Pioneer Knight

Chapter 830:

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Now Xi Jie is the youngest elder of Western Medicine Ding, and he is treated as the heir to Western Medicine Ding.

It is said that once there was a sect that was very open-minded, wanting to suppress people by force, wanting to let Xi Jie succumb, and even wanting to imprison Xi Jie. Finally, Western medicine Ding directly sent three holy places and sent that sect directly to the door. Chicken dogs do not stay.

As a result, no one dared to break ground on Tai Sui's head, but also achieved the prestige of Xi Jie. He was one of the least able to offend people.

Xi Jie has a gentle temperament, no bad habits, and can be called perfect, but he has the only hobby, which can be said to be obsessed and reach the point of morbidity, that is, he likes to collect all kinds of rare world treasures. This is his The only drawback.

Therefore, Xi Jie did a few more sensational events, one of which was that he used Western medicine Ding's network for hundreds of years to exterminate the first-class force "Skele Elm Society" of the former Xitian Mausoleum. "But Xitian Mausoleum has the strongest power and has twelve holy places, but with the help of a hundred years of connections, Western medicine Ding summoned the strong men who had helped and destroyed the "Skull Elm Society" with the grounds of reason. Fancy the flowers and grasses in the forbidden area of ​​the "Skull Elm Society", and the rare treasure "Jindi Dry Grass".

Xi Jie has the strongest medicine tripod, Chao Sheng Sheng Ding, which was bred by endless chaos, and then obtained by the Emperor of Medicine, ignoring the ability possessed by Chao Sheng Sheng Ding. At the product level, it has a strong power.

The refining medicine at Chaos Shengding can exert the most unique ability beyond the medicinal material itself, which is not available in other medicines, that is, he can sense the strange flowers and herbs in the world. The medicinal herbs are the most unique, with the ability to withstand the sky.

This is undoubtedly even more powerful for Xi Jie, and it is in this way that he can find many treasures of the world without hesitation. Xi Jie was able to discover the "Golden Emperor's Dead Grass", which was the credit for Chaos Holy Tripod.

During this time, Xi Jie was very boring. Wherever Xintiandi could get involved, he ran all over as long as there were exotic flowers and plants. Of course, those forbidden areas are beyond the limits of what Xijie can withstand. Xijie is an unknown place that cannot be reached. , These Xie Jie have not been.

Chaos tripod has not responded for decades, which has reached the limit of Xi Jie. This kind of day is torture for him, but today is a day worth excitement for him, the long-dead chaos tripod Actually there is a reaction, and it is also very dazzling. This is definitely a superb treasure of the world. Xi Jie left without any hesitation in the direction of the induction of Chaos Holy Tripod.

Xi Jie looked around, smelling the fragrance, and his face was never released with joy, saying: "This is where the demon emperor Jun's medicine garden is located. I heard that there is a'Yang Chishu' that he has put up with all his efforts. It is planted here, but it has a very strong masculine artifact and is an excellent medicinal material for refining certain banned elixirs. It is said that Yang Chishu is the tree that grows in Jinyang, and it is the only tree that can grow. One can imagine its preciousness and rarity, and then think of the environment in which it grows, it should know its capabilities."

Everyone knows that two great emperors were born in the sun, namely the demon emperor Jun and the east emperor Taiyi. At first it was the heroic character, and "Yang Chishu" was born with them. Think about it and know the power of "Yang Chishu".

This is what Xi Jie saw in the secret, but in the end how the "Yang Chishu" looks like, but the specific ability is not recorded. I only know that it is located in the top ten strongest materials, and the top ten strongest materials are able to The supreme material for refining the Taoist Elixir has a mysterious ability.

If there is no specific concept, then I will cite a little example. It is said that there is a Taopin medicine called "Tianjin Pill". Its medicinal efficacy promotes ordinary people who have not been trained to a holy land, and Without any side effects, it is invincible and has caused a huge sensation.

Of course, if this kind of medicine is taken by the Holy Realm Powerhouse, it will give them a 60% chance of reaching the Emperor Realm. This is a panacea that countless Holy Realm Powerhouses desire.

Thinking of what might be "Yang Chishu", Xi Jie's heart wasn't calmed down anymore, "bang" kept beating, reminding him of the first time he saw "Golden Emperor's Dead Grass", and what is this similar.

