seemed very nervous. They clasped their hands tightly, biting their lips. Their eyes did not leave the place where Hus was there for a quarter of an hour. Looking at Huss in the wind and rain, their eyes were very It's pain. When people are in awe of Hughes' strength, they know the hard work and hardships that Hughes put in. This is unimaginable, but they know it.

Their hearts rise and fall with Hughes's fluctuations, and reverse with Hughes's emotions. In their hearts, Hughes is their center.

The sword is my body, the complete fusion of the seven stars and nine swords, that is the fusion of heaven and earth, the center of heaven and earth, the brilliance of the thirteen colors shines, the heaven and earth seem to be still at this moment, and the surrounding scenery looks unusually clear, even Their emotions are all so clear, but the next moment is a squally wind, a thunderstorm, and a torn cold wind and clouds moving, but the robbery is dispatched, and it comes to Hughes at the speed of lightning. .

Hughes felt that all the sky domes fell, and he was punished by the punishment. Hughes' body was rolling and bloody, like boiling water. It’s just that Hughes’s bones have been exposed, all his flesh has fallen off, Hughes’s skull is clearly visible, and Hughes’ blood is turned into a blood pool, which looks terrible. This is Chaos Tribulation, the horror beyond the three disasters and nine disasters. Where, the place where the chaos looted is nothingness.

Hughes's whole body became white bones, but only at his heart's position, the bright red heart was still beating, very strong and powerful, resisting the invasion of Chaos robbery. The heart seemed to be touched by the chaotic robbery and evolved into a human form. The two fangs were even more terrifying. The bone wings behind were spread out. The powerful momentum and the zenith cow roared towards the chaotic robbery.

This is the remnant of the will of God’s Plate Blood. He is awakened by the chaos and wants to break through the sky and get a new life, but the power of chaos is not to be underestimated. The strong disaster and the will of God And Hughes took advantage of this opportunity to temper his body with chaotic robbery, and a trace of flesh and blood was reborn at a visible speed. This is simply a miracle. Everyone who saw him looked at him stunned. Everything, this is like a myth.

To be born again, the next step is to merge the power of the blood of God and the origin of Chaos Tribulation when both Chaos Tribulation and God's Will are damaged. At that time, the "undefeated body" is the real completion.

Suddenly, Hughes' body exploded again, flesh and blood flew again, this is the second rebirth, Hughes's physical strength is more solid hard disk, Hughes's will has also been tempered.

"It seems that God's will and Chaos Tribulation still have a lot of spare power." Hughes thought in his mind, and then it will depend on who will be more determined. This is a contest of will.

After nine rebirths, Hughes’ body reached a perfect point, and it seemed to be filled with strong force. There was a layer of purple light accompanied by flashing, just like a treasure. And the collision between God's will and Chaos Tribulation reached the final stage. Hugh Long shouted and took a long breath to put the Chaos Tribulation and God's Will into the entrance. This is the final work.

Hughes once got the "Ni Nipanguo", which is the source of the heart of "Taiwan", which can cast the hardest body, reach the point of immortality, and achieve the "Undead Body". Now the real master of Hughes is blood Complementing each other with Ni Xiepanguo, mutual integration promotes Hughes’ body beyond the “undefeated body” that he had originally expected, and Hughes’ body becomes more perfect, with the strength of a top-grade gem. It is unimaginable.

"Wanliuchengxian, one side of heaven and earth, fuse Jiuyan, undefeated body, success."

Molong is like lacquer, chanting Huang Yu, Hughes has countless roaming dragons chanting, and the heavenly vaults are all shattered, with cracks, physical strength, and toughness. Hughes's eyes were filled with satisfaction, and he was a little bit sassy, ​​scorning Fang Qi's spirit.

Qixing Longyuan Sword continued to tremble, pointing to the sky, and the dazzling colors to cover the sky and earth, the will of the sky to contain the sky, the horrible sword meaning to cover all directions, the entire Dongzhou seemed to be the heaven and earth of the sword, countless people felt that share Binghan's sword intention, like a knife hanging over his head, may fall at any time.

As soon as Hughes’s thoughts moved, Qixing Longyuan Sword flew, Hughes felt the feeling of water and milk blending. Hughes could sense all of Qixing Longyuan Sword. The subtle emotions were brewing, which was very strange. feel.

