Pioneer Knight

Chapter 854:

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"It just happened that my sperm blood was a little wrong. Just try it with you, and just charge the interest. This Nantianmen is very good. It will become my territory in the future and establish the evil source heaven."

"Boundary River Torrent"

Numerous cracks appeared around the Wuyue dynasty, and numerous tumbles emerged from it, which were red and resembled blood.

The torrent was rolling, surrounding the Wuyue dynasty, and the emergence of blood made people look in panic. Someone wanted to rush out, but only when they touched the red water, they saw that their bodies disappeared at a visible speed. This makes many people startled.

During the torrent riots, people could only retreat backwards, but when they ran over the peak of the imperial capital, they found that the other side also had a torrent, and people fell into despair. The trend of the torrent broke out more seriously, but only in The instantaneous time completely submerged the entire Wuyue dynasty.

The voices of people struggling with pain are mourning everywhere, and countless people are making a stern and desperate voice, full of resentment and mourning.

Emperor Evil opened his ears and listened to these cries, as if he heard the most beautiful voice in the world, they also showed a very intoxicated look, this is the most beautiful music.

"This sad and sad and desperate voice will always be that sweet, and it will really fascinate people." Evil King Yuan said to himself.

"It must have been familiar with the essence and blood that I left at this time, and the pieces under the arrangement should also play a role. As long as I obtain the original strength of the great emperors, my strength may be able to be further improved. The final impact is more certain."

"Evil Sky, come to me."

Emperor Yuanyuan's figure rose indefinitely, heading towards the sky, until the distant sky that no one could see.

This distance should be very good, then let's start, Evil Yuanyuan said to him in his heart.

Reopening the world is two different ways from transforming the world, but which one is simpler? Some people may think that it is the former, but people are wrong. In fact, the latter is far more difficult than the former.

The development of heaven and earth is like not to say that there is will in heaven and earth itself, that is, the rules at the beginning of heaven and earth, the rules are fixed. If you want to transform heaven and earth, you need stronger strength and realm than heaven and earth itself.

Of course, Nantianmen is relatively simple. Nantianmen itself is the ancient imperial capital. In essence, it cannot be regarded as a regular heaven and earth, but only as a weapon, but he is a little special. It blends in heaven and earth. Some abilities are not very complete.

In fact, wanting to transform Nantianmen into "evil source heaven" is not the impulse of evil source emperor, but he thinks a lot, he just wants to verify his power, he merges the power of chaos evil source To what extent.

Because he doesn't know his depth now, only knows that he has made great progress, but how far away is he from the world, he wants to know.

This is very different from the original Protoss split domain. The Protoss split domain wants to split the world, and the world is still the world. It just wants to divide him into two worlds. What the evil source emperor has to do is Devastate the world and rule the world with his own will. He wants to be a real world, which is quite different.

In fact, whether it is the original continent, Xintiandi, or innumerable fault spaces, and the nine nebulae deduced by the seven-star true monarch, they are essentially the same heaven and earth, and they are all subject to the jurisdiction of heaven and earth.

Because they are influenced by the same kind of laws, divine principles, and Taoism.

But heaven and earth are fictitious. What kind of heaven and earth is there, does it have its own will? No one can give enough explanation. Some people say that the king of chaos is the world of chaos. This is true or false, who It is impossible to judge.

And heaven and earth can mobilize the power of the whole heaven and earth, whether it is various emperors, or the souls of the whole heaven and earth are controlled by heaven and earth.

Heaven and earth are like the largest clan source, controlling all living things.

When the evil source emperor summoned his apprentices and descendants, in the wildness, the black coffin under the altar had a movement, and the sound of life knocking became louder, until the final strong shock riot, the four beasts and five Yues The totem was completely washed away, a dark arm came out of the coffin, and then a figure sat up and walked out.

"桀桀" was stern, and a yell came from the man's mouth. He said sharply: "I am the left guardian of the evil source emperor. I call evil, welcome to evil source heaven, to celebrate your knowledge, Then I will kill you."

For the changes that occurred in Nantianmen, Hughes clearly sensed it, but this scene is really too grand. He simply did not give Hughes more opportunities to react, and everything has fallen to the ground.

