Pioneer Knight

Chapter 866:

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The purple halo space has three layers, the lightning layer, the Mingling pond, the swamp layer, and the Jiutian Realm are divided into nine layers, but in this case, the power cannot complement each other at all, and cannot exert their own power, and Although the four major spaces are all amazing, and their abilities are not weak, they are unable to coordinate, and Wei Neng also melts each other.

Hughes had thought about this problem very early, but he never thought of a way, because it was too difficult to solve at all, and Hughes could not find a way forward.

But today, seeing the "Ashura" trick by Wushui Emperor, it is a good way to deal with such problems, and it has greatly inspired Hughes.

The ruler is short and long, and I have always thought about how to dissolve the difference between them, but I did not expect them to "combine", just like a human, each part of the body does its own thing, each If they perform their duties, if they are asked to do the same thing, wouldn't it be a mess.

People walk with their feet, eat with their hands, talk with their mouths, think about their brains, and so on. This is how they do their jobs and do their own things. If they let their hands and feet eat, or walk, what would happen?

Hughes always wanted to use them to attack enemies at the same time, which will definitely lead to the collision of energy. This is an unavoidable thing. If they are used in a certain array, or practice, they will come. Show it, distinguish between the primary and the secondary, and then how much power will become different.

A door was opened in Hughes’s mind, and many thoughts appeared in his mind. It was precisely at this opportunity that Hughes had to make major adjustments. If this path was clear, Hughes believed that his strength would be very strong. Big promotion.

The rolling energy flows on Hughes' body, Hughes condenses the whole body with light, transforms the body with all his strength, and recasts the four spaces, Hughes's mind is full of right and wrong thoughts, there is a kind of epiphany, but There is still a bit of film that hasn't been punctured.


The four sea dragons, shrimps, soldiers and crabs will not wait for them to encounter such a situation. The Emperor Wushui disappears like this, without any signs. They looked at each other, they didn't know what to do for a while?

"What the **** is going on? Why did the Emperor Wushui suddenly disappear, and what happened to the four spirit beads on Hughes." Long Bei asked first.

"How are we going to do it now?" Long Dong asked that this matter was indeed very strange.

"Now don’t worry about so many things first. We have to protect the True Dragon Emperor so that his inheritance can proceed smoothly. What happened just now will definitely attract the attention of others. It is estimated that Dongsheng Shenzhou has been messed up now. Don't let them disturb the real dragon emperor." Long Nan, the most stable, said.

"Yes." The others agreed.

Long Nan's words are indeed correct. The present Dongsheng Shenzhou is indeed messed up. The scene just now made many people think that it is the end of the world. There is a sense of despair caused by great fear, so that they have a sense of their own Morality, the constraints of the rules are weakened to the extreme, what they regret doing, things they failed to do, things they did not enjoy but long for, ambitions, etc., all broke out at this moment.

Burning and looting, no evil, no evil, only bad things that you didn't think of, there are no bad things that they can't do. In short, Dongsheng Shenzhou has been completely reduced to **** on earth, and the killing continues.

All human ugliness broke out at this moment.

Evil Valley.

This is a forbidden place in Dongsheng Shenzhou. According to legend, there is a demon here. He has done all the evils. He once set off a **** storm, which caused the whole Dongsheng Shenzhou to be killed and injured millions.

The legend is true and false, and it is no longer possible to investigate it. This is how legends spread.

According to legend, as long as the sacrifice is made in the Valley of Evil Spirits, you can get shelter from the evil spirits, become a servant of the evil spirits, and be able to achieve immortality. It is also said that anyone who is protected by evil spirits has extraordinary achievements, with nose and eyes, and with eyes.

Previously, people did not believe much, but at this moment, in this situation, many people who want hope think of this legend and put all hope on it.

Even if it is not true, it is just death. It is not much better than the current situation. If you try, there is still a 50% chance. If you don’t try, there is no hope at all.

