Pioneer Knight

Chapter 848:

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"Okay, now is not the time to say that, let's go quickly. Although the "Water Film Tianlin" in the emperor's mausoleum was opened, but how many forces are watching?"

A sacred lotus spit out in the mouth of Chi kiss, but the lotus was surrounded by crystals outside the lotus, and he couldn't see his blooming appearance, but even so, it makes people feel very amazing to see it, that is the world The most beautiful flowers.

Jingshi Xuelian was thrown on top of the Mingzhuo River, and the crystal was immediately contaminated and broken, but Jingshi Xuelian resisted the erosion of Mingzhuo, and the lotus was blooming continuously, while the lotus that was infected was constant. She fell to the ground.

Xuan Xuan, Zhi Zhi, Pi Yao took advantage of this opportunity to quickly cross the Jingshi Snow Lotus to the opposite side of the Mingzhuo River. In the moment they passed, the Jingshi Snow Lotus was completely contaminated and became turbid, just like It was the angels who fell, and the holy clothes were contaminated and turned into black.

They did not stay and hurried towards the emperor's tomb.

Suddenly a wind came with rain, and there was a figure standing on top of the wind and rain, and it seemed to be a great shore. It was the deep-sea magic whale. He looked at the pure blood creatures such as the distant monk, and was annoyed, saying: "I didn't expect it to be a step behind, it's awful, hum."

The hands of the deep sea whale are in one place, and countless evening Lai real water comes out, directly drowning those staying monsters, "If that is the case, then I will charge some interest first."

Where those monsters are the opponents of the deep sea whale, they were directly overwhelmed, and there was no chance of a backhand, they were all dead, but the deep sea whale was not wasted, and they all swallowed and licked them with wide mouths. Licking his tongue, he said: "It's really useless, even half full."

"Water Spirit Pearl"

The magic beads on the head of the deep sea whale exude a strange light, covering the whole body of the deep sea whale, like a protective film, with the current constantly rolling and rolling.

"Fortunately, I got the Aquarium's Treasure Water Spirit Pearl in advance. Otherwise, I really don't know how to cross this turbid river. The Black Emperor really doesn't stop, and he still has so many famous places."

The deep-sea magic whale walked step by step on the surface of the life-turbid river. Life-turbidity desperately wanted to erode the deep-sea magic whale, but could not break through the protective film formed by the water spirit beads.

The deep sea whale was very indifferent and went to the opposite bank of the Mingzhuo River.

What happened in front of the Emperor's Mausoleum had disappeared when Huss arrived, and there was no trace of it at all. It was like no one had been here, so Huss had some doubts about whether the palace there was. Emperor Mausoleum.

Seeing the signs on the map, and then finding some iconic things, Hughes was relieved.

It seems that the deep-sea whales have come in long ago.

It’s not too late, but when Hughes walked to the river, he felt that the river was awkward. At first glance, he felt filthy. It was like encountering the most unbearable things. , And trembling, that is the dirtiest thing in the world.

This kind of feeling Hughes had had before, that is, in the "Ten Mai Realm", the feeling that Soul Turbid Wood gave Hughes was like this, but it was not so strong.

"Then it should be Wuzhuo." Hughes thought to himself.

Hughes has no worries at this point. Although Wuzhuo is very powerful, but there is an opponent who is the master of the "Ten Temple" Hughes, the king of the ten palaces can control Wuzhuo, and the ten palaces are around repression. With five turbidity.

Hughes knows that the "Ten Temple" is a very powerful existence, but now it has not fully unearthed the potential of the "Ten Temple", and even the most basic ten temples have not been fully opened, and now only the Qin Guangdian and Chujiang temple. The rotating hall is opened.

In fact, this is not that Hughes does not want to open more ten temples, but that Hughes’s soul has limited power, and it is impossible to control more of the ten temples. These three halls are already the limit of Hughes. Now Hughes What is urgent is the spiritual enhancement.

