Pioneer Knight

Chapter 835:

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When the energy of Hughes’s halo space is mobilized, the strength becomes weak, and the power that binds Shiyan appears to be loose, and the sharp nerves of Shiyan immediately sensed that the accumulated power exploded in an instant. Prisoner.

The huge reincarnation channel swept the entire Leiyang layer, and the stirring sky turned upside down, and Lei Yun was drawn into it, as if to break the Leiyang layer.

At this time, the magic power of Evil Nine had arrived, and Hughes was now enemies, only able to deal with one side, and inevitably be attacked by the other side. This was an extremely dangerous time.

But Hughes didn't panic, but instead showed a smirk. This was what he would like to see, what he wanted. It is a scourge to leave Yan Yan at all. Hughes is very clear, but he must be let go. In addition, there will be a lot of trouble. Hughes has been thinking about how to solve the trouble in front of him, but evil nine is sent to the door.

When both sides were to attack Huss, Huss directly hid in the "Ten Temple" and disappeared, allowing Evil Jiu to fight with Yan Yan.

When the trend is about to start, both sides hold their feet and vow to kill Hughes. No one has left behind, and they have exerted their full strength.

A strong collision was staged, the world exploded, and the entire golden moss was flattened by the momentum alone. The grandeur of the scene was conceivable.

Although Yan Yan is the most outstanding disciple of the reincarnation hall, he has extremely strong power at a young age, but no matter how he is not the opponent of the evil nine today, the killing is only an instant matter.

Before he escaped, he ascended to heaven. It really confirmed the sentence, "Escape from birth."

Just when Mo Yan died, a roar came from the sky dome, and it was heard for nine days, saying, "It's **** crazy to dare to hurt my apprentice."

Then he landed a rune from the sky and imaged it on the ground. Ten reincarnations reversed the world and bound Evil Nine. Numerous phantoms contained in it, and it appeared vividly. At this time, Evil Nine came out with a sad and tragic cry, unusually sharp and harsh .

"Samsara Heavenly Emperor, it's you. You are not dead. It's really hateful." Evil Jiu's roaring voice came out and shouted.

"It's just the evil king, it's really rampant, hum, I think you should ask your master to come out, don't be humiliating here." As the voice disappeared completely, there was also evil nine.

Hughes was hiding in the "Ten Temples", and the atmosphere did not dare to pant. The master of the voice was too strong, and actually he was the emperor. Hughes now felt very fortunate. Fortunately, he didn’t do it. Otherwise, it would look like the end. Like evil nine, it seems that we need to be more cautious in the future.

I thought that the behind of Yan Yan was only a holy realm, but I did not expect it to emerge from the realm of emperors. It is necessary.

But now that the parties are dead, Hughes wants to understand the situation here, but it has become suspense. Originally, I only hoped that the evil Jiu could be seriously injured, but now it can only be like this.

Those gold-biting rats were affected by the battle, and most of their deaths and injuries were caused by Hughes. They hope that they will not be like this now.

The golden corner moss has become dilapidated, and countless golden corner trees have been destroyed and shattered. It seems that there is nothing to see here. Hughes returned on the same path, but when he came to the quagmire However, Hughes felt a little weird. With such a big explosion, the entire golden corner moss was destroyed, but the quagmire was still the same. The "huy silver mud" was still fluctuating like that, like a rippling lake, a slight wave of contention Chasing each other, but did not set off waves of waves.

"It seems there is something weird inside." Hughes thought so.

"Dang Dang"

The crisp sound like the collision of the bells beats the psychology of Hughes. The sound is infinitely amplified and continuously replayed, making Hughes feel like listening for a long time. This is a voice that has not been heard before.

Surrounding the quagmire and observing the "Huge Silver Mud", Hughes found that after the sound was sounded, the lines of the waves changed. Although it was very subtle, Hughes could feel it.

"The secret of the golden corner moss is the quagmire in front of you, but what is this to express?"