It was with this idea that they came to the Valley of Evil Spirits to sacrifice and pursue their last hope.

The sacrifices of countless people, the blood stained the entire Valley of Evil Spirits, this is like a red hell, looks terrifying, **** smells fill this world, and you can smell this order from afar There is no one daring to come close to it here at ordinary times, but at this moment, no one wants to leave. They all look at the evil in front of them with full of hope and hope. Linggu, at this moment it becomes so beautiful, like a delicate flower, so beautiful.

But this is a cannibalistic word. When the blood covered the whole Evil Valley, the Evil Valley changed.

Suddenly, the blood stained by the Valley of Evil Spirits disappeared strangely, and the foam in the middle of the valley eye of the Valley of Evil Spirits was foaming, red, like the spitting caused by the rolling of the throat when people swallowed.

Thinking of this, people's hearts beating unavoidably, swallowing foam, this scene is very strange.

But some people are surprised with a crazy smile on the top, shouting loudly: "The legend of the Valley of Evil Spirits is true, this is the manifestation of evil spirits, he accepted our sacrifice, we become servants of evil spirits Well, we have an immortal body, and no one needs to die."

"A seal appeared on your eyebrows. This is the proof of the evil spirit servant. We are really evil spirits, haha." The crowd suddenly shouted.

"Something here, too, on my forehead."


Affected by people's shouting, many people were very excited and looked at the seal on their foreheads with joy, all guessing the meaning of the seal.

But some people have doubts, such a thing is a bit strange.

There was a scar, naked upper body, a butcher knife in his hand, a butcher with a fierce light in his eyes, he pulled the butcher knife in his hand and chopped off to the man with a seal on his side, saying: "Just test it, see if it is right. It’s really amazing."

The man’s body was split into two parts, but strangely, his body did not fall down, but the seal at his eyebrows gave off a very strange light, and then he saw it in people’s surprised eyes. The body that was split in half actually merged again, and the portrait was nothing.

"It's true." There was a riot in the crowd, and there was nothing more real than this moment. Those who had hesitation before did not stay at this moment, cut their arms one after another, and let the blood flow Sacrifice the valley of evil spirits, make sacrifices, and want to become a servant of evil spirits.

The people in front of the disaster are crazy and unreasonable, they can do anything, and what happened in the Valley of Evil Spirit spread quickly and is irresistible.

The blood penetrates into the valley of evil spirits and enters into the depths of the valley of evil spirits. It is Tan Blood Pool, in which countless blood is melted, and the blood is rolling, full of strangeness and mystery.

In the four sides of the blood pool, there are five seals, suppressing the blood pool, the fu seals are formed into five elements, holding the five sides, and solidifying the blood pool. But at the moment, the blood pool was filled with blood, which surrounded Fu Zhuan, blocked it, and eroded Fu Zhuan.

Although the five elements formed by Fu Zhuan are very powerful, but the blood is too strong, coupled with the interference of the blood pool, there is finally a Tao Fu seal that is reversed and damaged, and just in a moment, the blood pool But it formed a strange vortex, so strong that it became very strong.

If someone looks at the blood pool very carefully, they will find that the vortex formed in the blood pool has a very strange face, looking into it through the weird pattern, it looks like there are eyes.

The staring eyes are terrifying.


A faint voice sounded from there, a bit hoarse, like a human voice, but a bit like a beast roar.

Although it was impossible to determine who the voice was, it was certain that there was life in the blood pool.

Time is slowly passing, more and more people are offering sacrifices, more and more blood is condensing, more and more Fuzhuan is destroyed, the speed of Fuzhuan’s five elements destruction is greatly enhanced, and the vortex in the blood pool Slowly expanding the scope.

The whole picture of the facial mask can already be seen. It is really a face wearing a mask. His two eyes are revealed through the facial mask, but his eyes are only red, red with blood, like extreme congestion. Eyes, but more terrifying than that.


The sound was made by it. The sound has become a little clearer, but it has become more sharp and terrifying.