Hughes summoned the Ten Halls, absorbing the turbidity of life, and let him surround the Ten Halls, showing the scene that the ancient Ten Halls should have, so as to be able to show stronger power. The ten palaces are virtual, and the entities he displays are only the projections of the real ten temples of ghosts. After all, the power of the ancient ten palaces is invincible. Know that every ten palace king is a strong man of the emperor level. , Is the existence of invincible combat power.

After the ten temples of Hughes absorbed life turbidity, the soul turbid wood, which was still in the mind of Hughes, seemed to have a sense. It actually took the initiative to fly into those life turbidities, absorbing a lot of life turbidity, in the surprise eyes of Hughes. , He actually germinated, and slowly grew into a sapling, swaying and swaying, it looked very good.

"What the **** is this? Actually it's still dead, hey." Hughes only expressed no solution to this situation, which was really beyond his expectations.

At this time, the soul of Hughes' long-lost spirit was a little loose, like there was a tendency to grow, but this was a little joy in Hughes's heart. The Soul Mudwood actually has such ability, which is really unexpected.

What Hughes didn’t know is that the turbid wood is the only tree that can grow in the "five turbidities". Even the cypress tree, which is the first tree in the world, cannot survive in it, so it can be seen that it is special. The reason why he can survive The reason is because the soul turbid wood is made by pouring the blood of the Lord of Darkness, each of which contains his great effort, not to mention the other, but the dark effort, which is very remarkable Treasure is the object that people scramble for.

Being able to become the master of the Ten Temples, to be precise, can open up the people who created the Ten Temples. In this way, people may be more clear about the sky, then it is not a strong person at the heaven and earth level, but it should be infinitely close to the place of heaven and earth. , More than the current great emperor.

Hughes had a great awe of the darkness itself.

Emperor Mausoleum.

Zan Xuan, Pi Xiu, Chi Chi, deep sea whales are blocked.

Heidi is fully prepared, leaving a lot of backhand, and all means are very strong, whether it is a test, or protection treasure.

When they stepped into the Emperor's Tomb, the two gates came out on both sides of the Emperor's Tomb. There were countless demons, and the heavenly demons flew out of it.

Yin Demon and Heavenly Demon are all invisible bodies, and the physical attack on them is very weak. Only the spiritual essence will attack them. Of course, if your strength is strong enough, it will still be effective.

Seeing that it is Yin Demon, Tian De, and Zhan Lu, their faces have changed a little, and they are slightly contaminated, which is very harmful to the spirit, and this is a thing of ghosts, not belonging to the world.

There are a lot of Yin Devil and Tian De, covering the sky and covering the sky. Numerous bubbles are emerging from the underground of the Emperor's Mausoleum. The bubbles are covered. Each bubble emits a dim light under the illumination of light. It also reveals a lot of reflections, with many The trees have live creatures moving around.

It turned out to be a space everywhere.

"This is ~~~~~~~~."

"Foam space, this is the most powerful means of Heidi. Every drop of water can evolve into a bubble space. Heidi's mastery of water has reached the peak level. No wonder he can be ranked second among the five emperors, just under the yellow emperor. ."

"Don't touch the bubble, if you enter it, you need to accept the test to be able to come out." Pi Xiu, who knows the inside best, faced Zhan Xuan and said Chi kiss.

But it was too late, the monk, who was threatened by the evil demon and the celestial devil, the deep sea whale next to it fell into the rock, facing the monk, it was a palm. not see.

"You dare to do this, I will let you die." Chi kiss said angrily looking at the deep sea whale.

"As long as the three of you are not together, I don't have any fear at all. I think you should go down and look for Zhan Lian." The deep sea whale said with a sneer.

"Courage, I won't make you feel better." Chi kiss said.

"Five Ridges and Six Beasts"

Chi kiss shows his supernatural powers, and he desperately wants to fight with the deep sea whale, not to care about those evil demons and heavenly demons, but take advantage of this, and directly turn into the body of Chi kiss, let him be green and look He seemed to be hindered, but he was still heading towards the deep sea whale, desperately.

"It's stupid." The deep-sea whale retreated somewhat. This was not afraid, but felt very worthless.