Hughes hasn’t figured it out for a long time. Since this is the case, then he has to use brute force. Hughes wants to jump in and find out, but unexpected things happen, but a smooth mirror is formed on the quagmire. , Hughes could not enter it anyway.

"It's really troublesome, it seems to have to use wisdom."

This may be the method left by Jinyu Zhenjun. Since it is a trial site for testing the people of the Jin tribe, it means that this is a test for cultivation.

Hughes began to silence his mind and felt the mystery in it. Hughes’ mind was imprinted on it, sensing the fluctuations of the quagmire, and his heart was rippled with his fluctuations.

The sound of percussion sounded again in the heart of Hughes. The heart of Hughes fluctuated with the beat. There was an invisible portal opened in the heart. It was a world, Hughes's world to metal.

There are many types of metals, and the properties of each metal are very different, and what determines their performance? This may be the essence of metal.

Shape, structure, grain, unit cell, lattice. Hughes's mind embodies the knowledge of metals learned in previous life.

Without knowing the passage of time, the metal patterns of Hughes’ silence in his heart became clearer and clearer, and the performance of the metal he understood became more and more profound. As if it was only one step away, Hughes realized the true meaning of gold.

But the "silver silver mud" in front of Hughes is constantly changing with Hughes's thoughts, and Hughes’s entire psychology appears on it, which is like a mirror, reflecting Hughes’s innermost heart. , The most profound thought.

"Metals are sharp and used as weapons, and most of the weapons are used for killing."

The word "death" suddenly appeared in Hughes's mind. The world is yin and yang, positive and negative, and there is life and death, but metal belongs to the "death".

The life and death of heaven and earth, Hughes's perception of metal has reached a deeper level, which has surpassed the inherent pattern of metal itself, and has been elevated to a higher stage to reach life and death.

Hughes's thoughts were surging and stretched for thousands of miles, and he knew the whole Jinshan mustard. Hughes felt his figure rising infinitely, climbing to the peak, overlooking the earth, and all the metal of Jinshan mustard was flowing in Hughes's heart.

But suddenly Hughes was found under the golden corner moss, to be precise, there was movement under the quagmire, and issued a "learning" movement.

Hughes’s enlightenment has not yet been completed, but this unexpected thing has occurred, which makes Hughes’ psychology full of anxiety, and his enlightenment must not be interrupted. How should this be good.

The quagmire in front of Hughes was rolling, the waves were rough, and the mud that was several meters high flapped like a wave. There was something slowly floating in the quagmire. Hughes thought in his heart that this was the secret of Jinyu Moss. It seems that Evil Nine's control of the gold rat is not accidental here, but that he wants to break the ban here and wants to enter it, but it is a pity that he can no longer enter.

The voice of "Xi Suo" came from there, like a sharp knife on Hughes's throat, which might fall at any time. This kind of difficult mood filled Hughes with entanglement.

Hughes’s “Road of Death” was almost completed by Kung Fu, but it was not always accompanied by Hughes. That thing finally emerged, the quagmire scene was completely broken, and Hughes was out of that mood Quit, in the end still unsuccessful.

Suffocating, Hughes now seems to be seeing flies on his favorite food, whether eating or not is a problem.

But things have already happened, and there is no way to recover them. Hughes is not the kind of **** person, there is no need to cry sadly, and when he is slightly depressed, Hughes gathers his spirits and wants to see what it is, which is actually hidden in Underneath the quagmire, it seems absolutely nothing.

"It's a respectable portal." Hughes looked at the middle of the quagmire and said in amazement.

That kind of "sense" sound became louder, like the sound of people walking quietly when they touched the grass beside the road.

The portal was opened, and there were actually a few figures and people, and Hughes looked at their appearance, and turned out to be people of the Golden tribe. Hughes was stunned directly. The people in this group turned out to be Jin people. Who are they? And looking at their momentum, they are not weak, more than Jin Rui, the strongest person of the Jin family today, is more than one-stop.

"Who are you, it seems that we are not the people of the Jin tribe, why do you appear in the forbidden place of our gold tribe." The middle-aged man headed tightly holding the weapon in his hand and looked at Hughes very carefully, said.

