Pioneer Knight

Chapter 840:

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"Don't believe him, he is a liar, and the tombstone has to be shattered just now." The Tiger King was furious, tearing Hughes' appearance and revealing his natural appearance.

"Shut up, you give me a good look. If he wants to break the tombstone, it will have become a ruin long ago." Hu Jian said with a deep voice.

At this time, Huss rubbed his **** against each other, and the sound of clicking sounded into the ear of Tiger King. It was so familiar. At this time, the Husband knew that he was deceived by Huss. His eyes stared at the boss. Dissatisfied.

"As far as your rash personality is concerned, you don't want to destroy it. If he seals you with prison, the consequences will be unimaginable." For the character of Tiger King, Hu Jian is very clear. Recklessly ignorant and grumpy, he heard that the Tiger King was going to the Xitian Cemetery, so he hurriedly came in such a hurry that he was afraid that the Tiger King might be in trouble.

"I apologize to you for the recklessness of the Tiger King. You have visited here. Presumably you haven't seen the cave house where we are. I can take you to visit. Our tigers haven't come for hundreds of years." Tiger Key said with a smile.

"That's very good. I heard the Tiger King saying that you are preparing for the'Ten Vessel Tiger Road' and want to summon a real tiger." Hughes asked.

"Really?" Hu Jian's eyes suddenly became very stern, staring at the Tiger King. The Tiger King suddenly looked like frosted eggplant. He lowered his head. Without the arrogance just now, this was the key to the tiger. Si said: "You mean ~~~."

Hughes felt the change of Tiger Key, and knew that this was a taboo that touched them. This is the most sensitive topic of the Tigers now. Knowing their psychology, Hughes quickly explained: "Elder Tiger Key has some misunderstandings, I There are other meanings there. I just want to know if I will be able to visit your ceremonies at that time, because I have a very good person who is cursed by her life, and her body disappeared mysteriously after death. Someone told me that he It may be Nirvana. Let me go to the Xitian Cemetery, but I did not expect to come here by mistake."

"Is it?" Hu Jian asked with great doubt and uncertainty.

"Well, her name is Shen Jiyue, but here it is called Tiger Jiyue, that is her tombstone." Hughes pointed to the column of the real tiger.

"Last 662, that was last year." Hu Jian thought, looking at Hughes's expression as if he was no longer lying, and said that it was natural.

"Now everything has been put together, it is almost the final refining, but it takes some time, you first wait a few days in our cave house." Hu Jian said.

"Okay." But Hughes didn't want to refuse, and said directly.

"Why did Elder Hu Jian let him watch the ceremony, and also let him live in the Dong Mansion? This is simply unreasonable. If he would make trouble, wouldn't it make us fall short." The Tiger King was puzzled. Road.

"I don't think he speaks like a fake at all, and if he breaks it, he will break it already. There is still waiting for us to go there, and he has learned the nine-character mantra, which is equivalent to the disciple of Yi Zu, but Yi Zu is The ancestors of all the celestial machines in the world, the celestial emperor who has recovered now is his apprentice, but he has a great friendship with our tiger ancestor. The original nine-step ladder was built by him. The tiger ancestor is even talking, as long as it is Yi Zu’s Disciple, we all treat each other with courtesy, and are our honorable guests."

"Actually there is such a thing." Tiger King said stunned.

"Let's look at the classics more when you're fine. If you just don't listen, you know to act rashly, hum." Hu Jian said angrily.


The Huya Mountain is full of heaven and earth, and there are open passages everywhere, and there are also palaces, which are all unknown to others, and seeing Hughes is dazzled, the runes on it cover up all this, no wonder no one found .

Hughes lived in Dongfu, but the Tigers were more polite to him. No one went to his troubles. The houses they lived in were all high-end, completely VIP treatment, which made Hughes It's very strange. I don't understand their attitude. It's a little weird, but Hughes didn't think about it. This is a good thing. Hughes stayed here with confidence.

On the third day of Hughes’ stay here, the elder Hu Jian came, and he seemed a little excited, saying that “Ten Veins Tiger Road” had been successfully refined. The next step was to summon the ceremony, saying everything was ready, Let Hughes watch it.