"Seal Tianyang"

Pixiu attacked in the back with an assault, and wanted to drive the deep sea whale into the bubble space. He was their competitor and even their enemy.

"I really thought I was afraid of you." The force of the deep sea whale also came up and said: "If that is the case, then let's see who is powerful."

"Whale Swallows"

The strong collision caused all three people to be injured, but the Yin Demon seized such a good opportunity and wanted to enter their body to absorb food and become more powerful.

But in the depths of the Emperor's Mausoleum, a chase game was staged. The snow-white beast followed the man in black, and the scene became a little weird.

The snow-white beast escaped from the black man chasing behind him, making a space jump, but could not leave the palace in any way, while the black man in the back kept talking and abducting the snow-white beast,

"Little beast, come out quickly, and never come out again, it will be blooming."

"Little beast, little beast, come out quickly, I have a garden."


The words of the man in black are of no use to the little beast who already knows who he is. This will only cause him panic.

"If you don't come out again, after letting me catch you, I will castrate you first. I can see that you are still a young bird. I haven't experienced that wonderful experience yet. It's really memorable."

Still no response.

"I know this is a bit early for you, you are not yet an adult, okay, this is my fault, you should come out quickly."

"Well, you know you can't escape. All around here are imprisoned. You are going to be caught by me sooner or later. No one can come in here. I advise you to die that heart. "

"I said you'd better say it anyway, if it's not because you have the'Void Bone', I will have eaten you long ago, the old guy of Void Emperor, when I asked for death, let him put the'Void' It’s passed to me, he just didn’t agree, otherwise I wouldn’t be able to see your'Void Bone'."

"Although I am still in a state of disappointment, and Xiu Wei has not recovered, but how do I say that I am a character of your ancestors, I bully you, that is worth your time."

"If I don't come out again, I'm really angry. My sloppy truth is not a lie."

"This black emperor is really, actually trapped me for so many years, wasn't he eating his pet snake, it was really stingy. I haven't encountered anyone who can play and talk all these years, now It was difficult to break into a small beast, but it was still the old guy of the Void Emperor. It seems that I have really been unlucky recently. The years are not good. The encounters are all enemies. The most hateful thing is that the Black Emperor still has every time. So I sent out a demon to torture me, let me make people who are not human, ghosts or ghosts, if it is not here that the essence of the evil source emperor's blood drops, let him integrate into my body, or else I will It could really die."

"But the Great Emperor Evil is not a good thing, but I know what kind of idea it is. I want to be able to get the treasures left by the Black Emperor in the Emperor's Tomb. A high degree, I want to be flush with the sky, I think it is really good, but I will never let you wish, the emperor's treasure "Heidi Feng Ruipo" should be mine, he owes me so For many years, I should have made up for my losses."

"If you let me go out, I will definitely kill your whole family, Black Emperor, you just wait for me."

"Little beast, I've played enough. If you don't come out again, I really have to do it."

There is no movement.

"It's really stubborn, just like the old Emperor of the Void Emperor, a guy who doesn't see the coffin and does not cry. Since that is the case, then let you try the nirvana that I have worked **** all these years."

But suddenly the Emperor's Mausoleum shook, and the Emperor's Mausoleum cracked innumerable gaps, innumerable evil spirits, and heavenly demons fluttered out, with foam.

"Someone broke into the Emperor's Mausoleum and destroyed Heidi's "Water Film Tianlin". This really surprised me. I heard that Heidi can hide the seal deep in the deep ground of Hengsha World. Somewhere in the lake is hard to find, but now it is broken."

"Haha, Heidi, you've done your job. Unexpectedly, something went wrong. The world of Hengsha you worked hard for many years is about to be destroyed." Sloppy Zhensheng said with a laugh, looking very happy.

"Oops, underneath this Emperor's Tomb is the suppression of the existence of one of the only three reincarnation passages, and underneath it is directly connected to the Yanluo Hall among the Ten Halls. Yan Fu may have to bring water up, that's Hades The extremely weak water is the water of injustice, unique to Yanluodian, even the true holy ones can't bear it, because the fruit is too big, not to mention my current body."

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