Pioneer Knight

Chapter 870:

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"Tiandi Pavilion?" Hughes read, then shook his head, saying he hadn't heard it.

"This may be a real tiger. Emotions and other people feel that you have not met the conditions, and they will not tell you, because if you want to go to the Heaven and Earth Pavilion, you need the peak of Shengyi Realm. Only in this way can you barely enter. Many people don’t know that only the Emperor can understand that the Emperor needs to be able to open its barriers if he wants to go to the Heaven and Earth Pavilion.” Yuan Shang Shen Sheng said.

"That means that you need two conditions to reach the Tiandi Pavilion, one is the Holy Land, and the other is the Emperor's recommendation." Hughes said.

"Yes, the original intention of the Tiandi Pavilion is to create an emperor, and only to become an emperor can come out, otherwise it is impossible to walk out of the Tiandi Pavilion, from ancient times to ancient times, to ancient times and now, there are many characters in it, all With amazing talents, even many of the great emperors that exist today are derived from it, the real tiger emperor, the Zhenzhen emperor, the reincarnation emperor, etc., and my nine sons."

"Tiandi Pavilion said it is the closest place to heaven and earth, and the closest place to Daoyuan. It has magical powers. It is above the nine nebulae, and the races that exist are very different. Maybe you can meet other nebulae. Characters, there are only what you can't think of, there is nothing you can't see."

"Have you been there?" Hughes asked curiously.

"This is not true. In the true memory of the true dragon, his existence is very long. It can be traced back to the ancient times. It is the first dragon in the world. He was born with the emperor's cultivation behavior, and he cannot enter at all. Go to the Tiandi Pavilion."

"Now there is less than forty years from the World Tribulation. Today's Xintiandi is really too small for you. Without the Emperor's shot, you are already invincible, only in the Tiandi Pavilion and those far away Many of the characters fighting against the sky can only break through faster. According to your qualifications, there may still be hope to be able to become the emperor before the complete arrival of the heaven and earth."

"Tiandi Pavilion." Hughes felt very strange, thinking about what kind of place it was, really as magical as Yuan Shang said, if that was the case, it would be really good.

The four continents of Xintiandi, Dongsheng Shenzhou, Xitian Mausoleum, Nantianmen, Beiyou Divine Realm, etc., have all been to Hughes, have seen a lot of super powers, and have met many people. This is already for Hughes Not a new place, the hidden secrets have emerged, and several great emperors have appeared.

The current era is the era of the emperor, the era of the emperor's dominance. If you want to gain a foothold in the world, you must achieve the hegemony of the emperor.

The times will always belong to the strong, and the strong will be called the name of the times, and their achievements are supreme.

This is something Hughes knew very early on, so Hughes had a longing for things in the Tiandi Pavilion after hearing it.

Hughes asked Yuan Shang about the secrets of heaven and earth. There were many things he wanted to know. How did heaven and earth exist, and the so-called "ancestor".

Yuan Shang asked some questions about Hughes, letting him know some secrets, but more did not say much. Like having taboos, Hughes did not ask deeply. Although he had great doubts, he believed Yuan Shang can tell him that he will never hide it. It must be something that he cannot know. Even if Hughes wants to ask, he may not be able to say it.

After this great change and the efforts of the people in the Four Seas Dragon Palace, Zhenlong Celestial Realm proceeded in an orderly manner, and soon returned to the previous calm.

Hughes spent several days in True Dragon Heaven Realm again. This time he gained a lot from Hughes, but Hughes’s spirit was exhausted, and Tiandi Pavilion was full of danger and needed to fight. Xiu Naturally, it is necessary to adjust well and go to the Tiandi Pavilion with the strongest posture.

In the past few days, Hughes has been very comfortable, not thinking about cultivation at all, the spirit has been unprecedentedly relaxed, playing every day to appreciate the beauty of the world, the spirit is gradually full, and the people around, especially the Four Sea Dragon King He felt even more unfathomable.

Hughes stood there, and they all felt that the winds and clouds in the four directions changed with Hughes's actions. Every gesture and every move of Hughes is full of mysterious power, which affects the Quartet, which is incredible.

