Pioneer Knight

Chapter 844:

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"Okay." For Yuan Shang, Hughes didn't need a condom at all, it was unnecessary.

This dynasty is different from the traditional concept of Hughes. It is impossible for the dynasty to meet or break. The practice is their purpose. In essence, there is no difference between them and the sect. Anyway, they are monks, no It may be like the usual court.

After the Yuan merchants explained, they set off towards the wildness.

"How did you know that I would come here." When he was walking on the road, Hughes suddenly asked, this is something that makes him very strange, like a prophet who has not yet known.

"This is what my master Wu Tian said. At first, I asked him to take me back, but he said that in the near future we will see you again. Just wait. It’s true that I was puzzled, but I didn’t expect it. He was said by him." Yuan Shang said.

"My master, he is really very powerful. Some time ago, he got the treasure treasure "Zi Zilan" in the wildness. He is already the peak of the holy realm. This time it is likely to break through to the realm of emperor."

"Zi Zilan can exude a strange purple and blue halo. This is a very unique existence, which can make people separate from each other, causing the gods to loosen and merge with each other, but also calm the mind and avoid the devil. Hengsheng, this'combination' has great benefits, and it is the desire of the strongest in the Holy Land."

"Zi Zilan" is the medicinal material of the pinnacle, but now it is very few, I did not expect to exist in this recklessness.

"If you have a chance, you have to pick them, plant them in the Ming Ling Chi, and plan for the future." Hughes thought.


The turbid water is bland, but it is disgusting and rotten, with dark bones beside it, and the sky is filled with oppressive dark clouds, and there is no sunlight for many years.

"Rotten, dark, and filthy." This was Hughes' first impression when he came here.

"This is the outermost layer of the recklessness. This night the Lai Zhen water is the level. This water is very corrosive. Even the nothingness like the soul will be eroded after it is touched. If it is not because of my special, I I couldn't get close, but even so, I still suffered a lot of losses." Yuan Shang reminded Xius.

"Nothing, I just need to use Lai Zhenshui this night." Hughes said: "You wait here for me first, just a moment."

"Star River" stepped over the sky above the real water of Wanlai, Hughes felt that the sky seemed to be imprisoned and turned into a vacuum. There is no rule, it is very similar to the "forbidden air" in the Xitian Mausoleum, but the principle of the two is The difference is that one is caused by the law, the rule of air ban; the other is that there is no law, and it is eroded by the real water of the late Lai, and the laws have been merged to cause such a situation.

But after all, this is where the heavens and the earth are. Even if it is influenced by the special environment, the law is the manifestation of the will of the heaven and the earth. There are always some, only a little weak. Only those who understand the true meaning of God can feel it. No wonder the general heavenly sanctuary Can't come here, only the strongest in the Holy Land can pass.

Hughes knew this with a little touch, and his body slowly became stable, but when Hughes wanted to absorb the late Laizhen water, the calm lake was bubbling, as if there was something to come out, not yet Waiting for Hughes to see, a behemoth of thousands of feet swallowed towards Hughes with a wide mouth of tens of meters.

"Magic Whale," Hughes cried in surprise.

Wanlaizhen water has extremely horrible corrosion, and it is difficult for living beings to live in it, but there are always exceptions. There are still some living creatures in Wanlaizhen water, but those are subtle microorganisms, and large organisms do not appear at all. Ever.

It is understandable that the food needed by large creatures is an astronomical figure, and the limited organisms in the late Laizhen water are simply not enough for large creatures to prey. Over time, they will disappear and become extinct. This is an inevitable trend.

But the whale that appears now, thousands of feet, completely shocked Hughes, which really subverted his cognition.

The same is true of Yuan Shang, who stood on the shore. He has been to the wilderness several times, and has always been peaceful. It can even be said that he has not seen large creatures in the past three years in Wuyue City. He was so caught off guard.