Especially when Emperor Yuanyuan was born, Wuyue Mountain collapsed, and the **** riots, no matter what kind of things, now Hughes could not stop it. Even if it arrived, there was still no use.

Hughes knew that Nantianmen was finished and became a **** on earth, and Wanmin wanted to escape, unless other emperors intervened, otherwise it would be impossible.

Therefore, the decision made by Hughes now is to quickly find Yuan Merchant, and then stay away from here, to avoid its sharp edge, the level of the emperor is not within the reach of Hughes now.

Hughes never thought of being the savior of this world, his purpose is very simple, just want to protect the people he loves, no matter who the other person is, as long as they hurt them, they will kill them to death . Hughes has always had only this belief, this belief.

"I found it. I didn't expect it to go to the world of Hengsha." The soul of Hughes searched the entire recklessness, but finally realized the position of Yuan Shang.

"One World"

The figure of Hughes jumped in the space wormhole, across the area of ​​God's rule, and came to Yuan Shang.

At the moment, Yuan Shang was fighting the Shui people.

The man of the aquarium, Hughes, knew it. It was the middle-aged man who dissected the whale to let Hughes out. It was called the water mill. It was one of the few holy realms in the aquarium. The combat power was very strong.

But Yuan Shang is also not weak. Although he only has the strength of Heavenly King Realm, his physique is very special, and it is the most weird "Mu Lihuai", which makes his battle with Shuimo not fall down. .

"It seems that Yuan Shang has grown a lot in these years, and it is no longer the ignorant young man before." Hughes thought after seeing this scene.

Hughes came to the middle of their battle, grabbing the fist of the water mill with his left hand, and resisting the attack of Yuanshang with his right hand. Both of them stopped the attack suddenly, and instinctively wanted to draw a counterattack, but after seeing Hughes The thoughts of wanting to attack have stopped, staring at Hughes stunnedly, obviously not thinking.

"Sue, you have nothing."

"It's you."

Yuan Shang, Shuimo said in unison.

They looked at it and said, "You actually know."

Then there is no need to say more, they stop here. Hughes asked why they were arguing.

In fact, they only had minor contradictions. The Emperor's Mausoleum was rioted. The people of the Aquarium sent the clan to come here, but they saw the Yuan Merchant. Originally there was nothing, but they saw the Yuan Merchant holding the Aquarium. "Moti", so it was determined that the Yuan merchants had stolen it, and there was controversy, and fighting became inevitable.

"Moti", a unique medicinal material of the aquarium, has a very important effect on the aquarium. It can lift the blood seal of the aquarium, and the perception of the water becomes particularly clear. It is said that the seal of the water is carved.

Naturally, "Mu Ti" has become the most precious place of the aquarium, but it did not happen that this happened. Of course, the aquarium was very angry.

In fact, Yuan Shang didn't even know that this "Mu Ti" was so precious. He dived into the real water of Wanlai. Although there was a "Mu Lihuahe" that made him fearless the real water of Wanlai, it was impossible in it. Unleashing his fighting power, he finally encountered the whale swarm.

Yuan Shang thought that Hughes was swallowed by the Devil Whale and would definitely return to the place where they lived. He followed the Devil Whale to this place. Unexpectedly, there was a huge shock and a strong wave, which he could not do. Obstructed, as long as you drift with the waves, it is not very clear where you end up, and then you come to the place where "Mu Ti" is located. That has a strong perception of the water, and Yuan Shang can feel it clearly, so give it to Picking, this is the whole thing.

In the end, the two sides looked at Hughes, and this matter was considered to have passed.

Hughes tells what he knows, and lets the aquarium see how to solve it, or the disaster may reach here soon.

When I heard Hughes say that the entire Wuyue dynasty had been ruined for a long time, all the cities and subjects were submerged by the red torrent, Yuan Shang was very angry, this is something that can’t be done. Anyway, Yuan Shang There are very deep feelings for it, and there is a place where he feels warm for the second time except for Hidden Assassination and Hughes.

Yuan Shang wanted to go back to revenge, but was blocked by Hughes. His current strength simply could not do anything. If he went there, it was undoubtedly a death-seeking act, which simply had no meaning.