"The flowers and plants here are very special, and they also contain a certain pattern, which implies the number of days. It seems that this is probably the "Tianyang Flame Ring" formation. Fortunately, the drug emperor saved the descendants of the Zhenzhen Emperor. 'Sky Array' volume one'Sky Array 埆演', which records these rare formations, but'Sky Array' has nine volumes, each volume is different, but the most basic is the seventh volume' Sky Array Catalog 'It seems that it was a loss, which led to the defeat of the clan."

"Tianyang Flame Ring" is indeed a little trouble, this flower can dissolve Yangquan, and if it is contaminated, it may be burned, and there is also the flame ring, the beginning of the prison, these are taboos, but thankfully I have With the "Chaos Holy Tripod", I don't fear these at all. The only drawback is that my state is limited and I can't display the ability of the "Chaotic Tripod". It seems that it takes a little effort to complete, but all of this It is for "Yang Chishu", it is worth it.

There is a big secret hidden in the demon emperor's tomb, and many emperor-level strongmen have left clues. It is a natural thing that his opening caused countless people to be the secret emperor, and what happened in the demon emperor's tomb is also diverse.

Like the "demon vein" that Sae Yoon wants, the "Yang Chishu" Xi Xi wants, and then the "fear" of feelings. Every thing involves an emperor, which is amazing.

What I said here are people with backgrounds, more with magical traction, who can quickly find their destination, and more of them come here for loose repairs, or people sent by sects that have passed on in the near future, these People are the majority.

The way they take is a carpet search, or wherever they feel the vision, they are scattered, scattered.

They have a large number of people. Although the method is almost the same, the treasure they are searching for is not weak. Palaces, stone tablets, and runes are all their goals.

A group of people came slightly east of the depths of the Demon Emperor's Tomb. They are the weak forces of the Northern Youshen Realm. Only by occupying the advantage of the position can they come here quickly.

They are "Yanzong", who study the number of celestial machines. It is said that their sect has a long history and can be traced back to endless years. At that time, they are not clear. In short, they are very old. This is said in their ancestral handbook. Yes, and all of their opening statements are "changyan", but who is "chang"? They are not clear.

The only clue is the wooden plate handed down from the ancestors, but on the wooden plate is written the more domineering name, "Jiuyan Tianpan".

Underneath is the phrase "performing the world and the world", and the words are full of arrogance.

But the fact is that most of them are now fooling some ordinary people to spend their days, which is relatively poor, but they can still live.

Just today, the Yaomen Mountain, hundreds of miles away from them, was constantly shaking. Like the end of the world, the mountains around them were implicated and collapsed, and they even touched the volcano, causing the volcano to erupt and the mudslide to roll down, let them There are many casualties.

The "Jiuyan Tianpan" also has a change, but the gossip that has been completely worn out is reappearing again. "Dry" "Kun" "Earth" "Xun" "Kan" "Li" "Gen" "Chong", There is even a diffuse texture, bursting with splendor.

This shocked the people of "Yanzong". I didn't expect that "Jiuyan Tianpan", which is usually considered to be a pitman, was actually a magic weapon. It still seems to be a very strong existence. This reminds them of being passed on from generation to generation. Legend has it that maybe it was all true, their ancestors were once brilliant, how it was.

So, some people's ambitions were aroused in this way. If they want to show the glory of their ancestors, they want to go to Yaoyi Mountain, where they can find the inheritance of their ancestors, and shine their ancestors.

Ordinary people become crazy once they become ordinary, and it is clear that Yanzong is such a person.

There is a group of people like this who appeared in the Heavenly Tomb of the Demon Emperor, and they chose the direction according to the hexagrams deduced by the "Nine Acting Tianpan".

Soon they came to this area east of the depths of the Demon Emperor's Tomb, but there is no beautiful environment, and there are no trees, only bare mountains, everywhere, but the mountain is a bit strange, They are full of uncoordinated feelings, but they have discovered the mystery among them, because these countless bald mountains are actually arranged according to the number of celestial acts, that is, Gua.

"Jiuyan Tianpan" moved and rose slowly into the sky. The strong light flashed throughout the mountains, and then in the eyes of the people, they saw that the mountains turned with the "Jiuyan Tianpan". , And the surrounding scenery is constantly changing, changing with the hexagram image.

