Pioneer Knight

Chapter 872:

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The thunder and thunder, the thunder and lightning, the dark clouds spread across, and the thunderbolt fell, but this was not on the wild dog, but on Huangfuqi.

"You~~~~~~~," Huang Fuqi pointed at Hughes angrily and said, "I didn't expect you to make such a stupid choice. I wouldn't give it to you unless I saw that your talent is a little stronger. Such an opportunity."

"If you are looking for death, then I will fulfill you." Huangfu said sternly.

"Nine Heavens Dharma, Ceiling View."

Huangfuqi's body appeared scattered flowers, scattered and withered, but it was unusually dazzling, contaminated into pieces, peeping into its construction, natural Taoism, supporting the sky and rising into the sky.

But in the eyes of Hughes, the flowers are full of murderous intentions, and the killing intentions are everywhere. Each flower is a deadly attack, and a little contamination will never end. Such a move made Hughes feel very new, and Huang Fuqi was indeed not weak.

"Just let you try the ability to punish God's soul." Hughes thought so.

"Nine Sky God Thunder."

The ability of Hughes’s Sky Punishment Soul is to gather all the thunders and punishments of the heavens and the earth, and this ability is called "Mu Fa" by Hughes. On behalf of the animal husbandry guard, meaning of attacking for the sky

With the level of punishment of God’s soul punishable by Hughes, all he can do is "Three Disasters and Nine Difficulties", "Chaos Tribulation" and "Nine Sky God Thunder". What can be mastered, and there are other abilities of Heavenly Punishment Soul is unknown to Hughes, and needs to be explored.

"Nine Sky God Thunder" Huang Fuqi was very moved and shocked, and could not believe what was happening in front of him, but it came only when the emperor was in disaster, but Hughes could simulate it, which made him calm down.

Although Huang Fuqi knew that some geniuses could recruit the "Nine Heavens Thunder" at the time of the True Saint, as well as the "Yin Yang God Thunder", "The Last Day Thunder" and so on, his contemporary patriarch was one of them, but He had never thought that the Holy Realm would be able to do this, which is beyond the scope of genius.

What kind of existence he provokes, this person is really too evil, and Huangfu's heart is arrogant. Since he is already an enemy, he is still such a evil, so today he can never be allowed to survive, he must die.

"Six Prohibitions, Heart, God, Ideas, Thoughts, Body, and Law."

"Six Prohibitions" This is the secret method of strengthening power, which enables people to obtain power beyond their own strength in a short time, let go of restrictions such as "Mind, Mind, Body and Body" and release the purest power.

Employing the "six bans" of Huangfuqi, his strength doubled again, which made Huangfuqi's combat power soaring at this moment, and he was as powerful as a god.


Huang Fuqi spit out these words firmly, and then his body twitched extremely, his body resembling a pumped balloon, full of bursting power, rolling, the energy of Huang Fuqi's whole body condensed into substance, and the floating flowers fell to the ground. Life is full, the atmosphere is slaying and killing.

Panic Yindu, looking for Kui Luo.

"Ceiling Scenery" surrounds the body of Hughes, bright and bright, and the silence of appreciation contains step by step killing opportunities.

Hughes's eyes were very cautious. He looked at Huang Fuqi, urged the Heavenly Punishment Soul to the extreme, and even mobilized the Ten Palaces to calm the Heavenly Punishment Soul.


Day penalties for travel, on behalf of the animal husbandry guard, attack for the sky.

"Nine Sky God Thunder" is like a dragon out of the abyss, roaring and furious, sweeping the world and grinding all beings.

The two tactics collided, and the world's yin and yang seemed to be upside down, chaotic and constant, and reversed the cross flow. , Retreating back dozens of steps, the mountain peaks that can't be seen far away have now turned into powder and gravel, lying on the ground.

The strong power shakes the wilderness of the world, which makes people feel shocking and terrified.

In the center of the battlefield, Hughes and Huangfuqi are standing visually, watching each other, and no one moves, the scene seems to be calm, and it is impossible to judge who loses and wins.

"You lose." Finally, Hughes spoke first.

Huang Fuqi didn't speak. "Pouting," he spit out blood in his mouth, and his body fell slowly to the ground.

In this battle: Hughes wins, Huangfu wins.

"You killed him." The wild dog Taoist said in shock.