Yes, Yuanshang really can't do anything. He felt the helpless feeling again. Last time, he lost the closest person, but this time it was the closest person in the whole group.

Hughes didn't have more time to wait for the aquarium to discuss things and make a decision. There was no time at all. Hughes put them all into the purple halo space and let them be in it. Because Hughes felt a huge threat to them.

There is nothing wrong with Hughes, a sudden drop of water in the sky turns into red, and the red water will change dramatically after landing, exuding a strong and pungent smell, full of gloomy smell, Very evil.

It is very similar to Yan Fu's lifting water, but it is different. Yan Fu's lifting water is sin, he is evil, real evil.

This is actually the evil spring of the evil source emperor, known as "Evil Spring Red Yan", which is comparable to Yan Fu's existence.

It is said that there is a quiet tan between heaven and earth, where is the source of all evil, the inspiration of evil source, there is a red river next to evil source, that is "Red Yan River". Saying that the river was originally clear, you can see the bottom at a glance, all the things in the water are unobstructed, but under the influence of the evil source, the depraved sins, containing the demon, span the three Yan Sansheng three words.

He was even more affected by the will of evil sources, who once scoured the entire world and caused great disasters. He was called the representative of disasters.

There are three kinds of things that are the most taboo in the river. They are Wuzhuo, Yan Fu lifts the water, and then the evil spring red Yan.

The five turbidities correspond to life. Yan Fu's water-lifting requires human luck, but Evil Spring Red Yan's requires human body.

All the people who fall into it melt their bodies and evolve into blood water. Some people say that the entire Red Yan River is made up of people's blood water.

From this, we can know its terrible place.

Now Nantianmen is full of evil springs and red Yan, and death is constantly increasing with the torrent. It seems to be a dead place here, and there is no life.

Hughes now feels the power of Hongquan Hong Yan, and dare not have any stay. With Yuanshang and others, he wants to go out of Nantian Gate.

At the far distance of Nantianmen, the emperor of Yuanyuan is carrying out his plan, wanting to change the entire Nantianmen to achieve his heavenly realm, evil source heavenly realm.

The projection of the ancient imperial capital is still desperately resisted, but it is not very useful. After the Wuyue **** lotus is broken, there are only three layers of power exerted by the ancient imperial capital, which is not enough in the eyes of the demon beast Not to mention, not to mention in front of the evil source emperor.

Moreover, the awakening of the evil source emperor caused his apprentices to wake up, slaughtering the entire Nantianmen, disasters everywhere, killings everywhere.

Evil kings, evil generals, evil slaves and so on spread all over Nantianmen.

The most amazing thing is that the evil spring red Yan does not harm these evils at all, but their supplements. The injured evil will wait for falling into the evil spring red Yan, and their injuries are recovered at a very fast rate. It was amazing.

Hughes hasn't gone away yet, there are many evil generals in the evil spring red Yanzhong, evil kings, and gangs surround Hughes, revealing a fierce light.

But the Hughes at this time is not the former Hughes, especially since the last time he opened, his current behavior is already regarded as the Emperor Realm, and he can compete with the powerful of the Emperor Realm. These evil generals, the evil king is naturally absent. In the eyes of Hughes.

Hughes's Chaos Divine Fist demonstrates his powerful domineering power. With his ability to destroy mountains and overturn the earth, he fell down with a punch, and a huge crater of thousands of miles appeared, sweeping across and burying countless evil generals. The Yuan Shang next to it was shocked.

Yuan Shang originally believed that these years of hard work, combined with abundant resources, his current strength should be able to overwhelm Hughes. When he met Hughes, he saw that Hughes’s realm was lower than him. I’m not embarrassed to say anything in this regard, I didn’t ask Hughes about the cultivation of things, but I didn’t expect Hughes to be so powerful, which is stronger than his lawless master. This really makes Yuan Shang hard to believe. Knowing that his master is talentless, it took hundreds of years to cultivate such a practice, and has been called a genius-like character, and how long Hughes has been practicing, he is even better than him. What kind of genius should it be? It is estimated that no one can define that there is a certain kind of person who needs the existence of others to look up, is to let others worship.

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