Pioneer Knight

Chapter 825:

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Xintiandi is very wide. Every continent has the vastness of the entire emperor continent. Even now, Hughes’s space law has become great. If you want to cross the two domains, it will take at least tens of days. Other people naturally don’t need it. Say more, unless you are a holy realm.

Therefore, Xintiandi's "transmission array" has become an inevitable choice for people across domains.

"Teleportation Array" is extremely developed in Xintiandi. First-class forces all have their own teleportation arrays, and all large cities also have paid "teleportation arrays". However, this is a high-cost array, and many spirit stones are required. Yes, ordinary people simply cannot afford it.

Hughes they are going to the "Yanyu City", which is the northernmost face of the Northern Youshen Realm, close to the nearest huge city of Longyuan City, built by the Hill Gate, but also has millions of miles. Of course, this distance didn't affect Hughes much, it was just the tea time.

I was in Longyuan City just now, and I came to Yanyu City in an instant. This shocked Tianheng and looked at Hughes with non-human eyes. This obviously exceeded his cognition. In his impression, maybe Only the Holy Realm can do it.

And then he saw that Hughes's face changed in a weird angle, even the breath changed, and he could no longer express his shock.

"How strong is he?" Tian Heng thought in his heart.

With the help of the "ten types of domains", Hughes has mastered all the abilities. Hughes has learned that the unsophisticated body of the "sacral" is naturally hand-to-hand, face, and physical changes are only temporary. thing.

Hughes photographed the dizzy Tianheng and said, "Let's go in." Then he thought of "Yanyu City" and went away.

"Yanyu City" is indeed a huge city, with its pavilions and pavilions standing on top of each other. The smoke and rain are standing in the air, and you can feel the breath of magnificence when standing there. The crowds are endless, and the people coming and going are more endless than the dragon. Yuancheng is dozens of times bustling.

Far away Hughes can feel that there are many powerful atmospheres in the city that are very subtle fluctuations, which are more powerful than Yanqiu, and that Hughes feel very difficult to exist, it really deserves to be "Yanyu City" , Located in the strongest and largest city in the northernmost part of the northern quiet **** realm.

Tianheng has been to "Yanyu City" and is familiar with this place. It is very clear where the "Transportation Array" is located. It is not far from the main palace of the city. The purpose of standing there is to avoid the trouble of the powerful. The city master comes to deter, and the city master's cultivation is also very powerful, otherwise it will not play a deterrent role at all.

Now the owner of "Yanyu City" is Wei Li, the elder of the Hill Gate, and the ninth heavenly heaven.

Because of the "wanted order", Hughes’s crimes were extremely fierce, which made some of the strategies of "Yanyu City" adjusted. If you want to use the "Transmission Array", you must go to the city's main palace, and you can use it after the city's approval. Hughes is a little depressed. This is really speechless, isn't it just a dead person, as for?

Wei Li is a half-hundred old man who still seems to have a spirit, holding a bronze cane in his hand, but Hughes felt the **** smell in it. Presumably this is Wei Li's weapon, and Hughes is very calm. He believes that even the strongest of the Holy Realm can't be broken through, let alone the eyes of the Heavenly Holy Realm Wei Li, because his "True Dragon Origin" can simulate and transform all souls.

But in the end, what Wei Li said was beyond everyone's expectations. He didn't check the crowd, but said other things, saying: "I know you all want to use the "teleport", can use the "teleport" Array' means that you have strength, then I want to give everyone an opportunity. I don't know if you are interested. If you are not interested, I will use teleportation array to send you away now."

"Don't you mean to check the killer who killed Umbrella?" someone asked in surprise.

"Huh, that idiot was killed by someone else, it only shows that he is not as good as a man, and he died dead. I control him to die. Of course, I want to provoke the guy at our hill gate. I will never let him go." Wei Li said coldly.

Sure enough, it was cold-blooded. It turns out that the wanted order is not to revenge for Umbrella Music, but to maintain the dignity of the sect. This concept of "respect for the strong" has not changed. When the "wanted order" came down, it was repaired Does Si think it is different?

"What opportunity." People with a little strength are naturally daring artists, and they seem to be excited.

"Shenming ruins." Wei Li spit out word by word.