In the depths of Longyuan Sword, there is a source sword intended to haunt and shape. This is the sword spirit that has not yet been formed. The source has not been liberated, and it needs the continuous shaping of Hughes to be truly bred.

The will of the freshman is divided into nine parts, and it is integrated into the nine swords. The spiritual wisdom is even annihilated. Otherwise, the freshman will not be so hesitant, and it is difficult for the freshman to restore the spiritual wisdom. After all, there are nine kinds of Longyuan sword The original attribute, and the new life as the Yinyuan sword spirit is only dark, and the difference between them is not the star point.

This time Hughes’s harvest is great, let’s not say that the fusion of seven stars and nine swords into a unique magic weapon, Longyuan Sword, is that Hughes’ achievement of an "undefeated body" and the achievement of the "unparalleled magical instrument", This is the most valuable.

Hughes slashed the dragon abyss sword towards his body, but only with traces he could not get half a point. Even with conscious Hughes, the expression on his face was extremely shocked, and the flesh could achieve this The degree is indeed very surprising. God can have a long history and dominate the world, but it is not unreasonable.

Put away the Dragon Sword, Hughes came to Yang Qianyun and Shengying instantly. Presumably they were very worried. Hughes did not speak. There is no way to promise this kind of thing. Hughes can only hold it deeply. They feel their tenderness.

Yang Qianyun, Sheng Ying did not speak, only endless warmth, men are doing things outside, this must be full of thorns, and they are his harbour, where he can relax and rest, there is only comfort in their hearts.

"Don't take such an adventure next time, even for us. Without you, we don't know how to live." In the end, Yang Qianyun couldn't hold back, and serious tears like a fountain burst, crying. Very heavily said.

After spending half a month with them, Hughes will be ready to leave. Previously, Yang Qianyun and Sheng Ying were aware of them, but Hughes didn’t say anything, neither did they pick out. Now that Hughes says, although they are There was sadness, but none of it stopped.

When he left, Hughes washed the essence for them according to the realm they cultivated, and even tailored suitable weapons for them. Although they did not reach the level of unparalleled quality, but Hughes now The means possessed and the rare treasures are no problem for forging artifacts.

Although Hughes was very reluctant to do so, there was still a lot of concern. Now that he does not know the situation, Hughes’s heart is always uneasy. Moreover, it is less than forty-nine years since the advent of anti-space. During this time, Hughes must find all the pieces of the plane bead, but this is a very difficult thing, and Hughes can not afford such leisure.

Hughes went away, without disturbing anyone else, just as he came to this world quietly, he quietly disappeared.

It is regrettable to say that Hughes has left like this, that is, he hasn't heard of Shang Yong's news in the end, but Hughes left the "Emperor's Scripture", hoping that he has nothing, Hughes can only pray like this.

The improvement of the realm has greatly increased the strength of Hughes, and his understanding of the laws between heaven and earth has reached a very profound point. The various mysteries of Hughes have undergone earth-shaking changes. In this respect, time and space have reached a terrifying level. Unable to meet the needs of Hughes, now Hughes uses all the magic of time and space "Void Smoke." Through the induction of a certain kind of breath, ignoring the existence of time and space and arriving instantly, it is extremely powerful.

According to the path to Xintiandi indicated by the Nine Nebula, that is actually the extreme north area that Sius has been to, and it is the tenth weight suspended above the northern original forest of the ninth heavy snow city.

The only thing Hughes knew was Jiuzhong. At first, he climbed the cliff under the guide of Bingcong, and entered the Xuanwu mausoleum of Beiyuan Forest, but he had never heard of the tenth heavy, but Xiu Si knew that the Nine Nebula map would never be wrong, and Hughes kept the doubts in his heart, which would be clear when he arrived.

Thinking of Kitahara Forest, Hughes thought of Bingcong. I don't know how he is now, and that cypress tree, the first tree in the world, how is it growing now. The figure of Hughes appeared to be the ninth weight who had come to the Ice City and came to the front of the Cypress.

Seeing from a distance, Hughes had a figure sitting beside the cypress trees, controlling the ice and snow in all directions, and was practicing.

Hughes didn't hide his breath, so he was noticed by the man when he first arrived. He quickly opened his eyes and his eyes were a little sharp, and shouted to Hughes: "Who is it." But when he saw Hughes' face Afterwards, he was very surprised and yelled, "Husi, why are you, how are you here, did you come to see me?"

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