Thunder wind, water and volcanoes.

The old man headed, the oldest person in Yanzong, is now 400 years old. He saw such a scene, excitedly unable to himself, muttered, "It's really heavenly, has eyes, can make my celestial family once again Rise, Emperor Tianji finally came again."

"Tianji Clan? Emperor Tianji? What are you talking about?" The other clan naturally didn't understand, and they all said that they were very puzzled.

"Follow me to read the ancestral training, hurry." The old man did not speak, but said to the people around him.

"Chang Yan: Dryness is for heaven, Kun is for earth, earthquake is for thunder, sun is for wind, ridge is for water, separation is for fire, gen is for mountain, and it is for glory.

"Chang Yan: Heaven is the foundation, Wan Lai is the foundation. As far as people are concerned, the sky is with me.

"Chang Yan: Qian Sanlian, Kun Liuduan, Jing Yang Geng, Gen Bu bowl, Li Zhongxu, Kan Zhongman, against the lack, Xunxia broken."

"Chang Yan: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"

As the people recited, a figure appeared above the "Nine Acting Tianpan", standing pale and holding a compass, and he also responded to the people and recited the words in his mouth.

The sky cracked a big gap, and countless yellow smoke clouds went towards Jiuyan Tianpan, penetrating into the figure's body, making the person appear more real and real.

"The number of luck, there are so many numbers of luck." The people below became very shocked. How to calculate the number of fortunes for others, it takes a lot of luck to see through. The number of luck is equivalent to the spiritual energy of the cultivator. It is necessary, without him there is no way to practice. The same is true of those who calculate the destiny, and the strength of the number of operations is directly related to the ability of the number of heavenly machines.

They are only in control of the fur, and many people have not condensed their luck numbers. Even the strongest old man is only mastering a little bit of luck numbers. How not to let them feel shocked, completely stunned rhythm.

It was precisely after seeing so many luck numbers, they became more convinced of the "Nine Performance Tianpan", became more pious, chanted desperately, using the power of life, and then that figure became more It is huge and brighter, and the speed of luck is faster.

"It seems to be a remarkable existence again." Hughes felt the movement of the demon emperor's heavenly tomb and said with emotion, this was the first few times. Every movement spread throughout the heavenly tomb, exuding an extraordinary breath Even if it is one of them, Hughes feels breathless. This kind of existence has exceeded Hughes' current cognition, and he can't compete with others when he can't go. The first is to find something that is useful to you and can be obtained. Those that are too far away and too dazzling are currently too far away from you.

As Hughes continued to go deeper, Ke Ke in Hughes’ body was awakened, squinting his eyes, looking at a direction, and preaching to Hughes: "There is a voice over there calling me , The voice makes me feel very affectionate."

The Void Beast has a long history of prestige. It can compete with the true dragon, the presence of the sky, and the Void Emperor who once stood at the peak. The spatiotemporal ability is strange and unpredictable. The Void Sky realm he opened up cannot be found, saying yes Hidden in the void, jumping out of the dimension where people are, even the other great emperors cannot find it.

Therefore, the Void Emperor is the most mysterious emperor, and the Void Beast has become a legend, no one has ever seen it. Ke Ke felt a cordial call, presumably a Void Beast.

Regarding the Void Beast, Hughes doesn’t know much, only knows some fur in Ke Ke, and Ke Ke only relies on the inherited memory to have a rough understanding of the Void Beast, but Hughes knows that Ke Ke is powerful. The ability of the void is the most powerful. Even he is very inadequate. Ke Ke’s understanding of the laws of space is usually helpful, so that Hughes’s gain is great.

Ke Ke showed the way and Hughes followed, and they went to the destination at the fastest speed.

The Tomb of the Demon Emperor is very vast and has tens of millions of miles. The current spirit of Hughes can only cover a small part. Hughes’ rough calculation can be comparable to the horror of the North You God Realm. The idea is shocking, this is just a heavenly tomb, can it be comparable to a quarter of Xintiandi?

But this is actually the case. The speed of walking through the void like Hughes and walking through the galaxy will take half a day to arrive. I thought of how powerful the demon emperor has to be. The place to build a tomb is really amazing. Is this the strength of the demon emperor? It seems that he is really a frog at the bottom of the well.

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