Susie's body was shocked, and finally it was time to see if Shen Jiyue could have Nirvana if she had such luck. I hope it was Ji Jiyue, Xius prayed in his heart.

The Xitian Mausoleum is the core of the entire Huya Mountain, surrounded by the mountains, and even under it. The three taboos of Huya Mountain are the three passages leading to the Xitian Mausoleum. At that time, no matter which road Hughes chose, As long as he can pass, he can enter the Xitian Mausoleum.

The existence of the three taboos is not what Hughes wanted to stop people. Their existence exists for the Xitian Mausoleum, or for this summoning ceremony.

Hu Benfeng is close to the sky, the morning rain and dew, floating clouds, floating air, is Tianyuan; Xidiyuan is connected to the earth's air, breathing the essence of mud, and the dust is the earth's origin; Devil's Cave is across the hell, connected to cross, The Nether Cold Spring is the Yuan Yuan, which is the human element.

Tianyuan, Diyuan, Renyuan, and Sanyuan are at the end of the world.

The Tigers just want to use the power of these three elements to carry out their plans, but they need introductions to catalyze these, and that is the "Ten Veins Tiger Road", which contains ten of the most unique "Tiger Yu".

Hu Yu, this is the saying of the Tiger tribe, popularly speaking is the divine rule, but these gods are more special, is the divine rule adopted only by the tiger tribe, is their original divine rule.

"Autumn Pickle", "Dormant", "Tiger", "Ben Yue", "Tiger Hill", "Jiaoxi", "Medog", "Fengjian", "Keyu", "Zhenyu"

This is Hu Yu, the original **** of the Tiger tribe, who can condense the Xitian Dao Ze.

"Ten Veins Tiger Road" is a crystal, exuding ten colors of luster, which is very dreamy, but Hughes can feel the ten in it, which is very clever.

The ceremony was very solemn, the tigers had arrived long ago, and they bowed down piously, chanting mantras in their mouths, but the tiger key was standing on the sacrificial platform, chattering, and performing with ancient chimes Music shakes the mind.

When all the processes are completed, the tiger key will come up with "Ten Vessels Tiger Road", and the colorful splendor will appear, and the ten gods will appear around the Xitian Mausoleum. All the tombstones are pulling the glory. At this moment, they are like It is standing on the most gorgeous stage, the lights are shining and full of hazy feeling.

But in the sky above the Xitian Mausoleum, a crack suddenly appeared. It was a desolate place. The desolate and tragic atmosphere did not need to be rendered at all. The whole sky was filled with it. Numerous coffins stood on top of each other, and the darkness lay on it. It makes people feel weird.

It was that place where a tiger shadow flashed, quickly submerged in the luster formed by God, and then disappeared mysteriously. At this time, the Xitian Mausoleum was moved, and countless energies penetrated into it. Yuan has been sucked in, like a rushing river, with endless sources. This scene lasted for three hours and finally stopped.

At this time, the three taboos have been scrapped, and the lack of energy directly led to their collapse, but these are not what they care about, they are concerned about the ritual.

God is twisting and turning constantly, like a carousel in a park, but the speed is thousands of times faster, so Hughes can't see that all kinds of energy are intertwined, but it forms a huge Eggs, Xitian Mausoleum is encapsulated.

There was a loud sound from the egg, the frequency of the vibration was very fast, the egg vibrated with the frequency, the speed continued to increase, and even the entire Xitian Mausoleum, even Hughes they were implicated, and the egg shell seemed to break.


The strong impact force shattered the eggshell and exploded, and countless steams rose up, making it difficult for people to see the situation inside, but they could see that it was a figure.

"True tiger." All the tigers were very excited, all bowed down, shouted in their mouths, expressed their feelings, and praised the triumphs of the tigers.

Hughes's heart became very nervous at this moment, and he had never felt such a torment, but Hughes did not dare to rush forward, for fear of disappointment.

"Roar" Tiger roared towards the sky, shaking the world, countless auspicious descended, the majestic energy rolled down, and was absorbed by the real tiger.

The real tiger made two more roars, the sound continued for thousands of miles, sweeping the whole world, and the whole Xintiandi was full of that roar, shocking, and the tendency to sweep the world, and people all heard it very clearly.

Countless people are very frightened by the roar, and understand that it is a terrific existence. This kind of scene they have seen before is the power only the Great Emperor has.