"No, he just exhausted and fainted." Hughes replied feebly. Although he won, this move was too mentally exhausting and made Hughes feel unprecedentedly tired.

"It's best if you don't kill. Otherwise, the ancestors of the Huangfu family will definitely be able to see in an instant. At that time, we want to go, it is very difficult. The ancestor of the Huangfu family is the 13th person in the list , Is the person who opens the "Tianmen", and the power is irresistible." The Wild Dog Taoist said quickly: "Let's go quickly."


There is movement in the distance, approaching here at a very fast speed. It seems that the battle just now attracted the attention of many people, and the strength of many of them is still very weak. Hughes does not want to encounter such a body. When it comes to a strong enemy, take the best course.

Hughes followed the wild dog towards a certain speed.

In a short time, there are a lot of strong people rushed here.

One of them is a brave man with a big sword behind his back, who is very proud and looks at the people with contempt.

That is the master of the Seven Kills knife, seven kills, training the "seven killing sword intention", the fifth person on the list, is very powerful.

There is also a girl with a golden jade cloth all over her body, a veil on her face, and a pipa in hand. She looks very weak, but no one dares to underestimate her and dare to stand beside her for five meters. The cruel "Huming Pipa" Hu San Niang, a figure in the sky.

The third extremely powerful character is a teenager. He is carrying a black iron coffin behind him, and the murderous atmosphere lowers the surrounding temperature by several degrees.

This young man with a black iron coffin is called "Jingfeng", and he is the apprentice of the creator of the Sanjing Pavilion in the Sansheng Pavilion. He ranks second in the earth list. A "sin" destroys the world and kills the sky, invincible. The world is precisely because of the terrible extinction of "Sky Sin", and the current storm is still unable to grasp, so it was sealed with a black iron coffin.

There are other people, their cultivation practices are not weak, and the spirit is luxuriant.

"This is Huang Fuqi, the third place on the list."

Obviously, some people soon recognized Huang Fuqi's identity, and they were all shocked at once. This is the third person on the list. Now they are fainted by their efforts. Who actually has such strength.

Seven kills, Hu San Niang, Jing Feng and others were also shocked, frowning and feeling pressure.

They know the strength of Huangfuqi very well. His "Nine Heavens Law" is earth-shattering, extremely powerful, and unpredictable. He was simply defeated.

"I heard that the Golden Guard of Huangfu's family was severely damaged in the "Shen Tomb", and was also deceived by the "Spiritual God Pill", so the Huangfu Wizards came out to investigate. Who is this daring?"

"I heard that it seems to be a wild dog Taoist, but he should not have such strength, and why is such a coincidence, actually here, in a few days, this is the time when the "Mida Realm" opened, will there be a secret."

"The master of Mido Realm had already crossed the "Tianmen" at that time, climbed the ladder, and almost became the emperor, but eventually died out. Later, some people said that his spirit did not completely disappear, but fell on the magic figure dog, that is Now the wild dog Taoist, and the reason why he wants to get the "Spiritual God Pill" is to seize the power he left in the Mita Realm."

"There is such a thing. Are you lying? The wild dog Taoist is actually the third strongest player on the top of the list. It doesn't look like it."

"The destiny family has already calculated, is this still a fake, I think the Huangfu family may have received such news, only to turn back and forth to arrest the wild dog Taoist with such unjustified crimes."

"It seems that this is the case. If the destiny family calculated the identity of the wild dog Taoist, we still don't know what is hidden in it."


"Mita Realm can never be tolerated, no matter who it is." The seven killers looked cold and thought to themselves.

"Who is that unknown master? Actually dare to openly confront the Huangfu family." Some people are very curious to know that this is indeed something that can cause people to care, ordinary people are afraid to mess with this at all. Dashan’s, unless the forces behind him are also amazing, will it be the other forces of "Two Heavens and Earth, Three Saints Pavilion, and the Fifth Family"?

"There is no need to worry at all, and his reputation will soon be heard throughout the Tiandi Pavilion." Some people said.

"Yes, no matter who he is, he can't escape the Tongtian Stele."

Just after Hughes defeated Huangfuqi, the ranking of the earth list on the Tongtian Stone Tablet changed, but this was not the change of Huangfuqi's third position, but the entire ranking.