Although Hughes seems to be playing idle, he is practicing and improving every moment. Because for the present Hughes, the recovery spirit is to practice, and mastering his own strength is the greatest progress.

Today, it is the time when Yuan Merchant wants to send Xiusi to Tiandi Pavilion.

"Remember, Tiandi Pavilion is an extremely chaotic place, and there is no saying of good and evil in it. The strongman there is order, which is much purer than Xintiandi, and people are extreme ego. Trust is there. The cheapest and most repugnant, I hope you can do it for yourself." Yuan Shang cautioned.

"I know." Hughes said cautiously.

"I believe in you very much, and I wait for your return."

"for sure."

"True Dragon and Virtual Column, Heaven and Earth Xuanmen."

Yuan Shang's two halberds pointed to the sky, waving and moving, the wind and the sky were moving, and Huang Huang was falling, and suddenly a portal appeared in the heaven and earth.

"You go up." Yuan Shang said in a deep voice.

"Well." Hughes did not postpone, stepped forward directly, and disappeared into the sky.

Hughes only stepped into the Heaven and Earth Xuanmen, and he felt that his body was subjected to a strong vortex, and the strong twisting force tore the body of Hughes, but fortunately, Hughes’ body had already been King Kong and was not bad, even if the wind raged Unable to destroy.

Hughes wants to struggle in the vortex and wants to maintain stability, but just when Hughes is going to complete the adjustment, the strength of the whirlpool is actually strangely enhanced, turning into a storm, making Hughes unable to stand smoothly.

"It's very weird here." Hughes frowned.

But Hughes did not admit defeat, and he was more upbeat with him, guarding his surroundings with a golden turret, resisting the storm, and wanted to stand steadily.

The Golden Tower of Futu is very powerful and possesses various abilities. It is a combination of attack and defense. He is still hard and stable, and he is immobile even if the wind is raging.

The storm seems to have a sense, gradually increasing, and finally it becomes a wind disaster and wind difficulty, but it still has no use. The chaos robbery and the nine-day **** thunder appear at the end. This is completely the rhythm of the robbery and makes Hughes feel. Weird.

Isn’t it the Yin-Yang **** thunder, Hughes still has a fresh memory, but Hughes’ last worry is that nothing happened, the surrounding disaster, the storm is gradually weakening, and finally disappeared completely, and in Hughes’s A mirror appeared in front of him, and two lines of words appeared on it.

"Strength: Unknown."

"Qualification: Unknown."

Strength is a person's specific combat strength, and aptitude is a person's ability to grow to that point. These are the two most critical factors used to measure a person's combat strength and achievement. But at the moment, "Unknown" was written, which made Hughes feel very strange. I don't know what the standard is.

I haven't waited for Hughes to understand that there was a huge channel in the mirror, which produced a strong attraction and absorbed Hughes in it, and the mirror disappeared mysteriously.

This mirror is a celestial mirror, which can illuminate all the places of Tiandi Pavilion, record the affairs of all people, survey the past, and possess a very magical ability, which is not alien to others. This was only known to Hughes later.

Hughes felt as if his eyes were white. When he saw the surrounding scenes, the environment had undergone a major change. In the absence of passages, there was a jungle of trees.

"Is this the Tiandi Pavilion?" Hughes thought curiously.

Hughes felt the world here, and found that there was a difference. Hughes said in his heart: It seems that it is really here, the surrounding energy is very strong, and the gods are very clear and pure. This is a holy place for cultivation.

"No matter how much it is first, it is the primary task to understand the situation here first." Hughes chose a direction somewhere and quickly hurried.

Without waiting for Hughes to go far, Hughes felt that there was a fluctuation of energy in front of it, which was caused by a very strong energy collision, which caused a huge explosion and caused the flow of air. Hughes sensed with divine consciousness, but found that the battle was millions of miles away.

When Hughes was startled, the battle was able to spread such a long distance, which is really amazing. Then their cultivation behavior can be imagined how high.

This man is definitely in the real sacred realm. Hughes didn't expect to encounter such a strong man before he came here. It was really exciting. What Yuan Shang said was indeed true. This is indeed a strong man. Lin, many masters.

Such a battle is very rare, and according to Yuan Shang, there are ancient and ancient characters, as well as other Nebula strongmen. The way of fighting is definitely strange. Hughes is of course very interested to see it.