Demon Emperor Celestial Realm, East Emperor Celestial Realm, Demon Emperor Jun in the Heavenly Celestial Celestial Realm, East Emperor Taiyi, and Heavenly Emperor Taiji all knew in an instant that their eyes seemed to be able to penetrate the void and clearly see the situation of the Western Celestial Cemetery.

"It seems that the real tiger emperor was awakening this time." Then they stopped talking and continued to close their eyes.

"Xi Tian Dao Ze"

Behind the true tiger, the ten gods merge with each other to become a thick and strong one, and the principle of breaking the void is the rule of the real tiger, and the rule of the west heaven.

"Open the earth and become the heaven and earth." The voice of the real tiger's domineering voice came out.

The Xitian Mausoleum panicked, splitting the new heaven and earth, interspersed in chaos, arrogant of the heavens and earth, countless chaos drowned the Xitian heaven, the ten gods were in it, and the energy of the Xitian mausoleum was changing in substance. All of them have become original, their tattoos are shining, their blood veins are constantly being stimulated, and the cultivation is even more comprehensive. One by one, it seemed to be a way to get Tao, and the expression on his face became holy.

This reminds Hughes of the phrase "one person can get the way, the chickens and dogs ascend to heaven." It is the scene that describes this moment.

But these things are not related to Hughes. Hughes only wants to know whether the real tiger is the **** Jiyue. Although Hughes thought of the worst result, he still had a fluke in his heart.

At the last moment of the ritual, the intensification of the Tiger's blood was about to be completed, the light diffused on the body became weaker, and the steam on the real tiger slowly dissipated, and her figure could be seen vaguely.

Very slender, slender, smooth and warm hands, the curve of the whole body is also very standard, you know it is a woman at a glance, the luck of Hughes's psychology is enlarged at this moment, full of hope, the **** Jiyue became bigger.

But when the steam had completely dissipated, Hughes saw her face as if she was shocked by an electric shock. There was chaos in her mind, and her mouth opened slightly, but she could not make any sound, and her disappointed expression was full. On the face, although the person in front of him is very stunning, the figure is more perfect, but it is not what he wants to wait, not what he wants, nor the person he is familiar with, then all these things are meaningless of.

"Sius, ~~~~"

The lightness and crispness sounded in Hughes' ears with a sweet soft voice, which was so familiar. This made Hughes' eyes appear again in front of Hughes. Hughes' trance was her. ?

Before waiting for him to recover, Hughes felt that his whole body was surrounded by some kind of powerful energy, which made him unable to move at all, even his thoughts could not be controlled. In Xitian Mausoleum, he could only do this. The True Tiger Emperor who was just called was only one.

Hughes doesn't know what she meant, is it to kill him? But it seems that they have no conflict for the time being. Hughes knows that he can't do anything at this moment. In front of the emperor, he only has the part to be slain.

But Hughes ushered in not the energy of violent destruction. Hughes felt that his body was moving uncontrollably, and was heading towards the air. Flying in this "no-air" place is a very special treatment, although this is not done by his own power, Hughes ridiculed himself.

The tigers below, they were shocked when they saw the sky. They showed a very puzzled look. You must know that the sky above the Xitian Mausoleum is the room of the emperor. The prestigious priests are not good, but now Hughes is able to go up. Of course, they do not think that Hughes can do it, then there is only one possibility, which is called by the emperor.

And why did the emperor attach so much importance to Hughes, thinking of the purpose of Hughes's arrival, all of which seemed to have only a reasonable explanation, and the people here were somewhat relieved.

Looking at the strange face, Hughes didn't know how to say it, only kept silent and observed her. But the True Tiger Emperor seemed a little excited, his eyes had become wet, and there was a tendency to pounce on Hughes, and when she opened her mouth, Hughes understood.

"Sue, I miss you so much."

That said from the mouth of the real tiger emperor, Hughes’ body was shaking, and he could see that the excitement at the moment was beyond his control, and the surge in his heart was even more difficult to suppress.

"It's you, it's really you." Hughes couldn't believe it. The people in front of him removed the familiar words, and the rest were strangers at all. There was no figure that Hughes was familiar with. This was really Ji Yue. ?

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