"Shenming Ruins, that Shenming Ruins, the Shenming Ruins of the Demon Wars?" Some people apparently heard about this, but they were not very sure and said with some doubts.

"Nothing wrong, the second-generation demon emperor and demon master have the ultimate cultivation of the Holy Realm. Although they have not reached the legendary realm of the Emperor Realm, they are only one step away, which is stronger than the so-called Holy Realm Peak. There are a lot of them, and the site of the gods I mentioned is the place where the demon emperor fell, hiding the huge treasure of the demon clan, it is an eternal enchantment." Wei Li said.

"Demon Emperor? This is indeed a person looking up to, but your hill gate will be so good, telling us where the Shenming ruins are." Someone said very carefully on the embankment.

"If we can enter it, there is no need for such a great deal of trouble. The Shenming site has a lot of prohibitions. It is very dangerous. It may fall after a little touch. Our hill gate can’t eat it, but if it is But this kind of giving up is very unwilling, so I did it like this." Wei Li said: "As for whether you want to go or not, it's up to your own judgment. I will never interfere."

Wei Li's words are very thorough, naked, and there is no half-hiding, but this is to let many people believe that what he said is true.

"There is no way for you hill gates, and we can't help if we go. This is undoubtedly death, even if there are more people?" Some people asked with dissent: "Does your hill gates think of ways to break those? Banned."

"Nothing wrong, we have a set of ancient formations, "Heng Yue San Yang", which takes five hundred realms, three hundred voids, one hundred true, and three more nine days to be able to set up. So many people Even if my hill gate is difficult to take, I can only ask you these foreign aids. Once the ban is broken, all luck is up to the time, how?? Wei Li said.

After hearing it, people all talked about it and thought about the gains and losses. Some people think that even if it is inherited, but there is a hill gate, it may not be a life to enjoy, and then the hill gate is so good to talk? There are illustrations of precedents, and the arrogance of the hilly gates is not a few; some people think that this is a good opportunity. Life needs adventure, and many strong people are only able to rise quickly through ancient inheritance and dominate the side. Like Yunquan, the founder of Heiyunfeng, he is inherited by the demon.

The demon is the holy guard of the Yanghuang line of the demon clan during the demon period, just like the four holy beasts of the imperial line of the Emperor Shi, the line of the Yanghuang has four holy guards, the demon of the heavenly demon and the black monster.

Now the site of Shenming is the place where the demon emperor fell. If he can get his inheritance, it can definitely open up a holy place and become a super power. Imagination makes people feel very boiling, people are very yearning, and there are not many people who respond.

"Where is the site of the gods?" Someone then asked.

"If you want to go, I can tell you, otherwise, you better not want to know, although our hill gate is not weak, but if you are advertised, it will be very unfavorable to us, so once It’s being advertised outside, and I’ll look for your business. You are all self-cultivators. Believe that we have the power to kill you.” Wei Li said severely.

Those who didn't want to go quickly said "Dare not", the expression was a little awkward, and it seemed that they were guessed by their minds.

There is a contest in the heart of Hughes, the ruins of the gods, I don’t know if there are any plane bead fragments. Presumably there are some. Then go take a look first. As for the Xitian Mausoleum, then temporarily adjourn. In fact, in the mind of Hughes, there is great anxiety about the Xitian Mausoleum. There is a kind of meaning that I want to go quickly, and I try to avoid it a little. Xitian Mausoleum, Hughes has great hope that God Jiyue can be reborn, but there is even more worry about this hope. It was this contradictory psychology that led to such contradictions.

Hughes was also interested in the "Shenming Ruins" and Hughes naturally agreed to participate.

"Now all people want to go to the Shenming Ruins, then I will tell you where we are going next, that is the Yaoyi Mountain, prepare first, we will use the "teleport" to the demon after half an hour Yi Mountain."

"It's actually a monster mountain, but it's very weird there, and it's full of fog all year round. The main thing is that the peaks there are like life. Anyone who enters can't get out, even the real powerful people are difficult For self-preservation, only the strongest in the Nine Heavens Realm can barely survive, and there are enchantments there, but the strongest in the Holy Realm cannot enter."

