Pioneer Knight

Chapter 851:

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Finally, Hughes finally succeeded. The whole body is rippling with blue light, and the perfect streamline is matched with the smooth curve, which is very strong.

"Chaotic **** body"

Hughes combined these two to form the new strongest body called "chaotic **** body", the strongest body. Hughes is very satisfied, this is the physical feeling, very comfortable.

"Tao level." Hughes felt the strength of the body and judged, and it also reached the intermediate level, with the level of the true holy level. Based on this, Hughes could be invincible without the action of the emperor. Ground.

At this time, "Heidi Feng Ruipo" was also completely absorbed by Hughes. Heidi's phantom has been able to condense the entity. The understanding of water has reached an invincible level, even Heidi's supernatural powers." "Water Dream Bubble" Hughes has also learned.

This time Hughes's harvest is huge, the flesh morals, the realm of heaven and the realm of heaven, and the spirits of the heavens are completely awakened, plus the various magical powers, martial arts, and understanding of the Tao of the Black Emperor.

In short, the gains of Hughes are huge, a comprehensive upgrade, just like the opening in the game console, reaching the peak level.

Yan Futi water is still coming out, the rolling Yan Futi water shows, Hughes walks on it, Wan Fa does not touch him, those Yan Futi water can't get close to Hughes, wandering.

Regarding the situation of the Emperor's Tomb, Hughes now has the overall picture.

Those bubble spaces are not difficult for Hughes, who has mastered the "water dream bubble" supernatural power.

Hughes sensed Zu Xian, Pi Xiu, Chi Chi, Deep Sea Whale, and Ke Ke. Hughes was a little excited. He didn't expect Ke Ke to be here, but he was fine.

"Hey, there are still people, who are chasing Ke Ke, seems to be very strong." Hughes said slightly.

Speaking of Hughes, he enters the bubble space. That is Hughes' own bubble, which is infinitely enlarged. It quickly covers all the bubbles and merges with each other to form a new bubble, the only bubble.

The 狴犴, Pi Yao, Chi Kiss, Deep Sea Whale, Ke Ke, and that sloppy True Saint are all here, appearing in front of Hughes.

The bubble spaces are harmonious with each other and integrated into a single bubble, and everyone falling into the bubble also appears in the same place.

When Ke Ke saw Hughes, he was stunned for a moment. His little head turned, and he wanted to explain the things in front of him with reasonable reasons, and he also looked at whether Hughes was the person he knew. Now Hughes gave him It was a strange feeling that he dared not go for a while.

Several other people were also stunned. The changes in the surrounding scene kept them cautious, looking around, trying to find out if it was a trap of the Black Emperor.

Hughes stepped in front of Ke Ke, and now he has a breakthrough in spatial attributes. If the speed is three times that of "Xinghe", he is now called "Universe" by Hughes.

When no one could see clearly, Hughes came to Ke Ke's side, knocked on his head, and said with a smile: "Why, don't you know me."

Seeing the familiar smile and intimate movements, Ke Ke instantly recognized that this was Hughes and the person he knew. There was nothing wrong with it, and Ke Ke rushed towards Hughes. Is wronged.

It also refers to the sloppy True Saint, accusing him of all kinds of evil deeds, telling the whole story.

It turned out that Ke Ke was very naughty after he inherited the skeleton of the Void Beast. He wanted to try the power of the move, but he didn't expect to come to the wildness, and the surrounding of the wildness was forbidden. The law of space is of no use at all. Of course, the most important thing is that Ke Ke’s cultivation is too low, and he has never realized the true meaning of the void.

Then, I walked around in the wildness and encountered a lot of dangers. Finally, I found a stale ancient altar in a very evil place deep in the wildness, all around the altar Black gas, and there is a very strange and miserable cry, which seems very terrifying.

Ke Ke was there by mistake, bumped into one of them forbidden, and then came to the Emperor's Tomb, followed by the good things done by the sloppy True Saint.