Raksha, which was originally ranked first, fell to second, and the second windstorm fell to third, and ranked in turn. The original ranking of the earth list fell, but the first place on the earth list was never seen by them. Instead of the name, all the people were discussing who this person was for a while, and they were speculating about what he did and how amazing it was.

To know that Raksha’s power is undoubted, even if many characters on the top of the sky are not his opponents, if the sky is limited, only the people who open the "Nine Gates" are recorded, or else Raksha 'S strength is definitely able to rank in the top 100.

But after all the people saw the information recorded on the Tongtian Stone Tablet, all the people were speechless.

"First place on the list: Hughes."

"Fight: defeat Huangfuqi."

"Motion used: Nine Heavens Thunder."

"Strength: Unknown."

"Qualification: Unknown."

First place.

The name of Hughes is spreading to the Heaven and Earth Pavilion at a crazy speed. For a time, Hughes’s reputation has become very famous. Everyone in the Heaven and Earth Pavilion knows that there is a strong man named "Shuth" in the world.

As for the information written on the Tongtian Stone Tablet, it caused shock to the world.

Nine Heavens God Thunder, is that a human power?

What is the unknown strength? Has it exceeded the limit of the earth list?

Unknown qualifications? Is it the sensing that none of the heavenly steles can detect?

Who is Hughes? For a while became the place where the world looks forward.

Hughes simply couldn't think of how famous he was at the moment, and what kind of commotion he caused in the Tiandi Pavilion. Now Hughes and the Wild Dog Taoist are resting in an unknown cave.

Somewhere cave.

"This is my dwelling. It's a little simple. You will get off first." The wild dog Taoist said restrainedly. In front of the strong, he was a little difficult to open.

"It doesn't matter, do I have that kind of exquisiteness, and Jianghu people don't pay attention to it." Hughes said with a smile.

"That's good, I really wanted to thank you just now. If it weren't for you, I would have suffered from the poisonous hands of Huangfu's family." Yedog Taoist said.

"Nothing. If it weren't the arrogance of the people of Huangfu's family, they would want to kill me indiscriminately, and I wouldn't do it." Hughes said lightly: "Yes, what does Huangfuqi say? Heaven and Earth, the Three Saints Pavilion, the Fifth Family, what are these forces."

"The so-called two heavens and the earth are the Heaven Gate and the Earth Pavilion. This is the most transcendental existence of the Heaven and Earth Pavilion. Where are they and who are they? These are all mysteries. No one knows at all. It’s the Tianmen and the Earth Pavilion. For thousands of years, no one can surpass it, so this has become the strongest force in the Heaven and Earth Pavilion."

"As for the Three Saints Pavilion, it means the Genesis Shrine, the Godless Sacred Palace, thirty-three days, and their ancestors are ranked third, fourth, and fifth in the list of heavens, compared to the transcendence of the Tianmen Pavilion. However, they want to be more realistic, their holy places are located in different places in Tiandi Pavilion."

"The Godless Palace and Thirty-three Days have had peerless apprentices born in the last ten years. In just ten years, they bravely climbed to the top of the list, and even reached the top fifteen of the top list. It's amazing, the ice ceylon of the Genesis Shrine is ranked eleventh in the sky list, and the magic flame in thirty-three days is ranked seventh. They reached such a state at a young age, and they were looked up to and admired by heaven and earth. Talented."

"If you are a talented person today, you should be more than you." Wild Dog Taoist said enviously.

"Who? Mo Yan? Bing Cong? Is it they, but how could they get to this place, is it just the same name?" After hearing these two names, Hughes was very touched and thought. If it weren't, it was too coincidental, and it seems that I'll check it out later.

"What's wrong." Seeing such a reaction from Hughes made the wild dog very strange and asked quickly.

"Nothing, you go on!" Hughes calmed his mind and said quickly.

"Well, the Fifth Family is talking about Destiny, Li Family, Gongsun, Shenfeng, Huangfu and other Fifth Family. These families are also very strong and have great strength. Their families also have peerless strongmen. Sit down, the ancestor of the destiny family is ranked sixth in the sky list, the Li family of the Li family is ranked eighth, the grandson of the Gongsun family is ranked ninth, the Shenfeng family's Shenfeng is ranked tenth, and the Huangfu family's Huangfu ranked 13th."

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