"Yaoyi Mountain is located at the junction of the Xitian Mausoleum and the North Youjing Realm. There is the site of the "Demon God Gate", which is full of pure blood creatures with rare blood veins. It is an extremely powerful force, although there is no sanctuary in it. The strong, but even the strong in the sanctuary dared not provoke their horrible existence."

People quickly whispered the information of Yaoyi Mountain, and many people were shocked by it. This is very remarkable. Some people obviously have the meaning of retreating, but seeing the seated Wei Li, feeling the cold light sometimes looming when guarding around, swallowing everything you want to say back into your throat, unable to speak.

"It's actually destiny at the border with the Xitian Mausoleum." Hughes was somewhat melancholy thinking, thinking of God Jiyue, he was very emotional.

Soon half an hour passed, but a few very old figures came out of the city's main palace, Wei Li appeared very respectful to them, and some people recognized that these people have been famous for the hill gate for a long time. The elders, and some of them were former city owners of "Yanyu City". Looking at their current cultivation as more refined, although they have not reached the holy realm, they are considered to have entered a half-step holy realm.

Those who wanted to withdraw from the scene secretly rejoiced. Fortunately, there was no risk at that time, otherwise the doctor died, and touched the head still on the neck. They swallowed very hard.

"This is the last batch of people. Together with these people, there are enough people to arrange Heng Yue San Yang. Let's all rush to preside over it." The old man led by Shen Sheng said.

"Yes." Wei Li and others responded with a deep voice.


Through the "teleportation array", Hughes and them quickly came to Yaoyi Mountain. The vast white mist lingered among the mountains, and they could not see the distance of half a mile. The roar in the distance added a bit of wildness. It seems very mysterious and daunting.

There are hundreds of people on the side beside them, all talking about discourse while pointing at the demon mountain in front of them, mostly about how the demon mountain is.

Some people say that there used to be no mountains surrounding it, and a strong man of the demon clan drove out the mountains and was located here, so it is called the "Yaoyi Mountain". It is said that it is a unique Taoist tool called "Quanshan Translation", and some people say that this group of mountains was formed by the "Quanshan Translation". This is the legend of Yaoyi Mountain, although it is not enough to believe. But there is no reason for nothing.

It's just that for the "Shenming Ruins", Yaoyi Mountain has no rumors. How the hill gate was learned is not very clear.

"I am the elder of the Hill Gate. My name is Qiu Ji. I would like to thank you for coming. I won’t say anything else. Let’s arrange this'Heng Yue San Yang' to break the prohibition here. We all rely on the treasures inside. Luck, whoever gets it is who we are, we will never stop it."

"Okay, now follow my instructions to set up the "Heng Yue San Yang" formation." Qiu Yi said.

The so-called Hengyue Sanyang refers to: Dongyue Qiuyang, Taiyue Zheyang, Hengyue Bengyang.

Speaking of which, it must be traced back to the years of ignorance, and I don’t know when it was. The world may be longer than the chaotic period. It is said that there are nine suns in the world, divided into Hengyue Sanyang, Qiu Zesanyang, Lique Sanyang represents the order of heaven and earth, and has extremely powerful power.

According to legend, Jiuyang in heaven and earth is nine golden black-flowers and red-golden sun in Jinwu. It is said that there is a strong man who smelted the gold to achieve Jiuyang.

Later, Jiuyang merged, chaos collided, heaven and earth returned to the world, Jinyang was born, and the interpretation of infinite life is what people now see, but Jiuyang's argument has been circulating.

Now that the Hill Gate wants to arrange "Heng Yue San Yang", people who have heard this legend are puzzled. Isn't that just the legend? Only those who know a little bit are shocked in their hearts at the moment, and want the hilly gate to be able to learn from this.

Heng Yue San Yang, Qiu Ze San Yang, Li Que San Yang occupy Jin Yang's three feet, and they can come out with a three-point burning blaze. That is Jin Yang's essential flame. Power can be imagined. We must know that Jin Yang is away from us. With a distance of tens of trillions, we can still feel that anxiety, if we were next to Jinyang, it would definitely be burnt.

This is higher than the sky fire and the quality of the original fire. It is said that Suzaku's Nanming can't resist the fire, and the supreme flame can be comparable to the chaotic fire, so that it can be seen how powerful it is.

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