After the guidance of the Void Beast Ke Ke, now Hughes’s Void Law has made breakthroughs, and Hughes’ speed has been greatly improved. Millions of miles are just blinks. Hughes quickly came to the place where the battle center is located. .

"People and dogs." Seeing the two sides of the battle, Hughes was shocked. This was actually a person and a dog fighting.

The man's strength is very strong, his armor is like a god, holding a Tianjian, and attacking the wild dog, looking for a sharp, is to want the dog's life.

But the wild dog is also very extraordinary, avoiding the attack of the golden armor and letting it not hurt, and his claws are very sharp, seizing the opportunity to attack the golden armor.

The wild dog fell a bit, but his nerves were very keen, as if he could see the opportunity, which made Jin Jiaren feel stumped, but he was helpless.

"Wild dog, you dare to steal the "Ling Cui Shen Dan" from Huangfu's family. It's really the rhythm of death. I advise you to give up resistance and give me back to punishment. Otherwise, you know the end." Jin Jiaren Said coldly.

"That'Ling Cui Shen Dan' is what I deserve. Huang Fuqi said that as long as I take you to the'Shen Tomb', I will give the'Ling Cui Shen Dan' to me. Go get it yourself." The wild dog said fiercely.

"You dare to say, if it were not for you, the Golden Guard of our Huangfu family could lose more than half." Jin Jiaren said with staring eyes.

"That's who you can't blame because you don't have the skills." The wild dog said disdainfully.

"Okay, very good, then I will let you see what consequences we have to bear to make our Huangfu's family." Jin Jiaren said angrily with a smile.

"Tianjian? Meteor."

The Tianjian in the hands of the Golden Armor suddenly changed, and the runes above shone with a strange light. Two dragons were wrapped around the Tianjian. The power of the Golden Armor was more than ten times stronger, and the majesty was very powerful.

Tian Jian points to the wild dog, the dragon is leaping, like a horse galloping, and like a meteor urging the moon, toward the wild dog, blocking the wild dog's four sides.

"This is what you forced me to do, and I will show you the magical power that I have trained with the "Spiritual Magic Pill"." The wild dog said coldly.

"Tengu food moon."

The wild dog's figure rose into black smoke and condensed into shape, and countless black dogs looked at the golden armor with red eyes. The black smoke magnified infinitely, covering the whole world, and then saw the black dog actually toward the golden armor The human dragon swallowed it.

"This Tianjian is a Taoist magic weapon, and you dare to devour it. It's really impatient." Jin Jiaren said with a sneer.

But in the next scene, the Golden Armor was completely taken away. The black dog with smoke and condensation was biting on the Jiaolong. No matter what the dragon's leaping and tumbling, there was no use, just bit the Jiaolong directly. In half, and swallowed into the abdomen, and then the Tianjian in the hands of the Jinjia people collapsed directly, scattered on the ground.

"You~~~~~." Jin Jiaren said in shock.

"Well, Huangfu's house, don't think that my wild dog Taoist is afraid and irritates me, but I can do everything."

"Huh, don't think I'm afraid of you, if I annoy me, I can do everything." The wild dog Taoist looked at Jinjiaren coldly and said coldly.

"Hello, I'm really brave. I really dare to resist. There will be no place for you in this world." Jin Jiaren said angrily.

"It depends on whether you have such a skill." The wild dog Taoist did not take the gold armor, but wanted to escape quickly.

"Haha, a wild dog dared to say such a big word, I really don't know how high it is." A sneered voice seemed to come from all directions, empty statement, full of majesty.

When the wild dog heard this, his face changed dramatically, showing a look of astonishment, as if with fear.

A figure moved along with the hurricane, revealed with the wind, and looked like a young youth, but the traces of his eyes were full of the taste of the years, and his eyes were full of the vicissitudes of life. At first glance, he knew that he had experienced The age of the people who have been washed over the years is definitely not as simple as what they see.

"Homeowner." Jin Jiaren stood in front of the young man very aggressively and bowed respectfully.

Feet on the ground, legs bent, bowing head. This is a very old etiquette. It has a long time. It had been deposited in the long river of history, but I did not expect to be able to see it here. It is really very old.

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