Pioneer Knight

Chapter 842:

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Although the state of the Tiger King has been greatly improved and the combat power is even more expanded, he still has a shadow on the "ten types of holy prisons" that Hussna came out with. The most important thing is that it is too strange. It seems like a defense that is simply impossible. Although the Tiger King is very confident in himself now, it will certainly hinder him from being able to fight heartily. This is undoubtedly a torture for him.

"Okay, we only fight for strength and come close combat." Hughes said.

"Melee combat? Then you have to be careful. Our tigers are very good at melee. We are melee when fighting the enemy. We have experienced the hardship of iron and blood."

"Fengjian: The wind and the clouds move, the caves gather, and there is no limit."

Behind the tiger king came the "wind room" god, and the **** became a hammer, shaking in the tiger king's hand, each time it turned up, it caused the vibration of the air law. His hands were like mountains instead of sledge hammers.

"This is the "Wind Breaking Hammer" I have cultivated, which can destroy the sky and the earth. Now blessing the "Wind Room", it can crack the airspace."

"Hammer broken" Tiger King swayed his sledgehammer around the ring, speeding up extremely fast. The speed of the hammer was enough to cause a storm. A strong wind blew towards Huss, but when the Tiger stopped, his hammer was Turned red, like the exercise in the fire is grilling, the waves fluctuate the laws are shaking.

The tiger king didn't stay, he directly smashed the hammer towards Hughes, and the trajectory of the hammer was like a comet sweep, pulling out a long "line".

And Hughes felt that the hammer contained a very dangerous atmosphere. Even Hughes’s "undefeated body" seemed to be afraid, and there was a urge to flinch. It seems that the strength of the Tiger King is extremely great. Ascension, Hughes thought so, but Hughes was not the previous Hughes.

Hughes’ face was only slightly more serious, and he did not change. His hands clenched to form a fist. The fiery flames also emerged from Hughes’ hands. Hughes infused several types of skyfire into it, and Hughes was just as direct Meet the Tiger King's sledgehammer.

"Hongtian Shenquan" Hughes shouted loudly.

Under the influence of the dark **** rule, the sky fires that Hughes had mastered were also a kind of **** rule, but they had not been discovered before.

Nine kinds of skyfire: Shiyin, Fenyan, Lilian, Heiyan Rizhao, Hell Flame, Lava, Ben Lie, Mingyue, Yanmian Melt.

This is actually the nine gods of fire.

Hughes now only gets the black sun, **** flames, and flames withering. Although it is far from reaching completion, Hughes is aware of the higher quality flames and the original fire.

The initial fire and the original fire are formed by the natural or artificial integration of several of the nine types of sky fire, and have more powerful power, which is like the combination of attributes to form special attributes.

With the start of the fire and the addition of the original fire, the power of Hongtian Shenquan was suddenly greatly improved, and the violent abnormality.

"Hongtian Shenquan" vs "Windbreaking Hammer"

The strong collision made the entire ring unbearable and split into two halves, collapsed in an instant, but neither of them gave up and continued to bless power.

Now the Tiger King is full of shock to Hughes. He didn’t expect Hughes to be even with him. Although his first move was only to try, he used 80% of his strength. He thought it was enough to deal with Hughes. To give Hughes a good look, but now ~~~, he has made a big change to Hughes, Hughes can do this with the power of heaven, and thinking of this fact, the calm heart of the Tiger King began to pop. beat.

"The second type of wind breaking sky hammer, hammer sky"

Conquering is one thing, but fighting is another, but this time the Tiger King has exerted his full strength and no longer has reservations.

The strong man of the Holy Beginning Realm is indeed incalculable, and its violent energy makes the life and death platform unbearable, and the inch is split, but suddenly the life and death platform is scattered with light to cover the entire life and death platform.

Hughes, who is very familiar with the laws of space, immediately felt the transformation of space. They are being moved into a broader life and death platform, which can no longer bear the life and death platform here.

With the change of life and death platform and increased bearing capacity, both sides can fight with no worries and show their full strength.

"Hammer Break", "Hammer Sky", "Earthquake", "Qiu Lang", "Zhou Yan"

The five tricks of "Wind Breaking Sky Hammer" were all used by the Tiger King, and the Tiger Yu gods such as "Fengjian", "Tiger Hill" and "Zhenyu" were also displayed by the Tiger King. This time he made 12 points. He just watched this attack. He just knew that the usual moves are not good. Only the squeezing potential can be useful.