The current Hughes is not the same as before, the realm has been greatly improved, and the eyesight has also been enhanced. Among these people, the only thing that can’t be seen is the sloppy true holy, and the Hughes of the Holy Realm can see through, then explain The person in front of him is going to exceed the existence of the Holy Realm, then the result is called out, "Emperor Realm", he is the Emperor Realm. Hughes's heart tightened, Emperor Realm, which was a word enough to attract his attention.

It's just that Sloppy True Saint didn't give Hughes a very powerful feeling, and there was no such unfathomable nerve touch. Presumably he had a hidden disease, Hughes judged.

Since this is the case, it is easy to manage, and Hughes does not have to be in such a fear.

"I didn't expect it was you. You didn't go when there was a way to heaven. You broke in without hell. When I wanted to let you go, I didn't expect you to dare to come here. It's too long." After seeing Hughes, he said in a low voice.

"Really?" Hughes said lightly. "Then I will give you a chance now to see how you killed me."

If Hughes didn’t hurt, it would make the deep-sea whale angry. He was in a bad mood. There was no place for venting. Hughes, the ants he looked down upon, didn’t dare to talk to him like this. The anger in his heart was conceivable, and he said angrily to Hughes: "It's really death."

The tail of the deep sea whale is very vigorous and powerful, swinging the tail and flicking towards Huss, but Huss does not have any movement, the body does not move at all, but gently lifts his right hand toward the tail of the deep sea whale. go with.

No one has any hope for Hughes. Although they have not seen Hughes, they can see the realm of Hughes now, the heavenly realm. It’s just that Hughes is special, and there are some things that even they can’t see through. Hughes’s body seems to be surrounded by a mysterious veil, blocking their consciousness, and Hughes also has a very mysterious power to let Their consciousness was anxious.

They both frowned, feeling that Hughes was very mysterious, but no matter how the peak of the Holy Realm compared with the Heavenly Realm, there was no suspense.

The deep-sea whale saw that Hughes did not move, only thinking that Hughes was shocked by his power and had no time to react. The gap between the two was like a chasm, which was simply irreparable. But he never imagined that Hughes would have such a big opportunity in a short time, but even to an extremely abnormal level. If he knew, he wouldn’t know if he would feel depressed and vomit blood. Why is the gap so big? He waited for tens of thousands of years without results, but he was accidentally hit by Hughes and hit by accident. The occasion of life is so wonderful.


An amazing scene appeared. They all glared and looked at the scene in front of them in disbelief. Zhan Qian rubbed his eyes vigorously, trying to see if the scene he had just seen was true , Or his mind was conceived and conceived.

But in any case, this is very unreasonable, it is really unreasonable, because the powerful blow of the deep sea whale has no use at all, Hughes has no movement at all, and his right hand is even a little bit. There are no red seals.

Instead, there is a large slap hole in the tail of the deep sea whale, which directly penetrates, leaving a lot of blood underground.

Bizarre, it's really bizarre, they wouldn't even think of the result of killing them.

Even the Deep Sea Whale couldn’t believe it, his expression was dull, and he muttered in his mouth, "How is this possible."

"Since you have already made a move, the result is so disappointing, and it is shameful to stay here, then I will let you look at our gap."

"One World"

Hughes came to the deep sea whale and hit him with a punch. Hughes’ fist looked very soft, and there were still waves on it, like there was no strength at all, but the deep sea whale did not It was flying backwards, hitting hundreds of miles of big pits on the ground, lifting huge water vapor, and the deep sea whale was lying on the ground on the spot without moving.

With this move by Hughes, no one would dare to underestimate Hughes. Now they have determined that it was not a dream at all, but real. They are full of awe of Hughes.

Hughes did not pay attention to them, but looked at the "water spirit beads" in his hand. It is now collecting more than three. It seems that it does not take too long to complete the task.

"Shui Lingzhu." Sloppy Zhen Sheng said in a deep voice: "How can I say that the entire Emperor's Mausoleum did not find him, it was originally taken by him."

"What you just used should be'Heidi Water Emperor Gong', if you say this,'Heidi Feng Ruipo', it is coming from you, otherwise you wouldn't have such a mood, then It's beyond what you can understand now." said Deng Zhenzhen.