Hughes wants to use the "galaxy" to hide, but the rules here are too thin to cross the space in time. The blood mouth of the whale has been opened, and Hughes is swallowed by the whale, and it is silent until the real water of the night. among.

Yuan Shang quickly recovered, and looked at the Devil Whale in anger, rushing forward without saying a word, trying to kill the Devil Whale and rescue Hughes, but the Devil Whale's speed was too fast. Without giving Yuanshang the opportunity to sink into the lake, the surface of the lake was calm, the lake water was very turbid, and the bottom of the lake could not be seen at all, and even the length of the finger could not be seen clearly, let alone the figure of the whale.

Looking at the lake that was not completely calm, and some waves were rolling, Yuan Shang jumped in as soon as he gritted his teeth. A strange film was formed on Yuanshang's body, and Wanlai Zhenshui couldn't rot, and the film could absorb Wanlai Zhenshui, and instantly became the same breath, moving quickly.

After Huss entered the belly of the whale, after a period of subversion and tumbling, the collision everywhere finally calmed down, but it was dark all around, and the sound of "chirping" continued to sound, and Huss felt his feet Slowly softening, it feels like standing on a swamp.

Hughes's hand ignited a flame, and looked around, and found that it was really like a utility room. The things were very chaotic. There were all kinds of things, but mainly the corpses and skeletons of various animals. But at the bottom is a ditch, with a lot of water, and also exudes a strong rot and acidity. Those "chirping" sounds are the sounds of things dissolving in the water.

"Is this the whale's stomach, then the water should be stomach acid to help dissolve food, but this stomach acid is really strong, and the speed of dissolving food is so fast." Hughes looked around The environment said.

Seeing that the food under his feet was about to be silent, Hughes quickly jumped on top of other things to avoid contaminating himself, while Hughes continued to observe the surrounding environment and was going to go out like this. Feeling the movement of the whale, it should be swimming in the sea at this moment.

"Looking at the whale's meat should be very thick, the skin should be a little strong, comparable to the magic weapon, if it is launched with full force, it should be no problem. But after going out, it is necessary to face the real water of Wanlai, which is really true. I am not sure. What I want to do now is to comprehend the God of "Lan Lai", then I will be fearless." Hughes thought of it and felt "Wan Lai". What I want to do, after all, this is the strongest real water, and it ranks among the best in many water properties.

"Even Lai", coupled with the "weak water", "extreme", "lie salt" and "offset" that Hughes had previously learned, even if Hughes realized more than half of the real water, Hughes's water properties must be There is a great enhancement.

There are eight kinds of real water, namely "condensation", "evening", "offset", "cut off", "lie salt", "speak", "extreme", "weak water", which are real water Eight extremes.

The whale lives in the real water of Wanlai, and the body contains the real water of Wanlai. Hughes wants to find it. After getting the real water of Huailai, Hughes begins to understand the laws contained in it and understand the mood. .

Hughes encapsulated Wanlai Real Water with other real water, then swallowed it in his belly, immersed it in it, and fumbled.

The floating dewdrops surround Hughes, condensing into various forms, which change with Hughes's movements. Even Lai Zhenshui integrates into Hughes' body, like a wild horse that has been subdued and becomes docile.

"It turned out to be this way." Hughes had a clear understanding in his heart, and could understand the hidden rules of Wanlai.

The dewdrops were condensed, and a smooth column appeared behind Hughes, flashing with brilliance, that is, "Wailai".

But just when Hughes wanted to bomb the whale out, the whale was constantly shaking, and his body became very vibrating, or subversive, as if struggling, and the cry of the whale was full of Hughes In his ears, Hughes didn't even know what was going on, he could only protect himself first.

It didn't take long for the commotion to calm down, and the tearing sound was heard, and then Hughes saw the faint light coming from outside, and a long knife pierced the whale's abdomen.

Did someone hunt the whale? Was the scream of the whale just now? The strength of this whale is not weak, at least in the aura, plus his huge body and environmental advantages, who can kill the whale in such a clean way, it seems somewhat impossible.