"I should ask you these words. You came out from there, but I got here with the permission of Jin Rui, the golden priest." Hughes said quietly, there was no evil breath in the people in front of him, but Hughes was afraid to relax.

"Jin Rui actually became a priest. He was only a child at the time." One of the old men said with emotion.

"Uncle Jin Rui?" said the middle-aged man who frowned.

Others are also tweeting.

"I am Jin Yao, and this is Jin Xu. He was the elder of the Jin clan. Since you got permission from the Jin clan, I will not say much else. I will confirm it with the people in the clan later."

"What, you are Jin Yao, Jin Guan's father, didn't you say you died a long time ago? Why are you still alive." Hughes said in amazement.

"You actually know Jin Guan, it seems that you are really not a bad person." Jin Yao put away his weapon and said: "In short, this is an inexhaustible thing, let's talk about it next."

"Susius, you come out, don't die inside." A cry with a crying cry came from a distance, it was a thin figure, slowly groping forward in the forest of golden corner moss.

"It's Jin Wan." Hughes said. "So how's it coming?"

Hughes quickly greeted Jin Wan and said, "Aren't you afraid of going to this place, how are you here?"

"I heard the priest say you came to this place, and I'm still afraid that you're in trouble, so I want to find you. It's so good that you don't have anything." Jin Guan said excitedly, "I'm really scared that you are like your father Never go back."

"Jin Guan, she's actually grown so big." Jin Yao's body shivered with excitement, her eyes turned slightly red, and there was a tsunami in her heart. "This is the daughter he has only seen on one side."

"I said that I wouldn't die so easily, and your father wasn't dead. He was just trapped here. That's your father." Hughes pointed at Jin Yao and said to her.

Jin Guan followed Hughes' fingers and saw Jin Yao. At the moment, Jin Yao was no longer young. The years left marks on his face. Jin Wan's impression became very blurred, but it was very different from the impression. This is not the familiar figure in the dream.

But his taste was familiar to Jin Guan. It was a long-lasting memory. It was a taste deeply imprinted in the memory when he was born. Now it has become so profound.

"Father." Jin Guan murmured.


In the Jin tribe, this is where the Jin tribe lives, but there are several people in the room somewhere at the moment, Jin Yao, Jin Rui, Jin Xu, Hughes, Jin Guan and others.

"What happened to you at Jinyutai, and why there has been no information." Jin Rui asked.

"Originally, the team was established to investigate the situation of Jinyutai. Who knows that we were tested by Jinyu Zhenjun after we entered, but when we passed the second hurdle, we encountered gold-biting rats. Although the appearance has changed, I can still recognize that it is Jinyu Zhenjun's pet, the golden rat."

"But they attacked us like crazy and sucked our blood, but their figure was able to grow wings, which seemed very strange, and they displayed a very fierce breath on their body. It was terrifying. Originally we thought it was the same test, but in the end we found that it was not at all. They were just enjoying the killing. Many of us died. In the end, there was no way to retreat."

"But the way back was blocked. We didn't have a way out at all. Later, when we were completely surrounded by golden rats, I thought I died like this, but I didn't expect the world to suddenly open a portal. Enter into it, enter into other places, where there are many previous books of the Jin people, and there are many exercises. We can’t go out, as long as we stay there to practice, hoping that one day we can find a way out."

"There are metal puppets there, you can get advanced every time you beat the puppets, there are nine doors, and you can come out after all the defeats, I have come to the ninth door, when the battle is fierce, but suddenly the space is happening After the change, all the portals were opened and a channel appeared, and we came out."

"If there is nothing wrong with what I think, there is "Nine Gate Purgatory", which is the strongest trial to exercise the Jin clan before, and anyone who walks out can become a holy place."

Hughes said all the things he knew. People only knew that the whole thing was so bizarre. There was still the shadow of the evil source emperor, but they didn’t know the character of this number. Exist in the years after the Golden Emperor.

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