"That's right." There is no need to deny this, Hughes admitted.

"Actually what you got," said Zan Xuan, staring at Hughes, and Pixiu and Chi kiss also moved.

"I'm wondering how you escaped the "Yanfu water", but it was a doom with great sins, no one could bear it if contaminated, if my feelings were correct, I would raise water in Yanfu The moment you want to erupt, you haven't gotten'Heidi Feng Ruipo'." Scruffy True Saint said curiously.

"That’s my secret. Maybe I’ll tell you if I’m in a good mood one day, but now I’m going to avenge Ke Ke. I heard that you take special care of him, so I treat you special. "Shuyin said with a smile.

"It's you? Well, since you don't want to say it, just let me verify it personally, don't think it's great to get'Heidi Feng Ruipo', but it turns out that it's nothing at all." The anger was raised by Hughes and said in a deep voice.

"Although we don't know who you are, we don't have hatred, but since you get'Heidi Feng Rupper', then we have a grudge,'Heidi Feng Rupper' we must get it." Said.

"That's right, I also want to prove where my limits are, so come on."

"Altar Judging Smoke"

"Five Ridges and Six Beasts"


Zhan Xian, Zhi Chi, and Pi Xiu all exhibit magical powers, and powerful powers burst out, and the foam space changes for them, as if they are about to burst at any time, and then their magical powers form a triangle, which actually merges with each other. A faint scream came out.

That is a real dragon, a real dragon, howling, it has the power beyond the realm of the Holy Realm, to the level of the Emperor Realm.

And the attack of sloppy True Saint over there has also come to Hughes, and a pagoda appears in his hand, the air of the mysterious yellow is rippling outside, and the weight of a kilogram of gravity overwhelms him, exerting a powerful power in the hands of sloppy True Saint. .

Although the sloppy True Saint has the state of the True Saint, he has been tortured and hurt all year round in the Emperor's Tomb. There is not much left in his body of essence, and the only power he can exert is the peak of the Holy Realm. , But now with the help of the pagoda, the Xuanhuang pagoda is able to show a stronger power, the power of the true god.


"Chaotic **** body"

The whole body of Hughes was glowing with blue light. You Long wandered around Hughes, and she was not afraid of the attack of Shou Sheng and Shou Zhenzhen.

And his left hand is filled with black gas, but it is very different from the black pagoda, exuding trembling sins and evil spirits.

"Yanfu Lifting Water" After seeing that, the sloppy Zhensheng showed a shocked look, looked at Hughes with incredible eyes, and said, "How can you control Yanfu Lifting Water."

At this time, their attack had come to Hughes, but Hughes's whole body was like a city wall. It was extremely strong. The real dragon and the Xuanhuang Pagoda could not penetrate Hughes' body. Yan Fu's water was drowned on them.

The result of the battle is self-evident, and Hughes's invincible performance is most vivid.

Hughes can really say that he is full of vigour, peerless style, the power of sloppy true saints and Hughes’s simplicity, plus the shocking results, these need not be stated, need not be said, and the strong contrast puts the two Fang's image makes the most striking contrast.

Hughes wins, the victory is so thorough, so clean, so that people feel like they are still in a dream, not sober.

Yan Futi flooded them with water, strong sins shrouded in them, the sky appeared cloud robbing, injustice Jackie Chan was entangled with them, and the disaster was accompanied by them, thunder and lightning flashed in the foam space Crossing and pouring on them, Yan Fu's water infiltrated their souls and turned into countless wronged souls, singing in their souls, screaming and tearing.

It makes people feel hairy all over, with a feeling of electric shock, like seeing corpses everywhere on the street, blood staining the entire street, people's intestines are pulled out, and there are several crows in the sky The scene that "quack" called.

It is a scene that people can hardly look at directly, unlimited resentment, unlimited sin, unlimited injustice.

Hughes was shocked when he saw it. This is Yan Fudi. He has a feeling of vomiting, which is really disgusting, but Yan Futi water on his soul is not like this. Hughes has a strange feeling.

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