King Tiger has already made plans to complete his battle, but if he is unsuccessful, he will become a benefactor.

At this time, Hughes really felt a great threat. Every hammer of the Tiger King seemed to be knocked in his heart, causing a great response. It shocked Hughes’ heart to feel a rupture, and the speed of blood flow A lot faster.

Hughes felt dangerous, the holy realm was always holy, and the means he possessed were indeed beyond his guess. But it is impossible for Hughes to admit defeat. To be precise, Hughes is waiting for such an opportunity to let all the cells in his body open, the body to move, and his mind become clear, all kinds of thoughts I think everything is sorted out.

In particular, "Qingdi Muhuanggong" and "Jindi Chihuanggong", there are many places where Hughes is suddenly bright and understands the mysteries. Hughes's hands have a blue wooden attribute on one side and a sharp and sharp metal on the other.

It was like a lake with ripples, but it was full of meaning. It was impossible to remember at first glance, but when I thought about it, my mind was blurred.

Fists in both hands, the salvo broke out, and the two dragons in the world whispered in silence, followed by endless wind, Jin Ge went away.

"Aoki Divine Fist" and "Jinzheng Divine Fist"

The power of the two punches is not much more than that of the "Hongtian Shenquan" just now, and the strong strength is a bit out of touch after making it. This is really too energy-consuming, but all these things are worth it. , Hughes has successfully converted the artistic conception of "Qingdi Muhuanggong" and "Jindi Chihuanggong" into his own way. This is not only a simple study, but a thorough study, plus his own understanding. , Yan Ran became something of Hughes.

Of course, the two exercises are the Mu and Jin. The strongest exercises are written by the emperor and contain an infinite mood. With their analysis of the avenue, if they can fully comprehend, then they can definitely become For the powerful at the level of the emperor, what Huss understands is only superficial, which is what the realm can perceive. As for the deeper level, Huss can't even touch it now.

Holding both fists, a powerful explosion can penetrate the sky and earth, into an invincible posture, and can sweep one side. But the Tiger King’s hammering method is also very powerful. After all, this is his life's insight, and it is more integrated into several kinds of divine rules, plus his realm of holy realm, which is also extremely powerful.

The scene was indescribable. The explosion caused by the collision covered everything. The force of the rebound directly sent Hughes and the Tiger King to Zhen Fei. As a result, due to the force of the Tiger King and the shock, he collapsed directly. Earth, although Hughes did not faint, but the last trace of strength was used to relieve the force.

The result is self-evident. If you use a word to describe it, it will be "miserable, extremely miserable."

Hughes has no sense of decadence, only infinite joy, no matter what his body has been out of force, now his Chaos Divine Fist has realized four moves, namely "Red God Fist", "Dark God Fist", "Aoki "Shen Quan", "Jin Zheng Shen Quan".

The actual combat effect is beyond Hughes’s expectations. It’s really good. Hughes feels that Jiutianjing, the third heavenly realm, and Tianyuan Realm are readily available, and it can be done with only a little insight. Hughes’ mood is very sad. Difficult, this really confirms the sentence, "People are happy when they have happy events," and they are all right.

The Tiger King felt like he was sleeping for a long time. After his eyes opened, he looked at this very strange environment. He couldn’t remember what happened in a while. After a while, countless memories filled his head. I remembered that he was trying to compare with Huss, but in the end he fainted, and then remembered nothing.

"You're awake." Hughes felt that the tiger king over there was moving, and he was awake, and Hughes said hello.

"Ah." The Tiger King sat up a little bit hard and looked at Hughes not far away. Now he is full of admiration, and he can do this in the mixed world. This is definitely a rare genius and a powerful strong man. No matter what kind of it is dazzling, the Tiger King believes in the supremacy of power and strength, and now he is defeated by Hughes. He naturally has nothing to say.

"Your strength is so strong that I admire it. I was wrong in the Xitian Cemetery. I thought I was not afraid of my strength and dared not to fight me. I didn’t expect that I was wrong. I'm sorry to trouble you." Tiger King said very sincerely.