"Evil Spirit", Evil Spirit Valley actually has the existence of evil spirits.

"Dao Fu, I'm going to kill you." The words popped out one by one, containing a huge hatred of evil spirits. He raised the power in the blood pool and mobilized all the blood to eliminate the seal.

Fu Zhuan has changed.

The five elements Fuzhuan become four elephants, and the four elephants become three talents. The power of Fuzhuan is about to be eliminated, and the large body of the evil spirit has already emerged. His power becomes stronger, just when he wants to break it in one fell swoop. When the rest of Fu Zhuan, Fu Zhuan was a sudden riot, merged into one, and flew out.

Fu Zhuan's power is still very strong, evil spirits want to block, stretch out his hands to catch, but Fu Zhuan is directly turned into a sword, go through, mysterious disappeared, no one can touch Their traces.

"Dao Fu, I didn't expect that you were awake and summoned from the air. It's good. I'm still worried that you're dead and you can't let me report the hatred that year. My evil **** is not that good to bully." The evil spirit said angrily .

The Valley of Evil Spirits split open, and a figure flew out, with a mask on his face, and the mask of Evil God, without knowing that it was Evil God.

"Master." After seeing the figure, the sacrificed people knelt in prayer and shouted loudly.

"Slaves, you accept my blessings and achieve immortality. Let me let go of the massacre. I want to build the kingdom of evil spirits, so that every inch of land is covered with blood, and the blood flows all over the world, so that the power of the evil **** is full. Heaven and Earth." Evil God shouted loudly.

"That is the ancient Sequoia tree, the last essence blood of a real dragon. The blood power contained in it should be amazing. Real dragon, you want to restore the original power. It seems that you have no such opportunity, I Knowing the temperament of the Taoist character, you will definitely be in hiding at this time, then you will be operated on first." After the Evil God finished speaking, it would disappear mysteriously.


In a certain fault space, the environment there is very quiet, the flowers and grass are very lush, the breeze passes, the flowers and grass sway, like the waves of the sea waving toward the distance, it is very beautiful. The surrounding world is like the scroll, with breezes, portraits, shades, and lakes. All the beautiful environment you can imagine can be reflected in it.

But suddenly there were fluctuations in the world, and all the surrounding scenery collapsed suddenly, all disappeared. This time it was the sun, the desert, and the storm. This was an extremely harsh environment.

But under this bizarre world, there was a young man sitting quietly on top of the boulder, lying on it, motionless, not affected by the surrounding scenery at all.

But I saw the teenager's finger move, a rune fell on the sky, and then the surrounding scenery changed a lot, wind and frost, ice and snow, cold winter.

It turned out that all these things were the ghosts of this young man. He was using the seal to change the surrounding environment.

No one can see the strangeness with the use of the Rune. This young man's cultivation is absolutely terrifying and terrifying.

But suddenly the teenager's brows were a little bit tight, as if he had encountered something, and then he saw the mark in the boy's hand became more mysterious. It's simply impossible to understand.

Suddenly, there was a ray of light between heaven and earth rushing towards the teenager.

The teenager stretched out his hand to catch the thing, which was actually a seal of Taoism, but it was a bit broken, and this is the one that calms the evil god.

The young man's identity was called out, and it was Emperor Dao Fu. He didn't expect him to wake up long ago, but he didn't show it.

"The world's big catastrophe, everything that should come out is coming out. Forty-nine pieces of Dawanguang Fuyao have now been recovered. Forty-two pieces are left, and the last seven are left. When the forbidden place is broken, and the son of that era, I always feel a little bit impenetrable."

"No matter how much, the time hasn't arrived yet." After that, Emperor Daofu no longer managed other things, but sat quietly.


The middle of the Nine Heavens Realm was originally a chaos, and with the chaos fist of Hughes can exert unexpected power, so when recasting the Nine Heavens Realm, Hughes did not deliberately divide each other’s area, but let them Mutual integration, regardless of each other.

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