And here should be around the wildness, there are other people? These are doubtful points.

"The harvest this time was great. It was a devil whale. It should be enough for the tribe to eat for a while. I didn't expect today's luck to be so good. I came out and encountered this dead whale." The voice from outside came in, and the sound was a bit vicissitudes. , Is the voice of a middle-aged man.

The abdomen was completely cut open, full of light, and Hughes stepped out without any hesitation.

The middle-aged man who was dealing with the body of the whale came to Hughes after he came out, but he was stupefied, saying: "How can there be a person here that has not been digested, and the digestive system of the whale is famous."

"Who are you, what are you wearing, it still looks very smooth, the pattern is very beautiful." The man asked strangely.

The houses surrounded by straw sheds are very backward. They are all wearing straw and animal skins. They are completely the appearance of primitive tribes, and they are incompatible with the people now.

The arrival of Hughes caused a sensation in the tribe. All the people came to watch. This made Hughes feel awkward. He was like a monkey in the circus. People looked at him with very curious eyes. , As if to see the truth and thoroughly study Hughes.

Finally, the oldest and most noble person in the tribe came, flooded, that was the head of the tribe.

Flooding dispelled the tribe and led him into the grass shed, which made Hughes relax a little. The kind of high-intensity "attention", Hughes was really uncomfortable.

"They are not malicious, except that no outsiders have come here for thousands of years, and there are no other interesting things here. They are all fixed and a little boring. Your arrival makes people feel curious, and there is such a reaction." Flooded explained.

"You should be swallowed by the whale and bring it to this place. Your luck is still good. Let us rescue it in time. Otherwise, it may become our "food"." Shui Yan is joking. Said: "I don't know what your name is, if it's convenient, just say it, so that we can call it."

"My name is Hughes, you can call it casually." Hughes responded, and then asked curiously: "Where is this place? The recklessness seems to have no vitality, and it is filled with Yinsha gas. A place full of vitality."

"No one can find it here. You can come here purely by luck. Even the strongest in the Holy Land cannot come here, because this is a special eternal enchantment that is tens of thousands of miles under the water of the late Laizhen. In the world of Hengsha that hides the real water, even if you can come here, you can’t notice it.” Shui Yan proudly said: “This was created by my ancestors, and it can be reflected from here. We all know the outside information, but the time of refraction is limited, so we don’t know very well, but it is enough."

"Actually tens of thousands of miles under the late Laizhen." This makes Hughes completely stunned, it is really incredible, then how strong their ancestors should be, at least they should be the greats of the emperor level.

"My ancestor is a great black emperor, and we are all descendants of the black emperor." Shui Yan said proudly.

"The Black Emperor and the Water Emperor." Hughes called out. With such patience and deep understanding of the water, Hughes could only think of him.

"You actually know, I really didn't think about it. Where do people still remember the existence of our ancient five races? They have fallen." Shui Yan sighed a little, and the former glory was forgotten by people. This is a kind of shame.

"Of course, I have been to the emperor of the Green Emperor, the Green Emperor, and the Emperor Chi Emperor of the Golden Emperor.

"Have you ever seen them, how are they doing, and how are you doing?" For those friends who existed in ancient friendship, they were comforted in their hearts and asked with joy.

"The Mu tribe is a bit difficult, but the Jin tribe is a little better. In the space fault, it is isolated from the world, and it is still easy to live, but their cultivation is a bit lazy, even the one just now is not as good, and I am slightly Under induction, I found that you still have a digital holy land here." Hughes said roughly.

"Cultivation is high. This is inevitable. Otherwise, you can't survive here. It's a pure land, surrounded by mountains. Behind the mountains is the real Shura site. The monsters are powerful and terrible, especially This is even more true of those pure-blooded creatures. The talents and supernatural powers are very powerful, but we have to fight with them, otherwise we will be starved to death." Shui Yan said with a bit of sigh.

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