Hughes realized at this moment, no wonder Tiger King was a little awkward. It turned out that this was the reason. In the face of such a tiger king, Hughes really didn't know what to say, it was a personality that made people love and hate.

"It's okay, I would also like to thank you for fighting with me. Otherwise, my strength will not be improved so quickly. If we have time, we will practice again." Hughes said with a smile.

"That's what you said, I will definitely fight you. You don't know that the entire Tigers don't want to fight. I don't even care about me when I look for them. It makes me feel very boring, really. There is nothing **** about the Tigers at all." The Tiger King said with some overjoy, Hughes' words were right to his appetite.

"Really crazy." Hughes thought to himself.

The progress here is tremendous, and there is a real tiger company every day. Hughes’s life is very pleasant, but the good days will soon come to an end. Hughes hears Ke Ke’s eager cry for help, which makes Hughes was shocked. I didn’t know what Ke Ke encountered and needed to be rescued. This made Hughes feel that the situation became very eye-catching. To know that Ke Ke is a Void Beast, now that he has inherited the Void Beast Skeleton, even if Can't beat them, but can still escape? Who else can catch him, Hughes has a lot of unbelief, unless the strength of the strong man is too strong, is the power of the emperor level.

If this is really the case, then it becomes very troublesome, who is it? It seems that I have to check it out, and Ke Ke’s voice has only one sentence: "I am trapped in the "recklessness", come and save me."

The real tiger is very busy and has big things to do. Hughes doesn’t want him to be distracted, he thinks of other reasons, saying that he wants to go to Xintiandi to see it. It has become difficult to improve here. Only adventure Only then can he make faster progress. He doesn't want to be protected by her forever. Protecting her is what he should do.

Hughes was about to leave suddenly, very hurriedly, to say that there was nothing, the real tiger couldn’t believe it, but since Hughes said this, she wouldn’t be able to stop it. She knew Hughes temper, although she is now Her strength is much stronger, but she is still willing to be the one who follows him.

"This is'Hulu', with my thoughts, if you encounter a dangerous thing, as long as you are not an emperor level, you can escape the disaster. You don't have anything is my greatest consolation." Zhenhu said very affectionately .

"I know, don't worry, I won't have anything. I haven't even touched you, let alone that. I won't die at all." Hughes said with a smile.

"It's really annoying. At this time, I even made such a joke. I ignore you."

That night, they did not speak, as if they wanted to turn all their thoughts into language, and they kept talking, until dawn, the real tiger slowly slept, and Hughes walked out of the room, but the moment Hughes walked out, originally The real tiger, who had fallen asleep, opened her eyes suddenly, and there was a little bit of sleep there.

It’s not that you don’t dare to send each other, but that you’re afraid to see your parting back; you’re not afraid to look directly, but you’re afraid that the traces of your eyes will make you hurt; you’re not afraid to wave your hands, but you’re afraid that your hands will hug you and stop you from going away heart of.

At this time, although there are thousands of words, but the throat can not speak in the throat, and finally can only say "a safe and sound".


Recklessness, this is the most southern forbidden place in Nantianmen, and it is a place where people do not set foot. There is an extraordinary terror. Some people say that they have seen thousands of feet of skeletons there, and some people say there are corpse dragons. Countless corpses are wandering, insects are everywhere.

And around it there is the decayed water that is known to be able to smelt everything in the world, the late Lai Zhenshui.

This is hundreds of times stronger than the weak water. It is said that the gods and ghosts are not close. As long as they smell thousands of miles, they may be corroded. Even the old ancestor Tianlan Holy Tiger who plays with weak water dare not touch it. Degree.

Only the strong in the Holy Land can barely be contaminated, and others must avoid it.

After learning where the wildness is, Hughes was very curious. To know that Ke Ke was in the "Tomb of the Demon Emperor" in the Northern Youjing Realm, why did he reach the Southern Heaven Gate across the domain, even if it is a Void Beast, but Don't exaggerate, Hughes can't understand, is it artificial? Is it something else?

But now I can't control that much, so let's go see it first.

For such a wide distance, you must first find the big city. If you let Hughes fly, it will take at least half a year. By then, the daylily will be cold. Now, Ke Ke’s situation is not known. Hurry up.

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